Thursday, May 31, 2007


So, I'm the type of gal who tries to find humor in the crappiest of situations. There are many things about this pregnancy that I am having to take with a grain of salt (Right, isn't that the cliche? I don't understand the literal meaning of it, but I'm going to use it).
Things such as: not being able to walk around and be out and about like a normal pregnant woman, not being able to all, not being able to eat a nice fresh crisp salad and nothing more, not being able to get into a bikini and go to the beach/pool/river/lake, not being able to get up to go to the refrigerator to grab something to drink (it is very hard for me to be waited on- hand and foot) get the picture?

But I guess, the funniest of them all, is the 170 pounds that I now weigh and seem to be carrying all in my face! It's hilarious! I'm about halfway to my weight goal between 60-70 lbs. Many of you don't really know me on a personal level, but to those close friends of mine..these pics are hysterical to me! I mean really, sometimes you just gotta laugh! Joe and I were both laughing as we looked through these pics from our party last weekend...and I tried to start you off with the worst one I could find! Enjoy! or should I say, Bon Appetit! ;) hee hee

"yum....tissue it edible? Give me food!"

Adriane and Suz, best friends since birth. (a little side note: both of our mothers are identical twins, and our moms happen to be best friends too...they are like my second family and I've seriously grown up with Ade my whole life: church, school, you name it). Isn't she adorable?

Ah yes, the Steece could I NOT put a pic of them in here? The uncles of my children. This is pretty much your typical Steece bro pic: Dan doing something stupid..ALWAYS, Joe either looking at Dan or trying to copy him so he can be funny too, and Ed...sweet Ed, just smiling/laughing at the camera like, "yep, these are my goofy bros..but I love 'em" (just as I do)

Jenn, Molly, & Pam...the two ladies on the right were the gracious hostesses of this shin-dig, two of our best friends that we had to leave in Houston. :( Thanks again for the party, ladies! We had so much fun...even if I was glued to the sofa the whole time! :) Another side note: Aren't all of you pregnant women just LOVING the new summer fashion? Gotta love those baby doll shirts that make everyone look like they are wearing maternity clothes! LOVE IT.

Going over color palettes for the nurseries. Did I mention that Ade and her fam (full of decorating genius) are going to paint our nurseries and decorate them for us? Super excited!

Oh, and BTW, my doctor's appointment went well yesterday...I have been granted another week at the house! Hooray!! My cervix has lengthened out a bit and is holding strong for the time being. My babies are active and my amniotic fluid levels are good. However, the doc said to remember to bring a packed bag to every appointment, just in case it's that time be hospitalized. So keep those fingers crossed through next Wednesday!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Nursery Bedding

**Addendum to this blog at the answer your questions**

I thought I would post what my nursery bedding looks like. (and might I add, that it was so difficult trying to find unisex bedding that we liked!) We weren't big on "themes" for nurseries, but we found this bedding at Walmart (hooray for cheap prices..especially when you are buying four!!) and fell in love with it. These are the exact colors we had imagined for the nurseries...(yes, nurseries PLURAL...two bedrooms upstairs will be nursery rooms; and the living room upstairs--which for a very short time houses our pool table that we will be trying to sell immediately--will become like a gigantic play room for the babies). We love browns and blues together...nothing too loud and bright.

In other awesomely incredible news ;) ......I AM A FULL 21 WEEKS TODAY! My four little ones are as long as large bananas (about 7 inches and 11 ounces)! Yep, I'm starting my 22nd week of pregnancy...just THAT much closer to 24 wks, then 28 wks, then 30 wks, then every day after 30 wks will be a celebration! But we are still rooting for 34 wks max! Mom just arrived today for the long haul! She will be taking care of me all summer and more importantly, fattening me up!

