Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Babies are here!!

Hey everyone! The babies are here! I'm Marcy, Suzanne's friend. I visited Suzanne tonight at Harris in Fort Worth and she asked me to post the news about her 4 little ones!
Here's the update:

Andrew (born 1st at 3:47pm): 2 lbs, 8.6 ounces
Savannah (2nd at 3:48pm): 2 pounds, 14.8 ounces
Ethan (3rd 3:49pm): 2 pounds, 7 ounces
Benjamin (4th at 3:50pm): 3 pounds, 4 ounces

Ethan and Andrew are the indentical twins.
Benjamin is having trouble breathing on his own. Suzy told me that usually the "largest" babies tend to be a little lazier since they haven't had to be so strong in the womb. So pray for baby Ben to have strength to begin to breath on his own.
Savannah has fluid on her lungs, but expected to be just fine.
The next 3 days are most important in determining the health of the quads.
All babies came out crying. (YEAH!)
When I saw Suzanne (7 pm), she still hasn't seen the babies yet. All she got to see was their tiny feet pressed against the plastic warmer as they wheeled them out.
She is doing well though! A little more bleeding than expected, but had slowed down a lot since she had the babies.
I am supposed to receive PICTURES of the quads soon as I get these, I will post them!
Suzanne and Joe were so surprised to hear that their last entry had over 140 hits!! Keep them coming. It means alot to them! I'll be keeping you posted!!

Please continue to pray for her and the babies.


Mrs. Qball said...

Let me say Congrats. You have been in my prayers.


Anonymous said...

YAY!! I have been following this blog and cheering you guys on for some time now. I am so glad the babies are here and doing well! I cannot wait to see pics!! Way to go Suz & Joe!!

beth ewing said...

since i'm over here in hawaii, it's only 4:15 to me and i get to keep checking in for the pictures. congrats. glad to hear they all cried and that they are getting suz's bleeding under control. will continue to pray.

emily said...

congratulations! i'm a friend of a friend who's been keeping up with your progress. praise the Lord for a healthy delivery! i prayed for you this afternoon when i saw you were going in for the c-section. can't wait to see pictures of the babies. children are such a blessing. you and joe have no idea how much you will smile and laugh over these sweet babies!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW!! Congratulations! I just found your blog tonight from Mary Beth's blog-I did pretty much read every entry starting with when you found out you were having quads. HUGE congratulations to you and Joe!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! Those sound like great sizes! What a blessing!

YEAH!! Can't wait to see the photos!

Cindy Broder, President
Mid-Cities Mothers of Multiples

Kristen OQ said...

I have been anxiously awaiting the news of their arrival. So glad that they are here and your family of 6 is doing great.

We will be praying for your family over the next few days, weeks, months, and years!!


Jenny said...

congrats!!!! those are some amazing stats!! way to go suz and joe!

Anonymous said...

Yeehaa! I am so happy for you all (even though your mom forgot to call me). I forgive her. I can only imagine all the excitement. I was thrilled to read the blog and get all the info. I will probably get up in the middle of the night to see the pics! Blessings on you all, family of six!

CityStreams said...

Happy birthday QUADS!!! We'll be praying for y'all. :o)

Anonymous said...

You are in our prayers! Cannot wait to see pictures!! God Bless.

lauren said...

Thanks, Marce!

Suz and Joe,
You probably won't read this before I see you, but I'm coming up tomorrow morning around 8am. I love you so so much and am SO in love already with your little 4! My heart melts just seeing their names with their weights and birthtimes! God is so good!!! I'm so proud of y'all!

emma said...

the beginning of a lifetime of awesome adventure....God is going to be really busy for a while!

Kim said...

Amazing! I am so very happy for you! I can't wait to see the pics! Prayers are continuing!

Anonymous said...

Again-so happy for all 6 of are in MANY prayers. Love, The Daughtrey's

~aj~ said...

So many prayers have been answered. I'm thrilled for you! Can't wait to see their precious faces!!

Anonymous said...

Wahoo! Suz and Joe, you and your precious children are in my prayers! Today at my office The Life of Suz was all the buzz, once you updated the blog with the news you were having contractions, we were all on pins and needles! You have blessed so many of us by sharing this journey through your blog! Ben, Ethan, Savannah and Andrew are so lucky! Congrats...

Amy King

amanda8 said...

