Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Quads at One Year

The babies are at such a GREAT age right now and are SO happy. I spend all my time playing with them and loving on them while they are is just so much fun!!! I know that the "two's" are just around the corner and that temper tantrums will start soon---so right now, I am just soaking as much in as I possibly can. I want to remember what the babies are doing at one year and how their 1-yr check ups went with the pediatrician a couple of weeks here it goes:

Andrew Paul Steece

20 lbs
29" long
4 teeth
(firstborn and shortest out of 3 brothers--like his father!)
Nicknames: Drew, Drewster, Drewster the Rooster, "A", A-train, Dwew

Drew is easily our happiest baby right now. SUCH a sweet baby boy. He is always the first one to smile and makes these little happy gurgle noises when he's perfectly content-playing with a toy. He is very easy going and laid back. Very much a cuddle bug, he is the first one to crawl over to you and climb up your legs. Drew is a LEFT HANDER (strong left hander)! Mr. ACTIVE still LOVES to be flipped upside down and bounced about--so much energy. He is still fascinated with lights and ceiling fans--loves being outside. Drew was the last of the boys to pull himself up, but now has the hang of it and is unstoppable. Drew is such a good eater and is learning the sippy cups pretty quickly. He rarely turns away any food that goes into his mouth! He loves pretty much every food.

Savannah Leigh Steece

17lbs 13 oz
27 1/4" long
no teeth (but as of now, she has 2 bottom teeth!)
Nicknames: Sav, Savi, Savannah Wee, Savi-wee-wee, Princess, Prindella, Prin-tey

Savannah has an infectious deep laugh and is speaking at a 15 month level already. She can "say" banana and constantly mimics my words. She is army crawling, but using her arms to pull up on everything (crazy strong arms)...we are getting ECI (Early Childhood Intervention) to work with her on strengthening those hips--she wore a pavlic harness for MONTHS when she was a baby and her hips are still pretty weak. Once known as "Miss Independent"--now known as: Miss "i-wanna-always-be-in-someones lap-or-being-held" (especially with mommy). Savi LOVES books and loves to sleep/nap. She laughs at her brothers all the time and lights up when she sees one of them enter the room. She is doing well with her sippy cup, but fights the majority of food that goes into her mouth. We can't tell if Sav is L or R handed...she usually eats with her left, but occasionally eats with her R. She LOVES bananas, fruit, yogurt, cheese, ice cream (yes, the sweet stuff!)

Ethan Joseph Steece

19 lbs 14 oz
29 3/4" long
6 teeth
(the tallest and the smallest boy)
Nicknames: "E", E-man, E-baby, the hulk

Ethan is wise beyond his years. He is like an adult trapped in a child's body. He looks right into your eyes like he knows exactly what you are saying. I am amazed at how quickly he learns new things- pulling up, walking while holding onto things, etc. Like Drew, Ethan is one of the first ones to crawl over to you and climb up your legs. He is fascinated with Shiloh and is always trying to pet her. Ethan loves books and is practicing his woodpecker skills on his crib as he is teething on the wood. Mr. PICKY--when it comes to his bottle. It HAS to be warm or he will NOT drink it whatsoever. Ethan is a strong RIGHT hander. He is getting better at those sippy cups and is great with food and picking things up with his fingers...he will eat just about anything as well. He likes popping blueberries with his front teeth and feeling the juice squirt out.

