Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Channel 8 (Btw, I TOTALLY get their birth order wrong! It's hilarious...I say it all confidently like I know what I'm talking about!)

FOX & FRIENDS on the Fox News Channel

Channel 4

Channel 11



Melissa Dovel said...

I have been following your blog for hmmm... 4 weeks now:) and I think for most of us quads will probably kill us (maybe its just me) Some how I think that you are going do this with no problem at all. You have such a fun, energetic personality and with 4 babies I think it will serve you well. Good luck and enjoy every second of your precious little ones lives as you bring them to your happy home.


Anonymous said...

I've been following your blog for weeks now through a prayer link for another child. I just played your video on How Cool! God is so good! You look great. May God bless you all. Mom of the Tew Crew

Jennifer said...

I have been following your blog through the link on Jen Honeycutt's blog (Matt and Jen are good friends of ours) and you showed up on the ladies' Bible study prayer list at the Met Church in Keller when the babies were born. Small world!

Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful babies! I also wanted you to know that my husband, Michael, is a pediatric ophthalmologist, and he said that the quads are on the list to be checked this week. Michael or one of his partners (Dr. Alan Norman - an Aggie!- or Dr. Eric Packwood) will be in to see them. All three of them are incredible doctors and all around great guys, and they love the Lord and are doctors because God has called them to serve. I hope you get to meet them!

Congratulations again!

The Murray Crew said...

Glad to be your "good friend from Indiana who had four boys in February". You're swell, Suzanne! AND beautiful too!
The Murray Quad Crew

Allison said...

I've been following your blog for several months through friends of Joe's from A&M. Thanks for sharing your story. It's amazing. From one new mom to another, good luck. By the way, you do not sound country on the video. It always sounds worse when you have to hear your own voice.

Anonymous said...

Hey they interviews were awesome and I am so glad you guys got great pictures in the hospital! You are all gorgeous! I cannot wait til they get home and I get to meet you! I will keep praying for you daily.

Hugs and enjoy your special day tomorrow!

Michelle said...

I've been reading your blog for a couple weeks -- what an amazing story! Such a beautiful family you have, enjoy every moment of it!!

Anonymous said...

I saw 3 of the stories "live" yesterday & read & listened to all the links. The babies are just adorable & you are so blessed (x4) that they are so healthy!! Way to go (x4)!! Can't wait to eventually meet you.

I am so excited for you that you will begin the bringing home of the babies!!! God is so good!!

p.s. enjoy your last night of sleep!! LOL!!

Cindy Broder, McMoms President

Lauren said...

I was getting into bed last night and all of a sudden there you were on the news!! What a pleasant surprise! My hubby asked who that was and I said "oh, that's Suzanne, you know the mom that had the quads!" Like I know you and all! Haha! I feel like I do after having read your blogs for months. I am so excited that you are getting ready to start bringing those babies home. You are going to be a great mom and I know God will hold you in his strong arms when it gets to be too much, just as he has been for the last several months.
Oh, and you do not sound hick at all! :)
-Lauren (friend of a friend from Prestoncrest CoC)

Deanna said...

I love what you said about you don't know what it is like to take care of 1 baby. I am always saying that, when people ask how I handle twins and quads. I just tell them I don't know what it is like to take care of 1 so it was not that much differnt. Of course, now I say it is a big difference going from twins to quads!! You guys looked so cute and I am so exicited you get to take Ben home tomorrow. So are you doing the big "rooming in" at the hospital tonight! Get ready for the no sleep to start! At least you are going into it gradually. Congrats on bringing your first baby home. I know you have to be very exicted. When I got to bring the boys home togther it was a wonderful feeling.

Deanna Turner

Marta said...

Hi Suzanne! I've been following your blog since you were about 19 weeks along and just wanted to say hi and congratulations! The babies are just beautiful and I'm so glad they are doing so well! Praying for all 6 of you as you prepare to start bringing babies home. God bless you all!!!

Tesney said...

Frequent reader, infrequent commentor...I saw you early this a.m. (at 4:30 to be exact) on the ABC Early Morning News...the national news! Did you know you were going to be on there? I wondered if they got the clip from the local affiliate, unbeknownst to you. Anyway, you and the babies all looked gorgeous!

