Suz has obviously lost a lot of blood through this whole thing and her count is so low that she will require a blood transfusion (3 Units!) today to help her body regain strength and bring some color back into her, now very pasty, skin. Suz is dying to get in a wheel chair and get outside so she can layout for a minute...seriously guys, i look like i've spent the last month in puerto vallarta when compared to suz, who looks like she has been stuck in...well...ahh...a hospital room, not seeing the light of day for the last 6 weeks while delivering 4 kids.
Andrew and Savannah are doing well, Ben is making up some ground and should be on par with A and S real soon (this guy just had it too easy in suz's stomach, taking food from everyone...getting fat and happy). Ethan is the one of most concern right now...just having some breathing issues that are likely being caused by an open flap over his heart not closing. He'll have a heart scan today and we'll know more later. If the flap is open, it may close on its own or with some medication...if that doesn't help, he may need a procedure to close the flap.
Finally, our handy little NICU bracelets and proof that i actually have darker skin than my wife for once! The next time you see suz or myself we'll likely be wearing these...they have to be worn at all times and are our keys to see the Steece IV in the NICU until we take them home!

Joe, please give Suz a hug from me! I am praying for all of you - and I am so appreciative of your updates!
ReplyDeleteYour children are precious!
Amy King
Thanks for the update, Joe. We will be praying for all of the littles ones and for your wife to start feeling better shortly. I bet after she gets some blood, she will feel a lot better very quickly. Enjoy being tanner than your wife while it lasts. :)
ReplyDeleteTracy (lurker!!)
Congrats and prayers for the six of you! And I know that's a picture you'll cherish forever!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for keeping everyone updated! I have been following your story from the very beginning and I have absolutely LOVED every minute of it. You guys are very inspirational and your babies are so lucky to have both of you. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. The babies are beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI have an 8 month old boy and he is growing up so fast. Cherish every moment, take plenty of pictures, and spoil them rotten- they are only young once!
Praying for Suz's recovery and the health of all the babies! Congrats!!
Samantha Smith
Columbus, MS
WOW... SHE IS VERY LIGHT!!! You are all in my prayers. I love the bracelets. I think I still have both mine and my babies. They bring such good memories. Hang in there I hope that health for all will continue to get better. THANKS FOR THE UPDATES JOE... YOU ARE A WONDERFUL AND GREAT HUBBY FOR SUZ AND SHE IS SO BLESSED. GOD HAD YOU IN MIND FOR SUZ SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME..HOW AMAZING..... LOVE YOU GUYS!!!
We are so excited about your babies. They are beautiful. I love their names, especially Savannah Leigh, since I have a Leigh. They bring back so many memories about Laura's Carson who weighed 2lbs 14 oz. when he was born. He had the same problem as Ethan with the flap that wouldn't close, but it closed eventually on it's own. We have lots of people praying here in Dallas for you and your little ones. Tell Mom and Dad hello from Joe and Betty Moore, former Waco/Crestview friends.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the update Joe. I hope the transfusion gives Suzanne the much needed boost she needs to get back her energy and color! All 3 of my girls had to have the PDA surgery and it is a fairly common surgery for preemies, but hopefully Ethan's will close on its own.
ReplyDeletePlease let Suzanne know I am thinking of her!
Casey in CA
Thanks for the update Joe! If Suz happens to be A+ - I can go and donate blood and credit her with it. So many people are praying for all 6 of you.
ReplyDeleteJamie Pugh - McMoms
Thanks for the update. We're all here thinking of you guys and praying for you. We're wishing Suzanne a speedy recovery and hoping she gets her color back so she doesn't have to hang out with the vampires!
ReplyDeleteMuch love!
Thanks for the update! My thoughts are with all the Steeces!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, poor Suzanne. I hope the transfusion does the trick. I was shocked when I saw the picture of her hand. I'll keep Ethan in my prayers too. Wishing you the best during this healing time for Suzanne and NICU for the babies.
