Saturday, July 28, 2007

Jodi's Baby Book for the Quads

About a week ago, a good friend of my father, Jodi (who works at the bank with him), stopped by to visit. Jodi was also one of the main organizers in my dad's little "Quad-Pa" shower that was thrown for him a couple of weeks ago. Little did I know that she had been working on a Steece Quad Scrapbook since before I even had my cerclage put in at 22 weeks! HOLY COW! You guys gotta check this out! It is AMAZING! Joe and I were speechless! She made pages for each and every month of their first year...all we have to do is fill in with data and pictures! Jodi, you are SO incredibly talented and we cannot express how much we appreciate everything you have done for our family!

Let me know if the slideshows are annoying and I can just post them like regular pics. There were several other pics that I wanted to put in here, but didn't have the space!


  1. Anonymous8:38 AM

    That is awesome suzanne!! You will treasure that scrapbook in years to come I'm sure :) And no, the slideshows are not annoying! I think everyone loves pictures!! So glad you're doing well. Still praying!

  2. Suzanne,

    What a thoughtful, beautiful gift for your family! Tell Jodi that she should go into business...lots of busy moms would love to buy a scrapbook all put together like that. So glad that you are still hanging in there and almost to 30 weeks!
    WOW! Go Quad Mama:)

  3. That is sooo cute!!!!!

  4. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Big LO said...

    That was a wonderful gift. I like the slide show. I also like the belly pics, I can see how much you've dropped, or should I say how much they've dropped. Tell Joe I said hello, and as always you are always in my thoughts and prayers, all 6 of ya'll.

    Love always, Big Lo and family

    P.S I found out who took the flip flops!!!

  5. WOW.......a gift you'll always cherish. She did beautiful work.

  6. that is beautiful. and i'm with the person that said she should go into business. i'd gladly pay her to do something like that for me. what a blessing for you. almost 30 weeks. then you start decreasing NICU days. wow! you're doing so amazing.

  7. Anonymous1:26 PM


    You probably don't know me, but I am a friend of your parents.

    I have been watching the tv show 'Jon and Kate + 8'. Six year old twins and two year old sextuplets. I am sure this mother spent a lot of time in bed. She seems to have plenty of energy and muscle strenght, so I hope your strength and muscle recovery will be just as good.

    Your story is amazing. I enjoy the pictures and marvel at your ability to keep smiling during all of the discomfort.

  8. Hey Suz~
    Those are BEAUTIFUL! You look great too! You are almost there. I also suffered from muscular atrophy. I was in GREAT shape before the twin pregnancy as well. It is tough to bounce back but you will because you have the passion for it! You are in my prayers. Just remember to be good to yourself after your beautiful princess and princes arrive! That is very important for your FULL recovery!
    Praying hard,

  9. Love Love Love the scrapbook. What a wonderful help that will be during the whirlwind. Have you seen the monthly photos a lot of people do with their kids -- use the same chair or sofa and line everyone up with a printed month sign -- That would be a fun addition to your bump pictures. ;-)

    I looked at the counter above and literally got chills thinking about how far you have gone into this pregnancy and what a wonderful blessing these quads have been already. I know it is difficult right now, but this short term pain will be worth it. Hugs from Marietta, GA!

  10. YAY for being hours away from 30 weeks!!! What a precious gift - I'm going to have to keep the scrapbook idea in mind for shower gifts, along with the book!!! :) Hope you are hanging in there. You're in our prayers constantly, along with your wonderful hubby and little cherubs!!
    Hugs from Louisiana!!

  11. That's beautiful! What a fabulous gift.

  12. How sweet! I am totally jealous! Trust me, once they are here you will not have time to scrapbook. Oh, and I am sure the little Miss will look just like you but watch out...boys love their mommas! Congrats on almost 30 weeks...AMAZING! Your in our prayers everyday!

  13. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Love the scrapbook! How amazing and what a great gift!
    You are doing wonderful! I visited with your parents this morning at church and we glowed in the excitement of 30 weeks! Keep truckin!