MaverickMommy said...

Hi, I saw your story in the news paper and made my way to your blog and thought you and your husband looked like two wonderfully blessed people. I am a photographer and single mother, I dont have a lot of money to offer, but I would like to give you what I do best, child photography. I'd give you a full newborn session for all the babies and a CD with the images for you to print yourselves as well as a musical DVD slideshow to help remember all these amazing newborn moments.

If you are interested, my email is sarah.strog [at] and I can send you a link to my online portfolio as well. :)

Congrats on the little ones!

~ Sarah

Anonymous said...

They mentioned you on the news in Houston this morning (KHOU-Channel 11). My husband was like,"Wow-that couple had two sets of twins." Having missed the actual story, I rewound (thank you DVR) and saw it and said, "Oh yeah-that's Suz-I've been reading her blog since way before the quads were born. Plus I've already seen the actual news story they did in Dallas." I'll admit, I said all of this smugly-as if I had something to do with all of it :)

So excited for you and Joe-your babies are precious.

Katie Curry in Houston (friend of Trey Townsend)

Jodi said...

I too am a frequent reader and infrequent comment-er, but I wanted to say congrats on the big day tomorrow! You will know what it is like with one baby at home, at least for a little while, but the difference is your family won't feel complete! What exciting news that all the babies are soon to be home with you! I found out about you from some friends from North Davis... you guys are like celebs! Anyways, we're sending prayers your way from Houston. Congrats on a BEAUTIFUL family!!!

Anonymous said...

These are great! We saw this on our Fox News in Little Rock Arkansas tonight. So amazing to be following your blog for a long before the babies and now your on my tv. Haha! Great!

Anonymous said...

I found your blog through a friend on a msg board at I just wanted to say that those pictures brought tears to my eyes today. You and your family are so beautiful. My thoughts are with you as you start on this incredible new journey. You can tell you are going to be fantastic parents!

Mel said...

THANKS so much for sharing the links. I passed them on to family around the state that have been praying too.

Sunni called yesterday and a friend of hers that was traveling called her just to tell her she had seen the quads they had been praying for.

It is such a small amazing world. I know you can hardly wait to get Ben home.

They have all grown and changed so much since we came by for a short visit. God is awesome.

Take care of yourself and keep blogging.


Casey's trio said...

What a media frenzy it has been for you lately! I enjoyed watching a couple of the clips and I am giggling at your boo-boo with the birth order....the post-pregnancy mush brain happens to us all I think. I once went completely blank when someone from our early intervention agency asked me what the girl's middle names were...I was so embarassed:O I hope all goes smoothly with bringing Ben home and can't wait to hear all about it.

Jessica said...

Suzanne and Joe -

Thanks for the links! Jenn Martinson and I were trying to find the clips last night on the news and kept missing them. Instead, we wasted $60 on a stupid $250M lottery.

You are both so special! I'm so proud for you and your family.

Just so you know, the whole Williams clan has been praying for each and every one of you. We love seeing your progress!

As for the country accent, I didn't hear it. BUT, then again, I usually say 'sat' when I mean 'set' and 'sit' when I mean 'sat!'

Well done, you two!

Congrats again and again X 4!
Love ya,
Jessica Williams

The Dixons said...

Awww, those stories were great! You did a great job! You are just so darn cute and don't you look fab for just having quads!! Thanks for posting the links. Prayers still coming from Illinois as you take your babies home.

Claremont First Ward said...

Great news coverage pieces. Love the pictures of Susanne smiling with the of my babies wanted to stay in the NICU with his brother too. HE was supposed to come home and then pooped out on his last feeding. It was a blessing in disguise as they came home together a few days later. I still can't believe he is almost home. Amazing!

Scholiast said...

Just read the newspaper article. Thought I should mention that it does get easier after a while ;) A baby needs a lot of attention, 4 of course, even more -- but 4 toddlers, when it comes to that - need less of it than only children, they've always got someone to play with...

I didn't realise you'd had that one dose fertility treatment. I had just the same, and then 4 babies...

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