ReplyDeleteYour all still in my prayers!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the update. I read your blog daily and email my friends and co workers when you update. We've become almost creepy about it, so please don't stop posting ;) But we loved all the pregnancy posts and were so excited once we saw the Ron Burgundy update. You've provided us more entertainment and excitment than you'll ever know.
ReplyDeleteWe continue to follow you because of your amazing story. Your babies are awesome and Suz you're a hero. Joe's probably not too bad himself, I can tell by all the nice things you write about him.
Just wanted to let you know, all the way out here in D.C., we're praying for you, your family and a fast recovery. Good luck and feel better soon.
I appreciate all the updates but can't wait to have you back blogging so we can hear your side of the story!
~All the best!
Thank you so much for the update on Suz and the babies.
ReplyDeleteOut here in AZ we are all keeping tabs on your blog and praying that everyone stays healthy (or GETS healthy) and that Suz is able to get up and around really soon.
She is such a trooper and an inspiration to all of us mommies out there!!
Keep up the positive outlook!!
God is Good!
Holy Moly she is so pale!! I'm glad she'll be getting some blood and getting back to her regularly tanned self soon. Many prayers for the both of you and the babies!
ReplyDeleteThe Chapman Family
I am still praying for you all. I especially will keep Suzanne and Ethan in my prayers. That picture was amazing. PDA is common in preemies but I will pray it closes on its own without the surgery. Thanks for the update. CONGRATS TO YOU BOTH!!!
ReplyDeleteHey Steece Family! I am a good friend of Liz Dixon (who has quads...and that is also how I heard about you guys). I have been following your blog and been praying for everyone. Thanks for all the updates...I love to hear how everyone is. We will continue to pray for Mom and babies (and of course, dad too!)
ReplyDeleteGod is so good!
Thanks for the update! Sounds like everyone is doing pretty well, but we hope Ben and Ethan start catching up real fast! God bless!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful picture. I love it. Great job Suz! You rock!
ReplyDeleteHang in there. Get lots of rest. We're praying for your miracle babies.
Suz, I've been out of the loop for a few days. Wow I can't believe that the quads are here! WE're praying for you with the transfusions, and for each of those precious babies! Joe, take good care of them all (we in blogger world know that you will).
ReplyDeleteUpdate when you can...we love pics!
Candace Ezell
Praying for baby Ethan and his heart flap and thanking you for keeping us updated. All in all, your family is the most important to know, but you have no idea how thankful and appreciative your "blogger" audience is for getting updates! Keep 'em coming!
ReplyDeleteMany prayers!
I hope Suz gets to feeling better! You are in my prayers!
ReplyDeleteSuzanne, I hope that the transfusions do the trick and you start feeling more like yourself! And a little sunshine would lift your spirits too, I'm sure.
ReplyDeleteSuzanne and Joe,
ReplyDeleteIn 1973 my niece had a premature baby. She weighed 3'4" when born and lost down to 2'13". Then she begin to gain weight--it was amzaing! Everyday she would gain maybe 2oz, 1 1/2oz, 3oz, etc. Those are amazing weigh gains when compared to her total weigh. That would be like me gaining 8 pounds in one day! When she was one day shy of being one month old she weighed 4'15". The hospital staff told her parents to come the next day prepared to take her home. So the next day they dressed up (the father even wore a suit--remember it was 1973) and they went to get the baby. As you might have guessed, for about the only time during her first month, that was one day she did not gain any weigh - not a fraction of an ounce-- but the parents were allowed to take her home.
That baby is now mother of five children and expecting her sixth child in a couple of weeks.
She was in critical condition the first few days, but once she stabalized she was on a roll. She has never had any physical or mental developmental problems and today is very healthly and smart.
I pray your little babies will do as well as my niece.
I am praying for all of you!
Thanks so much for the update Joe! I hope this blood transfusion does the trick for Suzanne! Bless her heart, she has really been through it! What a woman! So glad A, S, & B are doing well and will start praying for little E's heart flap. Those may be the most precious (and most expensive!) bracelets you ever wear.
