Thursday, September 04, 2008

Stroller Skating

I had never heard of "stroller skating" until a couple of weeks ago at a birthday party for my friend, Katie. Some moms were talking about going and it sounded like a blast! From 9 to noon every Thursday, a local roller skating rink opens the floor to moms with babies in strollers! How fun is that?! I'm always up for a challenge (especially with "the beast"---aka, my quad runabout stroller).

So this morning, I packed the little rugrats into the Burb and headed into Dallas (1 hr away from my house) to meet Candace and her little nugget, Miles, for some much anticipated stroller skating! Is he not the cutest little baby boy?!--such a sweetie!

Here are Ben, Ethan, Andrew, & Savannah--unsure about mommy in skates and hitting the rink...but have no fear, my sweet children: 10 out of 28 of mommy's birthday parties were at skating rinks! It felt good to be back on familiar turf! hee hee :) I LOVE skating!

I must admit, I was not expecting the workout aspect of it all---it makes sense, especially when you are working those leg muscles to roll around a rink, not to mention pushing a 10 lb stroller with 80 lbs of "baby" inside...SHEESH! Suz was huffing and puffing! Sweet Candace would take turns pushing the beast with me! When we left, we were dripping in sweat--good times! I am totally looking forward to skating again sometime in September--I'll be sure to get some video footage next time! It is the most awkward thing at first--I just kept laughing! All of the babies loved it and it was refreshing to get out of the house and chat with a friend. You guys should look and see if you have something similar in your neck-o-the-woods!

Currently, I am packing for a big weekend in South Texas with the quads & my parents (Joe has to work). We are going to love on the great grandparents one last time before RSV season. Crossing my fingers for a GREAT, QUIET drive with four sleeping babies! WOO HOO!!! LOL (Total driving time: ~6 hrs) and thank you for all the positive comments from the last post--you guys are amazing...a truly uplifting part of my day! Have a great weekend!

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JAMIE'S CREW said...

Man oh man! I bet that WAS a workout. But how fun, and laughter is good for the soul too. I would love to see some video. Are there any rinks closer to your house? Though the hour drive to be with friends is probably all the incentive that you need.

Travel safely!

Michelle said...

OH my gosh, how funny! I can see how y'all were laughing. Yes, I bet it was quite a workout too, but totally woth it!

Tracy said...

ROLLER SKATING!!! YES!!! That is awesome!!! Oh, I remember the days of skating at the roller rinks and in my driveway! I bet that was so much fun! Did they turn on the disco ball??

Anonymous said...

Ooohh! That looks like so much fun! I'm going to have to look into that but I promise I'm not an internet stalker weirdo.. we just happen to live in the same town! :-) I NEED something to do with the twins and exercise is always a plus. (Since I'm probably never getting back on an ice rink - roller sounds just as good!)

Charla (SHar-la) said...

Okay, first, whomever thought of that is a genius! Seriously, someone should make an aerobics class out of it. Pretty sure we don't have anything like that in C-town! Ha! And I am just so stinkin' sad I won't be in the Big U this weekend while y'all are bummer! I will think of you on the road with the quaddies and hope that they are sleeping peacefully! Hugs!

Andria said...

Oh the smells of a roller rink brings back so many memories!
Now Stroller Skating...What a site! Wow, nothings going to compare to a ride like that! What a neat idea!

If they offer "stroller hockey", don't go for it Suz! ha ha!

I wanna see you next trip's pics! Fun!

Anonymous said...

I believe it's time for another story. And video.

Happy, safe travels this weekend!

Elyse said...

What a site-one mama with the precious four. Too cute! Glad you got a pal together with this. Also-glad you got your workout in:)
Have an AWESOME weekend with the family!

Lulu said...

Hey girl,

Discovered your blog totally randomly but am officially hooked. *may* have spent most of yesterday catching myself up on your beautiful babies *ahem* but hey, it was totally worth it...loving your work!!

MEGAN said...

How fun to be able to get that good of a workout w/your 4 kids, while chatting with a friend! I wish I had the skill to rollerblade or rollerskate, but, I do not!

The Armstrong Family said...

I was just talking with friends the other day about how we never roller skate any more and haven't since we were younger. So fun! Good for you for getting out and having a fun time with a girlfriend and your precious babies! You are an inspiration.

JMR said...

Hello! I have been a "lurker" for a while and thought I'd come out of hiding and comment today. I hope you don't mind.

How fun... stroller skating! I bet the kiddos really had a blast with that. What a workout though.. goodness, you deserve an applause for surviving that!!!

Hope you have a most fantastic weekend in South TX. My husband, son, and I live in East TX... finally got over feeling the wonderful *Ha* effects of Gustav today. Joy Joy!! ;) Jami

Ali said...

