Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Mr. Drew Made it HOME...finally!

Drew finally passed his car seat test and was brought home on Sunday! We were SO excited!

All together, at last! Drew and Ethan have a little bit of a preemie head (where it is elongated and flat on the sides). We are hoping that it will fill out as they get older and fatter, so we won't need cranio-facial helmets!

Mama hen and her I still go up to the nursery and just stare at them. Still hard to believe.

Cannot forget about our "first-born"! Shi is doing better and better. She just lays at our feet while we feed the babies. If a baby starts crying, she will run into the nursery to make sure they are okay.

Joe is giddy to finally get these bands off. I have to tell ya, I was kinda sad cutting them off...I LOVED telling people about the quads when they would ask about the bands! However, it was definitely liberating and felt GOOD- especially knowing that the babies were all finally home!

You've seen this before...fourth verse, same as the first.....second....and third! ;)

Cutting the bands!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations and MANY MANY Prayers on having your entire family home now. Such a blessing!

beth ewing said...

that's so awesome. speaking of awesome...look at you suz. you look great for having 4 kids a month ago. congrats on having them all home. i can only imagine the relief you feel. now the real fun begins.

Jilliebean said...

It is so great to see them all at home and in one bed! They are truly beautiful! What an amazing gift from God! It's hard to believe you were carrying all those little guys around in your tummy! Good luck!

~Jill from Amarillo

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord! I am so happy for y'all that they are all home now! I'm sure you are thrilled. They are so precious.
Jennifer Williams-Louisville, KY

TEXOSE said...

Congratulations to the Steece Family!!! All the little miracles home and save in their bed... You have been liberated of the NICU and here comes all the fun... I can't wait to read all the wonderful firsts and all the memories they are going to make... AGAIN congrats... You guys are doing great... LUV YAH... JoLee and Family

Anonymous said...

congrats on finally getting all of your babies home!

Casey's trio said...

You all are so precious! Those babies look so warm and snuggly at home where they belong. Hope you get into a routine quickly and find some time to sleep. It will go by in a blur for a while:)

Josh, Jessica, and Alyssa said...

Congratulations!! That is so awesome that they are all home already. You are still in our prayers.

A Perfect Pandemonium said...

Is that an Aggie bracelet your husband is wearing?? Gig 'em! That's where I went to school!

I found your blog through a friend and I just wanted to say congrats!

Phat Girl said...

Congrats on having all your Blessings home!

Kelly said...

So happy you have all of them home! They are so cute!! I love seeing them all burritoed (is that a word?) in their blankets.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations once again! And you have to hear it or read it again, you look great! Joe you do too! Enjoy every minute! Your friend in East Texas.

Jodi said...

You guys look so good and rested! What is your secret!?!

SO happy for you to have your Fab Four all home. Yay Drew! I hope you kept those bracelets... nasty or not. :) I am wondering though... without the babies' bracelets, can you tell them all apart? Even the identicals? Just wondering. :)

Congrats you guys! God is SO good!

Page said...

i'm so happy for you that all your babies are home! What a wonderful feeling that must be! Wish I could be there to help, but I'm certainly praying for ya!

Melanie said...

Congrats on having everyone home!!!!!!

Mama B said...

YAY DREW!!!!! I am so glad to hear it and you guys look so great and happy!!!!

Denise said...


Tracy said...

First of all, you need to frame the pic of Joe cutting the braceletts off! That picture is priceless.

Congrats! It is crazy to see all 4 in the crib together!! I'm glad all of y'all are doing so well. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

You two need a "cute couple " tv show!! You are adorable! I love the calculated way Suz gets down to show the babes to Shiloh! Cute!
So glad to see those sweet sweet babies home! God is so good!!!
Amanda in Ohio

Anonymous said...

YAY Steece Quads!! I kept waiting for Joe to slip and cut the Ag Spirit Band - DON'T DO IT, JOE!!

-The Seastrunks: Jon, Amber, Jacob, and Caleb

Anonymous said...

That is awesome Suzanne! And you look great! Mrs. Johnetta Kelly asked me about you the other day at Clinical! I'm in OB with her right now. I updated her and told her yall were doing great :) I'm so happy all 4 of them are home with yall now!!

Leslie said...

Suz - You look AMAZING! I know you must get that all the time.
Congrats and BEST OF LUCK. They grow up too fast.

Anonymous said...

cong, they r all home

Melissa said...

Congrats on them all being home! It must be a relief!! You guys make everything look so easy and not stressed at all! That is awesome! I love reading your blog!!! I love the videos too!!

Deanna said...

