Monday, September 08, 2008

Just another day spent in the ER...

(I wrote this late last night)

Well, instead of working on a "Weekend with the Great Grandparents Post" (which is coming) I decided to journal our fun filled day -today- spent in Cook Children's Emergency Department with little Bennie Boo Bear. He decided that he wanted a little "ME" time with mommy & daddy...

To make a long story short: I was sick with allergies/cold/respiratory infection all last week--which inevitably was passed onto all 4 quads this weekend. WOO HOO! Good times! We were all a tad bit fussy with runny noses--nothing we haven't handled in the past. Last night Ben was a little "wheezy" but nothing serious. This morning he was moderately worse and after breakfast was wheezing LOUDLY and retracting, making grunting noises---scaring his mama to death.

With the help of some friends to watch the rest of the bunch, Joe and I spent 5 hours in the ER with our "one child for the day". Ben received a much needed breathing treatment and some oral steroids--and the wheezing began to slowly lessen. He was not acting sick at all--quite the contrary: laughing, playing, watching TV.

We were sent home with meds and breathing treatments and Ben is doing well. The other three are now slightly wheezing and I am praying that they do not turn into "Ben-wheezes"...good golly.

After Joe's recent visit to the ER...I have noticed some recurring trends. We apparently reach a point in the day when we both become SUPER DELIRIOUS and laugh at every little thing. I can't even remember what they were--but I had just gotten Ben to fall asleep and Joe and I just kept laughing like goons. I was trying not to wake Ben with my giggling chest heave.

After Joe had just finished a nice little cat nap in one of the ever-so-comfortable emergency room chairs, I caught him standing right in front of the TV -watching ESPN-(I made him turn the volume down so as to not bother our poor, sleeping, baby) while munching on baby Ben's Goldfish that he had weaseled out of the diaper bag when I wasn't looking! I caught him right when he was turning around to see what I was doing...caught red handed!

We started giggling all over again....just something about ERs that makes us bananas! Do you guys have any delirious ER stories? What a "capper" to a LOOOONG weekend of sickies!

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Anonymous said...

This is my first time to ever post a comment on your page so I don't really know what to say :) I started following your blog after my mom found it online and said that she thought i would enjoy reading it. And I've been following it ever since. I'm not gonna start my own blog until my husband and I have kids, so for now I just use myspace.

But I just wanted to let you know that you are VERY blessed to have such a wonderful husband, family and four beautiful babies, which I'm sure you're fully aware of judging from your blogs and all the amazing and positive things you have to say. Just wanted to let ya know that you've touched more people through your blog then you will probably ever know :)

Anonymous said...

Ok, this is just WEIRD--we ended up in the ER last night with our daughter (a preemie) because SHE was wheezing too! And yes, around hour three of the ER visit my husband and I got very punchy. Simone had to have a chest xray and was strapped down, something you would think she would hate, but instead she lay there with her arms and legs stretched out and strapped in, talking animatedly to the lamp above her. My husband and I found this hilarious (for reasons that escape me now) and giggled and giggled. I'm sure the tech thought we were horrible for laughing at our restrained baby.

Kelli said...

Both my little guys have asthma, the kind that peaks when they have a respriatory infection. We've been to the ER once with my son and he wound up having RSV! Yikes! The doctor told us that RSV is just a REALLY bad cold and can be dangerous to infants, but our "beefy" little man should be fine. :) No crazy ER story to tell so sorry if you were looking for a laugh. I love reading your blog Suz. You guys are incredible parents and preach it sista' ...about the whole attitude is everything speech. It really is! God Bless you guys.

Just the five of us said...

I hope Ben feels better soon. I can not wait to see the pics and post from your weekend.

Katelyn said...

Hahaha ... I'm not laughing at poor Ben's wheezing, but rather at Joe's face! My pulmonary doctor works at Cook's, Dr. Jim Cunningham, and so I know exactly what kind of "comfortable" chairs you're talking about! I'm glad to hear Ben's doing better and I hope that the rest of the babies get healthy soon.

Kelly said...

A little TLC from mom and dad - alone, apparently can make all the difference in the world. :o)

I know it must have been scary and I am glad he is doing better. Poor little Ben!

Tracie said...

My brother cut his leg with a chain saw, drove himself to the hospital to get checked out and apparently got bored in the ER. The nurse was using a syringe to clean out his wound with water, and she left him and the water and syringe unattended for a few moments. He started playing with it, trying to see how far he could "shoot" the water over the top of the curtain surrounding him. He shot pretty far, far enough for him to hit the doctor with water just as he was coming toward the curtained exam room to check him.