Benjamin Stephen Steece

20 lbs (not BIG BEN anymore--weighs the same as Drew)
29 1/2" long
6 teeth
Nicknames: Ben, Benny, Benny-Boo, Boo-Bear, Ben-HI-meen, Bensch, Boosh-lash, Boosh

Ben is like a cat. He USED to be all needy and wanting your undivided attention...but now that he can crawl--he is definitely Mr. INDEPENDENT! However, when he wants to be lovey-dovey, he completely melts into your arms. He is a mess--he likes to stand at the top of the stairs and make monkey noises "ooo-ooo-ooo" to get your attention. His favorite game is throwing toys off of the second floor and watching them hit the ground. Ben walked all the way across the room using one of those walking-toys. EVERY time you put him in his crib to take a nap or sleep, he will cry. (even if it is only for 30 seconds) He is quite the little 20 lb termite and has gnawed on his crib like you wouldn't believe--a trait his father did as a child. Ben is a performer and loves to flirt with a crowd--especially females. When Ben wants his bottle--he wants it NOW. If you try to put anything in his mouth that is NOT his bottle nipple (i.e. any sippy cup) he will throw a HUGE fit!..but is getting better. He will generally eat everything I feed him--but I have noticed that he likes MOM to feed him his food, instead of picking it up with his hands (we think Ben is RIGHT handed, but he uses both)...He LOVES being pampered and groomed--he will let me play with his hair or ears forever and does not mind when I'm wiping off his face.

Other notes of importance:

We started feeding them more "real food"---pureed ham, chicken, scrambled eggs, pancakes, cut up fruits and veggies. We started weaning them off of formula by gradually mixing it with whole milk and they have done GREAT with the transition...they are off of formula completely! WOO HOO! It won't be long before they can turn around in their carseats--another big WOO HOO!

The pedi warned of temper tantrums starting soon! YIKES! She said to completely ignore when they are throwing a temper tantrum--no positive or negative attention. That should be fun! ;) They do not weigh as much as she would like---an extra pound---so i will work on fattening them up! ;)

Developmentally, they are all where they are expected to be--except Savannah b/c she is not crawling on her hands and knees yet. We are set to meet with ECI next week.
Quarantine WILL start on OCTOBER 1ST! YUCKO...but even more important this year b/c the kiddos more than likely will not qualify for the Synagis shots.

Things that my pedi wants to see them doing by 15 months (which is NOVEMBER!)

So, mama has been busy around here!...reading them LOTS of books!

Another side note: I had given myself ONE year to relax and just concentrate all efforts on surviving with quads. Well...the time has come to get back in gear---I recently joined a gym and will be trying to be better about staying healthy and losing the rest of my baby weight (10 least!) It has been 2 full years since I have done anything remotely close to "fitness" so I've got lots of work to do! (BTW- Gen McNulty is my work-out buddy, inspiration and accountability partner from across the states) That woman is amazingly self-disciplined!

Last weekend, Joe had his big "Fantasy Football Draft" in Austin. (YAWN) So I packed up the kiddies and headed to Waco for the weekend. My parents anniversary was on Friday and my Mom's Birthday was yesterday--so we came to celebrate! We took the babies to a highschool football game on Friday night and out to eat at Texas Roadhouse on Saturday night which went really well! (They've been out to eat 4 times now and have exceeded my expectations so far...I'm sure things might change as they get older! Ha) Thanks dad, for sending the pics--I've gotten really bad about taking pictures lately...

Quads at Papa's bank

Getting in a quick book before bedtime

Good luvin' at church from the Halls and their grandkids (Savannah holding Savannah)

The Normans with Andrew and Ethan

Granna with Ben-HI-meen

Lauren with Ben, Me and Drew

post signature


mary said...

Cute new pictures and updates Suz! The kids are getting so big... they are adorable. Our little girl is about to turn one next month right behind yours so we've been following you all along :)


Kristin said...

Suzanne, I read your blog and enjoy it greatly. I am so impressed at how well you handle quads -- I thought twins was a handful.

I want to encourage you about twins were behind in their talking and such from age 1 to 2, but now they talk a mile a minute and they are not even 2 1/2! I know that everyone's doctor is different, I just didn't want you to get discouraged. Same with Savannah's walking/crawling. My son only army crawled until he was 17 months old, but now he walks and runs like a champ (28 mo.).

Thanks for sharing your story!

