Saturday, October 13, 2007

Every Parent's Worst Nightmare...

Oh boy, do I have a story for you...listen up!


You never think it can happen to you or your child...

So, Savannah has reflux pretty bad...on occasion after she eats, she will spit up and choke on her formula. It comes up through her throat and nose. It is pretty scary to see for the first time. She usually holds her breath, turns bright red, then gasps for air as she cries...holds her breath, gasps for air...holds her breath, gasps for air...until I can suction out her nostrils with a bulb syringe. (Yes, she is on medication for it, three times a day)

Thankful for my baby girl (I wanted a cheezy Thanksgiving pic...think I succeeded) This was Oct. 9 on her due date...

Thursday night during her 6p feeding, she spat up and choked on it while I was feeding her. No problem, suctioned her out and walked around for about an hour with her on my shoulder, keeping her upright. No more episodes...I laid her down in the crib with her brothers and she fell fast asleep.

I proceeded to go downstairs and eat dinner with my mom. I positioned the video monitor on the couch across the living room where I could keep an eye on the kiddos. About halfway through my meal, I just happened to glance up ("just happen?"...yeah right, I don't believe in coincidence, I believe in God!), I glance up, no kids were crying or anything, I just look at the monitor every couple of minutes...maternal habit, if you will. And I see what looks like a glare of white substance covering Savannah's face, mouth, and nose. I leaned forward, squinted my eyes to get a better look...

"Oh gosh...oh my gosh..." and I immediately sprint upstairs, leaving my mom in a bewildered state at the table. Something just didn't look right and I felt that something was horribly wrong. Mother's intuition, for sure. I run to the crib, reach for Savannah, and see that she had spit up. I pick her up, see her blue face and like all the other times, figure she is holding her breath and is about to gasp for air and cry. After a second or two, I realize..."holy crap...she is not breathing...omg, omg, omg" Her body was limp and her lips were purple...I am NOT exaggerating when I tell you, her face was BLUE and her lips were PURPLE and she was completely limp and lifeless.

In that split second (which seemed like an eternity)...I forgot everything. Every piece of knowledge from nursing school, every CPR class I had ever taken, every first aid certification I had completed....everything....
I was a terrified mom, holding her unconscious little baby girl. TERRIFIED.

I panicked..."omg, I need to start CPR on MY BABY girl! omg...I can't remember anything! Where do I start...what should I do? omg, omg" I thought a million thoughts as I repeatedly yelled, "SAVANNAH BREATHE!!....BREATHE SAVANNAH!!...SAVANNAH BREATHE!!" and shook her and rubbed her foot and chest to try and stimulate her into response.

Then it clicked (after about a few seconds which seemed more like a few hours...Savannah is not breathing, I must breathe for her. And I laid her on the changing table and gave her two, full, rescue breaths (the initial steps of infant CPR). Just as I was about to begin compressions, Savannah slowly stirred...looking dazed and drowsy and let out the most amazing, beautiful, loud, intense, scream I have ever heard. My mom by my side, as I begin to suction out Savannah's formula filled mouth and nose...I stop for a second, turn my head to the side, resting atop my wrist while holding the bulb syringe and begin to all hit me in that one moment...the severity of what had just mom with tears streaming down her face was gently rubbing my back as I focused through my OWN tears to aspirate Savannah.

"Keep crying Savannah...good girl...good girl...get that oxygen to those lungs..." Gosh, her color was bad...she was very pale and lethargic. "How long had she been in that crib like that? How long had she been without oxygen? How scared must she have been? Why didn't she scream bloody murder like she always does? What would have happened if I wouldn't have glanced over at the monitor? What if I didn't find her until later?..." These thoughts plagued my mind as I scooped my darling baby girl, in my arms, holding tight.

I called my pediatrician who immediately told me to go to the Cook Children's ER. She might have aspirated some of her vomit...which would NOT be ideal for her preemie, underdeveloped little lungs. We were able to bypass the billion people waiting in the ER due to Savannah's preemie state and "breathing issue"...It was nice to know the medical lingo and I used words like: "aspiration", "CPR initiated", "loss of consciousness", "30 week preemie"...and we were back in the holding area in a flash!

