Friday, May 25, 2007


I cant thank yall enough for all the prayers and encouraging comments! I can see just how easy it would be to lose your mind while on complete bedrest in the hospital! However, the nurses were incredible and it made me feel good knowing that I was in good hands. It is somewhat comforting knowing that you are seconds away from help, just in case...knowing that you and your babies are being closely monitored, even if you feel like the walls are closing in on you.

Many of you will think I'm crazy, but I enjoyed being awake for my surgery. It was neat to be able to be awake for the "other side" of surgery. It felt so weird getting the epidural, and it didn't help that every time the anesthesiologist pressed on my back, I would jump/jerk. (I'm am ridiculously ticklish when you press hard on my back! crazy, huh?) I was so nervous that I would jump right when he was sticking the LONG needle into my spine...but I didn't. I continued to look back and stare at the anesthesia monitors so I could keep checking my blood pressure and oxygen saturation. Right at the beginning, my BP got down to like 80/35 (which is normal right after receiving spinal/epidural anesthesia) but I got really hot really quick and sweaty and told him, "hey, doctor, I'm about to pass out!" He shot me up with some Ephedrine and within seconds my BP went back up and I immediately felt great! So weird. I couldn't feel anything Dr. Tabor did, but he said he tightened it up and it looked good.

Now, the recovery was not near as pleasant. I had some pretty severe cramps (he found a couple of polyps on my cervix that he took off, which made for some lovely cramps). The nurse gave me some amazing "IV juice" and I pretty much passed out for the rest of the day. I didn't have any more pain or cramping after that.

So, this morning Dr. Tabor discharged me and I am home for now. Doc said to bring a packed bag to my weekly appointments, in case he decides to wheel me on over to the hospital again for admission! I see him again next Wednesday. Hopefully this cerclage will keep my cervix nice and tight! These babies need a lot more time to grow inside my belly.

In other news, this weekend is supposed to be a big shower/party for us...many of our friends are coming over to our house (since we knew I would be on bedrest). Talk about cutting it close! And yes, YOU KNOW I WILL BE TAKING IT EASY. I'm not messing around with this bedrest. My number one concern is keeping these babies healthy and INSIDE my body for as long as I can. I wont do anything to jeopardize that.

Thanks again for the prayers! GOD IS GOOD!


  1. Hurray! I'm so happy for you! We'll be keeping you all in our prayers!

  2. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Praise The Lord!
    So glad to hear your surgery was successful and that all is well with you and the babies. how's joe doing during all this drama? is your mom out of school and there with you yet? i've been wondering how you can eat a burger or something every couple of hours when you can't get off the couch to get it!? thanks suz for the update. been holding my breath waiting... sounds like you are in for a fun weekend. enjoy yourself! and you are right...God is Good!!! :)
    Love, Pam Richardson

  3. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! I am glad the surgery wasn't too bad.

  4. Susanne,
    Great news! It's so nice to see how many people are praying for you and your babies....I'm glad you're home and that the surgery went well. Hope you have an incredible shower.

  5. Thanks for the update! I'm glad your surgery went well! Have a great Baby Shower!!! Praise God you are home now!

  6. I'm so glad your surgery went well and you're back home. I've been checking every day hoping to see a post by you! :) You and your growing family will continue to be in my prayers!

  7. So glad to hear that you are home and the surgery went well. Hopefully, these babies will "cook" for awhile longer. :)
    Have a wonderful, fun weekend! How exciting to see your sweet friends and family and get to open all of that precious, tiny baby stuff!
    In Him,
    Jen Honeycutt

  8. Suz,
    Such a relief to know that everything went well. God is looking out for you! Take it easy! Love ya,

  9. Yea!!! I'm so glad they let you come home! And pretty soon you'll have plenty to do that won't have you out of bed--writing millions and millions of thank you cards!

  10. I'm glad that you "enjoyed" the surgery - I think being a patient makes all doctors and nurses better at what they do!

    If only you had a Mary Poppins bag to take to your doctor visits - that would be super fun!

    I'm glad your home again and that the babies are still enjoying their home sweet home inside of you.

  11. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Suzy, So glad that you are home! Keep doing what the dr. says! We contine to pray for you and your babies! Have fun with your friends this weekend but be very very careful!

    Love you lots,
    Gwen White

  12. Hi Suzanne,

    Thanks for the you can see from all the comments, so many of us have been praying for you (and worrying). I'm glad the surgery went well and will continue to pray that it keeps those babies in place for awhile! Have a great baby shower and post some pics for us:) Can't wait to see all the loot you guys get. So much fun!


