Thursday, November 30, 2006

More of the Family Pics...

I told you how the boys kept screwing up the family pics?...well, look for yourselves.
Here are only a FEW of the MANY pictures. The enire fiasco lasted centuries longer than it should can see why.

Are you kidding me? I mean, seriously?...They are worse than a classroom full of two-year-olds! (but I love 'em, and they constantly keep me laughing)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

'Ode to my baby...poor, poor baby's a sad, sad day for me. I just got back from saying good-bye to our sweet Jeep and got everything out of it. Yep, it's finally official. She is beyond repair, totaled, and will be demolished tomorrow (sniff, sniff).

I'm not afraid to say that I sat in her and cried for a little bit. I guess I also have had a lot of stuff going on lately with my granny dying, house shopping, and other issues. It just all came to a head today, while sitting by myself in my totaled Jeep. (Joe is playing golf in Austin for work, poor guy).

She was our first car as newlyweds and we took such GREAT care of her! We were planning on keeping her until she would eventually die of old age...NOT a collision. So, there you have it. It was also difficult because on the inside, NOTHING was wrong - not a scratch, she looked like new! And the front damage doesn't look THAT bad, but she was all torn up underneath the hood. Poor baby...

Oh, and after we pick up our insurance check tomorrow, we have until Monday to get our rental car paid for...yep - they stop paying for our rental car on MONDAY, this COMING Monday! ahhh. We do NOT want to be pressured into buying a car, but at least we already know what we want.

As soon as the Jeep Commanders were showcased last year, we have planned on purchasing one as our next vehicle. (What can I say? We are huge JEEP people!) We would like to find a Black 65th Anniversary Edition Jeep Commander. (But more than anything, I wish none of this had ever happened) :(

So, wish us Happy Car Hunting...we are on a limited timeline!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Happy Belated Thanksgiving Everybody

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I thought I would post some pics of these past two weeks.

This is Joe and me at a suprize birthday party for our friend, Sam. (I got my hair cut recently and the lady did not cut it how I wanted it cut. I look like a twelve year old! ;) )

Okay, so for those of you who didn't know...Texas A&M played the university of Texas this past Friday (football). Well, my husband, at half-time, told us that if A&M ended up winning, he would jump into the swimming pool with all of his clothes on. My brother in law (who is just as hard-core as Joe) thought this was a wonderful idea and decided to join Joe in the pool, if such an occasion arose.

...well....please refer to the next couple of pictures to determine who ended up winning the game.

Kind of a scary picture...but wanted to capture the pure emotion of these two, crazy, aggies.

The Steece family Christmas picture...awwww....aren't we cute? Kate has been wanting us to do a Christmas pic for the last several years, but it NEVER happens! This year, Kate and I MADE the boys buy matching shirts and MADE them follow through with posing for the pics! It was like trying to get a bunch of 2-year-olds to sit still for a couple of minutes and stop making stupid faces....DAN! ;)

The Joe Steece family Christmas picture...JUST KIDDING!...(but if we DID send out Christmas pictures, I guess this would be it! ;)

Monday, November 20, 2006

Shiloh is so proper

Shiloh's new pose...she ALWAYS lays with her feet crossed...and I've been trying to catch her at it on camera and finally got one! It's too cute...she's adorable....what a priss!

I have lots more to write and post more pics from this weekend...but I'm super tired and exhausted from dealing with shady insurance people all day. The KID who pulled out in front of me ILLEGALLY and was CITED A TICKET from an Arlington police officer for FAILING TO YIELD has convinced his insurance that he was not in the wrong and they are saying that he was only 20% responsible for the accident??!!! Are you kidding me? 20%?!! While I was sitting at a red light waiting for it to turn green? I'm really upset with shady, unmoral people. Thanks guy. I'm so excited to take money out of my house savings to pay my auto insurance deductible to cover the wreck that is 100% COMPLETELY YOUR are awesome. It's people like you that make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Thank you.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Car Accident

Hey guys...just wanted to let you know that I was in a pretty crappy car accident today. I'm OK. Some guy failed to yield to me and I hit the side of his huge truck head on with my Jeep Grand Cherokee. Thank God someone who saw the accident stopped and gave his story to the police, because the other driver was trying to act like it wasn't his fault!!! (The policeman verbalized that the other driver was "at fault" per my testimony and the eye-witness account...The other driver received a ticket) I was sitting at a red light and began to accelerate when it turned green! I mean, seriously??!! SO OBVIOUS!! What a joke! neck and lower back are extremely sore. My poor Cherokee is probably totaled. The entire front bumper from tire to tire was pushed back into my engine area. Thank God for my grill took the biggest hit and kept the car from caving inward any further. Tons of yellowish fluid was streaming from the Jeep. (which the estimator told me was usually an indication of a totaled vehicle...awesome) We are months away from having it totally paid off! ughhh! We LOVE that Jeep and planned on riding it until the wheels fall off. (HA! I guess they almost did today!) Oh, and my ($200+) iPod that was in my car transistor thingy flew out of the electrical socket on impact and will not work at all...That just adds to my frustration. So, I guess please keep me and Joe in your prayers. I'll keep you updated.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Pics from the last two Texas A&M games


Scottie, the lone Baylor bear...can you pick him out? ;)

Great game!

I drove from Brackettville (where my family lives and where the funeral was) to Waco late Friday night (6 hours). Then I got up early Saturday and drove to College Station (1.5 hours) to go to the game. All of our friends were coming in for the tailgate and game, so I really wanted to be there. Then Sunday we drove back to Waco, and then on to about the CRAZIEST week and weekend! so weird...i'm EXHAUSTED in these next pics! (and about 10 pounds heavier from all the food we ate all week from friends and family--it was like Thanksgiving and Christmas COMBINED!...deadly)

The Steece fam....minus Kate

Veronica and me...isn't she adorable?? ;)

Monday, November 06, 2006

Saying Good-bye to Granny

After the funeral, I went back to Gran's house and tried to take pictures of everything that reminded me of her (seeing as how, it would be the last time to be in her house...tear) So, pardon the many pictures of just me.

The backyard was Granny's sanctuary. She LOVED being outside and made sure that her birdies had plenty of water in their bird bath. Isn't it a cute little house and backyard?

She would feed sweet Kilo, the next-door-neighbor's dog, everyday. Kilo shared a fence with Granny's backyard. Isn't he cute???

Granny's favorite bushes...they were constantly covered with butterflies at all times.

She also made sure that her birdies were well fed. This is Joe, depicting how excited the birds would be to eat her food. (I mainly just put this one in here b/c Joe looks like such an idiot! I love it!)

More of Granny's favorite plants. That woman had a green thumb like I have never seen! I wish some of it would have rubbed off on me!

And finally, Gran's absolute favorite place to be while on this Earth...the outside swing. We all have spent many a morning, afternoon, & evening outside, sitting with Granny on her swing...sometimes not even saying a word...just watching the birds play and butterflies dance.

Thank you so much for all of your kind words, thoughts, and prayers! We truly appreciate it.
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