Thursday, September 18, 2008

Stroller Skating Footage

I loaded up the 4 darlings and headed to Dallas again to skate with some good friends! Liz (who is pregnant with TWINS!...yes, naturally!) caught some video footage to show you that ANYTHING is possible--even stroller skating with quadruplets! Ha! Adriane and Miss Emory came along for the "Sweat-Fest" as well. Last time I had dressed up in a cute little top with jeans---yah, this time: all workout clothes! Whew! MUCH better!

Ben...oh, Ben. Just did NOT want to be strapped down in his stroller today. (Doesn't help that we always arrive when "nap time" begins) The second we would get him out- he would smile and start laughing.

I think Liz was going to put some pictures up on her blog sometime tonight as well. Hope you guys have a great weekend---grab a friend and go find a rink to stroller skate! SO fun!

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Amanda said...

I can hear the other skater's conversations now:

Lady 1: "Wow, that girl is brave to bring 4 babies here."

Lady 2: "Do you think they're her's?"

Lady 1: "There's no way. Look how skinny she is!"

Williams' bunch said...

So fun...poor Ben. Bless his heart...the others look so content! :-) I love Savannah's bows...she always looks so cute.
I'm due in January w/#6...if this is a girl, we may have a Savannah, too. We have 5 other S's...we have to keep it going now!

Cindy said...

I LOVE how Ben is flipping out! This is so awesome...I GOTTA find something like this near me!!!

Jennifer said...

Hi there,
I found your blog the the Schwartz blog. I wanted to say hi. I cannot even imagine how you did that. But, I admire you for doing so. Did a lot of people ask, are those quads? LOL
I have 8 month old twins, Addelynn and Alexander. Please feel free to view their blog at:

Becky said...

I totally agree with the first poster!! lol You are the star of the show there! Those 4 DARLING babies and you and your skinny self making the rest of us jealous. :P

Charla (SHar-la) said...

I just showed Richard that video and he said, "Isn't pushing that thing enough of a workout?" Ha! I had to agree, but that really does look like fun...well, for everyone but Ben! Thanks for the video shots!

Momma-of-5 said...

I need to find a stroller skating place near me. I googled...and found nothing. I'm jealous!

Katrine said...

Very cool! That would be a great workout!

Greta said...

What a great idea!
Also, you look amazing...Super Mom, for sure :).

Suzanne said...

That looks like so much fun! Good excercise too. I can't tell you enough how much I enjoy your blog. I always talk about your blog to my family and friends and they laugh because I talk about you guys like we are old friends. Your babies are adorable and you are an inspiration to moms everywhere.

Wendy C. said...

I have been reading your blog for about 2 months now.... found you through a friend of mine's blog (The Q Family).... anyways, I just started my own family blog this week.... but anyways, the point of this comment was to ask what roller (I mean, stroller) rink you go to in Dallas. We live just slightly east of Dallas and my twins and I (and several of my friends and their babies) would love to do this.... seems so fun and what a workout at the same time. Thanks and keep up the good blogging... I love to hear your stories!

Anonymous said...

Your babies are ADORABLE!!! I was wondering, what camara do you use? Your pictures are so clear and beautiful resolution! Have a nice weekend!

Susan said...

Can you tell us where this place is?? I moved from Dallas a couple of years ago and have tons of friends with babies who would LOVE it. And I just might want to take my nephews next time I'm in town!

Moni Graf said...

I bet you could profit from other people wanting a better workout. Hmmm.....bigger stroller with 4 times the babies equals more weights for resistance training! Jackpot! It's not REALLY pimping the kids, is it?


TheBMillers said...

Amanda - that is so true.. I'd be saying the same thing, you look great Suzanne! I wanted to tell you about BumpyName Orbit Labels at - we got some from my sister-in-law for our baby and I love them. I think it would be extremely useful in the land of quads. Always enjoy your blog

Suzanne said...

gracia- we use a canon elph and love it! my dad has a newer version (which is are a good amount of the pics you see on the blog) and his is MUCH better!

susan- it is called "thunderbird" and it is in plano!

KSDallas said...

Next time you come to Dallas - you have to PRE-post it. I would love to come meet you and the kiddos. I feel like I already know you!

I used to take my daughter stroller-blading in Fair Park. It is a great workout. I bet even more so with 4 babies!


GlitteryKitchenTable said...

Oh I so wish we had that around here-it looks like so much fun!

Oh-and by the way-your work out clothes are like my cute clothes! :)

Anonymous said...

So sad we couldnt make it AGAIN! My kids would have been a mess anyways because that is right in their nap time! Maybe after RSV season, if your still up for it :)
Poor Ben :) He is reminding me a lot of Brady right now.
PS you look SUPER thin!!! Lookin good mama!