Fast forward a few hours and Savannah's lungs were clear, XRays clear, her color was back with her cute little rosy cheeks...they wanted to send us home with an apnea monitor (which alarms if her heart rate or respiratory rates fall below a certain range) but they did not have one available until the next day. They mentioned keeping her overnight but were weary of her "catching" some infection/illness from all the other sick kiddos in the hospital. So, I talked the doc into letting me take her home, stating that I would not sleep a wink anyway and that I would be holding her all night. I slept...well, let me rephrase...I reclined in our recliner upstairs with Savannah on my chest all night. And ever since, I have not put her down! She is going to be so spoiled...I walk around with her in my Snugli Sling all day long! ;)

Let me tell you how difficult it was to leave the house to take a child to the ER. It's not just like Joe and I can jump in the car and go...we have three other infants at home! To throw a curve ball into the mix, Joe was at a business dinner and was VERY hard to get a hold of. I wasn't about to go to the ER by myself! (Of course I would have...if Sav was unstable, but I needed to sit in the back to watch her, just in case she choked again). My mom would have been left there by herself to tend to three babies for the entire night! Every feeding, all by herself! Thank God for the wonderful people at my church...within an hour, a sweet woman (thanks Joyce!) came over to spend the night and entire next day taking care of these babies! My bro came over for a late night feeding as well. Church ladies were in and out of our house all day, while I could try to take a nap! SUPER EXHAUSTED! So, many many thanks goes out to you guys!

She will also sleep in this wedge from now on...looks comfy eh? Poor baby...

Savannah is doing well...Mom is doing well...still a little shookin up...but I write this post to scare all of you into going to an infant/child CPR class! You NEVER know when it will save your child or someone else's life.


  1. Wow, I was terrified just reading about it! Praise God that you are all okay and back home again.

  2. OMG Suzanne, it's Kelly from PACU @ NW back in Houston, I have been "stalking" your blog along with everyone else back here in Houston..This blog just brought tears to my eyes, I am so glad to know everything is ok.. By the way the babies are beautiful girl!!!

  3. That is so scary but I am so glad she is okay now and has the monitor, just in case. Our girls were on monitors for the first month they were home and I loved it because I didn't have to worry. They also both sleep on wedges at night, too.
    So sorry you had to go through that but thank God your precious girl is okay now (and I don't blame you one bit for wanting to hold tight to her all day and night!)

  4. Oh Suz,
    You certainly had God watching out for you. My goodness, I can't even imagine how horrifying that was. I had the crash course in infant CPR before our babies left the NICU and just took a refresher course a ouple of months ago, but like you, I am sure I would freeze in the moment. I am so thankful you were able to kick into gear and get her breathing again. The apnea monitor should bring you some peace of mind as well.

  5. oh boy I was so worried when I started to read your post and then SO relieved when it turned out ok! Poor Savannah with her wedge - but hopefully it prevents it happening again!!!

  6. Hey Suzanne,
    I went to Harding and found your blog through a friend...anyway, I just found a kit online where you can buy an infant cpr course via dvd. It comes with a blow-up baby, the dvd, and reminder cards for about $30. The link is:

    Just thought I'd share.

  7. OMG! You lived one of the nightmares that us mothers never really think will happen to us! That is awful. I am sooo sooo glad that everything is fine but wow...what a scare! I bet you are even more thankful to have her now than ever...hard to think that was possible huh? Thank God for maternal instict...we should never ignore it! Take care and try to get some rest.

  8. What an absolutely scary thing to happen. I know it would be tough for you to have an Angel Care Monitor since your 4 are probably co sleeping but it is a wonderful investment. An alarm goes off if the baby makes no movement including breathing for 20 seconds. I have a 4 month old and it is such a relief to know that I would know if something happened.

    Take Care!

  9. Man, I had tears in my eyes just reading your story! Thank God you looked up when you did, you have a background with CPR training, etc., etc., etc. Our kids' lives are so precious!

  10. Wow! So glad it all turned out so well. I would have been terrified too. I'm imagining your mother watching her daughter try to save her own daughter's life...oh, man! That tugs at the heart strings!

  11. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Oh my goodness! scary. I cried reading this. Thank goodness that precious baby is ok!!!!! Good work!

    Thank you for sharing this so that others can be as prepared as one might be able to.

    Take care :)

    Mommy of 4 girls

  12. OMG OMG OMG!!! I am glad you happened to glance at the monitor when you did and run to her rescue! Good job on performing CPR! I am so glad Savannah is OK and is now gets to sleep on the throne! :o) You are a wonderful momma!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Thank god for a mother's intuition is all I can say! I'm so glad things turned out okay for your sweet baby girl.

  15. I cannot even imagine! Praise God for your mother's intution! I have a friend, who is also a nurse, and found her son floating face down in a swimming pool this summer. She also forgot everything that she was trained to remember...thankfully, her son was okay and she was way more scared than he was. I am sorry for your scare, but thankful that you were able to help you sweet girl!

