Friday, August 31, 2012

Father-Son Dates with Dad

Last week was a PERFECT opportunity for Father/Son, one-on-one outings. The Minnesota Twins were in town to play the Texas Rangers. Andrew was thrilled (albeit, somewhat apprehensive to leave his brothers behind).

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Joe texted me some pics from the game. I just LOVE this!

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It’s so important to have one-on-one time with each child---but SO difficult to do sometimes. Joe and I have serious parent guilt when we only take one child somewhere…but it must be done.

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Saturday morning, we headed out to let the kids choose their new bicycle helmets to go along with their new bikes!

Are you surprised?

(Giving me their best “reptile-intimidation-faces”)

Ben- orange, Ethan- green, Drew- blue

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…and the Princess with her unicorn

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Hilarious to watch these rapscallions pedaling down the street

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I had been dealing with a very annoying cold all week that seemed to be getting worse. Joe left Saturday afternoon for an out-of-town trip and by that evening, my ears would not pop! You know when you are on an airplane, and your ears will not pop---you feel like your head is about to explode???

Well, the kids and I went to sleep around 9pm and by midnight, I woke up with so much pain---it felt like someone was stabbing me in my ears. I did what any mom of quads with a husband out of town would do---yep, I woke up all four kids and shuffled them into the burb at 1am and went to the ER.

Now, if you know me---you know that I do not even go to the doctor unless I am extremely bad off. I have a VERY high pain tolerance. So, for me to take 4 kids into a germ infested ER at 1am…I had to be dying.

Come to find out, I had busted both ear drums…bloody and busted. Doc said it was one of the worst ear infections she had seen. After some pain pills and antibiotics, she sent us home FIVE HOURS LATER!!! ugh.

Needless to say, we were all exhausted. Thank GOD for my friend, Liz~ she came to get Drew and Sav Sunday morning and they spent the entire day and night with her.

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…while Daddy took Ben and Ethan for their Daddy date to the ballpark!

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All Ben talked about was getting a hotdog…guess he’s really into it in this pic? lol

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Rain delay…

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…but still in good spirits!

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The memorial for the man who died trying to catch a ball for his son (so incredibly sad)

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Meanwhile, Mom was home- in a coma for 9 hrs. No kidding! I passed out. Thank God for good friends and a great hubby. I’ve been recovering all week- but it has been ROUGH. I had to call Granna in for reinforcements! I’m feeling much better now, but my ears are no where near back to normal & the cough is lingering. It still sounds like I am under water and my ears continuously pop and crackle. Let me just say~ I have a whole new appreciation for my kiddos when they have ear infections. NO FUN!


The first day of preschool was yesterday! Stay tuned for some super cute pictures!

suz signature

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Party People!!!!

The Birthday keedos right before their party started (Drew in blue, Ben in red, Sav, and E in grEEn)



Workin’ hard to get the food ready! Thanks SO MUCH for your help Kate & Dani!



LOVE this pic of baby Sawyer and Papa…so sweet!



My little bday princess (she changed outfits about 5 times during the party)

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Not sure who had more fun…the kids or the parents! We LOVED having all of our friends and fam under one roof for a party.



Sav, Ben and Auntie JuJu



Uncle Stoney, Ben, & Ben’s cheeto

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Liz, me, Mist and some of their beautiful girlies

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ADORE this pic of Liz’s twin girls: Kinley and Madelyn

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One of the kids’ BFF from school came!

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We love Frankie!



Oh, did I mention that Frankie is Ben’s “girlfriend”??? LOL. They are precious.



The Todd fellas were in attendance! The dudes are too cool, I’m tellin’ ya.

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Awww…some of Savi’s best girlfriends~ Cam and Reid Gerwer

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Some of my girlfriends from church~ Jen, Hallie, Lacey and Annabel. LOVE them.

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My cousin Kristy and her son Kieran (JuJu’s grandson) stopped by on their way back to Georgia! SO awesome to have them party with us.



Me, Ashley, Sawyer and Kristy

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Kieran playing at the train table




Granna, me, JuJu and Savi



Ladies with multiples! Urech, Gerwer, Todd, and Steece

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Twin Grannies!!!

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The Princess, and the love of her life

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We had people EVERYWHERE in our house and loved every single second!

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Kids were playing upstairs…




on the patio…




and don’t forget the bounce houses!

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Baby Isa playing with the castle door…love that face!

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Sweet brothers all the way from Austin! We love Will & Trent!

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Some of our favs! Sheeds and Reeves

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Beautiful Aunt Ashley, my darling nephew and Granna

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We were SOOOO bad and hardly took any pictures. It was pandemonium. Didn’t even get a family pic. (Thanks again to all who sent me these pictures!)

Mama and Little E-bud

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LOVE that smile, Drew!

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These 2 pictures depict the tweedles every single second of every day perfectly…

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A picture of the people who mean the most to us in the entire world. We would not survive without these amazing grandparents who are always so quick to help us out. Our children are beyond blessed to have you in their lives. We LOVE you.

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After the official party was over, we kept it going with some of our besties.

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I bribed the kids into another bday picture before I would let them open presents…tee hee hee.

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Opening the door to find their new big kid bikes from G&G.

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As soon as this weather cools down, we’ll start working on those training wheels!

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Sweet Benny hugging on Grampy and saying thank you.

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Cracked me up that the adults were having more fun with the remote controlled cars than the kids!

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Katie and Vero helping Sav with her headband making kit…and let me just tell you---she was ALLLL over it!

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…not to mention the makeup!

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My beautician gave me a makeover…

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…and a manicure!

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Don’t look too closely! ha

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Will LOOOOOVED Grampy’s chicken wangs. LOL

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…he also put the moves on AK…just darling! Love our friends!!!

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We had a WONDERFUL time getting to party with all of you. Thank you so much for coming and for being such a blessing in our lives. We LOVE you all!


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