The Porter Family said...

I absolutely LOVE it that Ben was crying the whole way around....wait, was that Ben in the front? I feel dumb now..ha ha! But that looks like sooo much fun! Glad you had a blast....and I agree with everyone look GREAT!!!

The Murray Crew said...

Whoa...just had a flashback of a 1992 skating backwards "couples skate" to "Open Arms". Good times.

I LOVE this skating adventure, Suz. Thanks for blogging about it, so we can enjoy it here too!

Jen and The Crew

PS Those skates just add to the skimness of your fabulous figure. (I know I sound like a blog-stalker, but it's the truth!)

Heather said...

Poor Ben! But it looks like you guys had a great time. Doesn't look nearly as crowded as when our girl scout leader scheduled our girls to go skate at the same time as stroller skating! Boy, was that an adventure. My sibs and I started going to that roller rink in the late 70's or early 80's, and we really think it looks exactly as it did back then!

I'd love to see you and Casey there at the same time with 2 of those huge strollers!

PLEASE Save and Protect Our Children - PLEASE! said...

Hi Suzanne -

I have enjoyed reading your blog over the past year! I know you have a very big readership and wanted to share some info with you on Bill 1738. Please, PLEASE see my blog for more information! THANKS for taking the time!!!!!!!!!

PLEASE Save and Protect Our Children - PLEASE! said...

Thanks Suzanne!

We are the Smith Family said...

Could you explain the RSV again and why the babies have to be in quarantine for 6.5 months? I am having twins and have never heard of this.....I hope this finds you all well now! Blessings!

Kaci said...

Awhhh great videos!! Poor Ben...LOL! :) Have a great weekend!

Courtney said...

You should google "stroller skating". You're like the 3rd or 4th website listed in their hits. I was trying to find it in Nashville, and came back across your blog...where I started. :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow, what an adventure! You looked like you had fun though!

Any plans for more babies in the future?

Anonymous said...

The only thing I can see missing from this perfect playdate is the huge disco ball hanging from the ceiling and strains of "Stayin' Alive" playing in the background. No, wait, that was 1970 something wasn't it?! Keep having fun girl!
Grammie Bear
(King Quads)

Unknown said...

Looks like a FUN workout! And a good one, too! Way to go!

twarpula said...

Too funny!! Its totally a flash back to the 80's only this time with babies in tow. LOL! Thanks for the laugh once again. I comment every so often. My husband also went to Harding. We have a set of 5 yr old B/B twins they are our oldest of 4 kids and one on the way.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and having been reading it for over a year now! I just saw the cutest Halloween costume that made me think of Sav. If I had a baby girl, I would buy it! It is a candy corn tutu. Here is the link:

Casey's trio said...

I can't wait until you start doing tricks...some scissor moves or skating backwards:0 You are one hot mama!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a neat place! I wish they did that at our roller rink!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you let your children cry like that...jeez!

Just kiddin' Suz, it's Jen!

Anonymous said...

I think that's SO cool how they have a "Stroller Skating!" ok. I have a random question to ask. Do you have an e-mail? My cuz and I ♥ your website and think it'd be totally cool to e-mail you!

Elyse said...

OH my goodness. Looks like one workout that is fun. You look amazing and the kids are precious, even while Ben is crying.
Hope ya'll have a great weekend!!!

Deanna said...

You made that look so easy. I loved the video. And you looked so calm and relaxed when Ben was screaming!! You get a "A" for that one. Bravo!!

Anonymous said...

Stroller skating is such a great idea. I don't know why more places don't do it. Maybe Ben just wanted his own skates?
Glad you had a good day!

Kristen said...

That is so fun! Wish we lived there to join you. :)
LOVELOVE the quad wagon. I want to a twin wagon. That would be soooo fun! :)

Love all the videos.

Nate, Maurine, Hannah, and Monroe said...

Looks like so much fun! Can't wait to see you!

Jenn K said...

Poor little Ben. You have to get a serious workout pushing those sweet babies of yours. All of the other moms should do 4 laps for your one! Looks like a lot of fun!

Kristi said...

Girl!!! I found one closer to where you (we...) live!! So no more hour trucking to Dallas.

Same prices... and they do it Thursday and Friday.

email me if you want more info. There's a group of going soon. I think Oct 2 is the day

ashley said...

Hi! I look at your blog sometimes - I have 8 week old triplets and a 22 month old and I am about to buy a Runabout Quad stroller so I can load up all my kiddos together! I was wondering what kind of vehicle you have that works for the four car seats & that will fit the stroller because I am about to buy a new car and can't decide what is best for the 4seats and the HUGE stroller!!!!
THANKS! Your babies are precious!


Suzanne said...

ashley! i'd love to help. i can't get to your website--email me if you can at!

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