The shower/party was great! I will try to post pics soon...just difficult b/c everything is on our main computer upstairs and I'm on a laptop downstairs. Oh, and we had a bad storm last Thursday that zapped our electricity for hours. Well, we think our computer is forever jacked up. My bro (master computer genius) thinks he MIGHT be able to somehow get our hard drive off of it..but it doesn't look good. It won't even turn on! and yes, we had a surge protector and everything. SO, I'm freakin' out about all the pictures I have stored on the computer. I made back up copies at the first of the year before we moved, but all of my pregnancy pics and every pic from January are on that computer! Not to mention all of our iTunes songs...sheesh! Wish us luck that we can get all of that stuff off of there! And go make copies of all of your important stuff on your computer RIGHT NOW!!! ;)

Answers to your questions

Sleeping arrangements: (which will all be subject to change based upon what works for our babies) They will all four start off in the same crib until they get crowded or don't want to sleep together, then we'll go 2 and 2 (the identicals together and the fraternals together) in two separate cribs, then eventually they will all be in their own crib. We are guessing that we will keep the identicals together and the fraternals together...but I don't know for how long. Poor Savannah having to share a room with Ben. Joe and I still don't see eye to eye on when Sav gets her own room and the three boys share a big room. (Thank god its three boys to share a room...they won't care) So, we will start off setting up each nursery room with two cribs and one changing table. (If one baby gets overstimulated and is crying and keeping the others up, we can always take him out and put him in the other "baby-less" nursery in his own crib)

Fetal movements: I felt a 100% real, unmistakable kick for the first time on Sunday afternoon (it was either Ben or Savannah) was so funny. I was laying by myself while Joe and our company went to the grocery store and all of a sudden "THUMP"...clear as day in my lower left belly. I just smiled to myself. But other than that, I will occasionally have weird feelings in my stomach. It feels so strange/abnormal, I can't describe it well. I just can't wait until I feel regular movements. Bring on the kicking, punching, etc...but I also know that I might not feel as much due to the LACK OF SPACE in my uterus. poor babies.

Friday, May 25, 2007


I cant thank yall enough for all the prayers and encouraging comments! I can see just how easy it would be to lose your mind while on complete bedrest in the hospital! However, the nurses were incredible and it made me feel good knowing that I was in good hands. It is somewhat comforting knowing that you are seconds away from help, just in case...knowing that you and your babies are being closely monitored, even if you feel like the walls are closing in on you.

Many of you will think I'm crazy, but I enjoyed being awake for my surgery. It was neat to be able to be awake for the "other side" of surgery. It felt so weird getting the epidural, and it didn't help that every time the anesthesiologist pressed on my back, I would jump/jerk. (I'm am ridiculously ticklish when you press hard on my back! crazy, huh?) I was so nervous that I would jump right when he was sticking the LONG needle into my spine...but I didn't. I continued to look back and stare at the anesthesia monitors so I could keep checking my blood pressure and oxygen saturation. Right at the beginning, my BP got down to like 80/35 (which is normal right after receiving spinal/epidural anesthesia) but I got really hot really quick and sweaty and told him, "hey, doctor, I'm about to pass out!" He shot me up with some Ephedrine and within seconds my BP went back up and I immediately felt great! So weird. I couldn't feel anything Dr. Tabor did, but he said he tightened it up and it looked good.

Now, the recovery was not near as pleasant. I had some pretty severe cramps (he found a couple of polyps on my cervix that he took off, which made for some lovely cramps). The nurse gave me some amazing "IV juice" and I pretty much passed out for the rest of the day. I didn't have any more pain or cramping after that.

So, this morning Dr. Tabor discharged me and I am home for now. Doc said to bring a packed bag to my weekly appointments, in case he decides to wheel me on over to the hospital again for admission! I see him again next Wednesday. Hopefully this cerclage will keep my cervix nice and tight! These babies need a lot more time to grow inside my belly.

In other news, this weekend is supposed to be a big shower/party for us...many of our friends are coming over to our house (since we knew I would be on bedrest). Talk about cutting it close! And yes, YOU KNOW I WILL BE TAKING IT EASY. I'm not messing around with this bedrest. My number one concern is keeping these babies healthy and INSIDE my body for as long as I can. I wont do anything to jeopardize that.