  16. God was really looking out for Savannah... I don't believe in coincidences either. I'm so thankful she's okay. And by the way, great job on the very cheesy T-giving pic!

  17. Anonymous3:36 PM

    yeah i went thru that samthing. with 7 month old boy. he has bad reflux too. Im glad shes okay.i will keep her in my prayers

  18. Thanks be to God! Good work Mommy! :)

  19. i am with you, dont believe in coincidence just God...and boy i am glad you were listening to him! so glad savannah is doing well!

  20. Suzanne- I am glad Sweet Savannah is doing better. I am so sorry you had to experience that, but yes that is a wake up call for all parents to take infant/child CPR class. Thanks for sharing your scary experience. The babies looks great and I love checking on you all! Take Care, Jodie

  21. oh my goodness I am so glad she is ok!! That reflux is horrible. I hope that wedge is helping her out!!

  22. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Suz so sorry you had to live through every mothers nightmare, but what a blessing that you knew CPR. Little Savannah is so blessed to have an amazing mommy that knew exactly what to do. THis post totally made me cry. Praying for all of you rest and no worries. Hope Savannah feels much better soon.

  23. i'm so glad your beautiful little girl is okay and that you guys have some extra tools to help you monitor her. you are one smart momma for having a video monitor!

    i took that infant cpr class 2 years ago, and i have been meaning to get recertified. i think i'll go look online for a class to sign up for...


  24. Oh, Suzanne, how scary! Thanks for letting us know about the CPR classes, and it sounds like you did everything right. I'm so glad Savannah is okay now and I pray that never happens again. BTW, I have to admit that, while probably uncomfortable, she looks ADORABLE on that pink wedge. Like a little doll!

  25. Anonymous5:10 PM

    What they all said plus...Those wedges are great and the first thing I thought of when I read she has reflux. I would also like to mention that she is just the cutest chunkiest little thing!!!

  26. I don't know you, except from your blog, but I want you to know what an inspiration your family is. I was almost in tears reading your account of finding Savannah, and I am about to find an infant cpr class to sign up for. Praise God Savannah is okay! I will keep your family in my prayers.

  27. Oh my word Suz! All those "what ifs" really freaked me out! I'm so glad you have that monitor and the mother's intuition. I bet you never ran up those stairs so fast. I bet your story will bring tears to your eyes FOREVER. I'm so glad the church support was there for you. And your mom!

    You did good girl! And I think Shiloh knows she's not the only girl in the house to be spoiled!

    Hugs your way! How did you ever tell Joe what had happened? Wow!

  28. I was in tears reading this. I am so glad everyone is going to be okay. God was definitely watching over you and precious Savannah that night. Now you are making me want a video monitor for our latest addition since this one will be upstairs as well.

    And I wanted to add....Suz, you look FANTASTIC!!!!

  29. So important to know when you have little kiddos around...thank you for sharing! I too, was reading with tears in my eyes! Praying for little Savannah...and rest for mommy!

    And you are so right...God had his hand on every minute of that situation!

  30. oh my goodness. you have definitely convinced me to sign up for infant CPR classes. so glad little savannah is doing well. take care of yourself, i can't imagine going through something so scary!

  31. I type this as I wipe tears from my eyes. I think the initial reaction for anyone would have been the same as you had, but you did a great job, Mom and I'm sure this won't be the last time you keep any of those precious babies from harm in the next...well, for the rest of your life! What a great Mom you are, Suz! Thanks for sharing that story with us as I know it will definitely motivate many people to be trained. AND, I such thing as coincidence! Praise our heavenly Father for His mercies!

  32. Anonymous7:10 PM

    S - I love reading about your miracle babies. This is the first time I have left a comment on your blog but I had too after reading todays. I have twin boys and THIS EXACT SAME THING HAPPENED AT OUR HOUSE! It was about midnight and I just "happened" (yeah right - I completely agree it was God!) to look down at them in their pack in play right next to my bed before falling asleep and saw Samuel's face. After that just fill in your story! I know exactly how you felt! Thankfully we only had one episode and he is off medicine! Thank God for a mother's instinct and the Holy Spirit's knudge!

  33. Thank God for giving you the intuition to look up when you did...He is protecting those little babies of yours.

  34. Oh Suz, that is terrifying! God was definitely watching over you guys! Thank goodness Savannah is alright! I can't imagine the panic you must have gone through. That truly is a parent's worst nightmare. We will be praying that it doesn't happen again.

  35. I get updated every year on infant/child/adult CPR. You never know when you might need it.
    God is watching over you all something powerful, huh?!