Sadly my brother was in his late 20's when this happened, and NOT 2!

Ali said...

Ben is so stinking cute! And I tend to get the giggles at really bad times- like funerals!

Rebecca said...

Hmmmm... delirious ER stories, well yes I do!

We took our oldest daughter to the ER two winters ago when she was about 10 months old. She had RSV and was also wheezing and receiving breathing treatments, joy!

Well it was about 2:00 am and the pediatrician walked into our smaaalll little room and took a seat on the doctor stool. All of a sudden I am overcome with the horrendous stench of man-fart. I shot a death-scowl to my husband, who at the same time noticed the stench. He discreetly shook his head and gestured that the doctor had farted. So all while the doctor was explaining what was going on an why, my husband and I were trying to suppress delirious giggles and snorts and also trying so hard not to gag!

And after all the that the doctor didn't notice or pretended not to notice. He didn't even say excuse me!

Once he left the room, we broke down laughing!

Shelley said...

Poor little man! I hope they get to feeling better soon. Our triplets also have a stuffy nose. Gotta love it when they share!

Goerlich Quadruplets said...

I think you've heard chris's ER story (the one where he rode his bike there while at UTMB) - if not, we'll share that one at a later date. It's much more fun when he tells it :) Glad to hear that Ben is going to be okay - what a bummer of a night for you, though! We'll be praying that ya'll are breathing easy this week! Lots of love! Mari

Heather said...

My youngest was dx'ed with RAD when she was about 18 months. When she was about Ben's age, we made that terrifying trip to the ER. You could hear that baby breathing hard and wheezing, and I was so scared! After 3 ER visits for the same thing, our ped finally gave us a nebulizer to use at home. Thankfully, we haven't had to use it in 2 years (since she was 5).

Between our 3 kids, I don't know how many times we've been to the ER! The worst ER visit was the one made on Christmas Eve from about 10pm-3 am. Our son broke his leg when he fell on it! He was 2 1/2 and I was pregnant and nauseous with #2. On top of that, I'd been in the ER the week before with a sprained rotator cuff. All we could do that night was laugh -- otherwise we'd be crying!

Leslie P. said...

I was going to say how un-comfy your ER-chair looked, but then I read a little further and you had already said it! They could atlease give you comfy chairs for your 5 hour visit!!! Glad little ben is ok! Joe with the goldfish is HILARIOUS!!!

Missy said...

I love your blog, but this is my first comment. I couldn't help myself with this post. I had to take my son to Cooks last Tuesday, and you would have thought he was having a party. Everything was funny to him and to us. He was dancing like a maniac, and then he would run to the window by the door to talk to everyone passing by. I take it as a blessing because it's better than crying! I will be posting the pictures on my blog today or tomorrow!

Misty said...

I know the chairs you speak of, and none are comfortable! As for funny ER stories, River had a seizure & I had to call 911. After everything settled down and she was coming out of it and knew she was going to be ok (several hours later & every test known to man), I realized that I had on my thin pj bottoms, my shirt was inside out, no bra, hair half in a pony tail, and flip-flop. This happened in Nov. My husband had come straight from a business flight and was in a coat & tie. We were quite the pair that night. I did finally put my shirt on right. :)
My other ER story was taking JuJu in because of RSV and knowing the resp. therapist from college. Hubby just kept rolling his eyes over all of the LSU stories. Thankfully I had already told him most of them.
I do hope Ben feels better. And it looks as though you were MUCH better dressed than I was!

Leah said...

Bless your heart, girl! I'm so glad little Ben is okay, that must have been scary. I will be praying that the rest of the crew stays well and that all this allergy stuff passes for you guys! Sheesh, illness times 4 would NOT be fun!

On another note, you're looking great (and really tone!). Guess all those evening workouts are starting to pay off! GO MOM!!

The Porter Family said...

Ok, well this is not an ER story with my child (since I don't have one)but here goes ....

I had just gotten home from work one day, and was changing into comfy clothes, when I realized I had purple lines all over my back that looked like creepy veins coming out! I was so freaked out that my husband and I went to the emeregency room, and it turned out that it was because I had bought a new black bra and it was staining my back! Ha ha! ... I am going to school to be a nurse now, and I feel so sorry for the nurses that got their peroxide and just wiped the stains right off! Talk about being dramatic! ha!

Love, Krystle

Pam said...

Hope he is feeling better and all are not getting it! However, I know this will be just another hurdle you handle. You and Ben are just amazing parents, with four amazing little ones! So proud for you guys! Take care, I'll be back on Monday to check in on you'll! A friend in East Texas, Pam.