ReplyDeleteIn Waco you guys are center stage in everyone's hearts, minds and prayers!
Joe, Thanks for the update. We are still praying for you all.
ReplyDeleteSuz, Hope you get to feeling better after the transfusion today. Those precious little babies are so blessed and lucky to have a great set of parents as you both. Hang in there:o)
Love, Melanie Smith (Brandon, MS)
Wow! Hope Suz is doing better soon. I remember not feeling up to walking for about 24 hours after having DD. I needed a wheelchair to get to the NICU. And I only had one! Praying for you, Suz and the babies.
ReplyDeleteYou guys are definitely in my prayers... Your walk through this has been AMAZING. Especially looking for updates on Suz and the kids now.... They're beautiful!!! Prayers coming from Georgia.....
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for continuing to update us all, who wish we were there to lend support but do our best from the sidelines praying!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update, I have enjoyed so much keeping up with your pregnancy and the delivery of the babies. Now to watch them grow, I'll keep looking for pictures. Suzanne, hang in there, you'll soon be back to your peppy little self. Much love to all and God bless!
ReplyDeleteWe do not know each other, but I have been "stalking" your blog for many weeks now. First of all, congratulations on your sweet babies! I am actually a NICU nurse in Nashville and I really think that they all look great! The NICU is an up and down roller coaster ride, but you will make it through it! It can be very hard, just know that they will be home with you soon! I, along with everyone else am SO impressed that you made it to 30 weeks, that is a GREAT milestone for those little ones! Prayers coming your way!
ReplyDeleteStacy McClure
When Allison had our Quads she had to have 7 units of blood. She of course is and was fine. Out little Thomas had the same issue with his heart flap. It closed in it's own with the help of some medication. He is now our fire ball!! Everything WILL be fine. It's more then anyone who hasn't been there can understand. Just remember, God wouldn't have chosen you guys if you couldn't handle it. Before you know it, you will be having there 1st birthday blowout!!
ReplyDeleteYour friend and father of quads.
-jim harris-
Thanks Joe for the update. I know everyone is so worried about the quads and Suz, I hope you are doing okay too. Good to hear that the babies are doing well. We will be praying for all of them and especially Ethan and of course Suz. I am praying that the blood transfusion goes smoothly. I wouldn't have ever believed that she would look so light colored. You guys are constantly in our thoughts!
ReplyDeleteLove ya
Thanks for the update! I hope the blood kicks in quickly and Suz starts feeling a little better!
ReplyDeleteLove the shot of your bracelets!
Thank you, Joe. Bless her heart. I can only imagine how weak and drained she is feeling. Have no fear though, once you get all the babies home adrenaline will kick in. It did for me w/one baby so imagine with four! Praying for all six of you!
ReplyDeleteSuz & Joe -
ReplyDeleteI am so glad things are progressing well. Suzanne, I am sure you will feel SOOO much better after a transfusion. You must be really low to need 3 units. I'm sure that will be a nice boost.
We are continuing to pray for everyone's health, especially Ethan!
Let us know if there is anything you need!
Suzanne, from one VERY white person to another, you can tell Joe what I have always said to my very tan friends, "white and proud, say it loud!"
Love you - Carrie
WOW poor Suz is so pale just from the picture of her hand you can tell!! Poor girl!! I am praying that the B T F will help and she will gain her strength and color back. I can't believe the poor soul hasn't gotten to spend time with her precious babies!! I will pray that the time is SOON that she gets to be with them for more than a second.
ReplyDeleteI am also praying for little Ethan!! I pray he doesn't have to have the surgery and that it will close on its own and he will be on his way to feeling and breathing better!!!
You are a mighty strong man Joe and I want to acknowledge what a great man it takes to hold all the world on his shoulders like you are doing now with the babies health and Suz health!! I pray that you are able to rest and not wear yourself to thin!!
Suzanne IS very pale! Hard to imagine. Still praying that everyone develops well. Will keep Suzanne and Ethan in my prayers especially. Thanks for keeping us all updated!
