Monday, April 02, 2007

My GTTand Jason's wedding

(FYI: The first part of this blog is pretty long and boring, if you want to skip down to the wedding pics!)

So, I had my GTT (Glucose Tolerance Test) last Friday...oh let me tell you...the THREE HOUR test, NOT the one hour. I was stuck 5 times and they drew blood every hour on the hour for a total of 4 hours! YIKES! I was prepared with my BOOK (see below--AWESOME and informative, if you are super curious about everything I will be going thru) and blanket...


...Yet it was still terrible. During the first hour, after I drank the Orange Glucola, I felt as if I were going to vomit. The lab technician was pleasantly surprised that I was able to "keep it down" (apparently, some women can't keep it down and unfortunately have to come back and try again on another day!). I felt better as the hours went by, but my stomach was grumbling SO loud...keep in mind, I had NOTHING to eat or drink all morning, except for this sugar packed drink on an empty stomach...while carrying four babies and three placentas! By the time I finished, it was 12:30pm!

Finally, the last drawing of blood had just taken place and I was driving to meet my sis-in-law, Ashley and her sister and bro-in-law for lunch...all of a sudden, while driving in my jeep, talking to my dad on my cell, my face turns pale, I begin sweating, my vision becomes blurry, I am shaking...oh no..."dad, I think I'm about to pass out..." (this is the part where I SHOULD be telling you that I pulled over...nope) I knew my blood sugar was all out of whack, so I reached into my work bag and pulled out a box of yogurt raisins. I emptied the entire box in my mouth...still shaking, about to vomit. SO, I reach back into the work bag and pull out an old, smushed, protein bar and single packet of Jiff peanut butter. I crammed the bar into the PB and ate it in two this time, I was almost to my friend's house.

When I walked in the house, I barely said hello and grabbed the first sight of food off of their kitchen counter. I stumbled over to the living room couch, crashed, and began stuffing my face with handfuls of Cheeto puffs...getting cheese all over my hands and face! It was a beautiful site! ;) but honestly, in about 5 or 10 minutes...I felt 10 billion times better! All I needed was some sugar ASAP! My blood sugar must have been super low.

So, this morning I got back the results of the GTT...(drum role please...)

IT WAS ALL NORMAL! YAE! (well, 2 out of the 3 blood sugar readings). My last reading was abnormal/pretty low (go figure! considering, the "almost" diabetic shock that was about to take place during the drive home)...but you need 2 out of 3 abnormal readings to be diagnosed, SO I'M GOOD! ;) (Whew, what a RELIEF!..That's one more thing I can scratch off of my "worry-list" for the time being!)

Onto better and brighter things:

I had so much fun this weekend with my brother and sis-in-law (from Memphis) and my parents, as we were all together to celebrate my cousin's marriage to a beautiful, sweet woman! Always such a joy getting to be around family that I don't get to see very often.

from the left: Collin (bro), Ashley (sis-in-law), Dad, Mom, Aunt Susan, Uncle Ronnie, the preggo, and Joe

It was a beautiful wedding!

How gorgeous is this pic? cool. Jason and Julie are such a cute, sweet couple! I love em! There is one other pic of the entire fam that I want to post, but I don't have it, so as soon as I get it, I'll put it on here!


  1. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Wonderful news Suzanne!! I'm sorry you had such a bad time with the test. That is the worst test of all! Yuck! At least everything looks good. Praise God! Shauri

  2. what are you talking about--that was not boring!! LOL!
    the most impressive thing to me was how much you had to eat in your car! you were well prepared!
    i am so happy all is normal! :)

  3. Anonymous8:15 PM

    I'm so glad the tests came back normal!! What a relief! My blood sugar drops low like that at times too and it's a terrible feeling! You did good grabbing all that food though, that's exactly what I do! Still praying and thinking of all of yall often :)

  4. I agree with Nicki - not boring at all to read!! Wow - no wonder you had such a strong reaction - that's a really long time to go without eating considering you're carrying 4 - good thing you were smart and had some food in your car!! Praise God that your test came back negative and glad to hear that you had such a good time with your family - weddings are always so much fun!!

  5. Suz- Yeah! How is Aunt Susan? Are they still in San Antonio? The wedding does look beautiful! Glad the GTT went well. Minus the almost passing out in your car. Glad you were safe! I had to drink the red koolaid. I think there is a 1 hour test and a 3 hour test. I drank the red stuff 1 hour before going in then when I got there they did the blood test. I did mine a little later in pregnacy though! Thank goodness- I never would have been able to keep it down at 13 weeks. How is your book? What kind of things does it mention? Love reading your blog!

  6. Your blog can never be boring! You look great in the pics and I bet you were the talk of the wedding! I'm so glad your test came out good and that there was no major accident while driving home!

