Thursday, April 12, 2007

Missin' that Belly?

I knew you were all missing the belly ;), so I'll update!

I am currently a complete 14 weeks (in my 15th week of pregnancy).

I received this information this week in my "what to expect" weekly email.
If you could catch a glimpse of your fetus now, you'd see a baby the size of your clenched fist (a skill, by the way, your little one now has). Your baby also has the coordination, strength, and smarts to wiggle his or her fingers and toes and even suck a thumb (how cute is that?).

Wow! Four of these little fist-sized babies in my belly...still very hard to believe. I can't wait to start feeling the kicks and movements. (Sure, I say that now!) I'm already getting up 3-4 times at night to void, so I guess I'm in training for all of those sleepless nights I will be having soon!

Oh, and check out the tab on the right, underneath my profile...I figured out how to put a paypal donation button on my blog! (I was proud of myself for figuring it out) PLEASE KNOW THAT THE ONLY REASON I DID THIS WAS BECAUSE MANY OF YOU HAD ASKED ME TO. I've said it before and I will say it again, THE MAIN THING WE NEED ARE PRAYERS. I believe prayers will help more than any monetary donation!

Thank you so much for the continued support, love, and prayers that you guys give me everyday! I couldn't do this without you!


  1. Anonymous9:00 PM

    I love it!!!! Cely and I had a good time today, we missed not having you with us. Looking forward to the 27th.You know you and Joe are always on my mind, I pray for ya'll every night.

    Keep God in sight and everything will be alright.

  2. Thanks for the updated pic...
    It is amazing how God designed us LADIES to carry children and thanks to tech. we can now see inside too...AMAZING...
    I got a magazine at the DR Office when I was prego this last time, that shows the monthly developements of fetus(actual shoots inside the womb just as you have here)... I like to look at it from time to time just to remember God's amazing grace and power....
    Always praying, and wishing you much comfort and SLEEP!!!

    JoLee and Family

  3. Looking great Suzanne! You are amazing...keep it and we'll be continuing to pray for you and the 4 miracles inside of you :) ejwilliams

  4. Hey Suzanne! My name is Stephanie and I randomly found your blog. I have loved following your pregnancy so far and will continue to do so. Thanks for keeping us updated. You can visit my blog at

  5. Suz- Love the belly pic- may be time for an Foley leg bag at night. JK : ) Love you- Mo
    p.s. we are staying STL- I'm glad b/c flights to D-town are cheaper from here. : ) ; )

  6. Hello doll! Just dropping in to say hi and I love you!!! Belly looks great, I want to come see you. For real, but I don't want to if you do not need me to. Miss you much and tell Joe hi!

  7. Love that belly, girl! So neat to see what size your 4 babes are! Love u!

  8. I went to high school with your cousin Brittany in Georgia and she told us that your having quads! My husband and I are expecting our (first) baby on Sept 23rd. When are you due? I've been worrying about a lot of the same things you mention. I'll be praying for y'all! Congratulations x 4!

  9. Anonymous8:35 PM

    WOW! You look great! I love how you are keeping us updated with these belly pics..I check your blog 2 times a day for updates!! Thank you for the paypal address---you know that we WANT to do this for you! You deserve it--you're already a great mom!!

  10. Lookin' good! Can't believe you're already getting up 3-4 times at night to pee - wow - you should be well prepared for your lil' munchkins waketime at night once they arrive!! :)

  11. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Hey Suzanne! This is Melissa (Gardner)Halford. Adam told me about your newest additions that are on the way...CONGRATULATIONS! I think he told you that Ryan & I had twins recently as well. I would love to touch base with you and answer any multiples question that I might can answer for you. Get is a blast (especially when they are sleeping through the night!!!) Email me if you get a chance. My email is Talk to you soon!

  12. OOOh, awesome! Suz, you are so cute! I still cannot believe it. It's a good thing you have these belly shots to prove it, because I still just catch myself thinking..."FOUR?!!!!!!"
    Love you!

  13. I totally sympathize with getting up 3 to 4 times in the night...not very fun! I try to avoid turning on any lights or even opening both of my eyes - I think it makes going back to sleep easier. Until your booty almost touches toilet water because someone left the seat up or you trip over a big black dog!

  14. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Greetings from a fellow quad mom. I believe my friend, Jamie gave you my contact info today. When is a good time to call and chat? My quads (2 boys/ 2 girls) just turned 10. We had their party in the middle of Friday's storms. Dr Tabor delivered my quads; adore him and miss him! I look forward to chatting. rachel

  15. Love the belly pics-please never stop even if you go on bed rest! I can't believe how much the quads have developed already! So cool! Love the paypal link! Don't worry about feeling weird about it-we are glad you did it and know it will be put to good use with 4 babies to feed, diaper, and spoil!

  16. Holy. Crap! CONGRATULATIONS you two! I just heard the big news. I will be praying for a safe and healthy pregnancy and all four healthy babies! How exciting! As a girl from a family of 8 (6 kids, mom & dad), you are going to LOVE having a big family!

    Jenn Martinson

  17. Best of luck! Hope you get to carry them for another 14 weeks, at lesat! (Ours were born at 26 weeks 1 day, they're all fine!)