It is so hard to be on the other side of the delivery and waiting for the news and pictures! HAHA! I am so happy for you. I will continue to keep these sweeties in my thoughts nd prayers. Truly happy for you! Let's hope Savannah's head isn't as smushed as you thought ? :)
Blessings from mansfield, Ohio

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Praying for you and your 4 little ones.

Melanie said...

CONGRATUALTIONS!!!! I am still praying for you, Joe, & the babies. Can't wait to see pictures!! You Suz, have done an awesome job!!!! Melanie Smith(Brandon, MS)

Nate, Maurine, Hannah, and Monroe said...


Anonymous said...

Praying and praying and praying

Anonymous said...

Amazing. So very thankful the babies are here and doing well. Suzanne can breathe!!!
GOD is good.
Congratultions to you both

Unknown said...

Praise God! I'm so glad to learn they are here and doing well. What a journey you're beginning! I pray these four little souls grow up having a heart for God and are mighty servants of His. With you as parents, they stand an excellent change!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Mommy and Daddy! Glad to hear that all 4 precious babies came out crying and that you're doing well, Suz... I will continue to pray for all of you and Suz, I hope you've been able to see your beautiful babies by now!


Andria said...

Umm, I am really ashamed to admit that I have repeatedly hit refresh all day long!!! So glad to hear they are okay!!!

Anonymous said...

PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW!!!!! I've been lurking for a while now. Praying for your new family.

My name is Tammie said...

OMG!! Congrats!! I am so excited for you! Happy Birthday Andrew, Savannah, Ethan and Benjamin! Those are all fantastic weights. My littlest was 2lbs 15oz and he is the most lively child ever! (While I am mentioning weights my biggest was 4lbs 5oz at 33w so your weights are amazing!) You did a great job momma!! Congrats again!

If you have any questions about the NICU rollercoaster I can help answer those for you. I am the head of the NICU support group here in CA.

Erica said...

We are praying daily and a lot of times hourly for you precious new bundles of joy. I have kept up with you through my parents who attend church at Crestview and also Lauren. May you feel all of the Lord's love being poured upon your family during the coming weeks and months. God bless each of you:)

Leo said...

congratulations! I am another anonymous blogger that found your blog about a month ago and have been following your progress. you both seem like such great people, therefore will be great parents and these four babies are so lucky to be in your care. i hope all goes well. you are in our prayers.

af, utah

Tricia said...

Congrats Suz & Joe on you 4 little miracles! Continued prayers and positive thoughts headed your way!

Granna said...

Thanks for the update. This Granna in Alabama wanted to know about them babies! I know everything will be fine.

Anonymous said...

Iam so excited about your little ones.I have been keepingup with you from theMurray's.We have identical twin girls Laura and Annabelle born at 32 weeks. You have been in our prayers daily!!

Jody said...

This is AWESOLME news! God is good!
Lots of love to all six of you!
Janell and Jody

Anonymous said...

PRAISE GOD!! I gotta admit that I've been swinging by the computer, periodically hitting refresh for the last few hours too. SO GLAD to hear all is well. We'll keep praying. Can't wait to see the little cuties! The boys are asking about their Aggie sports watching buddies. ;-)

Jon, Amber, Jacob, and Caleb Seastrunk

suzspeaks said...

Congratulations!!! We're still praying!

Jennifer C said...

Happy Birthday Andrew, Ethan, Ben, and Savannah!!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! I've been checking your blog like every five minutes all day. So happy to hear everything turned out alright. Will pray for your whole family, especially little (acutally big) Ben.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!! God bless those beautiful babies! I can't wait to see them. Heal quickly, Suz.

Dr. Grumbles said...

Can't wait to see pics!

I think those stats sound really good for quads (not that I am an expert or anything, though).


Anonymous said...

PRAISE GOD!!! He is truly AMAZING!!! Congratulations to you both. Can't wait to see pictures of those sweet babies!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Andrewm Ben, Ethan, and Savannah! Grow grow grow little ones and get home soon. Great job momma! Congratulations

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jesus. Oh Suzanne I have been praying and praying for your health, and the health of your wee ones.

Julia said...

Babies are just a reminder of how awesome our God is! I am so happy for you and Joe. Just think of all the blessings that are in store for your family...times 4! Congratulations!

mom23 said...

Happy Birthday to our favorite Quad! I'm crying and praising God for this wonderful news!

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog for a while. I'm so happy that all 5 of you came out okay! I will continue to keep you in my prayers ~ Jenny (Prattville, AL)

Kelly said...