Jessica said...

beautiful babies, as usual!

just curious: what is the quarantine for? i'm assuming winter illnesses. how long will they have to be inside?

Melissa Halford said...

I still can't believe its been a year already! Don't even worry about those weights. My kids just hit 21lbs and they are 22mos old! We are destined to be in the 5% for the rest of our lives when it comes to weight. And about working out...good news is you shouldn't have to work out your arms much. That is one big blessing that comes from toting around multiples all day! Kiss those babies for us!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see they're all doing so good:)
I'm sure you know this, but am still leaving a bit of advice (don't you love it when people give unasked-for advice?:P)
Don't worry if your kids aren't doing everything at the time the pedi says they should be. Mine was worried that my son wasn't saying anything at 15 months. He just hit the 2 year mark and is finally talking..and boy did he take off in the last week! All kids develop at their own pace.
Again..I'm sure you know that, but I don't want you to worry about 'em...
Hugs from SD

Jocelyn said...

Love your blog... and LOVE the update!

Andria said...

Suz, you and your kiddos are AMAZING! Loved this post. Such personalities in those kiddies. It's hard to believe the talking and walking are soon around the corner.

Love the pic of you reading to the quads, with Shiloh supervising. Adorable!

Don't you worry on that fitness... I'm sure you'll get lots of cardio in chasing around your "toddlers". Yikes!

Rachel said...

love the updates...what a great way to remember! interesting the twins are opposite handed, mine are too! suz they are just so adorable! good luck with getting back into the fitness routine even though you already look amazing!!!

Meghan and Riley's Pictures said...

Hello, I love your blog and was wondering regarding the long are you inside for and till what age are they at risk? Are you literally inside or can you venture for walks??? Just curious!

Rebekah said...

Your little miracles are as sweet as lollipops ... I could eat them all up! I loved this post - it is a great idea to post their milestones the way you have - they will LOVE looking back at all you've written as they grow! Maybe even a book by then! Good luck with the gym - you are amazing! I look forward to reading future posts about your little bundles of fun ...

Rebekah - Jaden & Baby#2 TOO!

Sandy P said...

I am amazed at how big all the little ones are at 1. Mine weighed almost 8 pounds at birth and she was not 20 pounds at one!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pics!!! The kids are getting so big and are precious as always....and Seriously....You have 10lbs to lose...from WHERE?????? You are TINY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The kiddos are getting so big. I have been keeping up with you since they were born. I have friends that go to North Davis and we were at Pleasant Ridge for 15 Years. We go to Hertiage now. My daughter is a Suzanne, and they live in Edmond and go to Memorial Rd. God has truly blessed your family. I am so thankful that the
kidos are doing so good. By the way we're Texas fans but I still keep the Steece Aggies in my prayers.
Keep up the great work and do take some time for yourself, you derserve it.

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog. I love reading it. You are an amazing women! The kiddos are so cute too! :)

Hilary said...

Wow it's hard to believe the Quads are one year old!! thankyou so much for sharing your life with's truely amzes me :) Happy b-day Steeces'

Anonymous said...

Your four little angels are so adorable! I came across your blog through a friend the other day, and I have been so inspired by your story, from getting pregnant, to finding out you were having quads, to walking through all the uncertainties and putting your trust in God - you are an incredible family! Thanks for your optimism and great sense of humor and I look forward to future posts :)

Stephanie said...

I have to ditto the other commenters about not doing everything by 15months. My baby will be 15 months tomorrow and he only points to his nose when asked and he barely/doesn't talk. My other son was closer to 18 months before he even cared where body parts were and he didn't really start talking until 2. Anywho, all kids are different-that is what makes them so special. Your kids are precious and you are such a great mom. Everytime I finish reading a post from your blog, I feel like I get a burst of energy and can be super mom with just my 3! You are amazing!!

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog since your babies were born and have enjoyed following your journey and watching them grow up. You are such a great mom!

