Sunday, December 10, 2006

Joe's holiday party

What do you wear to a function that on the invitation it says:
"Apparel: Holiday attire"
??? Are we talking Christmas sweaters? or is it After five cocktail dresses? or are people dressing up as Santa?

Joe asked a fellow female employee and she said that some people would be dressed in sequined formals, while others would be in blue jeans and cowboy hats! (can you imagine my horror as I was trying to find something to wear??? and considering that we agreed to not purchase any new clothing for a while???)

So...I threw this together in MINUTES before we left. (and yes, there were people there with sequined evening gowns and cowboys with blue jeans and cowboy hats!) very eclectic crowd.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

...more house pics

front entry way

living room, LOVE the curtains and pictures

view from the balcony

downstairs master bedroom

master bath

1/2 bath off of downstairs living room

upstairs gameroom (yae for the pool table!)

breakfast nook off of kitchen


YAE! It's about time we get into a house! The sellers accepted our counter-offer today on on this house. SUPER EXCITED! The closing date is January about a month and a half. (perfect for our apartment lease ending Feb. 4th!) Here are some pics! (The house was professionally decorated and all the window treatments, 5 paintings in the living room, and POOL TABLE- STAY with the house! How cool is that?!)

(On a random side note: Remember all that cheap make-up I bought on-line and we didn't know if it was a scam??? Whelp, got it today! Hooray for me! It wasn't a scam!)

I LOVE the kitchen and the fact that it is open to the living room.

Formal dining and living

One of my favorite rooms is the upstairs guest bathroom!


This is all it would let me upload, so I'll post more later.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Jeep Commander

Whelp, we had until Monday to find a new car, and ended up getting one this past Friday. After several days of haggling over the internet and phone, we struck a verbal deal with a well-known dealer down the street and picked up our new Jeep. I'm telling you guys, the next time you want to purchase a new/used car, go to YOUR RESEARCH! I'm not going to lie, I actually LOVE haggling and car buying. It's FUN to me! I LOVE the challenge and walking out of there with something I wanted, at the PRICE I wanted, with the FINANCING I wanted! DO YOUR RESEARCH before you go to buy a vehicle!

It wasn't the color we were looking for at first...but beggars can't be choosers and once we saw the Jeep in person, we fell in love with the color. (Of course Joe will never hear the end of this "aggie"-colored car). It's a cranberry color (somewhere between maroon and red). Anywhoo...we LOVE it!
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