Welcome to the world you sweet little miracles! Congrats to Mommy & Daddy on a job well done!
Kelly in UT

Carrie said...

God is so amazing. What a faithful God we have. Rest and heal for your babies. I had a son in the NICU. They are the best nurses! They are in the best hands! Keep us updated. Carrie

Anonymous said...

Suzanne & Joe
So happy to hear all of the babies arrived healthy..Will be looking forward to the first visit to grandpas bank..Take care and we will be watching for the first pictures.

Misty said...

I am so happy for you both!! The babies seem to have really good birth weights. More than what they thought in your post from yesterday. I have been checking for updates all night!! I am just so excited for everyone involved. I'm sure grandmas and grandpas are beeming tonight!! :-) I can't wait to see the pictures!!

And I sure hope they wheel you down to see those babies soon, you poor thing!!!

Misty, Mascoutah, IL (middle of no where)

Anonymous said...

Yeah for babies!!!!
I'm thrilled to hear everyone is doing well including Suz!
We are continuing to pray!

Nina said...

Wahoo!! Still praying for you and Joe and your babies.

Ashley said...

God is so Good!! You have so MANY people praying for you! God bless you and all the hard work you've been through for the past 30 weeks. Congratulations!! The prayers are still flowing from Utah!

Laura said...

Wonderful news! They sound great size wise and the breathing issues are typical, if not better than most 30 weekers. Tell Suz its expected that babies often have a honeymoon period and then need more breathing support. In the NICU its all about making it easier on the baby and letting them grow so they will give babies help so they don't have to burn too much energy. Really they sound fabulous! I am praying for all of you. Best wishes on your recovery as well. I can't wait to get a peek at this beautiful babies! Hooray! Rest up!

Jim & Chrissy said...

Congratulations on your new family!Lots of prayers coming your way from St. Louis! I have all of my friends and family following your story now too. I just told a girl at work yesterday that I can't wait until you have the babies, although, for your sake and theirs, the longer you held out, the better!

I hope everything continues to go well and I can't wait to see the pictures :) Congratulations again!

Chrissy Clauser

The Murray Crew said...

We can hardly think/talk/pray about anything else! Just 6 months ago we were living this! I've posted prayer requests on our blog - let me know if you need me to update/revise, etc. Great work, mama! May God be glorified!
Don't forget to read On the Night You Were Born! =)
Murray Quad Buddies

Laura said...

Oh and I have to agree that seeing their names and weights together just gave me chills! How wonderful!!

Mel said...

Yihaa!!! You did it. THANKS Marcy for updating the blog, we cannot wait to see pictures and hear more news. We are continuing to pray for great growth and health for the quads and parents and stamina too :-)

God is truly awesome and the power of prayer is supreme.

Keep us posted,


Malky B. said...

CONGRATULATIONS! What a suprise! I hadn't checked the blog for a few days! Glad they all made it out okay and the babbies are all well over 2 pounds. I will pray for everyone's health.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I've been following your blog from Salt Lake, Utah. Hoping that those little ones stay strong. Lots of prayers.

Anonymous said...

Love and Prayers from Philadelphia, Pa!!!!!

Dallas said...

Praise God! I am so glad the babies and the mama are doing well. We will continue praying for all 6 of you!

Anonymous said...

Dear God, Thank you for the birth of these precious babies! Please help give this growing family strenghth and good health! Praise be to you!

JAMIE'S CREW said...

Suz, God is SO good! Congratulations on the births of your children today! I hope that by the time you read this, you have met them and touched them. So many good people have been praying for your family. You are very blessed. I know that as the next days unfold, God will continue to bless you, Joe and the babies in untold ways.
Your friend,
Jamie from McMoms

ARiley said...

My prayers are with you all!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I just said a prayer for the babies.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Praise God for a safe delivery! I will continue to pray for all of you. Get some much needed rest Suzy. Congratulations to Grandma and Grandpa Hoag!

Love and blessings,

Sarah said...

I have also been following your blog for awhile now! Congrats to you and your family! I will definitely keep you all in my prayers! Can't wait to see pics of your little ones!

Casey's trio said...

WOW! I wasn't expecting this news....that's what I get for not blog stalking you all day long. Congratulations Suzanne and Joe. I can't wait to see pictures of the babies. I will be sending thoughts and prayers your way for a speedy recovery from the c-section and LOTS of prayers for those precious babies.