Girl, you look great to have had 4 babies a month ago!! Congrats on everyone being home! I loved Joe cutting off his NICU bands. I remember stretching those bands every time I scrubbed in, I got them so stretched that I could almost slip them off of my hand!!LOL!! My husband Andrew was the same way he wanted those off as soon as we brought Madyson home. They are all adorable and Congrats again on everyone being home. Now the real fun begins.

Deanna Turner

Ashley said...

Can I just say that you look INCREDIBLE!! I would never guess that you just had 4 babies. Congratulations on having them all home. Let the fun begin!! God Bless you!!!

Ashley said...

Wohoo! Now all the fun begins. Congrats and let me just tell you AGAIN what an amazing blessing it has been to witness this journey of yours and see the blessings that have been poured out on your family. Your story is nothing short of a miracle and I am so thankful that you guys have been able to share your faith through it. God bless!

Unknown said...

So wonderful to see all 4 babes tucked in! Its so fun seeing all the milestones you've captured in photos and videos...such wonderful memories.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I watched the video with Joe watching the babies in the crib, and it made me cry a little bit! Joe- my how things have changed since the days at Shiloh Court!

I am so happy for you and Suz I can hardly stand it! Thank you so much for sharing this journey with all of us - what a gift!

Love to all 6 of you!
Amy King

Mel said...

We are so happy for ya'll and hoping you are getting enough rest. In eleven days it will be 28 years since I had a 3#6oz baby girl that was in the hospital longer than your fabulous four. She had a very oddly shaped head for quite some time since she had to stay on her back for the first 8 weeks of her life and you would never know it to look at her today. I bet your boys will have beautifully shaped heads before you know it. I don't think they even had those fancy little helmets back then...

While I always celebrate on her birthday I always find myself thinking more about the day before Thanksgiving when she finally came home.
You all remain in our prayers and thoughts, I am sure blogging time will be harder to find.... we will enjoy every single word and picture you find time to post. We love you all :-)

Anonymous said...

Watching the video of the bands coming off made me cry. I also refused to cut off any bands until all 3 were home.
Congrats again!

Jenny B said...

That is SO STINKIN AWESOME!!!!! WOO HOO! We're hoping to have our fourth (Allie) home by the weekend. You guys are awesome, and we're so glad that everyone is doing well. God bless!

Lindsey Eason said...

Awww...congratulations! I know guys feel blessed beyond measure!

Brooks Family said...

You look amazing! you ever just lie around without makeup in crappy clothes? Haha. You look fantastic and I am thrilled all four HEALTHY babies are home. It's beyond awesome!

Tasha Lawless said... guys are parents!!! How cool is that. You guys are only two,three years older than Nathan and I and I can't help but think that at only the age of 27...YOU HAVE FOUR KIDS!!! Did you ever imagine it would happen this way. You're a mother of 4 Suz. Well you've had 9 months to really get use to the idea but now that they are all home, that seems like a really surreal concept to grasp. But anywho... I notice you are a musical fan Suz, well I will have to formally re-introduce myself to you and Joe at church and we will have to make plans to do a "Quads Fun Day!" 4 Babies & 4 Musicals (ok musicals get kind of long we may have to space those out). We can throw Joe and Nathan in a room somewhere if they don't like it. Take care and you are "Poppin" lady! ;-)

Julie said...

Praise, Praise, Praise!! I will continue the praying while everyone adjusts. So happy to see them all safe and sound and they aren't attached to any monitor or tubes and home...God is Glorious!! You look wonderful and thank you again for sharing your story. You don't know me, but we could so be friends :)! Your blogs and videos and husband make me laugh. Enjoy your miracles.
Julie in VA

Amanda's News said...

Hallelujah! I'm so glad that Drew is home with his brothers and sister! I will have to echo all the other comments when I say, Suz you seriously look awesome! I just had Charlie 3 months ago and you look way better than me (not fair:)). I about lost it on the video when Joe was watching all four of them sleeping! So precious!!!! Love the pics of Marcy with the babies!

mitzi said...

Congratulations! And Suz, you look Fabulous!

Corrie said...

I'm smiling from ear to ear seeing the WHOLE family under one roof! The videos are too funny...I loved the ceremony of cutting the bands off. I'm sure you are saving them for the baby books, though!

Sunni Len said...

I am so happy for you I love yall a ton and can not wait to see the little ones. Love you Sunni

The Murray Crew said...

Just to tease Joe a bit....
In Indiana we call it a nickyou not a neekyou.
BTW, Henry had preemie head too, now it's beautiful! Hope the same holds for A and E
Love you all!
aka Quatro Mama

Jess NBP said...

