Thursday, January 08, 2009

Two's Company...


and FOUR?....well....not even gonna go there! ;)

The boys have recently learned how to crawl into any chair--they think it is SO fun to sit in a chair like a grown up! This morning, I caught Andrew (stripes) and Ethan (red) playing in the blue chair together--it was so cute! Then Savannah tried to join in on the fun and they didn't like that very much. If it had been Ben or Sav in the chair originally---he/she would have pushed anyone else down who tried to join in! It is just so funny to see the different personalities---definitely keeps life interesting every day!

(Can't wait to get the little chairs out that Grandpa and Grandma Steece got the quads for Christmas--with an individual name on each chair! soooo cute! The kiddies are going to love them!)

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TheBMillers said...

so sweet - I bet they are fun


Anonymous said...

i love the pics where drew has his hand on ethan's shoulder, too cute =)

Stephanie said...

Aww..look at his lil hand on Ethans shoulder!!! That is too cute!
Cant wait to see the new chairs!!

mrs boo radley said...

Their personalities really do shine through! You must be having a blast...

Jac Tubre said...

Haaaa! Ours love to climb on the couch or recliner as well. It is so cute. Your little beauties just keep getting bigger and badder, I mean cuter :)

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

I love the pics with Sav's leg sticking straight out as she tries to get up. Too cute!

Rachel said...

Can't wait to see the new little chairs. That sounds so cute!

Audrey T said...

Too funny - I just posted about chairs too - come see what Sam did with the chairs at our house!

The age of climbing has certainly begun.

Jennifer said...

I like how Ethan still has that police car in his hand...does he ever put that toy down?

Jenn K said...

So cute...I love little Sav's feet..."I wish I was a little bit taller"..."If only I could just...".

Love you guys!

jenni from the blog said...

That is toooo cute! We got my son, Carter, his own personalized armchair for Christmas and he loves it. I'm sure the quads will have a great time with them!

Kelly said...

The very same thing is going on here! In daddy's chair - the almost four year old, Ash (15 mo) and the puppy!!

Anonymous said...

Look at those smiles! Gosh, usually I don't have problems telling the boys apart, but they really look alike in that one. Of course the police car helped!:)

Unknown said...

and the climbing begins, huh? Soon nothing will be sacred! Thankfully my two aren't too bad about climbing, but they're so dang tall, they don't HAVE to climb to get what they want - they can reach everything! haha!

The McNulty Family said...

They get BIGGER every day!! I just love these pics. Now, when they start climbing in out of their cribs I'm gonna be laughing hysterically!

I love you so much. You are such a great mommy and an amazing friend. My life is better with you in it... Joe and the babes too of course! See, told you I was emotional today! lol

Heather said...

How PRECIOUS!! They just look so sweet!!

Goerlich Quadruplets said...

what a shot of sav determined to get in the chair with her bros - that's so cute. hope you're having a good day! lots of love, mari

Kim and Dave said...

Four's a party, but they don't realize it just yet!

Elyse said...

Can you say hours of entertainment?
Their smiles, esp. A&E's are adorable!!!

Joan said...

lol how cute! She's trying sooo hard too.

Stacy said...

So cute! Made me laugh that Ethan still has that police car! :)

Jessica said...

Your kiddos are TOO cute!

Anonymous said...

LOL...Love how Savannah is trying to get up there with them. They are going to love their own chairs!

Williams' bunch said...

So cute!

The Binstock's said...

Love reading your blog!!!

I awarded you--check out my blog. :)

Salsygirl said...

I just love the picture of Little Prin trying to get up there. One leg....nope that's not right....let me see maybe the other side???

Laura said...

I love these pictures. It captures the natural competition that exists between multiples. It's really a study in human behavior etc... watching multiples grow up together. Even with twins I find it so interesting and at times exhausting. I haven't commented in a while but I just love your blog.

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