Monday, September 03, 2007

We've Been Jammin' All Day!!!

Ah WOO HOO!!! I'm typing one handed with Big Ben on my shoulder right now! Last night went much better than expected! We are sleep-deprived with red-rimmed eyes and loving every minute of the delirium thus far! (Now check back with me when I have four screaming babies that cannot be consoled no matter what I try! Ha! Oh I know its comin'! BELIEVE ME! But for now, this one kid stuff is a cinch! Just kiddin moms out there... ;) I am barely 24 hours into it, hee hee)

I will post pics tomorrow in between feedings. Joe and I have said about a billion times today: how GREAT it is to have Ben home FINALLY, with us, where he belongs! ;) Thank you all for thinking about us!

(Prayer request for all you prayer warriors out there: Very close friends of our family lost a husband, father, & grandfather this weekend to an unexpected heart attack. Please specifically be praying for Paul White and his family. I cannot even begin to imagine the pain involved with losing a father...and so suddenly.)


  1. yeah!!!! that is so great. I randomly just checked back one more time and you had JUST updated...that is wonderful! I think it is wonderful that you feel it is a cinch...with 3 more coming you deserve every second of "easy" that you can get. I am a mom of just 2 and at times it is out of, brace yourself! :) You are so blessed...
    I am very sorry to hear about Mr. White...that is awful!

  2. Hey! It was great to check in once more and find a little update. Yea! I am glad that you found time to shout out to the blog world. Enjoy your time with Mr. Ben. I know you guys must be loving every moment. I said a prayer for the White family too!


  3. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Woohoo for Ben! I can't wait to hear about Savannah, Andrew and Ethan coming home too!

  4. Woohoo for Ben! I can't wait to hear about Savannah, Andrew and Ethan coming home too!

  5. How GREAT! I can not even imagine the "high" you and your hubby are feeling having him home! **I found your site while in bloggie world, and I have loved reading your story! You so funny! :)**

  6. Heck yeah for Ben!!!! I am so happy for you guys. Can't wait to see pics!

    The White family will be in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

  7. that's so awesome! i can only imagine how you feel. i'm sure when you're facing 4 at the same time, 1 seems super easy. i believe it takes a unique person to care for quads and God knew you were that person. let's just hope you have a few days of "easy" when you have all 4 home too.

  8. That awesome!!! Congrats on bringing him home!!! Can't wait to hear updates on the other 3 too!!! They will be there with you guys before you know it!!!
    I will keep the White family in my prayers!!!
    Melanie Smith

  9. Anonymous11:17 PM

    So glad everything is going so well. I hope you will you three other babies home soon.

    Mommy of five :-)

  10. Yea! PTL!! Congratulations! I'm so so so happy that Ben got to go home!!

  11. Hooray for you guys! I was hoping to see an update tonight:) Hope you both get a little caught up on the sleep tonight. Big Ben's gonna get spoiled with the all the lovin' at home by himself! You both must be in pure heaven. Let us know what Shiloh thinks:)

  12. Anonymous7:29 AM

    YAY Ben! Congrats mom and dad won't be long now and your arms will be on overload!

  13. I am so glad he is home!! Enjoy your time alone with him b/c your Little Miss will be home soon!

    I am sorry to hear of the recent loss. I will pray God will pull them through. I cannot imagine either.

  14. P.S. How is your firstborn Shiloh doing with all of this??

  15. I am so excited for you both!!! There is nothing quit like having a sleeping baby on your shoulder!!! The smells, the sound, all are such a rewarding treat!!!
    As always I will continue to pray for your strength and the health of your babies and add the WHITE family to it as well. You are all in GREAT AND POWERFUL HANDS...GOD
    Can't hardly wait for the any updates...THANKS!!!
    With Love, JoLee and Family

  16. Yeah!!! How exciting that your little Ben is now at home! I will pray that it is only a short matter of time before his siblings follow in his footsteps! I'm praying for you all as you embark on this new adventure in your already incredible journey!!