  7. Sounds almost exactly like my 3-hour GTT! Almost lost it the first hour, and was hypoglycemic by the end of the test (yes, while driving!) and had to shove massive amounts of food into my mouth to try to get my levels somewhat normal. I was definitely not a fun experience. The only bad thing about passing so early...the test will have to be repeated later on. (Although I've got a glucose meter & strips and am testing on my own in hopes of avoiding another 3H GTT.) Good luck to you! Thanks for keeping us updated!

  8. So were you a Girl Scout growing up? You know, the whole "be prepared" motto? Way to go, Suzanne!

    I like the red with the wedding dress - very stylish.

  9. When I had to take the 3 hour gtt, when I was prego with Aaron, they had to put me in bed since all that sugar and no food made me almost pass out in the waiting room twice. After words I went straight to the mcds dollar menu it saved my life. Any way I was fine and I am so glad that you are too.

  10. that's sooo cool that yall won everything!!! my club hasn't done very well the past 2 years and so I'm hoping that that is all different this year!!!! Our theme is Egyptian.....our costumes are awesome!! We are having wigs and everything!!!! And we also have archaeologists...and our mummies are the fast break...but they dance really old at first so no one expects it, and we have canes! And I did all the choreography for our entire show by I feel pretty good about what I've accomplished! :) I just hope we win something, and I definately think that we have a chance this year!

  11. I am Lauren's friend Lisa and have been keeping up with your pregnancy through your blog. On your last entry, I have a suggestion on one of your prayer requests about the car situation. Have you ever been to an auto auction? They have some great ones in the metroplex. My husband's dad is a wholesaler but its easy for you to get involved if you wanted to. We have a suberban through him that I LOVE! Ihad an Expedition before that and they have been great cars. You just can't be picky about the color. I did however end up with a blue Exp. and a white Suberban. Its SOOOO much cheaper but they generally have more miles. Not bad though for just driving around town. I have had my suberban now for three years and only have 106,000 miles but then again I live in Lubbock. Anyhooo.. just thought it might help.

  12. I actually clicked on a wrong link and got your page. But I was hooked on your story. I am so glad that your glucose test was normal. Diabetes rund in my family and I was really nervous that I would have it with all 3 of mine. I am so glad that you had food in your car and were able to make it to your friends house. look amazing for carrying quads! I carried each of mine as singles and didn't look that good! :) I will be praying for your pregnancy and if you don't mind will keep checking in to see how you are doing.

  13. I agree with everyone; never can I get bored with your blog! I'm so thankful that you passed 2/3 tests! You already have that pregnancy glow and are so a beautiful! I can't wait to see your bel this week!!

  14. I found your blog through Kristen's blog. A friend of mine had quads in October. You are not alone!! Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy. I will be watching your blog.

  15. Yea!!! Glad you passed:) I had a similar reaction with the glucose test when I took it a couple of weeks ago. Although, the first time I took it with Thomas I had no reaction what so ever...go figure.
    The horse drawn carriage looks so beautiful and romantic....I agree with Kim though...I bet YOU were the talk of the wedding (at least among family members).

  16. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Okay Suzanne, I was in Ju Go Ju with you and a friend pointed me to your're the talk of the town girl. Just letting you know we'll be praying for you and your babies!!!
    Sara Jo

  17. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Suz, glad to hear the GTT turned out OK and you didn't pass out! Any CA plans yet? I think about you a lot. I can still hardly believe it (I know it's ditto for you).
    Love ya,
    Jessicca Moore

  18. I found you from your comments on the Wilk' Quints blog. I just thought I should delurk since I am enjoying following your story.

    Dr Luke's book is a little crazy when you first read it but the information is invaluable. As you know by now, anything you can do to keep those little ones in your belly as long as possible is worth it - even if it means eating 2000 calories a day more than your used to or want to!

    Best of luck!

  19. Hi Suzanne,

    So glad to read that your glucose test turned out okay! Love the updates. I saw a program on TLC last night and thought of you (even though we don't know each other...) and thought I would pass it on. I was so fascinated by any and all programs about multiples when I was pregnant. Anyway, on TLC they are airing a program called "Surviving sextuplets and twins" (this couple has 5 year old twins and 2 year old sextuplets) and there is going to be a weekly series about this family on Discovery Health called "Jon & Kate plus 8" starting on April 10th. It might be one of those shows you can follow when bedrest starts:) I will continue to pray for your family!

    Casey in CA

  20. Still praying and love love love reading your blog... I really don't think my pregnancies were anywhere NEAR as exciting as yours has been but you handle it like an expert and are very safe and alert to the responsiblities...I know that I was totally clueless with my first but was better with the second... The test had me in pins too not to mention that I had to do the test twice..YUCK.
    I am so glad you had something in the car and made it to your friends with out an accident...
    Tell Collin and Ash that I said HI and can't wait to see you all soon..
    GOD BLESS and I will keep checking in...

  21. I found your blog from a friend and now I'm hooked :) I'm so glad things are going well for you and I'll pray they keep going well!

    ~Kristen Grile Chapman (Dave Chapman's wife)