  36. Hi my name is Lori and I found your blog through the hughes twins who I found through the giles family. Anyway You have beautiful babies and I am so so so so glad your lil Princess is ok.. I am almost in tears myself as I write this. I am a single mom of two Maddie is 6 and Connor is 4 and they are handful and they're just 2 of them I cant even begin to imagine your daily routine but you are blessed and I am so glad your lil savannah is ok....

  37. Oh my word that is too scary! Awesome how God works hey? He was watching over Savannah and made you look at the monitor - all in His hands.

    Good to hear she's alright.

  38. Suz,

    WOW...I cannot imagine the heart stopping fear you just experienced! That truly is one among many of a mother's worst nightmares!!! Thank goodness that you are trained and acted quickly and once again you saved your sweet baby's any GREAT MOM would time and time again. I'm sooo proud of you and thankful that God was watching over you and your family always but especially at that very moment!

  39. Anonymous8:29 PM

    I read your blog all the time, but have never commented until now. Reading your story brought back so many memories. My son, Rob, was a 34 week preemie. He came home from the hospital on an apnea monitor. We had it for about 3 months and then he was off of it and doing well. He developed reflux and we had to put him back on the apnea monitor at around 15 months old. There were many nights that he choked or I would wake up and he wasn't breathing. I will keep little Savannah in my prayers.

  40. OMG! So glad it all turned out ok. My 30wkr twins came home on the apnea monitors I was scared to death when we no longer needed them. We found a monitor that is similar on the market called AngleCare by Bebe Sounds. I would suggest one to anyone who has an infant. Just like the Apnea Monitor it will sound if there is no movement for 20 seconds. Such a comfort to have it. My boys are now 15 months and we still use it.

  41. Oh my gosh! How scary! Thank God she is ok.
    Wow, I can't even imagine. You poor girl! I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.

  42. Suzanne:
    I have been keeping up with you, Joe and the quads. I am so thankful that she is okay! You must have been terrified. I am so glad that she is doing well now.

    I have been meaning to send a comment to tell you congratulations on the healthy and beautiful babies. I guess I was looking at someone elses blog and happened to see your name on their favorites. I told my hubbie, Jimmy, that we were friends in college. We shared some great and fun moments together. Well, I better run. I just wanted to share with you that you all are in my prayers. You are doing an awesome job as a mom! If you ever get a chance you can visit my blog at:

    Take care and much love,
    Ashley (Singleton) Allen

  43. I am actually in the McMom group that I think you have been in contact with... I just wanted you to know that one of my 25 week old twins did that. He would choke, stop breathing, turn blue and I would have to use the aspirator to suction his nose and mouth until he could catch his breath. It was horrible. I also ended up having one scary moment when it didn't work and I had to do the compressions, etc. We went to the Cook's ER as well. After that, the wedge came into our family -- but just to let you know, I have one twin that his hooked on his!! He loves it, he doesn't need it anymore, but he won't sleep any other way!
    Good luck, I know when they first come home for the NICU, it is so scary!

  44. Oh Suzanne - I read this and the tears flowed. You are such an amazing mom and I'm so grateful for a Heavenly Father who watches out for these little ones and gives mom inspiration! I hope you are doing better today and that the monitor and wedge are helping to ease your mind. You are amazing and I'm sure little Savannah has loved being in the sling all day to be close to her mommy.

  45. Tears are streaming down my face. I have a baby girl and I can't imagine the horror of that scene. I am SO SO SO sorry you had to go through that. What a super mom you are! I am praising the Lord that he gave you such amazing motherly instincts.

  46. OMGoodness!! You've got me crying too!! You poor thing. Thank the lord she is alright. What a scary thing to have happen. Bless your heart.


  47. Thank God you're a nurse and knew how to take care of your baby girl! I'm so scared now, because I would have NO IDEA what to do if my baby girl stopped breathing! Anna Kate is 3 months old... I'm going to read up on infant CPR for sure! Thanks so much for the warning, Suzanne. I'm soooo sorry you had to go through that terrifying experience. God is really wathing over your sweet babies! Hannah (Rhodes)

  48. By the way... you look awesome!!! Can't believe you just had QUADS!

  49. Anonymous10:30 PM

    There are monitors you can buy that have an alarm on them and it will go off if there's no breathing motion. I have it and love it.

  50. Oh my! Thank the good Lord that you had a video monitor...because I didn't/don't...and like you said she never cried! That is so scary for sure! I cannot imagine...just cannot imagine. So sorry, but so very glad to hear she is okay. Man, on man...I am just still shaken and it wasn't even my kids...I can't imagine...You are a wonderful Mommy!

