Sunday, May 28, 2006


Okay, so some of you already know this...but a few weeks ago, I had surgery (diagnostic laparoscopy) and subsequently was diagnosed with a moderate case of endometriosis. To explain better:

Endometriosis, a cause of female infertility, is a chronic condition in which endometrial tissue, the tissue that lines the inside of the uterus, grows outside the uterus and attaches to other organs in the abdominal cavity such as the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Endometriosis is a progressive disease that tends to get worse over time and can reoccur after treatment. Symptoms include painful menstrual periods, abnormal menstrual bleeding and pain during or after sexual intercourse.

My endometriosis was found on my uterosacral ligaments and I had a endometrial tumor that was excised off of my right ovary. The ends of my fallopian tubes, known as fimbria, are SUPPOSED to be finger-like projections that grab the egg from the ovaries. Well, MY fimbria are clubbed and severely scarred on both tubes. It is hard to tell if my tubes are even open and patent!

Tuesday, I will have a hysterosalpingogram (HSG)- a vaginal ultrasound where they will inject my tubes with dye to determine if my tubes are patent or not. It will also help to open them up!

The best treatment for endometriosis is to get pregnant as soon as you can...the hormones emitted during pregnancy (progesterone) help suppress the endo. Also, I have better chances of conceiving if we start trying within the first 6 months after surgery and this HSG procedure...

So, in a couple of months...Joe and I are going to start trying to have a child! SO PLEASE be praying for us. This isn't really the timeline that Joe and I had for our family..but it seems like the BIG GUY UPSTAIRS knows what he's doing!

I'll let you know what happens Tuesday with my HSG. Thanks for your prayers!! ;)


  1. I will pray for you, Suzanne. What an exciting time. You will have the cutest baby ever!!

  2. Suzanne, I'm so sorry you have to go through all that! Its good that you found out about this early. I sell a drug for endometriosis and have become much more aware of the condition lately. If you don't mind, please continue to keep us posted about everything and we will definetely keep you in our prayers!

  3. I will keep praying for you! Let us know what happens on Tuesday! I'm just so excited that you're going to be trying soon!!!! Even though it wasn't exactly you're time frame, you will love being pregnant and having a baby!

  4. With you in prayers and thoughts....
    I can't wait to hear that you are pregnant... I think the best thing of all of this is the TRYING TO GET PREGO.... Hopefully you will be before long...
    I know that I have to constantly tell myself that it GODTIME not Worldtime...kinda like soaps and movies----one watching could cover a months worth in real time...
    Thanks for all the info and medicial data regarding your situation. Can I put you on our pray list at my church in Del Rio?

  5. I will be praying for you, one of my best friends has this and they have been fighting against it as well. Please keep us posted.

  6. suze,

    all my prayers! please keep us never know what God has in store! His timing is so very different from ours, but it is always to our advantage. thank you for being so vulnerable to share with us, so we can pray for and joe.

  7. Let me just say first off, I love your blog! Your children are adorable and it wasn't until I had read a good bit on your blog that I discovered something we have in common. I too have Chronic Endometriosis. I have actually just had my 4th surgery (on May 17th) for it. I had the dye injected through my tubes this time to see if they were blocked, I had a cyst on my left ovary that was pinned between my ovary and my uterus, i had my second D and C, I also have Interstitial Cystitis if you know anything about that. It along with the Endo makes for some pretty lousy feeling days.

    I would LOVE to talk to you! Catch up with me on my blog or either on facebook if you have that. I'll give you my email too. I have SO many questions because my husband and I are meeting with my Dr next week for my Post Op and he is wanting to put me on Clomid. You can imagine what is going through my head.......

    Would love to hear from you! :)

    Amy in GA