You mentioned looking forward to turning them around in their carseats and I wanted to make sure you were aware that extended rear-facing is so much safer! Rear-facing helps protect their little necks and spines in an accident. My daughter is 18 months old, still rear-facing and will be until she reaches the limit of the seat - hopefully past 2 years.
I encourage you to watch this video and consider keeping them rear-facing longer. I'll be glad to help if you have any questions!

Keep the updates coming! It's always a joy to see what's happening at the Steece house!

Anonymous said...

Woman, you are amazing!! Thanks for opening your heart and sharing your life with the blog world. You are SO encouraging! Your sweet kiddos are absolutely beautiful and it's awesome to see how much God has blessed you and your family over the past year. Many continued blessings as your little ones enter the fun-filled toddler years! :)

Marty said...

Love how Drew (I think) is trying to hold Savannah's hand in the reading time picture.

Your children are soo cute. Thanks for "sharing" them with us.

lauren said...

It was so great to see you and your precious babies again so soon! I was lovin the cuddles I was getting from Ben! Love you all!

Casey's trio said...

Loved the re-cap on what all the kiddos are up to these days. I am cracking up at all of the creative nicknames you have come up faves are "Drewster the Rooster" and "Ben-Hi-meen"!
Kudos to you for getting back to working's been 3+ years for me, but I bet having Gen as your motivator and accountability partner will help immensely!

Brandy said...

Just to leave you a little bit of encouragement, my guys were well over 1 before any of them were walking and ECI is wonderfull. It stinks that quarantine is coming up that soon. We did not qualify for the synagis shots the second year and we just stayed inside. I also made all of our family get the flu shots just to be safe. Enjoy them at this stage, I would love to say it gets easier but you only incounter different challenges. The babies look beautiful and so do you I cant believe you are stressing about 10lbs, you look great for having Quads 1 year ago.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful babies! I was wondering - what's the quarintine for? How long does it last? Are you able to go to church, or is it total inside time? Can people come over? Just curious. :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful babies! I was wondering - what's the quarintine for? How long does it last? Are you able to go to church, or is it total inside time? Can people come over? Just curious. :)

Anonymous said...

my twins are now 22 1/2 months old and the girl never crawled normally, she scooted on her bottom the whole time and only after she started walking did she figure out doing it on her hands and knees. I think they started walking at about 13 1/2 months, ben will probably start pretty soon since he can do it with the toy. Also they are both about 24 pounds now and 10 months older than yours! But as someone else said, everyone's doctors are different.
(they also talk exceptionally well though so no advice in that department)

jag said...

Thank you for the update on your quads. They are precious! It makes me so excited to meet our babies!

Tracy said...

Wow. They have grown SO much in one year! Crazy, huh?!

You will be glad to know that the
2's are actually not all that bad. BUT, 3.....THAT is bad!! :) A few of my friends warned me that 3 is worse than 2, and they were right :) My 3 year old told me the other day (when he was mad at me) that he was going to run away!! Where do they learn that stuff?! :)

....I actually saw you at Target the other day. I did a double take because I thought I recognized you, then I realized that you were Suz from the quad blog. I didn't go up to you b/c I didn't want to scare you! :) haha

The McNulty Family said...

Suz, I LOVE this post!! They are getting so big and so grown up!! This is such a special time for you.

I love those babies like they are my own and my heart melts at those little faces on my webcam!!!

LOVE THE SHOUT OUT!!!! YOU GO GIRLFRIEND!! I'm here for you every step of the way. I can't wait to help KICK YOUR BUTT!! Although, it's really unfair that you look that good w/o working out!!! LOL

Miss you so much.

Heather said...

Just a mom of 3 kids here who's been reading the blog since I saw the article in Christian Chronicle. With my 3, our leftie was like a strong leftie likfe Andrew. Both our righties were kids who used either hand. Will be interesting to see if you 2 that use both hands are righties as well.