Thanks again for the prayers! GOD IS GOOD!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Surgery my appointment this morning, my cervix had shortened from 3.25 cm to 2.20 cm in a matter of days...and this happened, even with completely complying with SUPER STRICT bedrest!! Dr. Tabor immediately had me admitted to the hospital and I am awaiting surgery tomorrow (Wednesday) morning. At 10:00am, I will have a cervical cerclage performed, hopefully under spinal/epidural anesthesia. The doc didn't know if I would be able to go home or not and even mentioned that I might spend the rest of this pregnancy on complete hospital bedrest! YIKES!! So, we'll just have to wait and see.

Doc said that my uterus is already measuring as a full term singleton pregnancy. So, my body, in turn, is proceeding to make the necessary adjustments to deliver soon. The hormones in my body, due to my four precious little wonders, are what is causing the rapid shortening of my cervix. But thank God that they have at least have 2.2 cm to work, it should be a very easy cheesy routine procedure.

PLEASE, please, please pray for me, the babies, and Joe...especially tomorrow at 10am. Today I am at a full 20 weeks (in my 21st week) and I'm having such negative thoughts about getting these babies to at LEAST 24 weeks (viability) for now. So please be praying for that specifically.

Friday, May 18, 2007


This has been one craaazy week! The doc decided at my appointment on Wednesday to go ahead and put me on STRICT bedrest (yes, he emphasized the word "STRICT" several times). Bathroom privileges only, and he didn't seem too keen on the idea of me taking a shower every day! He frowned and said, "if you have to take a shower, get in and get 20 minute standing up showers"! Needless to say, I wasn't really ready to come home, sit on the couch, and not get up but to use the restroom. I knew bedrest was coming and I am in my 20th week of pregnancy (like he said I would be when I start BR)..I just didn't have anything in place yet.

I didn't realize how debilitating it is to sit in one spot alllllllllllllll day loooooong! You should try it! It is completely frustrating! Sure it might be fun for 2 hours while you watch a movie...but not for the whole day and night! I am currently using an old, crummy laptop that is persnickety...sometimes letting me get on the internet, but for the majority of the time, no bueno...which is SUPER frustrating! I feel so disconnected from the world! I haven't been able to read any of your blogs b/c all of my "favorites" are stored upstairs on our main computer. (also, where our scanner is and all of our pictures)..So, these posts might be a little boring until I can teach Joe how to download pictures for me.

All I can say is THANK GOD FOR MY SIS-IN-LAW, ASHLEY!!! She was actually able to go to my last doctor's appointment with me this past Wednesday (she starts her new job on Monday). She was able to see her nephews and niece bounce around and show off for her during the sonogram! It was awesome...I got so many great pics of the babies! I'll try to get Joe to scan some in later. Poor Savannah is all squished on the bottom of the pile. We saw her getting kicked in the head by her brothers, but you know what? she can definitely hold her own! she was stretching out and fighting back! It was hilarious! We also got a precious picture of one of the identical twins reaching out and touching his brother's chest. SO COOL! But Thank God Ashley was there! Joe was out of town in Las Vegas for some conference for a couple of Ashley was able to come home with me and take care of me until Joe got home!

So the babies still look great, heartbeats were great. My cervix is shorter than my doctor would like (henceforth, the immediate strict bedrest), so hopefully by me laying down all the time, my cervix will stay put! We aren't in the danger zone yet, but a cervical cerclage might be in order in the coming weeks. I'm not dilating at all...just shortening. These babies are getting bigger and heavier and are putting pressure on my cervix. So, hopefully the bedrest will help. I am at war against gravity right now! I go back to the doctor with Joe next Tuesday please keep praying.

I'd love to hear from any of you who had to have a cerclage. How far along were you? What was your cervix measuring, etc...

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

3 heads and 1 booty

Okay, so this picture is REEEALLY difficult to see. This was taken last Friday, May 11th at my last office visit. Dr. Tabor was able to get a pic of all 4 of them together. I'll try to describe it for you.