ReplyDeleteThank you for updating! Those babies are absolutely precious and the 6 of you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your new little ones!! :)
Joseph!! You are a DAD! I can't believe it. Jason and I have been praying for the kiddos, Suz and you. Please let us know when we can come visit. Can't wait to see the entire Steece family!
ReplyDeleteLove you guys,
That picture brought tears to my eyes. The six of you and your families are in my prayers daily.
ReplyDeletei hear those bracelets are in style now... tell suz she is on the cusp of the fashion world -- and being tan is way overrated =)
ReplyDeletehugs to all of you!
Whoa, this brings back memories! Well, not my memories, I was semi-conscious at best. So good for you Suz for actually knowing what's going on! At any rate, it sounds so much like what everyone else says I went through only you're doing SO MUCH BETTER! And it gets loads better from here on out! Our prayers are with you continuously!
ReplyDeleteWOW!!! this is so amazing! i am praying for you guys!!!
ReplyDeleteYou are all in our thoughts and prayers!
ReplyDeleteAmanda Adams
I wanted to say congratulations. I have 8.5month old quads and live near you, in Plano. I also went 30wks and faced many of the same things you wrote of. Do you have a quad stroller? I may have one for you. email me at
Enjoy the ride, because the NICU really is a roller coaster.
Thanks for the update Joe! I am praying for Suz and all the babies. Will keep praying!!
ReplyDeleteI hadn't checked in a couple of days, and boy, had I missed a lot!!!! Congratulations to you guys! May God give you peace and strength and energy through the transfusions and (hopefully) rest.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update Joe! You guys are in my prayers. My husband and I went through this exactly 4 years ago. If you need anyone to talk to please don't hesitate to email us. Suzanne I hope you feel better soon. Love the hospital bracelets. I use to try and hide them walking into the hospital because the media had found out we had twins and then quads and I did not want them bothering me!! It was hard to hide 4 bracelets but I was able to stretch them pretty good after a few washing down in the NICU. Congrats again! And you guys are in my prayers and well as our church families prayers.
ReplyDeleteDeanna Turner
ReplyDeleteAs a postpartum nurse, I have become entranced with your story. I was without a computer for the last three weeks, and yours was the first blog I checked. Sorry to be a lurker, but I have just come to love your story. I hope that Suz feels better quickly and that the babies continue to grow. Yall have been in my prayers for a long time, and will continue to be.
Never thought you'd be whiter than me! I will send extra prayers out for Ethan's heart. My niece, Hannah, had that procedure on her heart when she was a week old and it very successful. Can't wait to see them Monday!!
ReplyDeleteSuzanne's poor little hand is so pale. She will feel so much better after the transfusion. Still praying fervantly for all 6 of you. Thank you for the updates...I'm sure it is difficult to take time to make them.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to both of you! Your babies are beautiful, and I will keep your whole family in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Robin Hogan- a friend of Tricia Durand's- I found your blog from a link on the Durand's page- Congratulations on your new family- what an accomplishment! My prayers are with you all for strength, rest and lots of joy!!!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Mom & Dad x4! We are so excited they are here and will continue to pray for more progress every day! It is awesome to see the amount of love that is being sent to you.
ReplyDeleteMore blog stalkers from California,
Sarah & Richard Pesce
I am praying for all of you everyday! I hope that Suz starts to feel better soon and we get to see one of her fun and witty posts about the Steece IV sooner than later. My daughter Calleigh was not a preemie but she was born very small due to a medical condition that she has. She had two small holes...medically called a PDA and VSD. The PDA closed on its own after a few months and the VSD is still there, but she has no problems with I was hoping this information may be a little comforting for both of you and Ethan! All of our prayers are with you now. You two seem so strong I just know that everything is going to be perfect!
ReplyDeleteCassie Morrow
Killeen TX
Still praying in Abilene!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I've been reading your blog for only a couple of weeks, but I'm so very happy for both of you. What a miracle.
ReplyDeleteThe thing that drove me to finally post tonight was the picture of your WHITE arm!! Take good care of yourself and I hope you get feeling better really soon.