Carrie said...

What awesome news! I can't wait to see pictures and prayers are definitely continuing...God absolutely answers prayers! Congratulations.

Sharla said...

North Davis member here, finally delurking to say a big CONGRATS!!! What an awesome God we serve!!! Keep well, keep strong, and know that there are hundreds of people like me who can't wait to help in any way we can!

Denise said...


Jessicca said...

Way to go Suz! You really did it! Can't wait for the pics.
Lots of love to the SIX of you!

Anonymous said...

I know we dont actually know eachother..but I found your blog a couple of months ago,and have been following along ever since. Congratulations on the new additions to your family! What blessings=) Y'all are definitely in my prayers. You seem like really wonderful people,and I think y'all will make absolutely wonderful parents. So,once again,congratulations..and God bless!

Michelle said...

Oh wow, my heart was in my throat as I read the news. You guys are in my prayers along with the 4 wee ones and that they are extremely healthy. Wow, that is so amazing!!! I still can't believe you made it to 30 weeks, God is amazing.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you guys! I will be praying for a quick recovery for you and healthy, growing little ones. You have done such a great job- their weights are excellent! Continued blessings,
Hope Huckeba said...

congratulations!! we are praying for you all in bhm,al!

Charla (SHar-la) said...

SO glad I checked ONE last time before I went to bed and found an update! Praise God for these four little ones. Richard and I are praying for you before we go to bed and will continue to pray for little Benjamin and Savannah, especially! Can't wait for pics!

*kt* said...

Congrats! I'm so happy to hear they're doing well and I can't wait to see the pictures!

Kimberly said...

Congratulations Joe & Suz! I'm so happy for you guys!!!!
So glad to hear the babies & mommy are healthy and doing good. We'll keep pray'n that all goes well. Can't wait to see pics-I'm stalking your blog until I see them!

Anonymous said...

Way to go girl and way to go GOD! My heart is bursting with thanksgiving for you and your BIG little family! I am praying for those babies to fight, fight, fight!!!

Claremont First Ward said...


Anonymous said...

Wow! I have been at work all day and did not expect this when I checked before bed as I always do! Congratulations...and I will be praying fervantly for good health for the babies and Suzanne! Can't wait to see pictures!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I'm so happy to hear everyone is doing well! I can't wait to see pictures of your beautiful babies!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I'm so happy to hear everyone is doing well! I can't wait to see pictures of your beautiful babies!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I am so happy for all you. I will be sending my prayers!

aWare said...

Whoo Hoo! Congrats to healthy babies! I am dying to see the pictures of these 4 little miracles!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update!! Prayers continuing from WA...

asplashofsunshine said...

WELCOME TO THE WORLD LITTLE BENJAMIN, SAVANNAH, ANDREW, AND ETHAN! The world is waiting to see your adorable faces. Give Mommy and Daddy plenty of cute faces, warm snuggles, and don't forget those puppy dog eyes.

Anonymous said...

A BIG Congratulations to you!!!!! What wonderful news - I will keep praying for all of you!

Anonymous said...

Hooray- this has been a wonderful day! Praise God for this amazing gift. You guys are truly blessed! Can't wait to see them- Sandy

Malone Quads said...

Can't wait to see the pictures.
You'll be up and running by tomorrow! Love and Prayers

Malone Quads

Unknown said...

with tears in my eyes I congrat you all.
We lost our 2 identical twins on 22/07/07.
But we are happy and praying for your 4 babies to be healthy and stay healthy.
Enjoy those 4 little miracles.

Anonymous said...

Woohoo, congrads on the arrival of Ben, Ethan, Andrew and Princess Savannah, well done Mum you cooked em just fine. Great weights, great news .. congrads and best wishes from New Zealand to you all! Marie

Vena said...

Hello mother of four! I was at Nan's tonight and she couldnt help but light up with the joy of our Lord as she told me about your children.

Praise the Lord! He is good! He has sustained you and protected your little ones. May you rejoice as he continues to heal your body and grow your children to be His own. I am so excited and blessed to see how you have grown over the last year. My daughter just turned one and I have enjoyed so many moments. I can only imagine the blessings times four. May the Lord be your strength and patience as your family experiences His breath of Life! --Vena Williams

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, my prayers are with you all.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. Wishing you all well.

Heather said...

Congratulations! Praying for you all as well.

Rachel Inbar said...

Mazel Tov!!!