That sounds like so much fun! I used to always come home from roller staking with a huge bruise on my tailbone from falling - good times!

kinsey said...

hey suzanne. had to comment today because i love the pic of candace and can just picture yall having so much fun skating! i graduated high school with katie and candace (i was at the bday party too :-) and i teach with katie. we basically share a room, so i hear about yall a lot and love seeing pictures of your kiddos on your blog. they are adorable!!

Linda said...

How FUN! What a great idea, stroller skating! I bet it was a work out! Have a great trip!

~aj~ said...

That has to be one of the neatest things I've ever heard of. Wouldn't work for me...I can't even rollar skate WITHOUT the stroller..but I'm glad you had so much fun!

I can't imagine the looks on the workers faces when you came in with the BEAST. lol

NIKKI said...

That sounds like soo much fun, and a great work out in the process!

مارية said...

Stroller skating?? That's hilarious! I would be way to dependent on the stroller to hold me up. :-)

Unknown said...

We have a roller rink close by that does "Stroller Rollers" about once a month. We've also been to the same kind of thing with our MOMS group and our early childhood program in our district. Its lots of fun, but we haven't been in a while. How does that big stroller handle those turns? I bet that was a great workout for you!

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a ton of fun, except I would be the mom who would lose her balance and knock herself out on her stroller. What a great workout idea though.

Can't wait to see pics from your trip!

Kristin said...

Thank sounds so fun!

Marty Rhea Hill said...

That is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!! Suz, I can see you with that stroller. How funny!! So glad you had fun. Have fun this weekend. -Marty

Anonymous said...

Hysterical! My legs hurting thinking about that workout! All cities should have this type of program. =) HAve a safe and QUIET trip to South Texas. Praying for ya'll!

Anonymous said...

Hysterical! My legs hurting thinking about that workout! All cities should have this type of program. =) HAve a safe and QUIET trip to South Texas. Praying for ya'll!

The McNulty Family said...

Suz, that is FREAKING AWESOME!! I'd so go with you if we lived in TX!!! HOW MUCH FUN!!

I love you mama! Tell the rents "hi!"


Stephanie said...

That is great! Good for you!
Once seem to amaze me every post! ;)
Hope you all have a wonderful trip!!

Nikki said...

That sounds like so much fun! I'll bet the kiddos loved it! I wish that had been around when my own were little. Have a safe, great trip and enjoy this time with the great grandparents and parents.

Casey's trio said...

Okay...that is hilarious and it sounds like SO much fun. I've never heard of stroller skating before!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I couldnt make it! I know it is so much fun and so many people have been bugging me to do it. I am just worried that i will bust it and take my babies down with me, at least they have helmets on :)
Looks like fun, working on a new schedule that we hope to have down later this month so maybe we can go then before RSV lockdown. Just let me know, its litterally down the street from me.
PS how did the RUNABOUT turn with skates on? YOu gotta let me know.

Katie Sheedy said...

I LOVE that I have united my 2 mommy friends through their kids and roller skating! Does it get any better than that? That's the skating rink I grew up going to as a kid. What a small world! Loved seeing you last weekend. Happy travels. Next time...I might join you and Candace and just put my dog in a stroller. Love ya!

Heather said...

Now I'm wondering if you headed to the roller rink we take the kids to during summer/spring break/etc (in a Dallas burb). It is the roller rink that I went skating at back in my elementary school days. Tehehe, my daughter's girl scout troop went skating there a couple weeks ago during strollerskate and there were quite a few strollerskating moms there. The moms looked like they were having a good time.

Tina said...

Would have loved to see a photo of you pushing that pram around the rink. What a sight!!

You are one cool mummy!!

Melissa Halford said...

That is a riot! How could you possibly leave out the classic 80s rock songs you jammed to? Please tell me that they played some Bon Jovi for you to slow skate to?

Janelle and Ella said...

That is SO fun!!! I have never heard of this. I have to go try it right away!

Anonymous said...

You are the woman! I dread the 2 hour drive to our cabin along in the car with a toddler, I can't imagine taking 4 babies on a 6 hour drive solo. YOu rock!

Michelle H.

Anonymous said...

Does that quad stroller glide smoothly? or do you really have to give it a push? Was curious! Also, sounds like a fun workout! Your kids are still at that good age where you can keep them strapped in a stroller..less trouble they can get into! Watch the next few months though! They will want to run circles around you and away from you !(in separate directions too! )

mrs boo radley said...

Wow, what an incredible workout!

Fellow skaters must have been in awe of you. I am in awe of you.

Tamie Ross is right, you need to post a video!

Moni Graf said...

