Monday, June 29, 2009

We're Home!

After a loooong day of surgery and postop vomiting, Sav was feeling better and decided to wake up at 4am for some light refreshment. (In all of these pictures, Miss Thang is doped up and feeling great! Hilarious)

Yep, popsicles and pudding...a toddler's dream diet

Silly little Sav---how about some more sleep, baby girl? Its not even light outside.

Goofing around with Mommy later that morning---she LOVED her new doodle pad that Aunt Susan gave her!...wouldn't put it down.

Such a mess---couldn't make up her mind about what she wanted, so she ended up with about 10 stuffed animals, 11 books, toys, milk, snacks, etc in her crib for easy access...the little goober.

Did I mention that she was doped up?

Seconds later...out like a light! She would wake up and grunt at us every time we tried to pry her snack cup out of her wee little fingers.

By Saturday afternoon---Sav was doing SO well that the doc decided to discharge us that night (instead of Sunday!!!) Prayer works! I tell ya, she's a feisty one, this gal. Stopping to smell the beautiful flowers from our friends at Harris.

Broke my heart when she grabbed the keys and kept pointing to the window saying, "Out-sigh...out-sigh". SOOOOO ready to be home.

Before we returned home, Joe & I had sweet little visions of Sav and her brothers running toward each other with lots of hugs and kisses---hahaha, yah, not so much. I think Miss Priss got a bit overwhelmed.

Sav protecting her balloon. You touch--you die, Benny boy.

After a while, all was back to normal. Here is Ethan going in for a "kiss-kiss"

Lots of kisses to go around! Mama and her sunshine- Drew...his smile lights up a whole room!

We missed our boys!!! A huge thanks to Granna, Papa, and Aunt Susan for staying with the little guys this weekend. It was so nice being able to spend that one-on-one time with Savannah while in the hospital.

Sav woke up with some pain this morning, but is doing great. We have to watch her brothers carefully- so they won't fall on her or play rough with her. She will go back for a follow up in about a month and will have more icky kidney testing in about 4-5 months. So, at least we know Sav has a while to heal before surgery on her left kidney. Thanks again for all of your prayers and kind words!!!

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Charity Donovan said...

So glad that lil' drop of sunshine is home with her brothers again! SOOOOO glad all went well! Smother her in some more quad momma lovin' for us!!!! How about a big YAY for you & Joe getting to sleep in your own bed again!!!! A twin pull-out...good lord...sounds BRUTAL!!! lol! Huuuggggssss!!!! =)

Shosh said...

so glad it went well! she's so cute!

Anonymous said...

That sweet little girl just melts my heart. There's something about sweet little ones sleeping too isn't there?!

I am so glad that Savannah is feeling better and healing. I have kidney stones and know that kidney pains are NO FUN! I will continue to pray for her and you as parents.

Give all of those little ones some love from all of us!

Jenni said...

Hi, I came across your blog from the Cochran Crew and just wanted to say that I am enjoying reading about your family! I am so glad that Sav is doing so great. You have a very strong little girl!

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that she is doing great. Will continue to keep her in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Love her little babies in bed with her. Soooo cute.

Unknown said...

What a precious video. I also love the look she gives Ben while holding her balloon. Shes gonna be a tough chick.

Kati said...

She is adorable. I am so glad that things went well, and especially glad that you are all back together again!

Rachel said...

What a huge relief! Sav is doing so great!!!

Katie said...

SO glad to hear Y'all got to come home early!! I bet she was So happy to be back in her bad and see her brothers!!

Unknown said...

So glad to hear she is doing so well! Love the pic of her holding on to her snack cup in bed. Too funny!

Williams' bunch said...

Bless her heart...glad she's doing well, and was able to be discharged early!
They are all so cute...loved the pics.

Uma and Wil said...

Glad to hear that everything went well and your Little Princess is back home with her dear brothers. Hope she continues to recover well!

Bethany @ Our 4 Sons Plus 1...Super Cute Girly Girl said...

Hi, I'm new to your blog...and am so happy for you all that your little girl is on the mend!! We'll keep sending prayers :)

Anonymous said...

So glad she is doing well and got to come home early.

Lori T said...

Glad y'all are home. I hope she'll do okay in the next few months and that the next testing won't be too bad.

By the way, what grade # was her reflux? My DD has grade 3.

Bill and Angie Ryan said...

Aww..That video is so sweet! What a little trooper you have there! I'm so glad that she is doing good.

Take Care of each other ~

Portland, OR

Elyse said...

One word for the video: PRICELESS! Glad Miss Sav was able to go home early too. What a precious princess!

Kirst said...

What a trooper. Glad to hear she is on the mend. Your kids are such cuties.

Annie said...

Thank God she is doing better and youre home.

Have a nice week.

Kelly Trullinger said...

So glad she is doing well! She looks great and I'm sure she is so happy to be home as I'm sure you are too!

Goerlich Quadruplets said...

yippee! so glad everyone is back together again. that little beauty is one tough cookie (and her mom and dad aren't too wimpy either!). we'll keep praying for great strides and positive test results to come. sending our love!!

Amazing Greis said...

So glad that all is well with little Sav. That video is the cutest, love when she kisses her brothers, too sweet!

The Murray Crew said...

Smiles all around. Prayers answered 4 sure!

Love and Hugs

Melanie said...

love it!

Adam and Julia said...


I am so happy Savannah is doing so well. I have to admit. I laughed a bit when I watched the video of Sav all doped up. Too cute!!! Thank goodness for prayer. Still want to meet the precious little ones. We test tomorrow, so keep your fingers crossed. Oh! I was in Wally World today and came across a whole Crystal Light isle. I took a picture and will post it/send it to you tomorrow. It also made me smile.

Thinking of you,


Jessica said...

That is so sweet, Suz! I'm glad to hear that overall she is doing well!

boysmum2 said...

Nice to hear that everything is going well for you all. Have a great 4th weekend

Laura said...

So glad she is home and doing well.

cat said...

I am just sooo happy to read this post and see how great she did. Love those doodle pads as well.

We are the Smith Family said...

God is good...welcome home angel girl!

Alissa said...

Your daughter is simply adorable! So glad that she is at home now. I really enjoy reading your blog, you always have such a positive spin on life!

MrsBritney said...

She is so precious...
I love reading your blog...
Do all four of the kids talk so well?

Lainey-Paney said...

So glad that everything went well.
My fave: the balloon pic "you touch, you die" it!

Elizabeth said...

Alright, I read the blog when you first wrote it but didn't have time to comment! I love that video, how cute is that little girl! Sorry there was not 4 balloons. HA Love you guys

jag said...

Suz, I'm so very happy Miss Thang is home! Adorable pictures! I know this was tough on all of you, praying for healing.

Jodi said...

I haven't commented in forever... BAD BLOGGER-STALKER, BAD!... but I read up on you guys constantly. (Nice ACU gear, there, Sav!!) Anyways, prayers still going up from here in Houston for your sweet girl, and the Super Mama. Watching your baby hurting is the worst thing EVER! Glad she is home and doing great with her sweet brothers!!

The McNulty Family said...

Sweet sweet baby girl! I love you all! SOOO happy to see all those smiles.

Janelle and Ella said...

So thankful she is doing well. Y'all are a precious family!!

Anonymous said...

I have a random question. I was wondering if Ben and Sav can tell the two identical twins apart? Do they know who is who??

Deanna said...

I am glad you guys are home and everything went well. I was out of town but you guys have been in my prayers.

Haegelin Family said...

great news! what a sweet, strong girl.

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