Tuesday, May 08, 2007

18 Weeks, and 27 YEARS!!! :)

Happy Birthday to ME,

Happy Birthday to ME,

Happy Birthday to MEEEEEE,

Happy Birthday to ME! :)

This is what I sang to Joe at the top of my lungs at exactly 12:00 midnight last night! hee hee! (I'm one of those annoying "birthday people" who LOVE having birthdays and just celebrate the entire day long!) :)

Hmmm..what would I be doing if I could be doing anything in the world on my birthday?? I thought pictures could say it best...

**At the beach...ANYwhere, ANY beach, preferably Mexico...(with my beach body that I will more than likely never have again! ;)

**Lounging around by the pool, ANY pool, with my baby girl dog

**Out on the lake, ANY lake, with my husband and his Afro

Okay, enough feeling sorry for myself...back to reality...

Look how big my little babies are getting!!

Did any of you reach a point in your pregnancy where you were like, "I'm still 6 weeks away from my babies having any chance to survive outside of the womb...aggghhhh"

I know, its such a negative thought, but I have had it alot lately...and its freaking me out. I can't seem to shake it.

Ending on a funny story:
Yesterday when I was leaving the dermatologist's office, I needed to use the restroom one last time before the drive home. So, I do my business and walk all around the waiting room (which was full of people) to the front door to leave. Once I got outside, I felt a little "drafty"-- (if you know what I mean...oh, yes...just guess where this is going...)
My skirt had gotten caught up in my adorable little panties for all to see!! I'm talking: complete exposure of my behind and legs! ha! :) I gracefully "picked" my skirt out and continued walking with a look of sheer joy on my face...I mean really, 'what ya gonna do?' I'm pregnant with quads! I get a pass! ;) too funny, I called my mom immediately to have someone laugh at me! I needed to laugh with someone about what just happened!


  1. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Hahaha, you are hilarious!! I think I laughed at the majority of the blog today :) I hope you have a wonderful day with it being YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! I am continuing to lift you, Joe, Andrew, Ethan, Ben, and Savannah up in prayer!! Happy Happy birthday!!!

  2. Anonymous11:33 AM

    That may be the funniest thing I hear all day. That is AMAZING. You gotta love ridiculous movie-type situations that happen to you...it's the best excuse to have a great laugh. :) SO glad you're doing well!


  3. Haha... love the "draft" part!
    As far as the babies being viable... I know exactly what you mean. I thought I would stop stressing once I got to 12 weeks, only to discover that I am now counting down the weeks until they are viable. (I worked in NICU until recently, when my darling hubby let me stay at home.) I am sure that I am in for a lifetime of stressing out over everything associated with my children.

  4. Happy Birthday!

    and yes - I'm at that same stage - counting the weeks until my babies have a chance of surviving outside of me.

    and too funny about being 'drafty'! Hey, if you can't laugh at yourself... :-)

  5. Happy Birthday Suzanne!

    This is the one birthday where you clearly have a pass from your doctors to eat any darn thing you want...bring on the chocolate cake and fried food right?!? Probably the last thing your tummy wants....
    Thanks for sharing the bathroom story. I'm laughing outloud at work right now!
    Unfortunately, I have to answer with a resounding YES about the prematurity issue. My pregnancy became even higher risk right around 17 weeks as my cervix decided to become incompetent. Just keep following your doctors orders and growing those little ones. Your peri team sounds phenomenal and thankfully you're being monitored well! Your worrying as a parent has officially started (probably about 12-13 weeks ago) and I have been told it never goes away...you just find new stuff to worry about.
    I will say an extra prayer for you and your family today for God to ease your worries!
    I hope you have a fantastic birthday!!!!


  6. I love Birthdays too! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to YOU!!!!! I can just picture you picking your skirt out of your underwear....HILARIOUS:) Hey at least you can laugh about it...there is nothing else do to.

    I don't know I think you will be one of the few that will have an awesome body no matter what...even after carrying those four precious babies to 36weeks!

  7. Happy birthday! I am 17 weeks tomorrow and I am thinking the same thing. With my first (she is now 2) I did not even think of it. Weird...

  8. Hi - I have been reading your blog since you got pregnant w/ the quads. I am a friend of Ellen, who is a friend of Corrie...who showed me your blog. But I just wanted to say Happy Birthday and we are kindered spirits b/c its my birthday too today and I have a Beagle. I also have a daughter that is 4 months old so am not too far removed from being pregnant (of course not w/ quads). Good luck and my thoughts and prayers are with you and Joe.
    -- Tricia

  9. Happy Birthday...your last "normal" birthday. From now on you will have 4 children singing to you :). Very funny story...I'm surprised that hasn't happened to me.

    I also worry about my little baby in utero. The worrying never ends. Just wait until you have them all home and count how many times you put your hand on their little chests to make sure they are breathing...it really happens all the time!

  10. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Happy Birthday SuzyQ! Your still my little darling girl and I can't wait to see you this weekend to celebrate with the whole family.

  11. Happy Birf-day Suz-anne! You were one of those lucky kids that could have a swimming party or something cool outdoors for your birthday! Mine is in December, and I was always jealous of the May-June-July kids. Sigh!
    Be careful with those skirts! It would have been cool to see how long it took someone to tell you!

  12. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Hey! My name is Katie and I have been following your blog and adore it. I've told many people here in Arkansas about you and they are praying for you! I am friends with Amanda W and just started my own blog. Happy Birthday! By the way...I would have been mortified to have my skit be tucked into my panties!! I'm glad some people are able to laugh it off!

  13. Anonymous2:43 PM

    By the way...my page is at kandbfowler.blogspot.com

  14. Happy Birthday to you!!

  15. oh, yeah, i forgot...we want a belly shot!!