  51. This is probably my second comment here but I check in on you guys every few days. Thank GOD your baby girl is fine! Those angel care monitors are fabulous. I use it as well with Lindsay. Eventually when they're all in their own cribs you may want to invest in them. A little expensive for FOUR of them but maybe you could find a few on consignment or ebay. I believe you and Savannah had an angel watching over you both that day. GOOD JOB MOMMY! I'm so happy to read all is well. God Bless!

  52. you dont know me but my parents go to NDavis: Ron & Carmen Coker..I grew up there...anyways been "spying" on you and the blog since before the babies were born. They are precious and yall have such a beautiful family! The last blog I wrote on ours was a scary story that put us @ Cooks this week too! My son is 21 months...Are our babies getting a head start on the teen yrs and scaring us?? Yall are doing a great job! I cant imagine how yall do it! I enjoy your posts! Whitney Terrell

  53. My youngest son had extreme reflux like that – it seems I never slept for worrying about him aspirating. Can you please write where you got that wedge? It would be nice to have on hand just in case the next one has the same trouble… LOVE your blog! Not sure how I found it, but i check it all the time. Your family is just beautiful; you are so blessed!

  54. Thank God for mothers intuition! My littlest had reflux and when he would reflux through his nose it was always scary to me, but NOTHING like that! Holy cow I would have been a wreck! Way to go mom and keep things under control. Thankfully they do grow out of reflux.

  55. Suz- I am reading this at work and my fellow ER nurses and me agree you're AWESOME! So glad Savannah is OK- Love you Mo

  56. My little sister's baby girl, born at 32 weeks, was on her monitor 24hrs/day for six months, then slept with it until 9 months. It was really great to know that Paige was constantly monitored. FYI, the monitors sometimes need to be adjusted, they are quite sensitive. If yours starts going off 50 times a day, have the monitoring system come make the proper adjustments! Praying for your family. GOD IS SO AWESOME and FAITHFUL!!

  57. Sooooo scary! I'm so thankful that the Lord was watching over all of you and kept baby Savannah safe and reminded you what to do to get her breathing again.
    P.S. That first pic of Savannah on the "wedge" looks like a doll! I didn't think it was a real life baby at first!

  58. Hey Suz- Wow! How frightening. You did a perfect job saving your sweet Savannah! Good job. Now, I hope that you never have to do that again!

    Jamie Pugh - McMoms

  59. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Girl, I am so sorry. How terrifying!!! It sounds like you handled it great! I am glad she is doing better!

  60. I know you thought you weren't going to be "working" for a while, but you'll always be a nurse. So glad Sav is OK, she has an awesome mommy. I can't wait to see you all!

  61. Hi there, I have been following your blog religiously. We are friends of the McNulty clan and that's how I found your blog. We have a 17month old and I'm due on Monday with our second...another girl. After reading your post, I cannot believe the fear you must have experienced... You are a great mom for thinking on your feet like that. That is absolutely a mom's worst nightmare. I believe, like you, that everything happens for a reason and God was definitely on your side when you glanced at that monitor. Take care and hugs to that little girl.

  62. I am so so thankful that everything turned out okay. God was really taking care of you all. That must have been the scariest thing imaginable! I am glad that everyone was able to pitch in and let you get caught up on sleep! I'm sure it took you a while to calm down from the adrenaline!

  63. Wow, I cried while reading that - what a blessing for your entire family that you knew infant CPR!! I don't believe in coincedence either...that was a "God Thing" that you looked at the monitor when you did! So sorry you all had such a scare but thank God she's ok now - and I'm glad to hear (and see) she's not being put down at all - spoil that baby girl rotten!!!!

  64. So scary! Glad to hear Savannah is alright, and mommy is okay too. It is scary to watch your child turn blue right before your eyes. Kudos on taking action, mom.

    Both my kids had reflux (my preemie has the more worse case) and we LOVED the wedge! I just gave it away actually.

    Hoping no more scares like that for a long time.


  65. Praise God! The monitors are awesome to have and will allow y'all to rest a little easier. We have had a couple of apnic episodes with our little ones while they were sleeping. The leads can be a pain but definitely worth the sacrifice. We really like the "wedgie". When Finn comes home he will need that because he has similar issues with feeding. Y'all are doing awesome and the babies are growing like crazy!

    Mari and Chris Goerlich

  66. I'm sorry you, your mom and ofcourse little Savannah had to go through that. I am so thankful everything is okay. I have told all my friends with babies about this... trying to scare them as well. I took infant CPR in college and high school many times workign at that day care, but I know in an emergency I would just panic. I am so thankful you were able to handle this situation, very proud of you. Love you and miss you soooo much!