I agree with the others that say don't be too stressed about doctor's milestones. I believe strongly in Mom's intuition (I think God gives us that tool). . .you'll have a strong feeling of whether they are fine, even if they haven't reached all the milestones.

twiceasnice said...

Hey, you were so cute about the right hand/left hand and my sister both have twins..her identical girls and mine are boy/ I feel this connection...and we live in Austin..but, we are longhorns..sorry...anyway..i think your twins could be mirror twins like my sis's is left the other is right..they even have birthmarks in the same place...just thought you might not have heard of that! Pray for you everyday! jennifer

Kelly T said...

The kids are as precious as ever. I'm curious to hear what your plans are to survive quarantine with a bunch of one-year-olds (who may even be walking by then)... my Sophie has strep throat right now and it's driving us both bananas to stay home just for a few days!

Jac Tubre said...

What an adorable post and pictures! They are getting so big. Thanks so much for the weights and developmental progress as I am always looking for quads near our age to compare to. Your's are doing great! Don't worry about Sav, you know about girls, we have a mind of our own and she will crawl when she is good and ready!

Love yall,

Anonymous said...

Great report!! They are doing awesome! I cant believe they are off formula! So jealous. They are so cute. Let me konw what you think about ECI, we have our official eval on monday, will see what they say. I love following you because i know now what i need to be working on in the future too :)

Anonymous said...

Yay! The post I hoped for! I think your babies are doing awesome for 12 month old quads. Of course Savannah is talking first..she IS a girl afterall. LOL! She'll be telling her brothers exactly what to do very soon. And since she is focusing on talking so much, that may be her delay in gross motor skills. And the boys are probably more into gross motor thus their language will come after they are walking.
I wanted to ask you..has your pediatrician said that Drew and Ethan might be mirror image twins? With one being left handed and the other right handed, I wondered about that. I find that so interesting.
The babies are so healthy and doing so well. You're an awesome mama. Thanks so much for letting us know what they are up to these days. I agree with one of the comments above...2's are bad but
3's are much worse. I did not like that age at all.

Loved the pictures of all the ladies hugging on the quads at your dad's bank. I know they love when y'all visit.

Happy Anniversary to your parents and Happy Birthday to your mom (and your aunt)!!
Cathy in Frisco

Brittany Wardlow said...

Hey Sunshine! So, have you noticed in that precious picture of you reading to the quads that one of the boys (i think ethan or drew) is holding savannah's hand!? That is SO SO SO SO precious!!! MISS YOU!

Jenny said...

Y'all are the cutest. I just love your updates. :0)

JAMIE'S CREW said...

Great and fun post! The kdis are so big. I love that Savannah is talking already.

Do you think that E & Drew are "mirror twins" based on the opposite-hand use?? I know one set of mirror twins and even their crowns (in the hair) go opposite directions along with the opposite had use.

Anonymous said...

"terrible twos" are a myth...three is much worse!

Elyse said...

The kiddos are getting way to big already. Uh and the smiles, they are SO CUTE!!! Can not believe that October 1st is JUST around the corner.
Enjoy your precious quads!

mrs boo radley said...

I love the nicknames!

I love your accounts of their personality quirks!

I love your shirt in that last picture!

Big Sister said...

So great to see/hear how all the kids are doing! They are truly adorable and you and your hubby have done such a great job this first year. Cheers to you and you beautiful family:)

Tiffany Norris said...

I really love this post! It's cool to see what all they're up to developmentally. And the picture of you reading to them might be my favorite one ever. I'm a librarian. :)

Anonymous said...

de-lurking to say what a great Mom you are. I don't think I can remember you complaining once about having 4 children the same age. You're so positive and it's obvious how much you appreciate each and every one of them.

Jamie said...

You have an adorable family! I usually don't leave comments, but I couldn't help myself...if you click on the last picture, it looks like Drew is wearing an elaborate flower headpiece. So Cute!

Les and Kimberly said...