I am a total product of the 80's. Skating is right up there with rollercoasters and football games for me. I think I'll be hitting up the rinks around town and investigating! The Graf Quads thank you for the idea, Suz.

I bet the Beast was the star of the show (besides the beautiful munchkins it contained and the conductor :)...of course).

Have a safe and fun trip to see the fam!

Love from KS,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How fun! We definitely need to see this craziness in action! Have a good, safe trip. :)

Lani said...

That looks like so much fun! I am going to see if they have it anywhere in my town:)

TEXOSE said...

Who knew you could relive your childhood while bring such joy to your babies and get an unstated workout. It is amazing how skating can use muscles in your body you did not know where out of shape or need shaping. Very inspiring and encourage !!!! Hope your trip goes smoothly... LOVE YAH GIRL--Ladybug Jo

KSDallas said...

That is so much fun. I used to take my daughter to Fair Park (in Dallas) and push her in the stroller while roller blading. We went to the farmer's market a few times, too.

I wish I had known you were coming to Dallas. I'd love to get to meet you!!! Okay - maybe your next time through...


Anonymous said...

Hi Suz! I found your blog through another and spent over 6 hours last night reading your AMAZING journey! are blessed! You are an amazing writer and someday your children will love reading this blog. Take care and many prayers for continued blessings. I have been emailing my girlfriends all day about Sav's hairbands! I love them!
Molly from NY

The Carlsons said...

goodness, that is a workout. kudos to you for even doing/trying that. i'd be a whimp ;)

hope your trip goes well! can't imagine traveling with four babies. although, we're thinking maybe we can start to venture out after the girls turn a year old. we'll see ;)

-fellow quad mom of GGGG and a 4yo boy

The Rudd Family said...

Coming out of Lurker World to say how fun that looked. We have been following you since you left the NICU, as we entered that wonderful land in November 2007 with our girls. Are the kiddos going to get synagis this year? Figured that would help you stay out of "lockdown". We are, and haven't been told to keep them in. I hope that doesn't come, since I am back at work and they are in daycare!

Have a fun weekend!


Williams' bunch said...

I'm sure you did get a work out pushing that big ole stroller...I have a double one...that's enough! :-)I'm sure you had fun, sounds fun.
Hope you have a nice trip!


Looks like so much fun! That will be us in about a year or so maybe- maybe longer with our two other kiddos.
What a great family!

Jill said...

Hey Suzanne! I thought you might have come down to Uvalde...Friday night I happened to drive by your grandparents and saw a big white suburban and figured yall had come to town. I was hoping yall would be at church this morning so I could see those sweet babies!!! Hope you guys had a good trip! JILL

Clay and Natalie Freeman said...

Hey Suz! Natalie Carbonaro here. I've been checking your blog since I heard that you had quads. You are some woman! I am so impressed with your attitude about life. Hope you are doing well! Your kiddos are precious!!

KellyB said...

Too Cute!!!

Deanna said...

I want to see this on video!! I can not imagine pushing the quad stroller and roller skating. Girl you are truly amazing. Don't think I would go there! Hope you guys had some fun this weekend and it was a nice quiet ride. Word of advice, I finally got a van with a dvd player. Our ride to church yesterday was so quiet and no one was fighting. Those days are coming belive me. But if I every thought the dvd player would take care of it, I would have done it a long time ago!!

Kimberly said...

Suz just the thought of pushing 4 kids while roller skating totally terrifies me since I have 0 athletic ability! I'm sooo impressed! You really are super mom to me!! That is proof! Who else could do that?
I bet they loved whirling around the rink and can't wait to see video of it!
Your such a cool fun mom!!!

Dell5 said...

How fun!! I wish our skating ring had that. Our local YMCA is starting a hoola hoop class and I am so excited to start it. I hoola hooped forever as a kid. My daughter and I have had competitions over the summer too. I can still keep up with her and she's 8!

Heather said...

tehehe . . . I'll volunteer to be the videographer the next time you strollerskate. Would be a hoot if both you and Casey G. were there with 2 of those beastly strollers!

twarpula said...

Too funny!! But where's the picture of you pushing the beast?! This would be a ton of fun, I may just look into it. Its like a flash back to the 80's for us mom's.

Mama B said...

I can't believe how big they have gotten!!!! Ugh I am way behind.

Kristi said...

My girlfriends and I follow your blog and I was hoping one of them knew where this stroller skating was!!

One thought you mentioned it, but I haven't seen it. So I am fixing to start googling!!

I love to skate and my twins and I could use some new views. :)

heather@it'stwinsanity said...

Just found your blog by accident... and found this post. It made me laugh because I love skating (although have never done it with a stroller) and I also called my quad RA "The Beast!"

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