Sunday, September 14, 2008

What Happens When Daddy Bathes the Kids...

So, I'm downstairs cooking dinner and Joe is bathing the kids and getting them ready for bed. Joe keeps laughing and calling Ethan, "Bird Man"...???

What happens when Daddy has a little too much fun during Bath Time???

The "Bird Man" comment is in reference to Chris Anderson who plays for the New Orleans Hornets...(I googled him)

I laughed so hard when I found this picture of the Bird Man...Joe is such a nerrrd, but I luv 'em!

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*Lissa* said...


Jeff, Katie and Gabby said...

I have been following your blog for some time and I just have to say that I LOVE IT! You are amazing at mommyhood taking care of FOUR babies! They are just beautiful and little comedians too! I love your stories...they inspire me to do more always! I often think of you when I am stressed with one...and calm down really fast when I think of you with four! Thanks for the great blogging!

Morgan said...

To cute!


so cute and so something my husband would do!:) I think all men are nerds deep down and that why we love them so!:)

Moni Graf said...

HeeHee! Billy got a kick outta this one, too!

I love nerds!


Elyse said...

What a guy!!! Too cute!!!

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious! Good one!

JAMIE'S CREW said...

Adorable! You guys have so much fun!

Melissa said...

So cute!

Kaci said...

So funny! :)

Anonymous said...

My hubby does that to our boys too! Although my Ethan's hair sticks up like that naturally.

He is way too cute!

Ashley said...

How cute!!!!

Anonymous said...

omg.... that is the cutest picture ever!!!! I LOVE IT!! haha you should frame it!

Jesse said...

This is weird, very weird. You don't know me, but I found your blog through a friend of a friend of a friend (you know how it goes on the internet). I start looking through your blog because I was amazed to see and hear about your beautiful babies! I was looking at some previous posts when you mentioned Joe's cousin Sally who has girls from china.

"That's odd" I thought to myself "I know a sally with twins from china" After checking out her blog, I saw it was the same sally (what a small world). I met Sally shortly before my sister adopted her daughter from China, and enjoyed getting to know a whole group of adopted babies before Sally and the gang moved away. You can tell her that the gang at Stevie B's is much quieter without her!

Anyway, I loved reading your blog, and am impressed with the amazing attitude and grace you and your husband are using to raise your amazing quads. What a blessing you have been given!


Amy Maze said...

I left you an award on my blog...check it out!

damien said...

Ive been following your blog for every your babies are sooooo cute .

Also since i know your a famous quad mom there is a fellow quad mom mary riepe on who had her quads 9 days ago at 27 weeks . she lost her girl to day who all you fellow quad moms please pray for her quads .

Jennifer said...

Hi there,
I wanted to introduce myself as I found your blog through Jill's. My name is Jennifer and I have 8 month old twins. I can't wait to read about how you manage all of those babies :) They are absolutely adorable! Can't wait til my husband can do bathtime all by himself. WOW, what a guy! Feel free to check out the twins at:

Suzanne said...

damien, i'm so sorry to hear that. we will most certainly be praying for mary and her family. thank you for sharing.

Tara Gibson said...

thats hilarious!!!

Anonymous said...

Too cute! What is the name of that store you said you shop at when you splurge? I know there is one is Dallas and Birmingham and we just moved from Waco close to Birmingham and I wanted to visit. please e-mail it to me

Anonymous said...

I just clicked over from Divine Caroline. What a pretty blog! I voted for you :D

Tricia said...

Your Bird Man is MUCH cuter than the original...I LOVE reading your blog and I think you're cool for stroller skating : )

Anonymous said...

So cute! So funny!

K said...

Aw, that's too cute!!

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Neal said...

Ethan's face is sooo cute!! :)

Lane said...

You don't know me but you know my husband Heath Brown. I also went to Harding, but not sure if we were there at the same time or not. I was roommates with Sarah Selman (now Schaffer) for a year. I also go to church and am good friends with Dallas Henderson. anyhoo...
I just had to stop by and say that I just love your blog so much and I have so much fun keeping up with it! (like everyone else in the world I think!) I love the way you write and just how much fun you are! Heath and I tend to be a little crazy too, we love it! :)

I can not believe how big the quads are getting! They are just the cutest things ever. I think it's so cool how two of them look like Joe and the other two just like you! So cool!

Fulton Quads said...

TOO CUTE! He should be a hairdresser! LOL! My hubby never seems to be able to do their hair at all! I must say that he will blow dry it so they do not catch cold but that makes it even wilder! hah! I LOVE reading your blog when I have some extra "mommy" time. Thanks for the smiles! (o: Cathy

Deanna said...

Haha! That is funny! What a cutie!!

Bethany said...

I read your blog all the time but don't usually comment b/c I would just be saying the same things everyone else does- like how doggone cute your kids are. But I have a real question today. When you casually say "Joe is bathing the kids" I want to know: How is it logistically possible to safely get 4 toddlers in and out of the tub at once?! I would be so interested to hear how you guys do a lot of things like that. I am imagining myself with my 1 year old plus three more while I am trying to get food on the table, do baths, bed time... I am in awe of you guys and also a little terrified. :0) So maybe you can give the rest of us some tips some time.

Suzanne said...

hey bethany...we do NOT bathe all 4toddlers at once! it is NOT safe--not yet for our little ones. if i am bathing them by myself, i take one, shut the bathroom door, bathe them, dry them, diaper, lotion, clothe, then get the next one and do the same. if two of us are bathing--we assembly line it and i bathe them while joe dresses them. we assebly line everything we possibly can!

Anonymous said...

That is too funny!

Queen of the Misfits said...

This is kinda strange, I work with Collin in College Station (he went to school with you and or your husband (not sure), he told me about your blog, so I decided to take a look...anyway, I went to High School with "bird man" (he was a very big dork .lol)

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