Thanks for sharing your story. Such an inspiration!
Continued thoughts to Suz and the babes.
ReplyDeleteI'm praying for all of you. I've been reading your blog for a while, and you guys are amazing!
ReplyDeleteI really hope Suz gets to feeling better soon. The babies are so precious! God bless them!
Mommy of five
Big Hugs for both of you and four tiny little finger squeezes for the little Angels! Everything WILL BE OK! The good Lord has brought you this far, and he is with you now. Lots of continued thoughts and prayers for your sweet family.
ReplyDeleteOkay, Suzanne. Not too many people know you like I do. I literally was SHOCKED when I saw your poor little white arm. I have always joked with you since 6th grade about how jealous I was of your dark skin! So seeing that little pale arm took my breath away! Unbelievable!
ReplyDeleteI also know you in the sense of your strength and positive spirit. You are going to make it through this and one day soon (trust me, they grow up FAST!) tell stories one day to your precious gifts of God: Ethan, Andrew, Ben, and Savannah.
I love you girl...I'm coming to see you in a couple of days!
I love you Suz I hope youare doing better. Thanks for the update JOe and keep us posted I am still praying for you all.
ReplyDeleteMajor Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteSuzanne, I ran across your blog a while ago through Whitney's. I am incredibly happy for you and Joe. You are such a wonderful person and I'm glad to see how much you've been blessed! I will be praying for every one of those sweet babies to be very healthy.
All my best,
Charlotte Graham
Still praying for the little guys and girl! Stay strong!
ReplyDeleteStill praying for the little guys and girl! Stay strong!
ReplyDeleteOh my! I see what you mean by being darker than your wife...I hope she recovers soon....may God Bless you both and your beautiful children.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the updates.
Congrats, our thoughts and prayers are still with each of you. Can't wait to see grandma Jany and grandpa Steve... Love and hugs to all. Johnny and Donna (Waco)
ReplyDeleteYou know, time in special care nurseries or NICU can actually be a (small) blessing! The nurses will teach you GREAT tricks about caring for your child. Our daughter was in for 7 days when she was born because of fluid on the lungs, and the nurses taught us the best way to feed, burp, diaper, etc., and kept her on a great schedule. Truly a blessing in disguise!
ReplyDeleteHi! I found your page through a friend of a friend about a month ago and I have been reading daily to see how you are(I just realized I could leave a comment...YEAH). I think you are amazingly strong! Your babies are so blessed to have a mommy like you! Congratulations to you and your husband and may God bless your new family with lots of love, laughter, and great health. I have been praying for you and your new family and will continue to pray for you as you recover. Best wishes and God bless!!!!!
ReplyDeleteFrom Cypress Texas,
Praying hard for all of you!!!
ReplyDeletethanks so much for the photos. What precious little bundles. I was talking to Christopher on Thursday telling him that we have 4 new cousins; it boggles the mind. With God's care, it won't be long before you will all be home. How I would love to be a fly on the wall this Christmas in the Steece household. Our love and prayers to all Steeces and Hoags and extended family. Holly
ReplyDeleteHey guys!!!! I came on to see if there were any more belly shots and boy did I get a suprise!! I found your blog through a friend and have been following and praying. You guys have such a great attitude and such a thanksgiving to the Lord that it was always uplifting to get on and see how the little one's were doing. I will pray for all the little one's and I will pray that Suz starts feeling better soon. I'm so excited that you guys are "getting started" on this amazing journey. God Bless and keep us posted!!
Praying for all six of you.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I just found your blog tonight and have spent the past 2 hours getting to know you. I am up way past my bedtime!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, just wanted to say how great the babies look and way to go Suz. You did an amazing job! My triplets were born at 33 weeks so I know the NICU can be long, scary, and frustrating but I am hoping everything goes great for you. Sending lots of prayers your way from Georgia!
Hope the transfusion did the trick and you're all feeling much better.
ReplyDeleteThinking of you.