Wow, this was an amazing update on the quads. I loved it! You are 1 amazing momma. Congrats on all the accomplishments - very exciting!!!!! :)

Les and Kimberly said...

Wow, this was an amazing update on the quads. I loved it! You are 1 amazing momma. Congrats on all the accomplishments - very exciting!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Love all the pictures! Its amazing to go back and see when they were first born and then see them now. Little miracles! Sorry you have to start quarantine soon, but it will be so worth it later. Praying for ya'll!

Ashley said...

They are beautiful! I just remember praying for these babies over a year ago in the hospital and it is such a blessing to see how God has blessed you with FOUR healthy babies! Your multiples are truly amazing and it's even more amazing that they are so on track with all their development! What a blessed family you have. My offer still stands for speech therapy but it doesn't look like you will need it :)

Kristi said...

Hi Suzanne!

What beautiful babies, and getting oh so big!!! I've been a faithful reader of your blog for quite some time now, and have on a few occasions (especially when the quads were first born) heard you mention quarantining them? What is this for? Just curious...

Pam said...

The babies are just precious, they have really come a long way in a year's time. I can't believe you said you haven't "worked out" in 2 years. I know you have definately worked out in the last year, maybe not in a gym, but it has been a work out! You look great and I know your determination to work out will make you feel even better. Thank you for the wonderful updates and pictures of your beautiful children, keep up the good work. A friend in East Texas, Pam.

Fulton Quads said...

I love all the individual characteristics of each child. They will look back to each post & know how much they were loved!

Kelly said...


My oldest never did crawl and she is fine by all accounts. All kids are different. I wouldn't be too worried about it.

The kids look so cute in their cute clothes and posing!

Kelly said...

BTW, I agree w/Anon on the three is worse than two thing. Jenna is waaay worse at three than she was at two. But it may have to do with now she has to compete w/the baby. Who knows...

Kelly said...

BTW, I agree w/Anon on the three is worse than two thing. Jenna is waaay worse at three than she was at two. But it may have to do with now she has to compete w/the baby. Who knows...

Anotheramy said...

What the Dr hopes to see isnt homework so dont stress it. Keep reading to them and talking to them and loving them. They are about to hit a growth explosion. They will all suddenly start walking and talking and you wont be able to keep up so take your vitimins and put on your seat belt. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday to the babies! LONG time lurker finally coming "out." ;) I have to say, your babies don't look like babies anymore. Eeks! Congrats on making it a year.. there are many more to come. :)

Nicole said...

Hi, I know this is going to be very random but I just wanted to say I saw you at the gym this morning. We were kind of shocked to see a stroller for 4 when we checked our girls in then I saw 1 of the boys, then another and thought "those are the quads that I read the blog of" and then saw Sav and knew for sure! They are such cuties... poor things were crying though, guess they didn't like Mama left them alone? I found your blog from my sister in law because at time my daughter was diagnosed with kidney reflux, it was the same time you found out about Sav, she just thought it was crazy that we both found out at the same time and though your site would be more informative since you are/were a nurse since then I've just kept up. Anyway, just thought I'd say HI! :)

Bucket Of Love said...

aw they are so cute!

Unknown said...

congrats on surviving the first year!! I love keeping up with your journey through your blog.. You make it look so simple!

Are the babies going to be using pediasure when they get off of formula? If so please let me know. I can hook you up, seriously! You don't know me personally but you worked with my sister at SCA..

you can reach me at

take care of those precious babies!


Suzanne said...

nicole! hey! omg that is too funny--you should have stopped me! yah, this morning was our "trial run" to see how the quads would do in the daycare...not so hot! SHEESH!, i will just keep my working out to nights when the babies are asleep/joe gets home! ;)

HH said...

great update suz! how can i email you with some questions? just want to know what your kids are being fed for a day. my twins are 17mths and weigh 20lbs. eek!! just wondering what sort of feeding schedule you have and how much they actually eat. maybe you could do a post on it or email me. that would be great.