Moni Graf said...

Oh, I could tell you stories from working in the ER -none of which would be appropriate on your blog. You never realize just how many people should be kicked out of the gene pool until you've spent some time in the ER!

Laine's the only one of ours that's had an ER visit - and for the same reason as Bennie Boo. Glad he's doing better and prayin' that the others stay "mild".

Love from KS,

Little Moon Photography said...

Awww, i'm so glad he's okay!

I was in the ER yesterday morning with my Mom. She was having chest pains and everything turned out to be fine, thank god, but they did an ultrasound on her leg to check for clots. I was in the room while he was performing the US and I said jokingly: "I don't see the baby."

I found it hilarious, not sure the tech did though.

HB said...

Okay, I do understand the hospital giggles and I have a good story. We have a three year old guy and six month old twin gals. During my very eventful pregnancy with the twins, we were in and out of the hospital multiple times due to preterm labor. On one such occasion, I'd began contracting right as some friends brought over Mexico Chiquito to-go and I was starving. I called the nurse on call to see if I could eat my dinner on the way to the hospital and she said I couldn't eat in case they had to deliver the twins. So, I'm sitting in a very uncomfortable surgery bed (we had to go to a pre-op room bc all the regular L&D rooms were full) in pre-term labor and trying to guzzle as much water as I could so they wouldn't give me Mag...all the while I am starving and having trouble breathing due to my huge girth and the uncomfortable bed. At one point, I reach for the phone to call some family member and I knock over my huge hospital sized water jug. I looked at my husband and yelled, "I HATE THIS PLACE!" We both just died laughing immediately and couldn't stop. It truly is one of our fondest memories of my pregnancy. :) And, my gals were born at 37 weeks and 2 days with no NICU time to speak of. :)

Laura said...

That Ben sure looks smiley and cute even while wheezy and sick. Having had this issue with my kids I know how scary it can be and how fast it can turn! I am glad its okay. Here is to hoping this is the only one who sends you to the E.R. Even with a smile and giggle its just no fun place at all!

Emily said...

I am so glad he is feeling better! I love your picture of Joe eating gold fish and watching football! Football season is in full effect! I think it might be taking over my hubbys life!
When I had my gaulbladder (or however you spell it) removed... we were in the ER for 5.5 hours and I was in so much pain but my mom and sister had the funnies and were laughing at everything and putting on lil shows for me:) Definitely lightened the mood:) Something about those ER rooms...
Hope the little ones start feeling better!

JAMIE'S CREW said...

So sorry Ben had to go through this - but it sounds like all three of you came through it with flying colors!

My funny story was probably funnier from other peoples point of view that mine - but in April 2006 I partially seperated my Left shoulder resulting in wearing an arm sling to immobilize the shoulder. then on MOther's day just over 2 weeks later - Ryan my boy twin - slammed his own thumb in the sliding door of our van. I ran him over to Cook's urgent care to get an x-ray - and he had a hairline fracture. They immobilized his Right hand and then put him in an arm sling! We were quite a sight walking through the Urgent Care Facility with our matching arm slings.

And, those blue chairs? MURDER!

Andria said...

Awww, Bennie Boo Bear. Look at those faces on him! He had a plan didn't he? What a way to spend half the day! So glad he's responded well to the breathing treatments and is on the road to recovery. I hope you are too!

And Joe, gosh, have the kids learned yet to point their finger to Dad when "somebody" is in trouble and its them not to blame?? Hilarious! Glad you had a camera to capture the not-so-dull moments in the ER.

Get well!

Betsy McK said...

Just 2 weeks ago I had to take my middle son to the ER for stitches in his chin. (This makes his 3rd visit in 3 yrs., one other time for stitches and a concussion)My husband was out of town at the time and I ended up bringing all 3 kids to the ER. I had just finished making dinner, so I quickly packed it all up and we had a picnic in the ER. It went rather smoothly considering we had about a 3 hr. wait, not sure I would say we were laughing though :o). Glad little Ben is better and hope the other little ones don't get worse.

katherine said...

I don't know how you do it but you managed to turn an ER story into something really funny. Sick kids are tough--I can't imagine dealing with 4 at once. Hang in there.

I also had to point out that your ticker shows your kiddos are 1 year, 1 month, 1 week and 1 day old today!

Amy said...

So glad you guys were released same day! We just got done a 3 day visit at CHOP (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia) for our little boy's severe croup/wheezing/stridors. Saying prayers the other little ones don't catch on to the "Ben wheeze!"

