Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Pics of Ben's trip home!!

In his big boy clothes (and they were size PREEMIES)...about to leave the NICU

Miss Nurse Ashlie giving Big Ben some lovin' before he heads home

Joe putting Ben in the carseat for his first ride home

Our little family...oh wait...there are THREE MORE little ones to come home!

"Please...no pictures"....look at this cute little chunk! (Yes, he IS my chunky baby, hard to imagine because he's still so tiny!)

We call him the chunky 'lil billie goat because he makes the cutest little coos

Worn out from his first pediatrician appointment today! Look at those CHEEKS!

Shiloh meets Ben for the first time


Lauren said...

YEAH!!! Welcome home Ben! Praying for you guys as you settle in and bring the others home.
~Lauren in Pennsylvania

Anonymous said...

This is TOO cute. I have been following your website since early this summer. Thank you for posting pictures and the video is too adorable. Thanks for sharing. Please keep us posted with Sav, Ethan, and Andrew.

-Friend in the Dallas area

Kristie said...

You get to do that THREE more times! :)

Jodi said...

Congrats you guys! What an exciting day! And wow, it is SO cool to think you get to do that with 3 more babies! Unbelieveable. God is AWESOME... and we are thrilled for you and still praying for you all in Houston!

Andria said...

That was so adorable. Gave me goosebumps. Poor Shiloh gonna wonder when you'll stop bringing these humans home! Keep that video camera charged! Love Joe's commentary...it reminded me of watching golf!

Happy Homecoming Ben!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Joe has a deep voice...anyways, loved the pics and the cute video.

Melissa said...

I have been following your blog and am so happy for you guys! It looks like you are adjusting well and have lots of help too. I just have a question about Ben sleeping on his tummy? Does your doctor recommend that or is that how he falls asleep? I just wondered because our doctors here(Indiana) say to put them on their back but we were all brought up to sleep on our stomachs and I know some babies do better on their stomachs? Just wondering!! He looks so comfy!!

Leah said...

LOVE the video!

Suzanne said...

melissa- hey woman, he IS on his back...he is laying like he is in the first pic (his favorite position, on his back with his head turned 90 degrees!) it looks deceiving with his swaddle on. yes, they SAY babies are NOT supposed to be anywhere but on their back. in the NICU, nurses lay babies on their stomachs and sides all the time b/c they are monitoring them at all times.

Anonymous said...

I love it , seeing you getting to get one home . What joy, God is watching over the other 3 while Ben is getting some TLC alone. What joy this occasion has been from the beginning. I get cold chills thinking of all the weeks and months of waiting for the four precious babies to get here. Enjoy every day, the time does fly. Love to all 6 of you. Donna and Johnny

Anonymous said...

Congrats on bringing home baby Ben!! Can't wait to see the rest of the crew coming home!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome home Ben. This is such a wonderful day and give praises . Our God is good. Enjoy , they do grow up fast. Love and hugs to all 6 of you. Johnny and Donna

Anonymous said...

You guys don't know me, but a friend forwarded your blog. We're new moms ourselves, and I thought you'd find our little lunch conversation cute that we had today. We work at Northside Hospital in Atlanta, GA (THE baby factory of the US) and at lunch my friends goes "Ben is coming home" and I say "Yeah, I know!"...as if we know you all! We're so happy for you and your abundant blessings. My husband is from Friendswood, TX!

Christi King
Duluth, GA

Jaime said...

Well, I like so many others, have followed your story from the start with these little angels. I'm so happy for you all! I had a little NICU baby in May and can relate to the stresses of all that. Even though this is my second, I discovered the Dunstan Baby Language DVD's and they have REALLY helped understand my baby's needs. If you haven't gotten it already you should look into it. It really does work. http://www.dunstanbaby.com/
Wishing you the best.

Jaime - Austin, TX

Casey's trio said...

Okay...the pics and video are SO precious. He looks so tiny in his preemie clothes and shoes! Thanks for sharing:)

Corrie said...

LOVED the video! Loved seeing Mr. Ben come home! He'll learn the ropes to show Sav when it is her turn to come home! I'm so glad Shi was so sweet to her new "brother"!
Don't know why, but I never expected Joe to sound like that! :)

Melissa said...


That is awesome!!! I hope you dont think I was saying anything bad, I was just curious! hehe! You never know now day, things could of changed again! ha! I am so happy for you guys and I am like the gal in GA, the gals at my work know all about you and I told one of my co-workers today that Ben was coming home too! hehe! Keep up the good work and keep blogging!!!

nurse jen said...