4under3 said...

First of all, gosh you are so darn cute!! You look great! And the individual update and adorably cute tree photos were great.

And, BTW, my husband's Fantasy Football Draft is tomorrow. (yawning with you) We're going to my parents tomorrow for an overnighter.

Anonymous said...

this is suz's answer from a older post when someone else also asked about the quarantine:

anon- i'm sorry i didn't explain. in october, we will be INSIDE the confines of our house until april '09, due to the threat of RSV (a very serious virus---it would be like a simple cold to an adult--but if my kids were to catch it, could be potentially life threatening--respiratory problems for the rest of their lives) normal, full term, healthy babies are usually not affected, mainly--preemies, like our quads. this will be the last year for quarantine! woo hoo

(it was a comment)

Deanna said...

I agree with everyone else! Three is much worse than 2. It starts at the end of 2 and runs through most of 3. And before you know it they are starting Kindergarten. That is us tomorrow morning!!

Kylie said...

Hi Suz, I have read your blog since the babies were born and have never left a comment. I know people who know you so I'm not a crazy blog stalker :) I'm from Waco also. But I just couldn't help but comment on this one! Your babies are precious and perfect and you are doing such a wonderful job of being their mom. I spent my son's entire first year being discouraged by his weight and what the pedi wanted from me/him. I am much more relaxed with my daughter (9 months) My son was barely 18 pounds at a year and my daughter is 9 months and 15 pounds. They are full term, singletons, just little! I believe your preemie quads are perfectly sized!! I do have a few tricks though- avocados, scrambled eggs with cheese, olive oil on other veggies and full fat yogurt (all good fats) helped out my boy! Also, ECI is a wonderful program. My sister works for them (in Houston though) and they will be great help for Savannah's hip. They also helped me out with nutrition for my little guy :) They can be of great help with language and everything (I'm sure you know that!) I hope you are pleased with their services- I know my sister does a lot with multiples.
I always enjoy getting to read about your babies- thanks for sharing with us!

ashley said...

Hi! My name is Ashley & I am expecting spontaneous triplet(identical boys & a girl) - we have actually scheduled the c-section for sept 2... AND I have a 20 month old daughter. A friend of mine sent me your blog and it has been SO great to read - very encouraging!!! I don't have any friends that are moms of multiples, so I have really enjoyed reading about your experience!! Your babies are PRECIOUS!!! :)

Tera said...

What beautiful babies! I've been following along here and there since January and never posted until now. And it's because I want to encourage you to keep your kiddos rear-facing in their carseats as long as possible. At 2 years, my youngest is still rear-facing, and will continue to be until she reaches 30 pounds...and at her rate that could mean when she is 3. You can find all kinds of videos on You Tube demonstrating how much safer kids are rear-facing.

Wendy said...

That is so awesome that you put so many details about each'll love yourself for that later! I can't believe it's already been a year. I've kept up with your blog since you first found out you were having quads.

Wendy said...

Also, my son didn't walk until he was 18 months old and he was full term! I've decided he was just lazy. He is 3 1/2 now and jumping off the couches and anything else he can find...don't worry. :-)

Jeannie said...

re: what your pedi wants them to do by 15 months....dont stress it too much. my boys are 16 months and while they are all walking now (last one at 15 months) they are not all doing the other stuff yet.

i know as moms---especially of multiples (that were preemies) we get very sensitive about what our children are doing developmentally---dont get too caught up in it, they will all do what they are suppose to do :)

Anonymous said...

I forget what car seats they have. But depending on what you put them into next, it'd really be beneficial to them to remain rear facing for as long as possible. MANY convertible car seats now rear face to 35 lbs. If you Google "extended rear facing" you will come upon mountains of information on why this is so incredibly safe. My full term daughter remained RF until just shy of 3 years old. My preemie twins remained RF until 3 years old.

You are doing an amazing job with them. :)

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