Tuesday, May 30, 2006


yae! i must say, i was NERVOUS...and i'm usually pretty cool under pressure. my mom drove up from waco to be with me during my procedure and stay the week (what a blessing). when i walked out from my test, my whole face and neck and chest were cherry red! i crashed when i got home from all the nervousness/stress/anxiety!

i had a very nice radiologist who explained everything to me. he had trouble inserting the catheter...come to find out, i have a retroverted uterus which leans backward on the cervix(caused by my endometriosis being on my uterosacral ligaments). the pelvic adhesions are holding my uterus in a retroflexed position...

he said this is normal and is caused by my endo...it shouldn't cause a problem. other than that, my tubes are OPEN!! you couldn't see my tubes very well on the ultrasound, but the dye spilled over into my abdominal cavity as it should--indicating that there was no blockage.

so, thanks again for your prayers and keep 'em coming for all the changes joe and i will be experiencing in the next couple of months, Lord willing! ;) any suggestions on how to go about getting pregnant? i read a good book over the weekend, full of GREAT facts, that i didn't know!

Sunday, May 28, 2006


Okay, so some of you already know this...but a few weeks ago, I had surgery (diagnostic laparoscopy) and subsequently was diagnosed with a moderate case of endometriosis. To explain better:

Endometriosis, a cause of female infertility, is a chronic condition in which endometrial tissue, the tissue that lines the inside of the uterus, grows outside the uterus and attaches to other organs in the abdominal cavity such as the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Endometriosis is a progressive disease that tends to get worse over time and can reoccur after treatment. Symptoms include painful menstrual periods, abnormal menstrual bleeding and pain during or after sexual intercourse.

My endometriosis was found on my uterosacral ligaments and I had a endometrial tumor that was excised off of my right ovary. The ends of my fallopian tubes, known as fimbria, are SUPPOSED to be finger-like projections that grab the egg from the ovaries. Well, MY fimbria are clubbed and severely scarred on both tubes. It is hard to tell if my tubes are even open and patent!

Tuesday, I will have a hysterosalpingogram (HSG)- a vaginal ultrasound where they will inject my tubes with dye to determine if my tubes are patent or not. It will also help to open them up!

The best treatment for endometriosis is to get pregnant as soon as you can...the hormones emitted during pregnancy (progesterone) help suppress the endo. Also, I have better chances of conceiving if we start trying within the first 6 months after surgery and this HSG procedure...

So, in a couple of months...Joe and I are going to start trying to have a child! SO PLEASE be praying for us. This isn't really the timeline that Joe and I had for our family..but it seems like the BIG GUY UPSTAIRS knows what he's doing!

I'll let you know what happens Tuesday with my HSG. Thanks for your prayers!! ;)

Friday, May 26, 2006


okay...so, i've been super busy...sorry no blog in soooo long! i promise to write one soon...i especially need to fill yall in on my "health problems"...i've got lots going on...drama drama! ;)

in the next couple of weeks, joe and i will finally know a little piece of what God has in store for our future...(in more ways than one) but i can only reveal several pieces at a time. ;)

interested?...i thought so...check back and i will update my blog soon!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Sheedy wedding

Me, Katie (the bride), Molly...the rehearsal dinner was at Pappadeaux and it was soooooo nice! we had our own separate small building apart from the restaraunt.

Dan, me, and Joe

Me and Joe at the wedding reception

Bride and Groom's first dance: "how sweet it is to be loved by you"

My in-laws, Kate and Paul, can dance like you wouldn't believe! It is so fun to watch them! They used to compete!

The Steeces

Adam & Katie Sheedy, me & Joe

The Boys...such a great group of guys!

"hmmm....keep dancing or go home?..."

Friday, May 12, 2006


I had a good time on my birthday, this past Monday (May 8)! I truly LOVE the people I work with...they are amazing! We are like a little family!

Some of my best friends joined me in eating sushi that night (a favorite indulgence of mine!) We had a great time!
(me, Terreva, Dr. Small, Aracely, Lori, and Shannon)
Joe had a scavenger hunt set up for me when I got home and gave me different clues to find where he stashed my presents! It was so cute! :)

I'm leaving in about an hour for one of our good friends' wedding in Dallas this weekend! I'm excited...it's one of those weddings you REALLY want to go to, with all your friends...just like one big party all weekend long! Katie and Adam (Sheedy) are wonderful friends that we've known for years and we are so excited for them!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Great Weekend

I had a WONDERFUL time this past weekend in Waco...I finally was able to meet baby James! (one of my best friends, Lauren Satterfield, welcomed her little boy into the world on Easter Sunday!!) It was so exciting! He is just beautiful!

I'm so proud of my girlfriends like Lar and Amanda (and soon, Kim & MO!) who are growing into extraordinary, young Christian mothers. You are all so amazing...hopefully I'll join your ranks one day! ;)

It's fun going down to Waco by myself sometimes...I love to hang out with my parents! Joe was in Austin for a golf tournament (no thanks!). We celebrated my birthday (it's not until next Monday, the 8th) with an awesome Great American Cookie Cake! (my fav!!)

We also saw the movie, United 93....AWESOME. However, let me throw in a disclaimer...my mom and I got serious motion sickness from the herky jerky photography. I felt like Blair Witch Project all over again: blood rushed to my face, got hot, sweating, was seconds away from hurling onto the person in front of me...so, BEWARE!! (but a must see)
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