Starting at the very top of the picture, is a baby's back ending in the buttock (you can see the spine connecting to the pelvic bone)...clockwise to the right, we have a head (as if you were looking down at someones skull) the very bottom of the pic, another head (as if you were looking down on a skull)...squished in the very middle of the pic, is the fourth baby, looking right at you, somewhat down (you can see it's cute little nose) and the blob to the left of this last baby is it's body with it's two little feet flat closest to the "camera".

Now, I THINK that's how it goes! I had to ask the doctor on this one, and I think that is what he said...but it's very hard for me to tell as well! Organized chaos--from now until the next 18 years! haha ;)

Okay, so, I need some encouragement ladies...when did you start feeling your babies move inside you? I've had SOME fluttering, not much. And once, this weekend, I could feel tightening in my right side (where the twins are)--like they were on top of each other, pushing out against my stomach...then it went away. Nothing more. I'm getting kinda anxious about it. I want to feel them inside of me moving! My doctor said it could take up to 22 weeks...but I should start feeling it soon. I go for my next visit tomorrow...and I have a feeling that he's going to put me on strict bedrest from here on out (based upon the way he was talking last week), I've got to go now, and do TONS of errands--my last chance of freedom outside the house! heehee....jk....kinda.... :)

Oh yeah, and Shiloh is clueless as to what is going on with my body. I guess some dogs can tell that "somethings up"...well, not our hound dog! ;) Sweet Shi is oblivious to her four little siblings residing in my tum tum! This is a pic from last Thursday when she had a baaaad reaction to an injection in her hip. Poor baby was so sick, all night! I stayed up with her and couldn't sleep b/c I was so worried about her: she was shaking, and screaming anytime she tried to move, she had the chills and a fever at one point...I gave her baby Benadryl and she got a little the morning she was perfectly fine. This is how I had her wrapped up all a little green bean! Poor baby.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day Pics

Happy Belated Mother's Day to all you wonderful moms out there! and Happy Belated Early Mother's Day to all you expecting ladies! I had a wonderful weekend in Waco (the last trip until the babies arrive!)

Me and my beautiful mom, the most self-sacrificing woman I have ever known! THANK GOD FOR MOTHERS!

My momma and her two babies (my older brother, Collin, on the right)

I love this pic...the grandmother-to-be givin' some good luvin' to her grandbabies

"Gut to Gut"...amazing how my brother's gut magically disappeared as my dad counted to "3". ha! I think he was close to passing out from sucking in so hard! hahaha!! (love ya, Col)

The proud grandparents-to-be...two of my greatest sources of strength

My sweet momma gave me the best "mom-to-be" gift! You've probably seen it...It's a WillowTree angel depicting a pregnant woman, entitled: "CHERISH". LOVE IT!! ;)

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Innie or Outie? Make up your mind!

My little belly button just can't make up it's mind...IN or OUT? It is JUST about ready to pop on out! From the outside of my clothes, you can already see it poking out to say "hi"...

Oh and several of you have asked about the no stretch marks...that's a big thanks to my mom (super hereditary). However, I just think that there is NO WAY I can go this whole time without any...I'm not counting on it, but we'll see...I'm going to be ENORMOUS!! I can't imagine the stretching that will be involved!

I've already got a little "linea nigra" going on from my belly button down to my pubis! It is so weird how that happens...

Oh, and bring on the back acne! I've always had reasonably clear skin...but WOW! Someone has taken a machine gun to my posterior and it's a little crazy back there!...somewhat disconcerting, but the doc said that no permanent damage will be should clear up after pregnancy. (not that I'm super obsessing about it...just annoying)

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

18 Weeks, and 27 YEARS!!! :)

Happy Birthday to ME,

Happy Birthday to ME,

Happy Birthday to MEEEEEE,

Happy Birthday to ME! :)

This is what I sang to Joe at the top of my lungs at exactly 12:00 midnight last night! hee hee! (I'm one of those annoying "birthday people" who LOVE having birthdays and just celebrate the entire day long!) :)

Hmmm..what would I be doing if I could be doing anything in the world on my birthday?? I thought pictures could say it best...

