Friday, March 02, 2007

Only 8 weeks, Can You Believe How HUGE I Am Already???

What a difference 4 weeks makes with 4 babies!

My 4th week, right when I found out I was, I'm going to forget what this looked like! (of course I am flexing a little!) ;)

This is today, during my 8th week! I am completely relaxing my stomach!...not pooching it out at all! Can you believe that I am already showing this much after 2 months?!! Women with one child usually don't start showing any hint of a bump until their 4th month!

(BTW, yes, I am definitely going to take the belly ring out! ASAP!)

I can't imagine how enormous I am going to get! I already somewhat feel like a walking freak-show, people come out of the wood-works just to see the chick who got knocked up with four babies...(I'm being sarcastic people, I know it's a blessing) I am on track to gain between 50-100 lbs with quads! jeez!! But honestly, please pray for me, b/c I am not hungry at all. I have to force myself to eat and it scares me to death to think that the well being of four tiny little babies is completely up to what I put in my mouth. I just have not been hungry AT ALL. I DREAD when it is time to eat b/c I feel so uncomfortable, which in turn makes me feel guilty and weepy knowing that it is SOOOO VITAL! So, please add that specifically to your prayers!

(***New pics from my second ultrasound are at the bottom of my last post...they are alot better than the first ones!***)


  1. Oh Suz, this is AMAZING! I love your candor and honesty about how you're feeling. The bottom line is that I know you and Joe will be the BEST parents any quads could ever ask for. And, of course you're right about God not giving us any more than what we can handle. I will keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers. I will be specifically praying about your health and nutrition! I bet you feel like you need a nutritionist with you every day :) You can do this. You are amazing and I love you!

  2. Wow!! It's so normal to lose your appetite from time to time during pregnancy, but amazingly God made it to where your babies are getting just what they need. Try to rack your brain for SOMEthing that sounds good, and if something does, go get it! That was usually ice cream or cereal for me. I will say prayers for that!

  3. suze
    honestly, skinny people like you show quicker, but do not will go back to normal! you look skinnier than the general public at 8 weeks pregnant with quads so i don't think you have anything to worry about! not that you are worried, but you know what i mean!!
    it is really weird, but you forget what your body was like before you were pregnant! you get really used to it and start to love it!


  4. I second everything everyone has said! Have you been introduced to any kind of support group of parents of multiple birth children? Ok, "support group" makes it sound like a negative thing, but I just wondered if your doctor had suggested you guys meet up with parents who can completely 100% relate to the ranging emotions of fear, shock, excitement, joy, ect. and also parents who can help prepare you both for what's to come. Seems like that might be helpful...but what do I know?! BTW: Your belly looks absolutely adorable!!

  5. Your pooch is what my belly was before I was even pregnant! I am sure you will be back to normal really quick after your foursome are here, especially since you will be chasing 4! This is so fun, I feel like I am apart of it, can I be called Amanda your Blogaunt???

  6. Oh and have you ever heard of the belly band? It makes it where you can wear some of your clothes longer, I am wearing it now, so I can wear my old clothes! It covers your mid section and keeps your pants up, it looks like a t-shirt from the bottom. Just a suggestion, I am sure you will be getting plenty of them:)

  7. Suzanne,
    I knew who you were at harding, but you probably don't know me. My sister found out about your quads through Kristen Seidel, I think, and then told me. You, Joe and your babies will all be in prayers. I hope you don't mind, but I added your babies to a list I have on my blog of children who need prayers. My son was born with lots of complications, which is how his blog began, and there are many wonderful prayer warriors who check on him and these other children faithfully. I already had someone email me about your quads today. She let me know about another girl from Harding named Allison (Ward) Harris who had quads. Her blog is if you are interested. You all will be in my prayers everytime I think of you, which is often! We prayed for you in class this morning.
    Kelly Stewart Julian

  8. I love belly pics! Please keep taking them so we can watch those quads grow. Your belly is one beautiful pregnant belly=mine was always so white and pasty I didn't want to expose it.
    Are you nauseous or feelingokay? I'm sure those pregnancy cravings will kick in any day and then it will make it fun to eat pickles & ice cream (cottage cheese was my fav.) at midnight!

  9. Hi- I was reading your blog from the Jullian family link and first Congrats. I know what a heartache infertility is as we have dealt with it for 5 years now, but after wonderful IVF doctors in Cincinnati I am 16 weeks pregnant and due in Aug. We are expecting 1 at least all the ultrasounds so far show 1, it was a possibility of 3! Anyway how wonderful it is for you to be pregnant and with 4 after wanting, praying and trying for so long. I truly can understand and will keep you and your babies in my prayers each night. Good luck and you cna check out my pregnancy blog if you would like at Like I said I do not know you but your story touched me since I know where you have been and where you are now. Before you know it you will be 16 weeks along as well. Best of luck and hang in there!

  10. I am a firm believer that your body craves exactly what it needs. I wasn't hungry for anything except cheese and meat for the first couple of months. The thought of vegetables or water (!) made my stomach turn. I got by on lots of grilled cheese sandwiches and gatorade (mix half gatorade, half water). I'm sure you'll find something that you actually want to eat - and then stock up!

  11. Hunger... I really did not get hungry per say until my second tri. Then by the third, it subsided.... Of course my second tri was when I gained about 10lbs in one week ... Cheesecakes, stay away from them... I found even when I was not hungry that I could eat just half a fruit like bananna or apple. I knew I needed to eat so I would eat something healthy sweet and light. Before long I am sure you will get cravings, and as your babes grow, so will their hunger therefore so will yours. Diddos on the prego vitamins! Just continue to take care of yourself and don't worry about the little things. Thanks for the updates and pic... Your honesty is refreshing and is who you are, be proud of that... JUST THINK, ONCE YOUR LITTLE MIRACLES ARE I THIS WORLD, YOU WILL HAVE A WONDERFUL JOURNAL FOR THEM TO PUT IN THERE BABY BOOKS AND MANY TENDER AND TREASURED MEMORIES TOO...
    Always in my prayers,
    JOLee and Family

  12. Anonymous10:38 AM

    just wanted you to know that i am in shock, but then also sooooo happy for you and joe. i know you will be a fabulous mamma, and i also know those 4 little ones have a super grand-mamma back here in waco!!!! CONGRATULATIONS! you are in my prayers!! oh, and checkout this blog - this is a family that i found thru a friend of a friend....i've kept up with them since their quads were born. be sure to look at her very first blog called "in the beginning" for their story of infertility...
    Love, Pam Richardson

  13. Suz,
    Your little pouch is so adorable:). I just know your entire pregnancy you will awesome! I also say if something remotely sounds good to you then go and get it. It was really hard the first trimester to want to eat anything but if all else fails...saltine crackers (they really don't have a taste but at least that will put something in your stomach). Have you had morning sickness at all?

  14. i saw where pam (above) commented on the mcnulty quads...we've become "friends" in the blog world, and their quads did amazing! they would be a good family to connect and keep in contact with...very sweet family. good luck!

  15. Wow! Congratulations & (((hugs)))
