Friday, October 31, 2008

Last Year of Halloween House Arrest!

I yearn for the day that I can get these little tykes out and about on Halloween! I just LOOOVE dressing them in cute little costumes and can't wait to watch their pure joy as they prance around, trick or treating...attending Fall Festivals...etc etc...

Halloween 2007, click HERE to see the Four Peas in a Pod

Halloween 2007, click HERE to see a witch, 2 ghosts, and a chubby pumpkin

This year, the Steeces partied it up in their casa, saving the good costume ideas for a time when others will actually get to SEE them in PERSON! Mom and Dad continued the party during a little date night out on the town...courtesy of my awesome brother and sister-in-law! (They are expecting their first child early next year and we are SO excited to find out what they are having this week!) Thank you SO much! We love you!

Onto the pics already! (I was trying to get these up before we headed out of town on Friday, but it obviously didn't happen):





Ethan checking out the pumpkin...not sure what to think about it

My big man walking around!!! (Ethan)

Shiloh pathetically waiting to get into the gated area to clean up table scraps...while Savannah pesters her from the other side....ALWAYS asking where the "dah" is...Sav loves Shi. (Oh, and about the bow: She loves signing for "hat" by patting the top of her head and putting any object on her head as IF it WERE a hat--so, if I tell Sav that her bow is a "hat"...she won't mess with it!)

Okay, okay...we GET it...Ben likes to push people around! (but I still couldn't resist!)

Drew practicing his steps!

Ben, Drew, Sav, Ethan
I never dress the identical twins Ethan and Andrew, I was having fun taking their pictures and seeing just how much they are looking completely identical these days. It is crazy neat!

Ethan (left), Drew (right)

Drew (left), Ethan (right)

Drew (left), Ethan (right)

"Suz, how do you tell them apart?"

It IS true--Mama just knows! I have from day one. There are SO many different things for me: tiny physical differences (Drew has a longer face, Ethan has a slightly rounder face), personality differences (just the WAY they look at me), behavioral differences (different noises they make, etc) is just easy for me. Now Dad? Not so much! ha! If all else fails: Ethan has a red dot (stork bite?) on the tip of his inner right middle finger.

4 out of 5 smiling ain't that bad! Daddy is SO GOOD at making us laugh! (Sav, Ben, Drew, Ethan)

Teething like CRAZY going on around here! Hands in mouths...drool on shirts...crying...whining... poor little babies! (Ethan, Savannah, Drew, Ben)

We had SUCH a great weekend in Austin with the Steeces! Good luvin' from the Grandparents and Uncle Dan! Joe and I went to a baby shower of some of our best friends and had an awesome time--I'll get some pics up this week!


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  1. Suz, I have been reading for a while now and only commented a couple times, but I just have to tell you how much I love reading your posts. You have such a beautiful family, your positive attitude and absolute love of life shine thru in every word you write, and it really is such a joy to read.

    I can tell you're an awesome Momma and those babies are so blessed to have you and Joe as their parents. They're growing up so fast and look like such happy little people, which is to YOUR credit. :)

  2. Suz-
    Was the baby shower you attended by any chance for Courtney and Ross? Probably just a huge coincidence, but..............we have family that had a baby shower in Austin this weekend.

  3. I do the same thing re: the headband! My Roo is totally sold on it being her hat and she'll wear it all day long. Super cute babies you have!

  4. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Oh my gosh! They are getting SO big and cuter than ever! :)

  5. They are just soooo adorable! I love it that you dressed the twins the same :) How fun!

  6. Your little ones are so cute. It's heartwarming to see the happiness in them (and you and joe) in every picture. Looking forward to super-cute costumes next year.

  7. CUTE CUTE CUTE!!! Thanks for sharing you lovebugs. I can't believe how big they have gotten. You look great by the way... ;)
    Love from southwest Texas---Ladybug Jo

  8. Very cute babies! So, I have a question. My little boy (Gavin) is the same age as your quads. I think he is actually only 5 days younger. My question is where to you get blue jeans that fit your boys? Gavin acutally still wears some 3-6 month pants, but they are getting to short, but all of the 6-9 month fall off of him. Just curious what size they wear and if they are the same size, where you get them from :)


  9. So stinkin' cute!!! :)

    I know I have already said this like 3 times, but it was SO good to see you all this weekend! Feel free to visit my blog anytime...


