Friday, August 31, 2007

Nursery Closet Organization

Oh yes, blogworld...guess what we've been doing these past couple of days! YIKES...getting all the stuff out of the closets of the guest-bedrooms-turned-nurseries so that I could organize them! AND Joe has been cleaning out and organizing the garage (we LOVE to organize by the way!)

Here is nursery closet blank canvas:
(Joe still needs to take down boxes from the top that I couldn't reach!)

I'm thinking blue boxes for the boys clothes/stuff/etc...and pink boxes for Savannah's stuff. The green boxes will be for miscellaneous or neutral gender items.

Now, check back with me in about one, maybe two months and I'm COMPLETELY POSITIVE that they will be JUST as nice, and clean, and organized as they are now! hahaha...wishful thinking!

Here's Joe's work on the garage and new storage lockers:
(Notice the second refrigerator, or "formula fridge" as we like to call it...some great people, Chris and Annie, GAVE it to us! AWESOME! Thanks guys!)

Awww, the poor pool table made its way down into the garage. Ever wonder how people move a pool table from a second floor to the garage? Two movers took the entire thing apart and reassembled it! crazy! (Also notice the TV on top of the fridge? Joe thinks this will become his new "Guy's playroom")...ha! Like he's gonna have time for that?! ;)
Update for "Been-jammin" as I like to call him. We are shooting to be able to room-in with him tomorrow night and go home with him on Sunday! Now, its a LONG SHOT, but IF Savannah continues to gain weight today and tomorrow AND passes her car seat test, THEN she will be able to room-in as well and we'll go home Sunday with BOTH of our fraternal twins! But seriously not getting my hopes up just yet. Exciting to know that she will be days behind her brother if we don't bring her home WITH him! ;)

(Also, thanks for all the sweet comments about my babies and about me! I'm feeling great!)


  1. Hi I just wanted to know if you and Joe will have help after all four of the babies come home? Also who will help you when he goes back to work?

  2. hey naigirl! YES, we are having LOTS of help! joe and i will take care of the two we get home together for a week, then he goes back to work. i will take care of the two for a while (with help from people at my church if needed) until we get all four home. then my mom is coming to stay with me for 6 weeks and my dad for two. throughout this time, over 50 people at church have signed up to help us! so, we are definitely NOT ALONE!! ;)

  3. i love organization too and i can say that I love the closets. i can't imagine trying to keep 4 little ones organized but you're on the right track. things will be much easier if you know where to find stuff.

  4. Anonymous3:12 PM

    love the pink, blue, and green baskets! so adorable! i have 10 month old boy/girl twins and let me tell you, YES it is possible to stay organized. however 10 month olds would disagree lol. looks great! we roomed in with our twins for 2 nights - similar situation as your two ready to go home: our boy failed his carseat test the first time, and by the time he passed so did his sissy and they came home on the same day. enjoy every minute!!

    Gibson Twins

  5. Wow. I need your husband to come over and help us out with our garage! Looks great!!

    And I'm loving the colored bins in the closet! You'll be amazed at how organized you are with your little babies' stuff! I'm much more organized with my son's room and stuff than I am with my own junk! :)

    Good luck this weekend.

    Tracy from Grand Prairie

  6. So, Suz, are you for hire or what? LOVE the closets! I am NOT an organizer but could sure use one in my house w/my 4 boys! Good luck w/the rooming in this weekend. Prayers continuing to come your way from Roy, UT!

  7. I'm SO excited for you! I know you guys are going to do just fabulous! Love those babies like crazy!

  8. Seriously, can you both come work on my garage and closets??!! Amazing work! I wish I could say I was that organized... I was for about the first 3 months of motherhood. But sounds like you are WAY more on the ball that I am! Glad for the good news about Ben and maybe Savannah coming home! We'll keep praying for you guys in Houston!

  9. Yeah my closets and garage will never look like that. Very organized. I am very impressed. If only I had that much motivation to be that way. Yay for Ben and Savannah!!! Hope they get to come home soon.