**At the beach...ANYwhere, ANY beach, preferably Mexico...(with my beach body that I will more than likely never have again! ;)

**Lounging around by the pool, ANY pool, with my baby girl dog

**Out on the lake, ANY lake, with my husband and his Afro

Okay, enough feeling sorry for myself...back to reality...

Look how big my little babies are getting!!

Did any of you reach a point in your pregnancy where you were like, "I'm still 6 weeks away from my babies having any chance to survive outside of the womb...aggghhhh"

I know, its such a negative thought, but I have had it alot lately...and its freaking me out. I can't seem to shake it.

Ending on a funny story:
Yesterday when I was leaving the dermatologist's office, I needed to use the restroom one last time before the drive home. So, I do my business and walk all around the waiting room (which was full of people) to the front door to leave. Once I got outside, I felt a little "drafty"-- (if you know what I mean...oh, yes...just guess where this is going...)
My skirt had gotten caught up in my adorable little panties for all to see!! I'm talking: complete exposure of my behind and legs! ha! :) I gracefully "picked" my skirt out and continued walking with a look of sheer joy on my face...I mean really, 'what ya gonna do?' I'm pregnant with quads! I get a pass! ;) too funny, I called my mom immediately to have someone laugh at me! I needed to laugh with someone about what just happened!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

My Newest Worst Enemy...KIDNEY STONES!!!

Oh yes, folks...finally figured out why I was having all that blood in my urine (hematuria). My specialist had made me an appointment for a urologist for this Wednesday to figure out why I was having hematuria with no other symptoms. Well, Friday night around 8 or 9p, I felt that something just "wasn't right"...I had a dull aching sensation in my left lower abdomen that wouldn't go away; felt like I needed to urinate every 2 minutes; and my urine was blood red, I knew what this meant! I called the OBGYN on call and gave him my symptoms, to which he was like: "well, unfortunately there's really nothing we can do for pregnant women who are passing kidney stones, just drink aLOT of water and go to the hospital immediately if you experience any fever or chills (infection)." I knew there was no narcotic that I could take while being pregnant (BY PERSONAL CHOICE), I geared up for what would be the worst pain I have EVER been through and worst night I have ever experienced in my life...WITH NO MEDICATION.

Now keep in mind, when patients arrive to the ER, writhing in agony with a kidney stone, they are immediately hooked up to an IV and given STRONG narcotics around the clock to control their pain...except PREGNANT women. They might get a weaker narc that doesn't really help all that much with the pain (and to which I would never feel comfortable taking any type of narc while pregnant...especially with my pregnancy being so high risk with quadruplets!). Ironically, they say that kidney stones hurt worse than giving birth! and pregnant women are at a much higher risk of developing stones!!! GO FIGURE, right?! NOT FAIR?!

So from 9-10p, I am still having this moderate dull ache in my lower left stomach which eventually turns into INTENSE STABBING pains in my left lower back (kidney area). There is NO position you can get into, NO amount of rubbing or massage, NOTHING (except pain meds) that can make you feel comfortable. The intense torture lasted from about 10:00p to 7:00am...just imagine if you will:

Suz, pregnant with quadruplets, yelling, screaming, bawling, barely breathing, shrieking to "make it stop...make it stop...please God...make it go away"...intense cramping and tears....nonstop tears...NOTHING made me feel better...NOTHING.

This is kinda funny: meanwhile, Joe is getting sick with allergies/cold/sinuses and took 3 shots of NyQuil before this started he was kinda out of it the whole time (lucky for him!). After several hours of this, I finally kicked Joe out of bed and made him go upstairs around 4am. There was nothing he could do to make me feel better and there was no need for him to have to hear me moaning in agony.