Shosh said...

its amazing that you guys choose to laugh instead of cry or get upset in these situations. makes life so much better, doesnt it?!?!

Anonymous said...

It looks like Ben really likes the one on one time, even if it is spent at the Hospital! The picture capturing him drolling is just too funny. Hope the babies are doing much better now!

Anonymous said...

Hi Suz! I've decided to come out of lurkerdom to share my story. By the way, I've been reading your story for a while now. Jen Murray is a friend of mine - and your babies and my daughter #4 have very close birthdays!
4 years ago, a mere three days after bringing my newborn son home from the hospital, my 3 year old daughter decided to swallow a penny. So we rush her to the ER, wait to have it removed, etc...(by the way the St. Vincent's Children's ER staff was so gracious in helping me in anyway possible, since I had our 5 day old baby with us)Anyway, fast forward to 3 weeks later and we were back in the ER with our newborn son projectile vomiting (pyloric stenosis btw). The funny part in all of this was this nurse that kept walking by our er room, looking in, and walking past. After about the third pass by, she asks "Weren't you just here!" My husband and I couldn't help but laugh at the 2 children's er visits in less than 3 weeks. I guess either we could laugh or cry.
Thanks for sharing your story with us! Kim

Martha said...

I am so sorry that you had the ER visit. We had a similar one when our oldest was 21 months and it turned into 4 days in the hospital. SO I am so thankful that you got to go home with all the needed accessories. Hope all four are well quickly!

You are quite amazing with your positive outlook and way fun spirit! Blessings in Christ! M

lauren said...

Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry about all of your sicknesses and then Ben's ER trip! I will say a prayer for the rest of the bunch to get better! And yes, we definitely have some delirious ER moments. After our really bad car wreck in England (at the end of HUF)...after I had gone into shock and had the huge goose egg on my head, Elizabeth and I laughed till we were crying and just knew the people thought we were nuts. :) Love the picture of Joe "caught red handed"! And LOVE Ben's adorable smiles! James has that same blue onesie.

Jeana said...

Hi, Suz! I'm in your BlogHer ad "neighborhood" and I enjoy reading about your sweet babies.

My ER story: Recently my daughter had a ten-foot tree branch fall on her head, and lo there was much bleeding. After triage, waiting, and more waiting, we finally got settled into a room and the nurse handed her a "call bell" in case we needed anything. "Oh good." I said, "Because I was just thinking that what we need more cowbell." My daughter gave a weak smile and said, "I've got a fever. And the only prescription I need... is more call bell."

(Obviously that is only funny if you've seen the cowbell SNL skit.)

Unknown said...

Poor guy! Glad to hear he's doing better and here's hoping the other 3 don't end up with anything more serious. Glad you can laugh through times like that though...makes it more bearable!

Deanna said...

Oh Suz, I am so sorry! I hope everyone is doing better. We got to spend Sunday night at the Cooks ER! Well that is Madyson and Andrew! She was playing on the bounce house at church and came down the slide. Well another child came down at the same time and slid right onto Madyson's foot. So my poor baby girl has a walking boot! I know what you mean about the ER! I seem to just laugh at everything so I don't CRY!! Hang in there girl, all of mine have had a runny nose but luckily no wheezing. Keep on laughing. It will get you through the winter!

asplashofsunshine said...

Since little Ben is ok, I guess you can say this just adds one more fun page in the scrapbook of life... or a real scrapbook, if you actually have a couple minutes to yourself. This may sound sick to say, but cute pics. Yes, I said the ER pics are pretty darn cute.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, it must be going around. My little guy has the same thing right now, but he had to be admitted today for it. I'm so glad that Ben is okay and doing better. I don't have any funny ER stories though, because my kids like to go to the ER. It helps that their daddy is the doctor there.

Michelle said...

I really love your stories!! You live quite the exciting life. I don't know how you guys are so positive all the time but you both are such a huge inspiration to me.
God bless you all!

Casey's trio said...

Ah Suz,
Poor baby Benny...a wheezing child is always a scary thing. I'm so glad that he was as happy as can be through the whole ordeal. Hoping the rest of the squad doesn't get it.
We don't have any delirious ER stories but we do have fond memories (I know, weird) of my stay in L&D before the girls were born. My husband always said it felt like he was on vacation when he stayed the night with me (I guess because he was away from home?) and he LOVED the cafeteria food. His favorite treat was to go down and get a Choco-Taco for dessert every night!

starnes family said...