Congratulations on your 4 babies! I am a church friend of a relative in Baytown, TX. she told us about your having quads and I am so touched by your blog on this blessed event. Prayers ascend for you all and that mother and babies will continue to gain strength.
ReplyDeleteMay God Bless this family.
Congratulations! I've been in the hospital so I just got a chance to check the blog. I've been wondering how the delivery went and how the quads were doing. I'm so happy to hear of their miraculous birth and praying that Suz is back to full strength asap as she recieves blood transfusions. Many prayers and much strength to you all today and the days to come!
ReplyDeleteSuz, I'm praying that your strength is returning!
OK, this is so wild! What a small world we live in. I wrote the other day...I originally heard about your blog from another quad mom (liz dixon). After having dinner with my sister-in-law (Annie Houser - AKA Katie's sister) I realized that y'all are great friends with the Sheedy's. I actually looked back at last May's blog from Adam & Katie's wedding and remember seeing you guys there. Y'all were having a great time on the dance floor...we watched from the side, as we had just found out I was expecting again...and coming up with any energy was just exhausting. But I have to say it was so much fun watching all of you guys tear it up!
ReplyDeleteI just had to write again after I found out this info. Annie asked me to pray for Katie's friend who was having quads months I was praying before I ever came across your blog. We will continue to lift all of you up during this time. Prayers for strength and a healthy family!
Congratulations Steece family! Been praying for you and the quads. Hope you feel better soon Suz. God is with all of you.
ReplyDeleteHello! The Blog World is getting curious to know how Suz and the Steece IV are progressing. Does anyone have any news?
ReplyDeleteIn my Prayers Always.
i lost your email so i cant reply directly. what kind of formula are they giving the babies? enfamil or similac? let me know because i have many many cans of enfamil right now that we can get to you before they come home.
I just heard on NPR this morning that having more than 2-3 children in the family is now the "in" thing for young couples. In fact, they said that "four is the new two." So I guess you've just had your 2? Just kidding. God bless all.
ReplyDeleteHi! I don't know you, and I don't even know how I stumbled upon your blog, but I want y'all to know that since finding your blog (yesterday) I have been praying for your sweet little babes. He has great things in store for you and your little (big!) family...
ReplyDeleteJust checkin in again Love yall I hope suz is better you are in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteLove you all
I see that I am not the only person to keep checking in for updates! I hope that this fine Sunday afternoon finds all 6 of you in good spirits and perking up!
ReplyDeleteThinking of you!
Jamie Pugh - McMoms
Anyone have any current news on how mom and babies are doing today?
ReplyDeleteNo, but I wish someone who does know would post soon!
ReplyDeleteSuz- I hope that you are all doing well! I know that you are busy recovering and spending time with your precious little ones....but when you get a chance - would you PLEASE let us all know how you are all doing. Praying for you and your family!!!
ReplyDeleteI am sure Suz will update the blog world soon with some good news. Please be patient.
ReplyDeleteHer Daddio
All of them are looking good, by the photos... Two of our quads had the heart condition Ethan has - they were both put off food (!) for a couple of days and the flaps closed by themselves... One quad spent a fortnight on respirator, the others managed on merely cpap (as I'm sure you know all about by now). Our "respirator" one, though - who quit oxygene only the day before leaving the hospital, is now by far the biggest quad and in every way first and strongest...
ReplyDeleteBest of luck in the coming weeks & months, and hopefully Suz will have a quick recovery after the transfusions!
Still praying for ya!! I hope that you are having a quick and uneventful recovery. Praying that God will give you immeasurable amounts of patience and endurance for your recovery and for the NICU stay of your sweet precious ones!
ReplyDeleteGod bless you all!
ReplyDeleteSuzanne we are so proud of you. Your family has been in our prayers. I love your site and was so excited when I checked it on the day they were born. You hang in there and the Steece family will be in my prayers and thoughts daily. Love, Connie Tidwell
ReplyDeleteAt church they said that Suzanne went home Saturday, so I bet she or someone will post soon.