I hope everything goes well. I look forward to reading the posts when you announce you're taking the babies home :-)

Amanda said...

YAY!!!! SO glad everyone is doing great!! I will still be praying for mom and babies!

kas said...

congrats on the arrival of your quads!! good to hear they are doing great,

rileyreese said...

Congratulations!!!!!!! You don't know me but I wanted you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers! My sister has twins and I thought I would give you the website of a handsfree bottle we found it has made feeding 2 easier so it might help with 4!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Suzanne & Joe!!

Sending lots of positive thoughts your way!


mom to three great kids said...

Congratulations super Mama!!!

Wishing you and your babies the best of luck...

Kelly said...

I can't wait to see the pix! I kept waking up in the night and thinking of your babies.

April Kay said...

I am a friend of Carrie P.'s who is a friend of Amanda's. I live in Nashville, TN and have been reading your blog for months! I am crying tears of excitement, relief, joy, etc. for you and your family right now. I feel like I know y'all from reading your blogs. :) My hubby and I have been trying for a while now to have a baby and after 2 miscarriages are finally undergoing treatment to try to make it happen for us. Reading your stories have been so encouraging and give me so much hope. And for that, I don't know how I'll ever be able to thank you! Love and prayers to you and your family!! Can't wait to see pics of the little ones!

Anonymous said...


miss k said...

excellent news - definitely will keep you all in my prayers.

Brittany Wardlow said...

Congrats Suzanne, you did it! Joe, your amazing and positive attitude played such a part in giving Suzanne the ability to stay as positive as she always has been. I am so proud of yall I can harldy stand it! Congratulations to both of you on your precious little clan. My, my, my the babies that are born in the Jones Family (and extended!) Your GA family is awaiting pictures... we love you and miss you!

Anonymous said...

So excited for you all! I'm glad the babies are so big and healthy. I'll meet you in the NICU!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to our world, Andrew, Savannah, Ethan, and Benjamin!

Anonymous said...

Hooray!!!! The six of your are continually in my thoughts and prayers! Thank you so much for the update!!!

~Melissa Mullinax said...

YAY!!! Congratulations guys!! You did SO awesome!! Can't wait to see them. :)

Stacy said...

Congratulations - praying for your entire family. Suze - may your healing come quickly as I know you'll be so focused on your babies you won't take the time for yourself (at least I didn't).

The Manning Family said...

CONGRATULATIONS Suz and Joe!!! And Happy Happy Birthday to those babies! Can't wait to 'see' them. Praying that all of you are doing well. God bless your precious family! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you and those precious babies! Your story has been inspriring and it's been awesome to see God at work in this! Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Amazing!! Congratulations.. we're continuing to pray for your beautiful little babies here in Nashville!

Marcia said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I've been following your blog and praying for you for a while and was so excited to see the quads big arrival yesterday. Still praying,

Holloway Family said...

we will continue to pray now that they babies are here also. we pray that they will grow healthy and strong! Suzanne, just remember they can do wonderful things in the NIC unit...i know that you know that from being a nurse! hope that you are getting some rest. Take care! and Congrats!

Amanda's News said...

Thanks Marcy for the update. I was dying to know what was going on.

God is amazing! Wow, Suz I can't believe you are the mother of four quads. Mind blowing:) Congrats on the birth of your children:) We will be praying for all four of them and their health. Can't wait to see pictures of them. Wish I was there to give you a big hug. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! Can't wait to see their little faces!

Anonymous said...

Wow I read Suz's blog yesterday and no babies then I look this morning and we have 4 beautiful babies that are here. God is so amazing and I am so glad they are all here safely. Special prayer for Baby Ben is going up and many many prayers for the entire family. What an amazing adventure this has been for everyone!

Mrs. Brand said...

Congrats. I hope both Suz and Joe will be able to see them very soon. Praying for the health of both mom and babies. God bless!

Page said...

Whooo Hoooo for healthy babies and mamma!!! I'm still prayin' for a quick recovery for all of ya! And, I'm dying to see the pics!
Suzanne, I just knew you'd do ANYTHING to get out of posting another belly shot ;) LOL!

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful news, Congratulations! I couldn't wait to get the latest update. I have been praying for healthy babies and your good health too, mom! You'll will be great parents! Keep up the good work. Praise God and my prayers continue!

~Denise~ said...