  67. I'm so glad she is okay-I was a little worried when I saw the heading, but knew it must have all worked out if you were blogging. She will hopefully be able to rest easier-as well as you! God works in mysterious ways-doesn't he? I know he needed you to look at the monitor right at that time. You are a wonderful, wonderful Mother! Hang in there girl! And by the way-you look FABULOUS and ROCKING!!!!!!!! I'm sure being a mother to 4 is all the exercise you need!

    Praying for you daily,
    Megann, Birmingham, AL

  68. Praise God Savannah is okay! Suz, you have great Mother instincts! Praise God for a Great Parent like you! I'm praying for you!

  69. I'm so glad your intuition kicked in. My thoughts are with you.

  70. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Omgosh! I am so glad she is ok! My niece was 4 weeks premature and has had horrible horrible horrible reflux as well. She has been on meds for it along with special formula... but what she also get in every bottle (which you may want to check with your ped on) is Colic Ease. The meds, formula, and Colic Ease have all really helped the reflux. Her Ped and Gastro Specialist said that once she turned 6 months there would be a significant improvement and guess what... it is night and day! She does sometimes have it coming out her nose and she does lose her breath a bit from it... but nothing like it was. Fortunately they never had such a horrible episode like you and Miss Savannah! Praise God she is ok... and that you had the training to help her! I'm so sorry you had to go through that!!! All my best...

  71. Wow! I am so glad that Savannah is ok. That is so scary, it made me cry. I have an 8 month old little girl. I have to take CPR for where I work but I never use it and hope I never will have to. I am saying a thank you prayer that everyone is ok!!

  72. Anonymous8:47 PM

    These slings are the best and are so easy to move in. They really support the head.

  73. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Some how this had did not post. God is great - I am so happy she is okay. I love checking up on you and got tears in my eyes reading this.

  74. Anonymous9:00 PM

    God is watching over you and your little ones!
    Thank God she is okay.
    I am reader from Australia and I just wanted to comment how beautiful your babies are and I am so thankful to hear that Savannah is okay.

  75. Anonymous9:04 PM

    I have been following your blog since your pregnancy and have always loved getting a sweet peak into your family. I have never posted before, but I just had to this time. Your post about Savannah had me in tears! I am so glad that she is okay now and that you knew what to do to help her. (((HUGS!))) to you and your sweet Savannah.

  76. WHAT?!! Suz, I'm so sorry. Your babies are so lucky to have such a wonderful, quick-acting Mom. You saved Savannah's life! Can't wait to see you next week :)

  77. Anonymous10:37 PM

    So very glad Savannah is ok. Thank God! Poor little thing. I can't only imagine how you and your mom must have felt.

    Thanks for sharing your lives with all of us!

    Enjoy those beautiful babies.

    Mommy of five

  78. Thank you LORD, our ever-present source of strength in times of trouble!! Wow, you really came through for your little one! And I don't believe in coincidences either... :) THANK YOU LORD!

  79. I have some friends who lost their 4 week old son from the same thing in 2003. He was actually sleeping in between them and neither one of them heard him spit up or choke. It was so hard to see them go through that, especially being in my first trimester of a pregnancy following a miscarriage!

    God is awesome. ALWAYS trust your mother's intuition!

  80. I just stumbled upon your blog. What a terrible experience!! My daughter was a 23wkr (we're also in the DFW area and are Aggies too!) and still has severe reflux. I cannot imagine how scary that must have been for you.

    My daugher slept on the wedge/sling until she was nearly two. I have to say, Savannah's sling is MUCH cuter than Halle's! We did not get a choice on color and did not have the matching crib sheet with it. I hope that the slings helps S feel more comfortable (and safe!).

    What an amazing family you have! God Bless!

  81. I'm so glad was watching out for your little Savannah! My best friend had the exact same experience with one of her twins, she was on a monitor, the board, meds, and eventually a feeding tube. I learned CPR for that reason (her baby was saved this way too). My NICU requires all parents to take that class before any baby goes home. It's for a good reason. I am so glad you did what you did and got to your sweetie in time. I am also glad she is home resting well. I think that board was great for my friend her daughter had the roundest head in town sleeping on her tummy like that. I will keep you all in my prayers! WOW!