Glad they are home. I know u don't know me but I saw your blog from a friend of mine that blogs and thought WOW 4. :) Good to hear everyone is growing and safe at home.

the MILKY way (Chrissy) said...

Congratulations on having all your babies home! What a special family you have. I came across your blog from a friend of a friend of a friend's blog. I'm a photographer just starting out and I would love to do a portfolio-building session for you for free! My email:

Chrissy in Fort Worth

Ticket 4 Two said...

Kind of like the comment above I came across your blog through the sister-in-law of Amy Neely. Wow! I am so impressed with you guys. Your babies are so gorgeous, like little dolls. Will be praying for you all and continue reading your blog....

JAMIE'S CREW said...

Hey there! So glad to see everyone home!

You know, I have seen many pictures of Shiloh in your Blog and always thought she was a small dog - but in that picture of you holding her - well she looks like a giant compared to your little munchkins. Too funny. It is all relative, isn't it!

Have a great week! Let me know if there is anything I can do for you!

Jamie Pugh - McMoms

Kristi said...

CONGRATS ON HAVING ALL 4 HOME!!! How exciting!!!
I remember that day so well, except we only brought 3 home. ;o)

They are sooo cute! And you guys are going to have so much fun with them. Our trio is 5 months old now, and smiling and cooing, it's so amazing. We LOVE it!

You have a beautiful family, congrats on being all together finally!!

Anonymous said...

I somehow happened upon your blog several weeks ago - just wanted to say I have never seen a happpier looking family! The pride and joy on your faces over these sweet blessings is just wonderful. My trio is 9, but I recall bringing them home 1 and then 2 - and looking back, our pictures show more fear than joy - lol!

God Bless you ALL!

Just Me said...

What I really want to know is why YouTube suggests the next related video is "cows come home for milking at 3 pm"???????


Anonymous said...

Have been watching your progress from a distance. One of the Murray friends from back in INDIANA. So glad to see all of you at home together! God is Good!!!

Lynn Stein
Covington, IN

Anonymous said...

Suz! I'm so happy for you guys - I have no idea how you did it and how you are the happy, smiling face that you are! I was so excited for you and hope all is well in baby land! Love and hugs - Donna Vilela (Coker)

Misty said...

I'm so happy to see everyone is home happy and healthy!! You must be thrilled and exhausted at the same time!!! They still look so tiny!!! I can't believe they are ok to come home being so tiny. Of course mine was 8.10 so anything smaller seems tiny! LOL


Anonymous said...

Yeah! Together at last! One big happy family!

Patrick and Martha Jane said...

Wow!! So glad to hear that all the babies are home now! I have really enjoyed getting to read about this wonderful adventure...I stumbled up on your blog and I am hooked!! We actually used to live in the Fort Worth husband attended Southwestern Seminary and I taught school with Crowley ISD...I am continuing to pray for yall! How exciting!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear that everyone is home and is doing great! Good luck with getting sleep now! Do you have helpers coming in 24 hrs. a day? We've got your family our our prayer list...power of prayer is amazing! God has blessed you! God has blessed us...our 1 girl and 3 boys will be 2 on Oct. 4!!!

Heather said...

Love the pics! You guys are too cute. Have lots of fun having your babes all home. Congratulations!

Scholiast said...

While they're still this small, you could make soft rings (instead of pillows) to let their heads find their shape -- or find "water bed pillows" for them, same reason. (I believe it's not actually water, some kind of gel, but same effect... And not with the risks of (luke)warm water and the risks with that.)

Sorry if someone has already mentioned these possibilities, couldn't take the time to read the previous comments right now...

So good you've got all your babies home! They all look adorable :o)

INSANITY said...

Congrats on everyone being home!!! I am sure you life is in shambles right now, but believe me, it will get easier! I don't have quads, but I do have 2 sets of twins - ages 4 and 22 months.

I just read that your babies (or just 1?) have the "preemie" head. My second set of twins were born at 31 weeks and we also thought that they both had the preemie head. Except is was more than that. Both kids have craniosynostosis and both had extensive surgery to repair it. I just wanted to let you know if you need to chat about it, or have questions about it, I'm here for you.
I am taking a bit for a break from my blog, but you can still leave a comment there.
Good luck with everything!!!
I'll be checking in for updates!

Goerlich Quadruplets said...

So excited for you! Our four are still in the hospital...going on 4 weeks now and it seems like a distant dream to get them home. What a blessing to finally enjoy your family at home! All six of us send our love from Houston! - Mari (

Triplets and a Surprise said...

There is an article on that says deep voiced men have more children! Thought that was hilarious, especially for Joe!

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