Congrats! Sending lots of cyber hugs and warm thoughts for a quick recovery and a good NICU stay for all those babies!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to your 4 precious blessings! I couldn't believe it when I logged in this morning that the babies were here!!! Rest up and get ready for an adventure of your lifetime. Can't wait to see pictures.


annalee said...

praying august 2nd is another wonderful day for your family! obviously each of you are being lifted up in prayer all over the world!

adam halford said...

Congrats! Enjoy the blessings that God has given you. You all will continue to be in our prayers.

Vannary said...

congrats! my thoughts and prayers are with you...

Phat Girl said...

Congrats! I'm praying for you all! God Bless! I'm so every excited for you!

TEXOSE said...


Unknown said...

Congrats!!! You don't know me, but I have been following along...
The whole family is being prayed for!

Anonymous said...

Suz and Joe - our thoughts are with you and your new additions.. I am so excited for you.. and I just want you to know that you guys are a true inspriation to the rest of us looking in on your lives..
Keep up the positive attitude.. and we will keep up the prayers..
Can't wait to see pictures of your new babies...

Sunny said...


So happy for each and every one of you. May God continue His many blessings!

Brittany Wardlow said...

I can't stop thinking about yall! Miss you and love you and sending many hopeful blessings and continuous prayers your way! CAN'T WAIT FOR AN UPDATE!

Sarah said...

Congratulations! I just bet all 136 of us (and those that will comment later) were all in tears as we read this. Thanks for letting us all be a part of your journey. I know, it has really only begun now. Prayers and blessings on your precious family. Can't wait to see pictures of these miracle babies!

Joy said...

Congratulations Suzanne and Joe!!! And, Happy Birthday and welcome to the world Savannah, Ethan, Andrew and Benjamin!!! We are praying for you here in Chicago and will pray specifically for the continued growth and development of those little ones! Congrats again!

Stefanie~ said...

Oh my god.. I had no idea this was even happening..

Congratulations... Sounds like they're doing great.. Can't wait to see pics..

I guess I better get to work on that new header?

Lauren said...

Oh my! Congratulations!!! We will continue the many prayers for these babies and for you as you start mommy-hood!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the arrival of the Quads! I hope that the experience will be a blessing just as it was for my family's. You and your family are in our prayers.
From the Martin Quads to the newest Quads, Godbless.

Clinton Martin

littleangelkisses said...


You have an incredible support group. Lean on them now as the NICU is a place you will need them. My thoughts are with you and your family. Remember to take care of yourself too.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so excited and thrilled for you guys!! I will pray my little head off for you and the babies! God Bless!!

Kelli said...

I am so happy for you! Congratulations!

Egged Out said...


Welcome Savannah, Ethan, Andrew and Benjamin!!! All of you, mom and dad too, are in my thoughts and prayers.

Ashley said...

God is so good. Congrats, momma and daddy!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! We'll keep praying for all of you. Our God is an awesome God!
Eva, Alabama

Anonymous said...

Suz and Joe,
Congrats to you and your precious new family! I've been reading your blog regularly for a few months. I was so shocked yet so happy to read that the babies are here as of yesterday! Yes, God is good and he is so apparent through all of this. May God continue to bless and watch over you and yours! Can't wait to see pics of your babes!

Shannon Odeneal-Gamble

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I am praying for you and your family. I am a triplet mom myself and can relate. My boys are 17 months old and are the most precious things to me. Take care and much love-

Silverhill, Alabama

Ms. Perky said...

Oh, Suz, congratulations! You, Joe, and your foursome are in my thoughts and prayers. We are thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!!! OMIGAWD!!!!
You are my hero! I had one baby and thought that was the hardest thing I ever did. You had 4!!!!!!

Amazing! My prayers and with you and your family!!!!
kim in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Segrest Family said...

YAY!!!!!!!! praise the Lord! welcome babies! and way to go mom and dad! can't wait to see pictures of all 6 of you! hang in there suz.... you have done so well! keep up your positive attitude - with GOd's help, you and joe will bring those babies home in no time!!!!!!!!

Cibele said...

Congrats, congrats, congrats and congrats... one for each baby!!! I hope that all 4 of them can grow stronger and healthier by the day and soon you all can come home!!

Jennifer Prince said...

Congratulations!!!!! My thoughts and prayers are with you guys and those little babies. I hope they go home with you soon! I'm happy to read they are all doing so well :)

BTW-I found your blog from another friend online. Your story is amazing and both of your outlooks on life is inspiring!

Anonymous said...