AWHHH...he's so cute! You both look so happy (even though I know you probably have had nill sleep lately!!). CONGRATS!! Ben looks so comfy in his big bed at home! He looks perfect in there! I prefer laying them with their heads to the side, as well. Preemies just do not have the control of a term infant to turn their heads if they spit up! Good job, Mama!! (and Melissa I agree with you...if we tell you something today the AAP just might change it tomorrow!! LOL) I look forward to the next 3 posts of bringing the rest of the crew HOME!! Y'all have a TEXAS-sized family for sure!! ;) My prayers continue!!

Caba said...

Congrats! He is a doll! Those cheeks are just too much! Enjoy every moment with him! Hope the others are doing wonderfully and will make their way home soon shortly!

Joy said...

What a special day for your family!!! And, how great that you get to do this 3 more times! The video made me teary-eyed...what a blessing to have your little Ben home! Like so many others, I feel as if I know you through your posts and updates on your family. Keep 'em coming! Congratulations again, and I will continue to pray that the rest of your crew will be able to join their brother at home SOON!

Beth said...

I have followed your story since the beginning as well. I even went back to the first post to see where your story started. You have truly been blessed by God!! Your children are heaven sent and I can't believe how well they are doing. It is incredible!! I have prayed many prayers for you and your family and will continue to do so until all of your kids are home with yall! Thanks for sharing everything!

Denise said...

COngrats from California.

lauren said...

He looks so precious! Love the picture of him sleeping in his crib! Such a sweet lil' pumpkin! Give him kisses for me!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You are a fabulous writer! those shoes ar so cute, but look at these socks/shoes - they are an absolute HIT everytime my niece wears them! They are made for boys and girls - check them out :) Ben is SO cute!!!!


Johnnys for boys and Mary Janes for girls!

Anonymous said...

Oh, such precious little angels you have. I look forward to reading about all the other little angels coming home.

Good luck and get as much sleep as you possibly can!!

The Nanny said...

WELCOME HOME BEN! What a cutie!!!

~Denise~ said...

YAY, the first one is home! And three more to follow!

I love it when the preemie clothes are too big. ;)

Kelly said...

What a true blessing! Praying here for the other 3 to follow their brother, Ben, very soon!

Lisa said...

Suz - I have been following your blog all summer and I am so thankful that Ben and the others are doing so well. You and Joe are a true inspiration and a witness to the world - we truly serve an awesome God who is faithful to us at all times! I am amazed at your attitude. You are going to be a terrific mom! Keep the posts coming and Go Aggies! Whoop!!

Anonymous said...

How cute is he??? I love those shoes! He is so cute and tiny. How much did he weigh at his first visit?


Melanie said...

WELCOME HOME BEEN JAMMIN'!!! ;O) Congrats!!!! Melanie Smith

Anonymous said...

I LOVE his little skinny minnie legs! It's funny to see those little legs when I'm so used to looking at a baby who was cooked WAY too long (10 pound bag of rolly polly legs...Christine).

I am SOOO happy you brought Big Ben home...this is happening SO fast (exactly what you and Joe were thinking too, right!?!)

On a sad note, I am crushed by Paul White's dad passing away. Just can't believe it. Remembering the few fun times we had with Paul and his dad help though...man.

Love you and your adorable fam.

And don't think I'm not driving the 20 minutes to come see him....because I am. Very soon. And I'll leave my girls at home, Joe. hahaha


Mama B said...

He is just the sweetest thing ever!!!! I am soo jealous that you get to go through that special moment 3 more times. What miracles they are!

The Murray Crew said...

Glad you got to keep that pediatrician appointment and Ben is safe (on his back - HAHAAA) in his crib. People examine these pictures, Suz. They notice when you have a manicure, how your babies are laying, if Shiloh has a tick, etc. Cracks me up! Welcome to the spotlight!
No, seriously, great pictures/video and we are praisin' God for another answer to prayer. Welcome home, Big Ben! It's a big world and you are gonna love it!
Your Quad Buddies

Jackie said...

Way to go Shiloh! You are going to LOVE having babies in the house! They smell so good--even when they are stinky you won't mind. In just a few short months they will sit in their high chairs and throw food down to you. They also have great toys to chew on! This is the beginning of a WONDERFUL relationship...and YOU have four, you lucky dog you!

Anonymous said...

Hi and CONGRATS!!!!!!!! :) What a great blog! :) I just watched the news clip video (your voice is just fine by the way) - and I know they said that these kinds of quads are extremely rare - but I just want to add that there was a single mom on Oprah with quads just like yours - 3 boys and 1 girl and 2 of the boys were identical. So there is another family out there like yours!!! :) Congrats again!