  82. oh my gosh, this brought back so many memories, unfortunately I wasnt as lucky my son matthew went to live with Jesus, but praise the Lord for good baby monitors his twin brother Johnathan never slept without one after that horrible day. I thank God baby Savanah was fine. give her extra hugs and kisses :)

  83. Anonymous6:57 AM

    thank God

  84. I'm so thankful you're both OK, and you have such a supportive church family! By the way, she looks like a little doll. (I'm sure you hear that all the time, though.) :)

  85. OMG!!! Poor baby!!! I am glad everything turned out alright. You guys will definitely be in my prayers that this does not happen again!

  86. O and on a different note....

    you look absolutely AMAZING to have just had quads!!!

  87. Anonymous11:04 AM

    OMG how terrifying! I was sobbing reading your post I can't even begin to imagine. Thank God for mothers instinct.

  88. Thank God! There can't be a better PSA about learning CPR than your story! As a side note, your baby girl looks like a doll, literally. I had to look at her pictures a few times!

  89. Thank the good and wonderful Lord that you looked and ran and were able to perform CPR! The babies are beautiful and adorable. I am a stalker(but sweet and nice) from Mississippi and wish I were close by to be able to help you.

  90. Anonymous2:39 PM

    A friend sent me your blog... my 25 week surviving triplet gave me the same scare after her second trial run at home. I had to perform CPR until the ambulance arrived with a blow-by. I quickly spread the word on knowing CPR - after all these preemies go through, to lose them because you didn't know CPR would be the worst thing. SO GOOD JOB MOM!!! You're her hero this time around :)
    Jen & Adelina

  91. I am so happy to hear little Savannah pulled through. My heart ached reading your post. I am just so glad God was watching over her.

  92. PLEASE EMAIL OR CALL ME!!! I went through this with ALL 4 of my quads. Libby was the worst and would choke silently and stop breathing daily (I was afraid to take my eyes off of her for one second). I remember the first time like it was yesterday. It was the same sort of "mothers intuition" I went to check on them.. no reason really.. just a check. I've never been so scared in my life. For the next few months I DID NOT SLEEP while they were sleeping and sat vigil next to the bouncing chairs I used to sit them upright (no more laying flat for my little ones). Reflux is terrifying and while I read this it all came rushing back. OMG... I have been there Suz and I can help! I know you get more advise then anyone needs but I have quads and I've been there. I have tons of ideas for you if you need anything! My heart goes out to you more than you know. My heart is still thumping out of my chest from reading that story. There will come a day when she does outgrow it... I promise! For the time being keep praying and stay strong.
    You are amazing!
    XOXO Gen McNulty

  93. Hi Suzanne- I'm Amanda Ware's sister in law and have been following your pregnancy and sweet miracles through your blog. My prayers have been with you and my tears were with you today with this posting. I have a 9 month old and couldn't imagine the panic that you felt. So glad that sweet Savannah is ok!

  94. Anonymous9:16 PM

    I think every mother must feel the same shocking terror reading this and every Christian mother must feel the amazing peace of our sovereign, good God as well.

    Thanks for taking the energy and time to share this!

    God bless you. You are working so hard, and many prayers are coming your way!

  95. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Thank you God that she is ok. What a horrible experience. I pray that her reflux issues improve and you all can rest a little easier.

  96. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Praise God that she is ok and good job Suz. I can't imagine the horror you went through, but you did what you had to do and I am so very glad you had the training. Thank you for posting about this and keeping us informed. No telling how many parents you may have helped save their babies, you are a wonderful person, and mom! God bless you all, have a wonderful week! Your friend in East Texas.

  97. Wow....I'm so glad she's okay. I so agree with you...anyone who has children needs to know CPR. I had to do rescue breaths on my daughter when she was 3 b/c she went under the water at a hotel pool. Everyone thought someone else was watching her, and she took her floatie off. God was gracious...

  98. Anonymous9:21 AM

    So glad to here she is okay and doing well.... And if you've got to sleep on the wedge at least it is super cute and stylish!!

  99. Anonymous12:04 PM

    I know other's have mentioned it, and it would be difficult with 4 babies as they couldn't co-sleep, but AngelCare monitors are the best. It is the one piece of baby gear I couldn't live without. The peace of mind it gives me is priceless.

  100. Anonymous2:20 PM

    So glad she's okay!!! You are a brave mom - how awesome are you! I will definitely brush up on my CPR skills (which I haven't thought of since 9th grade health class.)

    Also, you look FANTASTIC for having just had four babies!!

  101. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Oh my goodness!!! I know you are so thankful!! You are doing an awesome job so keep it up!! You are all in our thoughts and prayers!