We are friends of the Murray's in IN. My daughter went to school with Jen. Found your site from their site and have been praying for you for quite a while now. I'm so glad to hear the babies are here and doing as well as can be expected at this point. Please know that we will still be praying fervently for these precious little souls that I will probably never meet in person, but I feel like I know you all from your sharing with us. Thanks so much for your time and energy in keeping this site up. Take care of yourselves Mom and Dad. The excitement has just begun! We have six children but we got them one at a time! I can't imagine 4 at one shot! We do serve an awesome God, don't we!!

GlitteryKitchenTable said...

Happy Birthday to your 4 precious babies! God is amazing!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! I am praying for your recovery and the health of those sweet babies. I have been reading your blog for a while now...I was surprised to see they were being born was my husband's birthday, too. :-)
We wish you the best-
Jennifer Williams-Louisville, KY

J Yale said...

Hi Steeces! I'm friends with Kim and have been keeping up with your quads! We are saying a prayer for ya'll
Jennifer Yale

Amy Renay said...

YEAH!!! I cant wait to see pictures. You are all in my prayers as you have been everyday since God blessed me with stumbling across your blog!!

katherine said...

Congratulations! I'm glad I checked you blog and am excited to hear that they're here and everyone is doing well! Can't wait to see the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS to you and your husband and also HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your precious bundles of joy!!! I have been following your blogsite for quite some time now since first being introduced through the Murray's blogsite. I am a mother of BBG triplets from Indiana. You and your husband have truely been blessed and you should be very proud of yourself for keeping those little ones safe and allowing them to grow for 30+1 weeks....quite an accomplishment! I will continue to keep you all in my prayers and can't wait to see pics and hear updates as the little ones continue work hard and grow strong with each day bringing them closer to going home!!! Best wishes!!

Kiley Schnarr
Mommy to Logan, Brooke, and Chase

Alice said...

CONGRATS on your sweet quads. Can't wait to see pics of them. Praying for you and your babies to recover quickly. Hang in there you have done such a great job being a mommy already.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Happy birthday Steece Quads!

Amanda said...

Congratulations! I've been following your blog this past month and am so excited for you guys! We'll be praying for you and your sweet babies!

SG said...

8-01-07 Is a great day to be born! You rock Suzanne! Congrats to you, Joe and the whole family! We will keep praying for you guys. I don't know of another blog that has had a ttal (so far) of 379 comments in 24 hours! WOW!!!! Just know these four little ones have a lot of love and prayers coming their way!

The Morrow Family said...

Congrats Steece family! I have been following your blog since you were about 4 weeks and I am so excited that the quads are here! I hope that Suz gets to feeling better and the quads stay in a stable condition! The whole family is in our prayers!!

A Mom in Killeen Texas...
Cassie Morrow

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Andrew, Savannah, Ethan, and Benjamin!

Ose said...

Congratulations! So glad to hear that all is going well!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Suzanne! I was in Ju Go Ju with you and have been keeping up with your blog for the past several weeks! I'll keep praying for you! Amanda Myers - Star, Mississippi

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all of you.

I've followed lots of blogs of family, friends and strangers and read lots of multiples blogs, but yours is the first multiples blog that I've followed from pregnancy through birth. What an amazing story! I can't wait to continue to see it unfold during their first year of life.

Baby Blog

Anonymous said...

Just got home from a vacation to find your news! Congratulations and lots of love all the way from Germany! I will pray for you, that the babies will be okay in no time.

hi my name is mommy said...

Every time I walk away from this computer someone has a baby...or 3 0r 4:) Super Congratulations to both of you!!! They all look big and healthy. Thank God you have good friends to post for you, they will probably need to stick around for the next few months until you have a free moment;)

Happy Happy Joy Joy!!!!

Alice said...

Congratulations Suzanne and Jo. A wonderful, instant family. I hope that all babies and mother will soon regain full strength and good health and be able to go home.

I also hope that you will be able to enjoy these four little miracles without being overwhelmed by the task of caring for them. Please look after yourselves as much as you look after the babies.

God bless you all.

'Alice' in Australia.

marian said...

I don't check in for a couple of days, and look what happens!!! CONGRATULATIONS. You will all (all 6 of you - and Shiloh of course!) will be in my prayers.

NIKKI said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I've been checking your blog since you were featured on baby blog addict!!!

I have twins and I am soo happy your kiddos are here!! Looking forward to following their progress!!

Carol said...


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