Love your blog. Recommended by a friend and just started reading. I admire your positive attidude. It reminds me that my 3 kiddos are a joy...and should be cherished accordingly. Thanks for the inspiration.

As for the ER, I'm forever haunted by the movie, Shrek, due to a 3 night stay with our youngest due to a severe infection at 13 months old. Can't see any of the sequels because the first ran non-stop while we were there (at Cooks, actually...used to live in Keller....we now live in Colorado, however).

So, not so funny....but a distinct memory.

Glad you guys handled it all well.

Kelli said...

we've been there a lot with our 19 month old. isn't it sad?! hope your little ben feels better soon! ps: i have to laugh that i just found out i'm expecting my 4th and although we're excited, we're a little anxious as well. but then i find your blog and you have your 4 at once...i'm impressed! :) go, supermom, keep up the good work! they seem like darling little kids and you're a good devoted mom. and way to go, joe, too! :) best of luck!

Sasha said...

What is RSV season and why do you have to be on lockdown?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Ben is better and hope the others don't get it. Best wishes to you all.

TheSipeFamily said...

Suz, I dont have a good Er story but I do have a story that I think you will want to follow up on. Go to This woman and her husband were in a plane crash in August. They were both severely burned and she is having a tough recovery. She is a blogging mom like us and has 4 children. I thought with your blog following people could go on her site and send her well wishes, prayers or donations. I posted info on my blog and plan to make sure all of my blog friends at least know about them. I plan to send your ornament today- getting to the post office is so much work!!! Glad Ben is well, Tiffany

The McNulty Family said...

I love you guys. .. thinking of you always.

Here's to praying for a nice healthy winter!!


Anonymous said...

Praying for you all..hope everyone else doesn't need a trip to the ER. Poor Ben Baby!

Jenny said...

Ok, could he be any cuter? I know y'all were at the ER but still...he's so stinkin' adorable!

Elyse said...

Sweet Ben, hope he is feeling better soon!!! Wheezing is NOT fun at all! Hang in there guys.

As for the ER story-do not really have any right now!

Ashley said...

ooooh, i feel sorry for you! we have a wheezer, too, and one is hard enough! this ER scenario sounds all to familiar. just do yourself a favor and go ahead and buy a nebulizer and lots and lots of xopenex! good luck!!

4 J's said...

Love your blog!

Funny ER and my husband had been married 6 months and he had his 2nd of 10 kidney stones...not fun! I drove him to the ER at 2am one morning in terrible pain. After they took him back the nurse gave him Phenergan and Demerol IV. He sat straight up in the bed and gave me two thumbs up and then passed out! It was all I could do not to burst out laughing...funny thing...he did not remember it!

Anonymous said...

Earlier in this pregnancy, I had a trip to the ER, nothing serious, but John and I laughed at everything. Maybe it is a way to take the edge off...

Anonymous said...

I love all of your children!!! They are BEAUTIFUL!!! But your Benny is a HAM!!! Every time I see his pictures I just have to smile because he is too funny. I've got twin girls and my Bryana is like that. Too cute!!! LOVE IT!!


Anonymous said...

Suz - I hate to hear of your "excitement" in the ER. You know we aren't strangers to the ER staff at Cooks. Such great people who LOVE their job (thank God).
Kellar's 1st broken arm in May gave us our first trip in an ambulance (not the last,I'm sure). His arm was so horribly deformed and needless to say I was a little freaked out. The paramedics put his arm in a cardboard splint and started an IV in the other arm. In order for him to not mess with the IV they wrapped his arm to a board so there was no movement. Once this happened you would have thought they had broken that arm! He never complained again about pain in the broken arm he just became obsessed with the arm tied down to the board. By the time we got to the ER he was wiggling his fingers and screaming "I cannot scratch my nose. I cannot scratch my nose." Not a whimper about both bones broken in his left arm. After about the 80th time he screamed "I cannot scratch my nose." I just had to laugh out loud. I looked at the nurse who was attempting to take his blood pressure and said, "you must really love your job." She smiled and responded, "I do." (so thankful for Cooks!)
4 weeks and 3 days later after being out of his cast for exactly 3 days we landed ourselves at Cooks again with the same arm broken AGAIN! Those poor people think I'm crazy or a child abuser. Kellar was remembered by several staff members as the one who screamed "I cannot scratch my nose." No IV the second time around - just codeine, which makes for some good youtube footage.
You are right. You do get to a point in the ER where you become a little loopy. You will either burst into tears or burst out laughing.
Sorry you had to have more moments in the ER. With 3 boys I'm afraid it's the beginning of a long ride in the ER.
Love and miss you - Carrie

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