  10. LOVE the organization! It always helps to keep 2 steps ahead of those babies. I am giggling though when I imagine 4 mobile quads, a year from now, who could have that nice and neat closet torn apart in seconds! We had to put door locks on the closets in our house to keep the destructive trio in check!My husband also has far-fetched dreams of turning part of our garage into his least the pool table still has shelter and didn't find it's way off of the property completely. Keepin' my fingers and toes crossed for a "rooming in" night soon.

  11. How exciting it would be to bring Both Benjamin and Savannah home at the same time? I'm praying for you guys!

  12. I am dealing w/the organization of the big girl room and the nursery for our little gal in October. Moving Jenna to the big kid room and getting the nurssery set is a bear!! I am so worn out...Rest while you can!

  13. I am an organization freak so I love what you did with their closets!! Now if you can keep them out of it when they are say 2 you will be doing good!! My little toots LOVE to take all the clothes out of their closets! And now they have master the locks that I had on the closet so I am pretty much out numbered!! That is great news about Ben and Savannah! Before you know it they will all be home. I am glad you have help from your church. Our church was great helping us after everyone came home, they can an helped feed during the day and they also brought meals. My neighbor across the street would bring me a meal every Wednesday and would sit with the babies while I would pick the older two up from preschool. She did that for the first year. I always knew that on Wednesday I was going to be eating really good!! You guys continue to be in my prayers!!

    Deanna Turner

  14. Hey Suz, I keep hoping to come on hear to read your birth story. I can't wait to see how you went from no contractions to babies in just a few hours. I hope you do it soon. Great job on the closets. Take Care!

  15. i used & STILL use those same canvas "boxes" they're great for socks & hats & onesies.. etc.

    I also think it's quite funny that 3 boys will share the same amount of "boxes" as ONE girl.. Pretty much the same thing here.. one day just explain to them that a girl has to "accessorize" and therefore needs the extra space... LOL.. My girl has 3x the clothes & shoes of my boys..

    I want to send you a few things so i'll send you an e-mail.

  16. Anonymous7:38 PM

    I love how your one sweet baby girl has the same number of baskets as your three baby boys, lol.

    Congratulations!! Your babies are beautiful.

    Robin (mom to four girls)

  17. Anonymous8:23 PM

    I am SOOO excited you guys are going to get to take them home....but also a little sad!! (I have still been checking on them everyday I work!!!!! :-) Would you expect anything less? I have some stuff for you but haven't seen you since the big debut. Hopefully I can get the babies back next week, Drew & E since Sav and Ben will be home, and you can get the stuff then. Good luck rooming in and I will chat with you soon. :-)
    nurse ashlie

  18. Anonymous9:22 PM

    I just wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed reading your story--I should be in bed, I have 10 month old triplets, but I was so intrigued by your blog--I am so happy for you and your husband-you look so in love and so happy! Congrats on the babies--you're going to do great-

  19. Praying for you tonight and tomorrow! Soooo exciting!!! Ben better enjoy his time alone while he can! Before he knows it, there is going to be a full house.

  20. lovin' the new banner!
    murray quad crew

  21. I LOVE your new banner! How did you make it? BTW I've been reading your blog for months now (probably stalking!) and I'm so glad that the quads are doing well. We'll continue to keep ya'll in our prayers.

  22. The new banner looks so great! It ties in with the babies rooms. Can't wait to read how this weekend goes for Mr. Ben and hopefuly Miss Sav to come home! You must be beside yourself with anticipation!


  23. Anonymous10:39 AM

    I came across your blog through a friend of a friend, and have followed your journey since the beginning. I want to first of all congratulate you and your husband on your many blessings. Your energy is contagious, and you positive attitude towards everything that comes your way is encouraging. Tell us something though .... how is your dog doing? Obviously she has not seen her new family yet, but do you sense that she is aware that things are about to change? And also, how happy was she when you walked through the front door to come home?