  14. Anonymous2:44 AM

    Wow what a gorgeous gift, and like others I too look immediately at the counter - which is strange as I am here often and should know it off by heart. Congrads on the almost 30 weeks, you positively glow! Thoughts and prayers constantly with the 6 of you. Marie you Nz Lurker!

  15. Anonymous9:04 AM

    hello - i just wanted to comment and say - congratulations on reaching 30 weeks! i love reading your blog. i sincerely hope that you will reach 32 weeks. just a little longer....hang in there!

  16. That book is awesome! I bought a whole bunch of scrapbooking stuff while I was on bedrest but never got around to it...somehow laying on your left side in a bed did not set you up to work on scrapbooking! :)

  17. Wow, that is incredible. What a wonderful and thoughtful gift!

  18. I got tears in my eyes just looking at it. What a precious gift. Very beautiful.

  19. Anonymous11:40 AM

    That is gorgeous!! The slideshows are SO NOT annoying. I love them. congrats on making it to 30 weeks, I truly love your blog and wish you the best!!!

  20. What a precious gift! My husband and I got something like that from our friends for our wedding. It was invaluable. I'm sure it will be the same for you!

    You'll be thirty weeks tomorrow... HOORAY! We're all still rooting for you in Sacramento! You're looking great and staying positive - I love it!

    Good job, girl!

  21. suz! that is awesome!!!
    they change more in their first year than anything, so that will be a great way to keep up with it all!!!! so glad that those babes are still snug inside of you! PRAISE THE LORD for the way HE is taking care of YOU and your babies!!!

  22. What an incredible gift! My MIL and SIL have tried to get me into scrapebooking like they are, but it just isn't me. It is so expensive both in time and money. What a thoughtful gift!

  23. What a great gift! I do not scrapbook because it takes so much time. If someone would have done this for me...I would have loved it! Definitely an awesome gift!

  24. Anonymous8:55 PM

    I would love a book like that! Does she want to go into business!? And I also like the slideshows, that's how I do all on my pics. Congrats on 30 weeks (tomorrow). Can you believe they will be here so soon? My baby will be eleven months old on Wednesday, and I'm still wondering were this year went. Enjoy EVERY minute of them (even when all four are screaming at the same time!)

  25. Anonymous10:37 PM

    What a cute scrapbook!! She was very thoughtful to make that for you guys. I love scraobooking my kids' albums. It's so much fun! It sure is nice to have it made like that already. How cute!

    It is wonderful you're 30 weeks!!! Hang in there. You're almost there.

    Mommy of five in IL

  26. Anonymous3:47 AM

    Hey Cutie,
    Loved the scrapbook! It's an amazing gift and a sweet, wonderful idea. Praying hard for you and your sweet family. Hang in there. YOU are amazing!!! Treasure Life, Sandy (Marcy's MOM)

  27. Anonymous3:48 AM

    Hey Cutie,
    Loved the scrapbook! It's an amazing gift and a sweet, wonderful idea. Praying hard for you and your sweet family. Hang in there. YOU are amazing!!! Treasure Life, Sandy (Marcy's MOM)

  28. Anonymous3:48 AM

    Hey Cutie,
    Loved the scrapbook! It's an amazing gift and a sweet, wonderful idea. Praying hard for you and your sweet family. Hang in there. YOU are amazing!!! Treasure Life, Sandy (Marcy's MOM)

  29. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Thanks Jodi. Your great work as usual!!!!!!!!!!!!! It will be invaluable throughout the years.
    Mr. Steve

  30. That is a great gift!! Because you are not going to have time to scrapbook for a loooooooooong time! I just started working on Madyson's album and they will be 4 on the 12th. I gues Dr. Tabor likes to deliver quads in August!!LOL!! I hope you are doing better tonight. My first few hours after my spinal wore off were the worst for me. After that I was off my IV and up and walking around. You guys are all in my prayers and I can't wait to see pictures of these precious babies.

    Deanna Turner