  13. Anonymous4:49 PM

    YEA! Glad to hear everything went well. Remember to keep OFF OF YOUR FEET this weekend and here on out. Also try to not even sit but LIE DOWN-- put the LEAST amount of weight from those babies on your cervix as possible. I know you know all of this, but I'm just being a fellow nurse (we can be the worst patients sometimes!) AND a Mommy who has been there. But before I start preaching... have a great weekend!

  14. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Ohh... that last one was from Amber S. I don't have a blogger account. :-)

  15. I asked my work partner just now if she wanted to check in with "The Quads" and she so enthusiastically said "YES!," that I just had to tell you! She's pregnant with twins, by the way, and is a few weeks behind you. You have a lot of people praying for you all over! I'm so glad your surgery went well.

  16. Anonymous5:58 PM

    You don't know me but a friend of mine told me about you. I have twins and quads and was one bedrest a majority of the time I was pregnant with the quads. It is hard but you will get through it. I am glad to know that you were able to come back home and that everything went well with your surgery. I will continue to pray for you and your husband as well as those precious babies.

    Deanna Turner

  17. I'm so glad you're back home and doing well. I was thinking about you all week. I hope you have a super duper time at your shower, wish I could join you!

  18. I was so glad to hear from Amber that you had posted to your blog today! I am definitely guilty of being a "Life of Suz" groupie. LOL. Amber is right about staying laying down rather than sitting and applying pressure to the cervix! Let us know if you need books, movies, etc. I hope you enjoy your baby shower this weekend! But, do take it easy! I will continue to keep you in my prayers!


  19. I'm so glad to hear things went well....and that you were able to be awake for the surgery! They put me under since I was already dilated and my bag of waters was protruding. I was so scared to be put under, but luckily everything turned out ok for me.

    I thought I'd pass along this link. It's a Fictional Bed Rest Blog.

    It made me laugh so hard I thoguht I'd go into labor. My mom and sister didn't think it was that funny....I suspect you have to have been on bedrest to understand it....Start with February 2006 and work your way forward. :)


  20. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Glad to hear the surgery went well and that you are back home. Your family has been in my thoughts and prayers because I'm a mom of 10 year old BBBG(in that order) quadruplets myself. Take real good care of yourself and babies. This is just the start of an amazing journey. Jenny Fishers, Indiana

  21. Anonymous10:04 AM

    So glad you are home!! Have a fun shower - just think how much all those people are going to enjoy blessing you!!! We're praying for a safe pregnancy for you and the kiddos. Brownsburg, IN

  22. Glad to hear that everything went well. Enjoy the party!

  23. Love ya suz I am so glad you are home here is a hug for you and those little ones. >:)< Love you take care if you need anything let me know.

  24. I'm so glad the surgery went well. We actually just found out we are having twins! God is very good! I hope you have a great baby shower. I will keep checking your blog for updates!

    Ashley (aware's cousin)

  25. I'm so glad the surgery went well. We actually just found out we are having twins! God is very good! I hope you have a great baby shower. I will keep checking your blog for updates!

    Ashley (aware's cousin)

  26. Suz,
    I'm so glad that everything went well and I hope that you have a wonderful time at your shower/party. I'm very glad that you are home for the time being, as I know it must be more comfortable there, though I imagine the hospital is comforting in its own way with medical staff and monitoring inches away. I've been thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers and will continue to do so.

  27. I just found your blog and can't believe how amazingly you seem to be taking this... wow :-) I hope the recovery is quick and that you find plenty of interesting things to do on bed rest.

  28. yay! so glad all is well. same thing happened to me with the epidural~i did not like that feeling at all! it was worth it though--no pain at all afterwards! heehee! have a fun shower!


  29. Anonymous12:35 PM


    So glad to hear everything is going well. Enjoy your shower/party and let everyone pamper you. I am about 6 weeks behind you so I am panicking about being on bedrest and not having a thing done. My doctor also says 20 weeks is the magic number. Maybe we will be bedrest buddies.

    Tina (5 year old twins and quads due in November (probably Sept. though)

  30. I am so glad you are home can we please see how much you have grown?

    And don't forget to lay on your back instead of standing for the pic. Love ya

  31. So glad to hear that you're home and doing well!! I'll keep you all in my prayers! I can't wait to hear an update from your next appt.

  32. I'm glad to know the details now!! I hope you had a fun time with your friends! Hope you're feeling much better now!

  33. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Glad to see that you are home and doing well. I was praying for you and still am!

  34. Came here by way of Karen--sending good thoughts for keeping in the babies as long as possible (and good health to you too!).