    Good Luck with your room-in and your Car Seat Test. God has a plan, and he knows what is best. It will be neat to see how he chooses it to unfold.

    Lanette in Saskatchewan, Canada.

  24. The new page looks AWESOME!!! I'm so excited for y'all being so close to bringing babies home. You are still in our prayers daily!

  25. Hey Suzanne-

    My sister told me about your blog and I thought I'd check it out! I can't believe the crazy world you've been given! 4 sweetie pies!! I definately won't take my one for ever being "too much"! I'm due in early November. It was great to re-connect and see what you were up to! Good luck to you and blessings on your new little ones!- Bree (Northern) Leonard

  26. Ok, I just have to say that i LOVE the phrase on your banner "born together, friends forever". that is the sweetest thing i've ever read!!! they are all going to be each other's best friend and all of yall will have so much fun together :)

  27. lanette, sweet shi was SOOO happy to see me! it took her maybe a day to warm back up to me, but then she wouldn't leave my side! she definitely knows somethings up. also, we have been letting her smell the babies' clothes from the hospital when i bring them home to wash them. she will be great with the TODDLERS, but will have to adjust to the infants...just like we all will! i've also been playing her video of the babies crying.

    bree- hey girl! thanks for stopping by!

  28. I LOVE the new banner! I just started reading your blog - I found a link from a friend's blog - and read back a couple months to catch up on your quads. They're gorgeous! Isn't God good?

  29. LOVE the new banner... too cute!

  30. love the new banner! it is too cute! i LOVE reading about your precious babies!!!! good luck to you and joe!

  31. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Good luck with the rooming in. Hopefully, you'll get to take both babies home together....then the other two when they're ready.

    They are all soooooooooooooo cute and precious!!!

    Mommy of five

  32. I am so hooked! It was so exciting to see you on the news! I told my husband that was my "friend" on the news, well my blog friend who doesn't know me ;*). He didn't get it. I am so excited that your little ones are growing and are so healthy. What an amazing blessing. Good luck dear one!

  33. Congrats on your amazing family! I recently found your blog and now I'm riveted! Your family is beautiful and blessed. I have twins and they are my miracle babies and the joys of my life. You now get to enjoy 4X the joy! Hopefully everyone will make their way home shortly and you can start the craziness of your life! But I promise, it's the most wonderful thing in the world! Good luck!

  34. Oh my gosh!! Ya'll are totally amazing and cute to boot! Your story is just wonderful and I can't wait to see how ya'll are doing! I have no idea how I found your blog, but I'm so glad I did.

    Maybe Pottery Barn could step up and organize the stew of out ya'll! :)

    Blessings to you all...

  35. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Just wanted to say to the babies:

    HAPPY 1 MONTH BIRTHDAY DEAR, Ben, Savannah, Ethan, and Andrew

  36. LOVE the new blog look. LOVE it.

  37. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Just an idea with the whole formula situation. I found this to work real well. I never mixed my formula up until I needed a bottle...I would fill several bottles with water and I had little dispensers (held enough for 3 bottles) with the right amount of formula or just used the scoop in formula to add to the water when a bottle was needed. You can keep them close by and don't have to heat up the formula because the babies don't seem to mind room temperature formula. This works great for vacations!

  38. Anonymous1:21 AM

    I love the new heading and finally was able to watch your "news broadcast"!!! Loved it!!! They are adorable and cannot wait to watch them grow up!!

  39. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Your kids must have come home since you haven't blogged in awhile. Hope all is well. Also hope that you have some help so you and hubby can get some much needed rest!

  40. Anonymous12:57 PM

    We need an update! :)

  41. I love how your baby girl gets equal storage space to her 3 bothers combined! It's a woman's world out there!

    I seriously need to stop reading your blog and go to bed. It's 1:30am! I'm addicted!

  42. I love how your baby girl gets equal storage space to her 3 bothers combined! It's a woman's world out there!

    I seriously need to stop reading your blog and go to bed. It's 1:30am! I'm addicted!