I was SOOOO completely exhausted: physically, mentally, spiritually...I was stumbling to the restroom every 5 minutes for hours. I would cry so hard that I would finally "mildly" pass-out out of pure exhaustion for a couple of minutes, then wake up to the extreme cramping in my side. Several times throughout the night, I remember "passing" least 3 times that I know of. (no, I did not strain my urine to figure out the stone composition..I could have cared less at the time). I kept a hand on my tummy at all times to make sure I wasn't contracting and that the babies weren't in any distress. Throughout my time on the porcelain throne, I kept checking to make sure that I wasn't having any vaginal bleeding or abnormalities going on down there...

Oh yes, and another fun side note...while straining during these longest hours of my life, I got a nose bleed! haha! Anything else? Goodness gracious! So there I sit in excruciating pain, with toilet paper hanging out of my nostril!

Finally, at 7:00am Saturday morning, the stabbing in my back had reverted back into a mild dull ache and I was able to void without any urinary blockage for the first time in hours. Oh, it felt SOOOO good to be able to void without difficulty! I was overwhelmed with the most calming, peaceful feeling of this nightmare finally being least for the time being. Needless to say, I spent the entire Saturday in bed, recuperating and completely exhausted like you wouldn't believe. Feeling great today! But nervous because I know that kidney stones hardly ever attack just once...I am paranoid everytime I use the restroom now--hoping not to see any shade of pink! (TMI? sorry..)

Whew...long post...sorry...just want to journal it so I can always remember. Also, I just wanted to thank all of you for your support and kind advice you have given me. I understand that my last couple of posts have included various medical concerns, but fret not my fellow bloggers- in knowing that my awesome team of health care professionals are right on top of it and that I am doing well! Please know that I am a healthcare professional and I am also "anal" about every aspect of my life--a little too much...meaning, I research everything!...even the most insignificant decision I make.

For example, when Joe and I were thinking about getting a dog, I did about 3-4 months of hardcore research regarding what breed would be the best fit for us, for an apartment, etc. When we had decided on a Beagle, I bought about 5 different Beagle books and spoke with breeders and vets about everything having to do with this breed.

SO, know that throughout this entire pregnancy, from the first day we found out we were expecting quads, I have done nothing but research, research, research. And thank God for my medical background, because I understand everything that I am reading and learning about. Multiple pregnancies, especially quads, are different than any other type of pregnancy out there. The rules are different, the health implications and concerns are care is going to be completely different. Every health care professional/specialist who is involved in my care, is operating consistently with what I have researched (through books, other parents of quads/multiples, other specialists, other anesthesiologists that I know, other nurses that I know)...I am 100% confident in the care I am receiving...from this diet, to my weekly appointments, to all the prenatals/vitamins/medications that I am taking. I am 100% confident in my team of specialists who handle nothing but high-risk, multiple-birth pregnancies and have been doing so for longer than I have been alive. So please rest assured that I am researching every little aspect of my care that I am receiving and it all matches up! In the healthcare field, each person is viewed holistically, as an individual with different concerns and thus have individualized plans of care is exactly what I need...for ME. Keep those prayers coming! Sorry for the novel!! ;)

Thursday, May 03, 2007


I don't know if any of you ever had a chance to see this documentary when it aired on the National Geographic Channel, but it is PHENOMENAL! I just ordered the DVD from the NGC website. I'll tell you a little more about it below...

National Geographic explores the extraordinary, never-before-seen world of twins, triplets and quadruplets as they develop in utero. Utilizing groundbreaking technology and amazing 4-D ultrasound images, watch quadruplets as they develop in utero and engage in their first interactions with each other. Can multiples hold hands? When one pushes, does the other push back? Does prenatal game-playing carry over into early childhood?

Follow the stories of three expectant mothers from conception to birth and travel inside the womb to see the tiny fetuses begin to interact with each other.

Absolutely incredible! I would love to go back and watch it now, b/c when I watched it several months ago, it was during the time when Joe and I were completely overwhelmed with the whole idea of quads. (lots of tears...I think Joe almost vomited) However, it was amazing to see these four tiny babies develop in the womb and how they interact with each other...and then be delivered via C-Section at the weird to think that I am one of these quad mothers!