  16. I must have spread my bad luck to you through the phone! This is not our week! I SO wish I could have been there with you to laugh. Hope you're having a wonderful bday and feel very special! I've been thinking about you all day!

  17. Oh my! You are an awesome blogger! I love it! May you continue to grow healthy with those babies! Hopefully, the same patients won't be in the waiting room to remember you at your next appointment! LOL.

  18. Happy Birthday.


  19. Happy B-day Suz.

    btw what r u doing upstairs? I still have your laptop, but guess what it is ready for you now.

  20. hey suzanne. i am stalking your blog through a friend of mines. you are adorable! i love your posts. i am also a nurse, but in the NICU. you look wonderful and i totally understand the feeling of waiting for that week 24. i had my first baby last feb and i was a nervous wreck especially until 24 weeks and especially because i work in the nicu. you have done great so far, try not to worry. you will do great and those sweet babies will be just fine. praying for you and your family of 6.

  21. Anonymous5:31 PM

    OK, so I told my kindergarteners that today, May 8th, was a very special day. I told them "Today is my good friend's "Suzanne's" birthday. She is 27 years old today. Do you know what is so special about Suzanne? She has babies in her tummy. Not 2. Not 3. 4!! 4 precious babies"
    My kids were amazed. They giggled and laughed. Of course they wnated to know their names and all. They couldn't believe it!

    Happy Birthday Suzanne.

    Miss you tons.


  22. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you.... and many, many more. I understand the loving birthday's. I remember well when JoLee and Sunni began to come in at midnight with candles singing Happy Birthday. With quads and that Laman singing talent you will really have a lovely chorus in a few years. Keep sharing, I check your page almost daily and love being able to keep up. I've even been sharing with my 3 sisters.
    Pat the babies for me and Happy 28th,

  23. happy birthday!!!!

  24. Happy Birthday mama! I love that you just laughed at yourself and didn't let it get you down. I'm not sure if I could have done that-esp being hormonal and pregnant! Love that about you!!

  25. Happy Birthday from a total stranger! I have been following your blog--was told by a friend, who was told by a friend, etc. I am actually an NICU RN in Arlington! Good luck with the babies!

  26. Happy Birthday, Suzanne! I could almost feel the sun on my skin as I looked through your pictures! Ah, nothing like the summer and water...I prefer the Frio river, but any body of water will do!

  27. Happy Birthday. The hardest time in my pregnancy was from 17 weeks when I found out my babies were monoamniotic to 24 weeks when I went into the hospital for monitoring. I was a basket case wondering if they'd make it to viability. Funny skirt story.....you DO deserve a pass!


    And your skirt story--TOO funny!!! And I agree, you're carrying four babies; you DEFINITELY get a pass! :)

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Break out the CAKE AND ICE CREAM...SUZ is having a birthday!!!
    I would have been fire engine red when I realized my skirt... and more than likely would not have noticed until I got back to my car... I promise I am not a blonde, but I am beginning to wonder if I should be...
    Don't worry about the 17-18 weeks feeling of completion... I know that I went thru it with both my babies...I will tell you that the next stage will probably be an in between of stay in there a little longer to anytime you are ready. Hopefully you will progress to the anytime stage only(usually up to your due date)...
    As always in my prayers and thoughts... with all our love
    JOLee and Family

  31. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMA! I enjoy reading your posts very much...hope you get to celebrate just a little while on house arrest :) ejw

  32. Suzanne,

    I noticed your post about our vomit fest on our blog. Yes, four babies are a challenge to take care of, but especially reading of your recent kidney stone problems, rest assured that you are currently and in the next few months enduring the most difficult part of the whole thing assuming that your babies make it here safe and sound.

    For every challenge that we face with our four healthy little boys, the rewards that go along with it are amazing and overwhelming. Lord willing, when you bring your three little boys and your daughter home, you are in for more fun than you have ever experienced in your life. There are plenty of challenges, and it is exhausting, but it is so so fun!

    We are praying for you and your babies. God is so good, keep your eyes on Him and remember that your babies lives are in the palm of His loving hand. No matter what happens medically, He will ultimately decide whether you will get the privelege of bringing them home or not. We dont even know you, but we are so excited for you!

    Your quad friends in Indiana: Brad, Jen, Henry, Brooks, Clark, and Isaac

  33. Suz- LOL about your skirt- at least there was no toilet paper hanging out. : ) Wish I could have been there with you to celebrate your B-Day with you. I totally know what you mean about viabitliy- I felt a great sense of relief when my pregnancy with Hannah was past that point. Talk to you soon. Mo

  34. I died laughing at your skirt mishap!

    Ryan and I had a little celebration when Samuel passed the viability point. And now that he's wiggling constantly, it's such a comfort to always know that he's there!

  35. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Happy Birthday!
    I like people to make a big deal out of my birthday, too! I really am enjoying reading all your posts. I've always been so fascinated with multiple births, so this has really been exciting for me, too. I'm 18 weeks and 4 days pregnant myself, but I know you'll probably get to see your sweet babies before I'll see mine. Just wanted to drop you a note to let you know I've enjoyed staying up to date with your progress and that you're on the prayer board at church and at home. Talk to you later.
    Amanda (Alton) Thornton

  36. Didn't realize we were both May babies!! :) Hope you had a good one!!

  37. So, i totally thought of you when i had a mordifing experience where my father in law saw me peeing...long story and totally my fault! happy b-day Suz!

  38. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Hi Suz,

    I laughed out loud to the point of tears to your "draft" comment! You are so cute and certainly look at the bright side of the situation.

    When I was pregnant with my twins, I also counted the number of weeks until my twins could be born safely. Every day that went by was a little celebration. I think it is only natural to think that way.

    Happy Birthday!

    Renee C.
