Monday, October 06, 2008

Fun Times with Susan & Ronnie

Joe and I LOVE having people over and out-of-town guests stay with us. We don't get out much during RSV season, so we are beyond thrilled when friends and family visit. Last week, my Aunt Susan and Uncle Ronnie came to play for a few days. Despite a house full of sickies, we had a wonderful time! (Thanks for the pictures, Susan!) WE LOVE YOU!

Ronnie with Ethan and Savannah....Susan with Drew and Ben

Ben LOVES pushing siblings around in the firetruck...Careful Drew! He'll drive you right into a table!

Another favorite pastime of Ben's? Patting Ronnie on the top of his head---the boy cracks himself up

One of the BEST feelings in the world: Having 4 one-year-olds crawling all over you at the same time!

A little morning stroll around the neighborhood

I love this pic of Ethan (red) and Andrew staring at each other

Never gets these pics. Little Miss Sav likes to pull her socks off in bed.

Poor Benny Baby Boo Bear getting his first of MANY breathing treatments last week

Playtime with the tykes...they are days away from walking on their own!

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  1. Oh, what fun! Enjoy every minute because the years go by FAST!! :)

    And I loved the post below! Too funny what 4 little ones can do. I remember those days all too well.

  2. How cute! I love the one of them in their wagons, ready for a walk!

  3. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Poor babies being sick! ANd you and Joe too, no fun! The kids look so grown up, i just cant even believe it, i know you probably say it everyday!
    Trey and Brady pull of their socks in bed too and suck on them, UMMM, so they no longer get to wear them, they sleep in footed pants every nap now. HEHEHE mommy can beat the system sometimes :)

  4. you make it look too easy!! sometimes i think having quads would be easier than having my "problem child!"

    i hope they feel better soon!

    take care


  5. Love these pics! They have gotten so big all the sudden. It makes me miss you guys more than ever!

    YEAH! Can't wait for the walking... laughing already... JOE! Tee hee hee!!!


  6. aww, i love the post and the pictures! i can't beleive they are almost walking! now the fun begins, two at a time was interesting, I couldn't imagine 4! anyway, looks like you all have been having fun, I hope you have a great week!

  7. Kisses to E, D, S, and B from Auntie Jen-Jen!

  8. loving the pics! isn't it amazing how god gives you the strength to take care of the blessings he's given you?

  9. Look at those chunky legs!! So sweet!
    I cant wait to hear who walks first!

  10. Anonymous9:18 AM

    What a blessing! Hope you have many more visits from family and friends to keep you all going during the RSV season. Praying everyone stays healthy at home also! Love the photos!

  11. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Baby thighs are my absolute favorite things in the world and I just got several great shots of 8 of them! So adorable, I wish I could meet those kiddos!

  12. i am amazed that you even have time to blog with 4 one year olds :-) when they are well...muchless when they are sick!! blessings to you all.

  13. I love the Webbs! Jason and I were great friends from church camp and in college, and he has awesome you know! I think they need some grandbabies soon!

    I love that picture of Ethan and Drew looking at eachother, too. PRECIOUS! You are a very lucky MOMMA with 4 perfect cutie pies!

  14. I have looked and looked and just can't find an 'e-mail me' button.

    I have been a long time reader and 'sometime' commenter (busy life lately!).. but the quads are growing beautifully and and are ALL absolutely ADORABLE.

    I just wanted to ask where your nursery furniture is from.. I am looking for a dark set and just adore yours. Please let me know if possible!


  15. Cute, cute, cute. Even while taking a breathing treatment, Ben is cute! Their smiles are irresistable and so sweet! Can not believe they will be walking soon!

  16. I love reading about your babies and seeing their adorable photos. I've left you an award over at my blog.

  17. I used to babysit triplets and the mom wouldn't do anything on her own w/them. I appreciate, and pat you on the back for being such a great mom (and dad) to these 4 kids! They seem to always be having a good time.

    I've always wanted twins, but reading your blog makes me want triplets or quads...because 2, 3, or 4 is way more cuteness than just 1!

  18. Anonymous7:35 PM

    So absolutely adorable! My princess takes her socks off too! She now also takes off her twin brothers socks if he sits still long enough.
    Not that you don't have it TOTALLY handled, but my SIL has an infant with cystic fibrosis. She has a teddy bear she gets to cuddle and play with during her breathing treatments. Ben looked happy, but if treatments get difficult special cuddle toys MIGHT help??? Thank you for sharing your blessings!!!

  19. I can't believe they are about to start walking! Didn't you just have them?!? ;) I can't wait to hear about all the stories you'll have once they begin to walk!

  20. Suz,
    I actually looked up your babies birth day and showed Josh what our baby looks like right now! I guessed that he was somewhere between Savannah and Ben's weights.

    I can't believe they are almost walking now! I miss them and wish I could see them soon. I miss you too!

    Love you,

  21. Just wait! The next 'fun' thing is the pull! It is now mandatory for our little guy to have bottoms on at all times. He took his diaper off during nap time and what a mess! Poopie was on the wall, the floor, in between toes...just everywhere! He thought it was funny...I called hubby and said, "it's an's everywhere!" Praying this does NOT happen x 4 for you!!!

  22. It is so exciting to think of your 4 little walkers. Have you thought about how you will teach them to get down your stairs? OMG. I am seroiusly glad we lived in a one-story house when my twins were a year old.

    My twins and singleton never once played with the contents of their diapers. But, I have heard of this happening. I will have to pray that your kids bypass that stage. Ick.

    Keep up the great work with the kids!

  23. Where did you get the cool table?? Those kiddos of yours just get cuter and cuter everyday!!

    And are those vacuum lines on the carpet (don't ask me how I noticed that-I never notice stuff like that!)?? You are SUPERMOM!!! :)


  24. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Hi sweet Steece family... We had such a great time last week with you guys. It was such a blast playing and loving on those incredible little angels. Thanks for everything--you two are great parents--and suz--you are a great cook too! Wish I had some of those blonde brownies right now for breakfast!! yummy. Please kiss and hug the babies for me. Love you all so much...Have a great day!

  25. Your kids are so adorable and you guys are such wonderful parents! I love the table the kids are playing at. Where in the world did you get it? I have been saying our quads need a big table they can all play at that is their height. This would be perfect.

  26. I love the wagon train. That is so cute and so are their little legs dangling in the air.

  27. OMG..the pic of you with them last year, I noticed you are wearing the ANSA convention Tee Shirt. OMG...I was at the SAME convention! I follow your blog through someone elses, but I thought it was neat to see a connection.

    From a Fellow RN in Arkansas,
