Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Allergic to my wedding rings!

I am sure that several of you have noticed in my pictures that many times, I am not wearing my wedding rings on my finger, but around my neck as a necklace. This would be due to the fact that I am somehow allergic to them after 4-5 years of marriage/engagement. CRAZY!!! I've heard of people becoming allergic to their white gold wedding bands due to the nickel, but mine are pure platinum.

Yup, I'll put them on for a couple of HOURS on a Saturday, then by Sunday- these are what my finger looks like. It continues to get red, blister, and crack open, then peel.


RIDICULOUS right?! I KNOW I need to go to the dermatologist..I just haven't taken the time to find one and schedule an appointment. (I mean, what is she gonna be able to do anyway?) I've had my rings professionally cleaned several times...but they still break me out. I've tried to wear them on my right hand to see if they cause an allergy on the right hand as well, but they won't fit. BUMMER!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

I HEART Houston

We drove to Houston last week to visit all of our great friends that we left behind. I kid you we drove into town, tears were streaming down my face! Joe was depressed as well. Our hearts ache for Houston. It was SOOOO good driving around where we used to live and eating at all of our favorite places! (There are SO know, like the non-chain, mom-n-pop restaurants) It was FANTASTIC! We never thought we would miss Houston as much as we do...but it represents so many things: wonderful time as newlyweds, great old friends, incredible new friends, great places to eat...just a wonderful time in our lives.

These pics are from when I went back to where I used to work. I miss everyone SO MUCH! I don't have a "work family" now, b/c I work agency and go to so many different, these people will always be my second family! I miss them terribly!
(once again, in a "bunny-suit" b/c I didn't have scrubs on)

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Aggie-watching house party

We had a bunch of friends over last Saturday for the Aggie/Kansas b-ball game...Our first party in our new house! (aTm won!! and beat texas last night!! they are SOOO good!) Anywhoo...I LOVE entertaining and hosting...LOVE IT! Sorry I haven't posted any pics of our house are some.

The wife, in the kitchen, cooking loads of appetizers... :)

Some friends gathered around the TV, watching the game...

My absolutely FAVORITE sister, Ashley!

The token prom picture on the stairs...I'm not going to comment on the faces.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

My cousin's wedding

These are pics from this past weekend. My cousin Jeff married a beautiful bride named, I have NO pictures of them at their wedding...(isn't that sad?) They were up and about, moving around the whole was never a good time to make them stop for a pic!

Anywhoo...this is my brother, Collin, me and Joe

This is my DIABETIC brother, going for his THIRD piece of wedding cake with Joe egging him on. They BOTH ate a total of like 6 pieces of wedding cake! RIDICULOUS! (but it was really, reeeeeally good! I must say)

Me and mom in her dazzling blue outfit

Joe's hair was SOOO out of control that night!..all fro-ed up like it was in college's time for a little trim trim! (did I ever tell yall that I cut Joe's hair? Too many beauticians have ruined it b/c they don't know how to cut curly hair...but I've mastered the technique!) :)

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