ReplyDeleteI bet that if Suzanne DID go home on Saturday that she is reveling in being home with Joe and Shi, not to mention recovering from major surgery and anxious to go to the NICU to be with the babies. I can see where it would be tough to find time to post with all that going on! And too - imagine what fun she is having see their nurseries in person! She hasn't see the rooms since family and friends painted in there!
ReplyDeleteI am rooting for you and praying faithfully too!
Jamie Pugh - McMoms
We are all so so thrilled for you and Joe. Suzanne, I've really had you in my thoughts and prayers these days. When this post mentiond the blood loss I had a flashback to my own (singleton) pregnancy where I had an emergency which caused me to have three units as followup. I remember the days following the birth as a nonstop whirlwind between the NICU and my own recovery. I am praying that you and Joe have both the strength and healing that you will need following such an eventful time. Please take care of yourself amid all this chaos. In the months following my Grace's birth I ate lots of cream of wheat and iron filled food since it was critical to replacing the blood components I had lost.
ReplyDeleteHow are those precious babies today? Are they still in the same NICU unit? That environment is both wonderful and eye opening. I am praying that you have the best nurses and doctors for your quads.
Praying for you in Marietta, GA
Ann ( or
Best wishes for a speedy recovery! I started reading your blog a few weeks ago after finding you through another quad blogger and I've been hooked ever since. I'm praying for your family! I'm a recent new mommy again and have somehow gotten on Similac's mailing list even though I don't use formula. I've gotten lots of the $5 off coupons from Similac which I would be happy to mail to you if you use that type of formula. If interested, have someone email me an address and they'll be on the way.
Congratulations! I have been following your amazing story. All of you are in my thoughts and prayers!!
Marion, AR
Oh gosh - her little hand looks so pale!
ReplyDeleteHang in there Suz - you've done a great job growing those babies. I'll be thinking of you all.
I came upon your blog this morning and I am saying prayers for all of you. Congratulations on all of your precious little ones and God's blessings to all of you.
I hope everything is well, we all get worried when you dont update.
ReplyDeleteYour children are beautiful, and I hope everyone is doing well.
I am definitely hoping for the best for all the babies, especially little Ethan.
ReplyDeleteOkay... all of us that can't be there need to know- how are things? PLEASE give us an update as soon as you can. We are worried.
ReplyDeleteAnother lurker...
ReplyDeletePrayers from Califorina are headed your way. Those babies are beautiful. You guys done good! :) I hope E's flap closes on it's own. Suz, get better soon. The blood will help. Can't wait for more updates.
Much love, The Mello Family.
Just another lurker but parying none the less. God Bless
ReplyDeleteHey Congratulations! Im friend with Rachelle who just had quints so I checked your blog to see how you were coming along and you had your quads! Awesome! Wishing you a wonderful family life with your new babies :) Karen Matsen
ReplyDeleteSuz and Joe, I hope you guys are doing well. I have been thinking about you guys a lot over the past week. I know exactly what you are going through and pray that God gives you the strength to heal and be able to get back up on your feet so you can be with the babies as much as you need and want to. I remember being at the NICU everyday until the boys came home when they were 7 weeks old. Hang in there and God will give you the strength, he has given you thus far.
ReplyDeleteDeanna Turner
Hi Suzanne and Joe - Congratulations on your quads. They are beautiful. I am currently 17 weeks and 5 days pregnant with quads. So far everything is going absolutely wonderfully. They are each in their own sac and are growing right on schedule. We will hopefully be able to confirm the sexes at our next appt. on Sept. 5th. I heard about your website on the What to Expect website. I have been looking for parents of quads so learn more about what to expect. My husband and I have two 1/2 year old b/g twins and feel so blessed to be expecting quads. It is a little scary but so very exciting. Thank you for your blog it has been very helpful to me. A lot of what you read online is all so negative I don't like reading it.
ReplyDeleteThey are precious!! Glad to see they are doing so good!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYea! The babies were born. Congrats! This is such a special picture of you two. I love it - definately think it's worthy of the awesome scrapbook from your dad/your friend.