Saturday, January 13, 2007

Peanut Butter Pie

Mmmmmm...SO good! Yesterday at work, I was thumbing through the Jan 2007 issue of Southern Living and found this recipe for some sort of peanut butter and chocolate pie. I think it was a winner in a bake-off or something. Anywhoo, it is ridiculous-good! If you want the recipe, I I'm writing this, I realize that I packed up all of my cookbooks and recipes today. But check out the magazine in the store if you'd like! I just thought it looked so pretty and wanted to share! The salty peanuts on the top really make the pie POP! It's kind-of sad when I bake things, b/c we can never finish it all by ourselves (so we end up throwing a lot of it away)...but I LOVE to bake! It's therapeutic for me!


  1. That should be in the magazine! I think I need a piece of peanut butter pie now! YUMMMY

  2. That makes me want to eat!! Very good job on presentation! I'll have to give it a try, because I love just about anything with peanut butter.

  3. yummy~preggo wants some!

  4. Oh my goodness I wish I lived close to you so I could help you finish it! Looks amazing!

  5. Maybe you can just put my slice in the mail!

  6. I have that magazine and yours looks even better than the one in the actual picture! I think I might have to try've inspired me! Oh, did you read one of my last comments about the house I grew up in?

  7. how's this...i'll make one (or two) for our blogger reunion! ;) yay!

  8. I'm ALL about a blogger reunion! Tell me when and where and I'm there! I say we all reunion at Corrie's in Whacko!