The Blessed One said...

Oh guys, I'm so so so so happy for you both!!! What a thrill to finally have your little guy home. Just 3 more to go!!!
When we brought our little guy home I sat on the couch and let our 75lb lab "Moose" do the same thing. Smell, kiss, cuddle. Moose and AJ are best friends now. "Moose" was one of AJ's first words too. Oh the memories you guys are making. How amazingly awesome!! God Bless,
Shannon Spears

Unknown said...

he is sooo cute in his little outfit! so i have to tell you, today one of the ladies that came into Curves just happened to be one of the teachers that went to HUF when you did! Mrs. Neller?? Well anyway...we figured it out through a bunch of wierd connections that I had with her, but she definitely remembered you and lauren and even who yall were dating at the time! I just thought I would tell you that, and that you might find that interesting! :) Good luck with all the babies coming home! I'll defeinitely be keeping you in my prayers!!!

Anonymous said...

So adorable. Thank you for sharing.

Kelly said...

Awwww. Shiloh is so good!!

pam said...

so exciting, and what a sweet welcome ben got! can't wait to see the next three welcome home videos. :)

Brooks Family said...

Hi! I've been reading about you too, and aside from the FOUR children, you and Joe remind me so much of my husband and I before we had children.

Congratulations on bringing home Ben...many prayers for a safe return home of your other precious three! :)

Anonymous said...

OH HOW SWEET! Welcome home Ben. What a wonderful feeling for you'll and I know Shiloh will adjust and love them all! Can't wait to hear.... the rest of the story! God Bless you all! Your friend in East Texas!

Amy said...

Congrats! How exciting! He is so cute with his preemie clothes swallowing him. :) Shiloh did great meeting Ben. I hope our hyper boxer does that well when we bring our 3 little ones home.

Anonymous said...

I should leave at least one comment as I check your blog often. I get such encouragement from your story as my husband I have been trying for 15 months to have a child. Thank you for your honesty and for sharing your thoughts here. I pray for your family often :-)

Take care and God bless,

Phat Girl said...

Congrats on bringing Ben HOME! HipHipHooray!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that Ben got to come home already! That is awesome. Enjoy every minute, they grow up sooo fast. I am here boo hooing our oldest starting kindergarten! ;) We are keeping your family in our prayers daily! -Jen

Holloway Family said...

so precious...i know that you are excited to hear those little crys in your own home

Kann said...

Congrats! Wow and to be able to do that three more times! God bless you!

JAMIE'S CREW said...

What a memorable day! I know you are so happy to begin getting your family all under one roof! Ben looks just great! He will grow into those clothes soon enough. You will be pleasantly surprised!

Take care,
Jamie - McMoms

Michelle said...

Yay! You learned the rolled up blankents on the side of the carseat to keep his tiny head from hanging down. We learned that trick fast!! He is so cute and so tiny. It's amazing how little he is. You just wait in 3 months he will be so big, they grow up so fast. I love the pictures, keep it up.

TEXOSE said...

Thanks for sharing the video. Once again it felt as if we were there. He is truly a handsome boy and seems to tolerate all the hussle and bussle of life already. CONGRATS!!!! Can't wait to reading of the homecoming for the rest of your quad squad....I am so glad that Shiloh likes her new brother. Just think in a few years you will be sitting in your house watching your babies chase shiloh all over the house and having a great time. God is so good and its inspiring to watch them grow. YOU ARE BOTH SUCH GREAT PARENTS....KEEP IT UP AND KEEP STRONG!!!! As always I will continue to pray for the whole baskettball team and mascot.... WITH LOVE, JoLee
(Any Clown car updates...hehehehe?)

JAMIE'S CREW said...

I meant to comment that I too, was so surprised at Joe's super deep voice!


Josh, Jessica, and Alyssa said...

Congratulations on getting to bring little (or rather big) Ben home! It is so amazing to see how God has worked through those little guys' lives already. I know they are such a huge blessing to you and Joe. I have enjoyed reading about your adventure into parenthood. Thanks for sharing it with us bloggers.

Anonymous said...

I have been following your blog since your BEAUTIFUL family was in the Star-Telegram. Just want to say thanks for sharing God's miracles with the whole world. It is a true joy to see the Lord bless you and your sweet husband with such sweet and precious blessings. May the Lord continue to bless your family with good health and blessings.

-Friend in Arlington Texas

Page said...

Suzanne, I LOVED that video of Ben meeting Shiloh....what a sweet moment! Thanks for sharing!

Quad Squad! said...