    Samantha Smith
    Columbus, MS

  102. Wow!I cannot imagine how scared you were.Glad everything turned out good.We serve an awesome God! His eye is on the sparrow and you KNOW He was watching you that day!
    Praying for you in the state of Indiana!

  103. So I am crying because I can not get the awful vision the words "her face was BLUE and her lips were PURPLE and she was completely limp and lifeless." conjured in my mind, out of my heart. That is so awful! Every parent's absolute worst fear! Bless your heart! It is an understatement to say I am so glad you heard that little voice God gives Moms to warn us when our babies are hurting! So glad she is OK/alive/breathing/rosy cheeked again! I would not be able to put her down either...and you can not spoil and infant! Take care and God bless all the sweet people who were there to aid you! Still have chills! Thank you God for watching over little Savannah!

  104. Hi there Suz we have been watching you through your whole pregnancy. I don't remember how we found you. You are amazing and so upbeat through everything. God has truly blessed your family. I wanted to pass along 2 must haves if you can that someone gave to me. We have been trying to see how we could afford to buy and send them to you but the finances are slim right now. The first is called a baby wrap or moby wrap. This is the most comfortable carrier EVER. I loved the baby bijorn and snuggly with my first but with the wrap you really can not tell you are carrying your little one. The other thing is a hooter hider (nursing cover) this is for of you are able to nurse the little sweeties. They are both around $35-40. You can google search the names and find them. I just wanted to let you know. The wrap has about 10 different ways to carry the babies, including a twin hold and kangaroo hold. We will be praying for you and if you have any more questions then you can e-mail me.

  105. A friend gave me the link to your blog. I have been lurking for a while. There are too many comments for me to check to see if anyone has told you about this product - so forgive me if you have heard about it.
    Granted my boys were not preemies (far from it!) but two of my three (one still has it) had severe reflux. They were/are on meds, did the wedge, but also put this product in their bottle. The product is Simply Thick my boys use/used the "Honey" version. It helps the milk stay in their stomachs so they do not spit up or have it come out their noses. Ask your Ped. about it.
    So sorry for your scare - and glad you knew what to do to help Savannah! Praise God - He is always in control!
    Praying for you and Joe as you raise these precious babies.

  106. i have been reading your site for about a month, what an exciting life and amazing family. this post struck me because one of my best friend's daughter, hannah, had surgery yesterday because her acid reflux is so severe. i hope it doesn't come to that with savannah, but they have been happy thus far with the results. praise God for coincidences!

  107. Anonymous7:36 PM

    I am so sorry! We have had similar experiences with our refluxers. I work with a group called PAGER (pediatric adolescent gastroesophageal reflux association) and we deal with all sorts of reflux (GERD)issues. I am in the feeding issues since I have a degree in nutrition. Check out the site and message boards if you'd like to chat with some of those moms who have also "been there" They are a wonderful group. There are also lots of tips to help reflux babies feel better too! If I can help you in any way let me know. I just posted our reflux story on our blog! Your post sent me right back there! I will be praying for your sweet baby.

    In HIS love- Jen

    The site is:

  108. God is good! I'm so glad to hear she's okay. I was lying here reading this next to my five day old son, and definitely shed a few tears. I don't think that would have happened a week ago. Being a parent really changes how you react to things like this!

  109. Wow. I happened across your story when I was doing a web search in Google. I am the dad of a 6 month old boy. I also am a CPR instructor and know what you must have been dealing with. As a CPR instructor I want to see all parents go through a CPR course. The problem is that most of us have no money and no time to do it. I am currently taking a survey of new parents to see if an inexpensive online CPR course might be of interest to parents.

    What do you think?

    You can take the survey at

    I am so glad your baby is OK. Good Job doing CPR. Keep pressing your friends and family to get certified!

  110. Holy Crap this is the first time I read this and I cried!!! It was linked at the bottom of you Nutcracker post so I decided to read! GAWWWLLLY, I love you woman!

  111. I just came across this post! I haven't ever read about anyone else's experience. That same thing happened to me july 7th, 2006 with my daughter when she was 2 days old. My mom called 911 while my husband and myself tried to get my daughter breathing again. Reading your post brought back memories. I remember I was supposed to nurse her at 12:00am and it was a movement of God that I checked her before time. God is faithful, always! I had a communication breakdown with my husband, we couldn't finish sentences but we both knew what each other needed and she is a healthy almost 4 year old now! I really enjoy reading your blog. You are inspiring!

  112. The same thing happened to my own son. There is nothing worse. I was completely neurotic about checking on him constantly and baby wearing. To make matters worse, I am deaf, so there was no way for me to just listen for alerting sounds or lack thereof. Love your blog! :-)