Okay, for some updates:

I can feel some flutters from the baby who is low and center (Savannah, I think..unless they've changed positions), anytime I stand up from sitting in a crouched position (like the "bathroom position" if you will) ;)...but no REAL movement or kicking yet, which is hard to imagine when you see how BIG I am!

Many of you asked about "the diet"...ahhhh....what a sore subject for me! No changes in my appetite. Guys, just imagine how hard this is...I posted some pictures of the types of food I should be eating EVERY TWO HOURS.

Sure, it looks great at first, but just imagine all this heavy, greasy, fattening food sitting in your stomach and by the time you get something down and feel all nasty and bloated...guess what! It's time to eat again! Needless to say, my stomach is NOT LIKING ME AT ALL right now. Severe, constant, tummy aches...I wish I could say that I was eating every two hours, around the clock like I'm supposed to...but I can honestly say that I'm doing my very best and it is the hardest thing I have ever done! So far, I have gained 23 pounds. (The majority of those pounds have been in the last couple of that's good)

Oh, and I'm still having these TERRIBLE nosebleeds (which have woken me up the past two mornings)...I'm talking blood EVERYWHERE: sheets, all over me and my shirt, carpet, bathroom floor, my entire face--as I'm running to the toilet to lean my head over while it pours out like a faucet. I AM NOT EXAGGERATING! Poor Joe was late to work today, just cleaning all of it up for me. Sometimes I'm nervous if I'm going to pass out b/c I'm losing THAT much blood!
Sorry for the graphics..but I need you to understand how violent these bleeds are!
So, I'm wondering if it may have something to do with the daily baby aspirin I am taking on doc's orders. (You know aspirin is a mild blood thinner). He claims that taking a baby aspirin a day will help reduce my chances of preeclampsia (which in turns causes preterm labor). I don't know the mechanics behind it, but I do as he says. I will ask him about it next week when I go in again.

As always, I LOVE reading your comments! Thanks for stopping by and more importantly, thanks for the prayers!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Halfway To Home Base! 17 Weeks!

Well guys...I'm halfway there! 17 more weeks! The checkup went well today...babies and cervix all look great! I didn't tell you, but last week, I noticed that there was a significant amount of blood in my urine (not vaginal bleeding thank God!). I've had NO symptoms whatsoever, so the doc and I were kinda dumbfounded...especially when my UA (urinalysis) came back normal with trace amounts of bacteria- nothing crazy. He went ahead and prescribed an antibiotic just in case. Well today, I still had trace amounts of blood in my urine, so they did another urine culture. Very weird! But as long as the doc isn't worried and it's not vaginal bleeding, I'm good with it! I'll keep you posted...

Many of you know, I kinda broke the "house arrest" rules last weekend to go to Houston and see all of my friends!! (shhhh! I did great and took it easy!) It was just what I needed! I got some good luvin' from all of my "second mamas" and First Street (where I used to work) even threw me a baby shower! MUCH APPRECIATED! They had it decorated so cute!

Some of my mamas! Lisa, Renee, and Susann

Sweet Angie! I LOVE this pic!! My belly got LOTS of luvin' that day! ;)

Lori...what an amazing, true, loyal, would-do-anything-for-you-in-a-heartbeat, FOREVER FRIEND. Miss her like crazy! I'm still trying to convince her to move in with us and be our nanny! ;)

The proud parents with their cart full of loot!

Okay Joe, smile and say: "I'm having four kids!!! Weeeeeeeee!"

This is his delirious face when he's had all the baby stuff he can handle for one day! (ha! better get used to that! eh?)

In other ridiculously exciting only brother and his incredible wife are MOVING FROM MEMPHIS TO TEXAS THIS WEEKEND!!! (They will be about 15 minutes away from us!) We are SO super excited!!! Collin starts his new job next Monday and Ashley got transferred to a Fort Worth office! What a blessing!! I can't WAIT!!! :)
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