We had those same little baseball shoes! They still fit my boys when they were three months old! He's just beautiful!

asplashofsunshine said...

PRECIOUS BABY BEN--- he's such a cutie and doesn't even know it... yet! You will have your hands full in about 16 years pushing off all of the girls. I hope Joe has a plan to keep boys away from Savannah too. Haaa, thanks, once again, for sharing bits of your sweet life with all of us bloggers.

Anonymous said...

Glad Ben is home where he belongs. Brothers and sister to follow soon I pray. Precious family! Grandparents will enjoy spending time loving and helping take care of your tiny ones. Blessings to you all

Tiffany Norris said...

I found your blog through the story in the Fort Worth paper, and I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy reading.
Congrats on your babies (and on how well Shiloh seems to be adjusting)! :)
Keep up the great posts!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that sweet Ben is finally home! Isn't it nice to have once of your chicks under your roof? I bet you can't wait to get the all under that roof! Take care, try to get some rest, and post when you can (I know that it'll get difficult to do with four little chick there!)
Still praying for you guys in Memphis!

beth ewing said...

welcome home ben! i think shiloh did great. i'm sure she'll be a little jealous when she can't get all of your attention (my dog perfected the pout and i only had one kid) but she'll grow to love them. btw, that first picture is absolutely adorable. i love how those clothes swallow him.

Amanda's News said...

How cute!!! I love his picture in the car seat with his hat!!! Suz, you look so good in that video and so at easy holding Ben. Can't wait to see a video of all of them together:)

Dallas said...

Welcome home!

Anonymous said...

he is so adorable! And so tiny, of course. His legs are so tiny! You must be so afraid of breaking him :) Welcome home Tiny Big Ben!

laura said...

I still think Ben's little cry is the sweetest thing I have ever heard. My husband and I both melt over it. Love the nickname, very appropriate! Welcome home, precious Ben! Warm up that crib for the rest!! :)

Unknown said...

How wonderful!!! I know you are so excited. Congratulations!!!

Deanna said...

I love Joes commentary! That was great! Ben's little cry is so sweet! Isn't it amazing how big the preemie clothes are. I remember having to put doll clothes on Madyson because the preemie clothes literally fell off of her. She wores those for about 2 weeks after she came home from the NICU. I can't wait to see you bring everyone else home.

Deanna Turner

Nate, Maurine, Hannah, and Monroe said...

Welcome home baby Ben!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on bringing home Ben! What a cutie - you guys do such a great job taking photos!! (Pat, pat on the backs to both of you!) Tell lit'l Ben to enjoy all the one on one time with Mommy & Daddy that he can before he has to share them with his brothers & sissy!

Continued prayers your way.
Cindy Broder, McMoms

Anonymous said...

Hi there - congrats to your lovely family. I dont mean to be negative - but seriously that dog licking the baby? In Australia just last week a family pet mauled a 2 week old baby (who later died) while it was sleeping in its crib - the dog had been a much loved family pet and of course the parents never dreamt this would happen. Absolute tragedy. Please keep that dog away from those precious babies.

Heather said...

Yeah! Congratulations and welcome home Ben!

Anonymous said...

Oh Please!! My dog licked my preemie baby when he came home and he is a BIG, healthy, almost 11 year old boy now. Let Shiloh love on them.

Ms. Perky said...

hooray! (and wow! Joe has a REALLY deep voice!)

G24 said...

So sweet!

Suzanne said...

anon- thanks for your concern. sorry to hear about the australian tragedy..that's horrible. as far as shiloh goes, she has NEVER licked the baby. please review the video again and you will see that i have my fingers blocking her face from even touching the baby. she has never tried to lick him (she's not a licker) all she wants to do is smell him, which is fine with me as long as i am holding him and in control of the situation at all times.

Anonymous said...


You have so much class and charm!!! Those four little babies are so lucky to have you and Joe. You are all going to have a blast!

Enjoy :)

Whitney said...

Congratulations! It looks like a very happy homecoming - enjoy each one them!

I read Christi King's comment above - my babies were born at Northside in Atlanta. Small world!


Anonymous said...

Shiloh is part of the family, too! I don't think you did anything wrong by introducing them. That person is crazy if they think you would let anything happen. Geesh! I say get a life to that ladt and congrats to you and your family!! :)


MrsBritney said...

Your family looks darling!
My two pugs were immediately introduced to our new baby boy when he came home.. and now they are old chums. They lick him ALL of the time.. it is a favorite past time for them.. and he LOVES it!! I have lots of pictures to prove it!! :)
Shiloh looked very sweet with Ben.. good job on making sure YOU are the one to introduce her...

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