Monday, October 30, 2006

The Most AMAZING Woman in the World Has Passed Away

I received the dreaded phone call this morning at 3:00am. The phone call that many in my family have been dreading for quite some time. We have often spoken of what it would be like when she finally did pass away and how my family would mourn the loss of the 91 year-old matriarch of our extremely large family...the family that SHE and my grandfather created.

3:00am :
"Suzy............Suzy are you awake? I need to you listen.....mommy and I are both here............your Granny passed away a little bit ago from a heart attack..........."

Granny's Last Picture August 2006

Silence from my end of the phone...
all these thoughts running through my head:
* thank God it was quick and relatively painless
* what a blessing that she will finally be with her husband that she has been missing for SO long now.
* she will reunite with the son and daughter she has already had to bury in her lifetime

And the thought that most grips me now, at 4:15am while I am puffy-eyed and sleep deprived, is....when was the last time I saw her?...I am plagued with it. Surely it wasn't Christmas 2005, a whole YEAR ago. My mind races, but I cannot place it. When was the last time I spoke to her? Did she know how much I loved her? - How often I thought of her?...What was the last thing I told her? Did she know how much I loved her and how much our whole family adored and looked up to her?

Clara Laman was truly amazing...INCREDIBLE. She is everything I, and every other member of my family, hope to be one day. Marrying at a very young age, to a man who was twice her age, my grandmother and grandfather had a strong, Christian marriage- full of love and happiness- that lasted until the day he died at age 90, when I was a small child. Needless to say, longevity definitely runs in my family. They had nine children, YES NINE! There was Bobby, Johnny, Alan (who died soon after childbirth), Bonnie (who lost her battle to breast cancer several years ago), Patsy, Betty, David, Judy, & Jany. After delivering 7 babies, my grandmother learned that she was pregnant yet again! She did not know that she would be delivering healthy identical twin girls, until the day she gave birth! (CRAZY! That just blows my mind! I would have fainted!) My mom, Jany, is the youngest of those twins girls. So, as you can see, we have a family as big as a small country! ;)

July 2005

My grandmother had the BIGGEST heart! She LOVED her children, grand-children, great grand-children, and great great grand-children! (Can you imagine? Great-great-grandchildren?) She LOVED animals and wouldn't even kill bugs that crawled their way into her house. She would always be humming and singing church songs while cooking breakfast early in the morning, or lunch or dinner....really, anytime for that matter. Oh, I'm going to miss hearing her singing around the house. She was such a strong woman who lived independently in her own house, by herself, even at the age of 91! She would have turned 92 this December 23rd.
I am saddened to think that my mother has now lost both her father and her mother. I cannot even begin to comprehend that feeling...

I will be leaving shortly to go to work today, but plan on driving to Waco early this afternoon and then onto to Brackettville, Texas to be with my family for the rest of the week. Please, please keep my family in your prayers.

Mother's Day weekend 2004

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Harding Alums.....just for you

Check these guys out. I received an email to listen to the Harding University song on this blog site. Now, this will only be funny (but still somewhat annoying after a minute or two) to those of you who were so incredibly lucky to go to such a wonderful, little, private school, packed with strict, unwavering rules in Searcy, Arkansas.

SURELY these guys aren't serious.....are they?

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

What am I doing on a Wednesday night by myself?

...surfing the internet, feeling sorry for myself, and thinking about my husband while he is in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico ON BUSINESS.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? I mean really....... who goes to Puerto Vallarta (our honeymoon destination and place of upmost sentimental value) on a business trip?. (sigh)...must be nice...JERK! (j/k)

at first i was like, "ooo ooooo, take me with you!!"...but no one else's wives are going and it is his FIRST big business trip with the VP of the company. Joe has to give a presentation at some conference on, i decided to be the good wife and not push it. However, come a year from now, you better BELIEVE I will be there! ;)

So, off I sit in front of the TV, moping around, with my baby girl, Shiloh.
I'm in a FUNK, if you couldn't tell! ;)

Shiloh, staring at the front door, waiting for Joe to walk thru it.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

New Make-up Line selling for only $1 on the internet!

Okay, so I got this email, thinking it was a phony forward. But then I checked out the site and ordered a ton of make-up for nearly nothin! Check it out and see what you think! ELF products have been advertised in many different women's magazines and Eva Longoria has been photographed picking out her favorites.

Here was the email:
Bloomingdales is launching their own makeup line called ELF, and they are selling everything online right now for $1.00 each! Go to to order... I just ordered a bunch last night! You have to order at least $25 worth of stuff to get the free shipping (plug in "shipit" into the coupon box at checkout). Hope you all have as much fun shopping as I did! Yea for fun, new makeup!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Did's Birthday Weekend in Lakeway

A family photo before din din at Eddie V's for my father-in-law's (Paul, or P-dids, or Dids) 52nd birthday. We suprized him for his birthday and drove in Friday night.

The birthday boy with his "Tomahawk" bone-in ribeye. I've never seen such a piece of meat!

Shi baby with the left over "Tomahawk"! Seems it was her birthday too! ;)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Shiloh can sing!

Guys, this is TOO funny! Check this video out. Everytime Shiloh hears the song "Scar Tissue" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, she will begin to howl! It is hilarious. I've never seen anything like it. Joe and I will be driving out of town with the ipod on shuffle, Shiloh will have been asleep for hours, then all of a sudden, this song will come on (we won't realize it, until Shiloh begins howling LOUDLY!). It has almost made me wreck the car! and it is ONLY this song! no other song! ...TOO CUTE!

Shiloh singing "Scar Tissue" Part 1

Shiloh singing "Scar Tissue" Part 2


Monday, October 02, 2006

Texas A&M tailgating

Look at these CUTE sugar cookies I made for this past weekend's Texas A&M home game. Aren't they precious? I LOVE to bake.

Me and Veronica (she just married our good friend, Sam) She is from Venezuela and has an adorable accent! Love her!

Me and the boys

Cute little Aggies

My father-in-law showin the boys how it's done during their game of football.

It's so hot ... are you kiddin me? Talk about 1st degree burns to your face!

Nice and toasted with Pam after the game.
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