Friday, April 29, 2011

Ashley’s Birthday and Easter Sunday

We traveled back from Austin and went straight to dinner with Ashley (my sweet, pregnant, sister-in-law) for her birthday. LOVE HER!




Benny, waiting patiently outside of Babe’s Chicken




The “tweedles” (affectionately named by Auntie Gen)---these two never stop talking. LIKE….NEVER! Its borderline ridiculous.

(Drew-blue, E- green)




“Y’all don’t believe a word my Mama says about me. I’m a darling little princess angel and would NEVER talk back to an adult. Nope. Uh-uh. Not this pretty face…(as she bats her eyelashes)” tsk, tsk.




Me and my Mama




Little Carter-man! He’s crazy. Kid can move faster than a fly.




Joe trying to entertain a restless crowd…




Wrapped around her finger--- just where she wants ‘em. (and right where he wants to be)

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Twin smiles. Me and Mr. E-bud (as he calls himself). Yes, if you ask him his name, he will tell you: “E-bud”

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Mr. Ben…the carbon copy (personality-wise) of my hubby. He’s gonna be a great catch one day, little ladies!

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Sweet Drew…sweet, quirky, ever-yapping Drew.

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Granna and Papa

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Mr. and Mrs. Wall (Ashley’s parents)

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My bro and his lovely bride.

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Their offspring---the most darling child in the entire world---Mr. Blue Eyes!

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Those crazy outlaws. Joe and Ash

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Back to Col and Ashley’s house for some cake and ice cream.

And this is the present we bought for Carter. I’m pretty sure my brother and Ashley wanted to kill us after about 5 minutes of listening to the music! Ben is testing it out.




“Uncle Col---don’t mess with me. I’m a crazy woman and I’m capable of anything…muahahaha” (creepy face much?)


Sidenote: Uncle Col loves to give Sav a hard time because she reminds him of a little pestering sister he once had a long, long time ago.

Winking smile



The Birthday Girl/Better half…and then my brother. Winking smile tee hee. jk, Col…kinda.




The crazies helping Aunt Ashley open her bday package.




And time for church on Sunday morning! Sure we were trying to make the brunch…but, alas- late again. Sav, Ethan, Ben, Drew

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We’ve learned to try to snap a family photo BEFORE we leave the house on Easter Sunday or we might not get one! (or a good one, at least)

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Stopping to “smell the roses”? or searching for eggs…it’s a toss up. (Sav, Carter, Drew, Ethan)




Ashely, Carter, and Collin




Savannah means business…like always, she is racking up the most eggs out of any child there. (Joe and I were throwing eggs out of her basket when she wasn’t looking…trying to make sure that other kiddos got a chance at hunting too!) She’s ruthless, folks.




And one last picture of the grandkiddos before Papa and Granna headed home. Ben, Ethan, Sav, and Andrew




Happy Birthday, Ashley!!! We love you so much. You truly are the sister I never had. And Dad, appreciate all of the picture taking, as always! We loved having you and Granna with us---and thanks for all of the Easter goodies! Love you.


suz signature

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Egg Huntin’ in Austin

We spent the first part of Easter weekend in Austin with Grampy, Grammy, Aunt Dani, and Uncle Dan and had an absolute blast!

Grammy and Savi

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Ethan and Danielson

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Grampy and Drew

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Dani and Benny

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The boys (Ben and Andrew) playing with their new Easter loot… all of the boys love to lay on the floor and play with their cars.

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The next morning we headed up to the country club for a little brunchin’, egg dippin’, and egg huntin’. (~ that’s me, trying to sound as “country” as possible)…

These next couple of pictures make my heart stop.


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But they did surprisingly well and managed to keep the dye to their eggs and hands only.

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The tweedles watching Mama work her magic. (E, A)

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Ben was great at it---so meticulous.

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Grampy took us out on the putting green for a little crash course in proper putting form.

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Our little munchkins. Drew, Sav, Ben, and Ethan

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Lined up and waiting patiently for the hunt to begin.

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Next we headed back to Grammy’s for a super fun Easter egg hunt of our own!04 april 2011 214



Dan snapped this awesome picture with Sav airborne. Greatness.

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Ben getting a little lift from Mommy to find a tricky egg

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…and the hunters exploring their loot!

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Thank you SO much Grammy and Grampy for a fun-filled Easter weekend with lots and lots and lots of goodies! We love you and appreciate you more than you could ever possibly know.

suz signature



(Easter Sunday pics coming soon!)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Savi’s Big Girl Room

We put Savannah’s bed together last night (and by “we”…of course I mean, Joe). Smile

Here is a pic of the bedrooms from the hallway.

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Sav’s bedding is the Brooke theme from Pottery Barn. (again, I fell in love with this pattern FOREVER ago and have been saving up ever since!).

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I love it because it is not too girly and I can throw in cute pink accents. I found some fantastic cheap sheets at Target that have adorable pink bird houses & stripes.

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Sav is not happy or anything…

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…not excited one bit

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Cute pic of Ben and Daddy, checking out the new room

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It is blurry because she was rolling around and giggling. So cute!

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Tucked in for the night and I’m pretty sure the ear-to-ear grin followed her into her dreams.

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BTW- Savannah is sporting a new sassy pixie haircut (and Mama’s new cut is VERRRRY similar! SHORT! Yikes!)


Next up on the ‘ole remodeling process: wall art, decals, and decor


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