  17. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Congrats from Salt Lake City! Have you ever watched the documentary/series, "jon & kate plus 8"? It might give you insight on how to manage all 4 at the same time (she has twins and sextuplets). It's very entertaining, I highly reccomend it!

  18. Thats fantastic that Ben is now home! How exiciting!!!
    Prayers are with your friend and his family!

  19. I'm so thrilled that Ben is home with you guys! And yes, I'm sure one is a cinch compared to four:) I can't wait to see pictures of him at home with you guys! How is Shiloh taking it? Love the updated blog heading!

    I didn't know you were still in touch with Paul White. That is so sad. Was it his dad or grandfather that passed away?

  20. Oh I am so excited for you that your first little one is finally home! Let the sleepless nights begin! I can't wait to hear ALL about it and see pictures of him in his new home. I'm with Amanda-curious what Shiloh thinks of her new brother?

  21. One baby down (I mean home!)...3 more to go! Congrats on breezin' through your first night - that's awesome that it went so well!! BTW: love your new header on your blog - that is so is the lil' poem on the right side...did you write that?

  22. Praise God!! Enjoy every moment!

  23. We will pray for your dear friends, and yeah for Ben being home! What a blessing! I think it is great that you are able to bring them home slowly, and adjust as you are able. I am so impressed with your continued positive outlook and faith. God will continue to give you His strength as you keep moving forward in this amazing journey!

  24. Yea! I'm SO happy for you guys! Sleep when he does! You're going to need it!

  25. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Hi Suzanne and Joe,

    You have no idea who I am, but I just have to let you know how happy I am for your beautiful family! I learned about your story from Suzanne's Dad, "Waco Kid" on Bankers Online. There are many, many bankers from around the country following your wonderful story! (And your Dad's buttons are sure bursting with pride!)

    My husband and I suffered from infertility for about 5 years before the Lord blessed us with our precious son, who is nearly seven months old now, so I understand the indescribable joy that comes after longing for something with all your heart! I can't imagine this feeling x 4! =)

    You were made for this -- I can see it as plain as day. God brought you together for this purpose, and you are bringing such glory to Him! May your family flourish and your love for one another deepen even more!

    Psalms 127 3-5:

    "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man
    who fills his quiver with them!"

    Blessings and prayers from Bozeman, Montana,

    Rebekah Leonard

  26. I am so glad you have Ben home!! Just wait typing one handed will become impossible soon!! Enjoy having just one baby to take care of becuase before you know it you will have 4 babies wanting to eat at one time, but it is all worth it, I promise. It seems like just yesterday I was in your shoes. The time goes by fast so enjoy every moment and try to sleep when he does because when they are all home you will be getting less sleep than you do know. You guys are in my prayers as you adjust to a new life. Your friends family is my prayers also. I can't imagine they pain they are feeling.

    Deanna Turner

  27. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Okay, I wish I knew what it was like to have 1 little one at a time. Before my second set of twins, I thought 2 was crazy, but now, I live for the moments I only have one set of twins with me. (Don't get me wrong, I love all my angels, but we all need a break every once in a while!)

    Good luck to you and you precious little ones--we will be praying Ben's sister and brothers join him VERY soon--it gets lonely in the big crib all by yourself.

  28. Yah for him being home, and im wishing all the best for the rest coming home soon. My eldest spent a few weeks in hospital before coming home so i know the amazing feeling finally getting to cuddle your own child in your own home

  29. Hi Suzanne...I totally don't know you, but I read your blog b/c a friend showed it to me and I find it very entertaining:) Congratulations on the babies being healthy...I was praying for you and was anxious to check your blog to see how things were going the past few weeks. I was actually a good friend of Paul White in middle school in high school and I think that is so crazy and random that you know him too. I am definitely praying for his family and for yours too.

    ~Meredith West