  10. Look at those babies!! Too Cute!!

    My 3 year and I love looking at the pictures of your precious little ones!!

  11. I found your blog somehow and have loved reading it. You have a way of including your readers as if they are a part of your family. Very warming and wonderful. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 2 years now, and are just starting clomid. Any advice, tips, comfort, etc. you can offer would be great!

    Prayers are also greatly appreciated as I know you are believers in the power that prayer offers us! Thanks! I will keep reading as long as you keep posting.

  12. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Hi... don't know if you remember me Olivia from Birmingham, Alabama aka Scarlett's mom. Anyhoo..quick question..Scarlett was born at 34 weeks and they suggested she has synagis shots up until March. Did your kids recieve these and how do feel about this?

  13. Their little faux-hawks are beyond cute!! Your children are absolutely beautiful, and their little characters come out in their pictures!

  14. They are all looking so kissable, as always! The house arrest does put a damper on the Halloween fun but we'll do it up big next year, right? :) Lots of love to all of you!! Mari

  15. Ah Suz.. it's so cool to see 'um walking around. I can't believe how grown up they are!! The days of treat or treating are just around the corner. Hang in there.. you have many fun adventures to come.

    I love you with all my heart!

  16. Such cuteness. And, could Savannah look anymore like her daddy, or what?

  17. these are the cutest pictures!

  18. What sweet widdle kiddos. I can not believe Sav's hair! Wild woman!! Some of the best picts I have seen :)

  19. I don't think I have noticed until today jut HOW MUCH Sav looks like her daddy! Oh my gosh!
    They are so cute. You make it look so easy!

  20. Loved the 4 peas in a pod. Too Cute!

  21. Anonymous10:25 AM

    in the pics of drew and ethan together, the second one down looks like they're conjoined at the arm :)

    anyway, i'm just a blog lurker coming out to comment on how beautiful your kids are! and it will be so much fun when they can get out and trick-or-treat in their cute little costumes next year!

  22. I know it's been said time and time again, but could those 4 be ANY cuter? I don't see how! I LOVE LOVE LOVE those huge smiles.

  23. I always look forward to pictures. They are all so adorable. You can see their individual personalities shining through.

  24. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I'm having a fun giveaway for a great cause on my blog. 4 (maybe 5) bed nets will be going to kids in Africa to prevent malaria and one (maybe 2) t-shirts will be given to the blog reader(s) that are picked. Come leave a comment before 7pm CST and enter to win! (And learn about malaria too!)

  25. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Oh my goodness they are so stinkin' cute! I love those jeans the boys are wearing and the pictures of the twins is cute overload. Love it! Thanks for sharing with us. I can't believe how they change each time.

  26. Tell Collin congrats!! You are going to be such a great aunt. All those cousins to play with--what fun!

  27. How can you stand all that cuteness!! What fun pictures. I know Ethan and Drew are identical but call me crazy - I think ALL your kids are identical. You are SO blessed :o)

  28. Since you are such an amazing encourager to so many...I thought I should share this blog with you. I live just north of Houston in Humble, and in reading the Houston Chronicle online I saw this woman in The Woodlands just gave birth to Quints! Whew! She has a blog, and it is already had an 18 month old, and now 5 more added on! WOW. They seem as bubbly and optimistic as you, but I still thought encouraging words from someone who has completely been there would be nice :-)

  29. I think Ethan's looking at that pumpkin and saying, "I've seen this thing before! Same time last year and I was screaming my guts out cause mama dressed me up like a ghost." OR, maybe he just liked the pumpkin.

    The boys must be blessed with killer hair. They probably wake up with their hair styled so cute like that. Flippin' A-DOR-A-BLE. And that's all I have to say about that.

    Love ya!

  30. Just love watching your little ones experience life. Silly me, I am just so excited to watch them grow up, and I don't even know you in person. But, know that you and your family are in my prayers. You are doing a wonderful job with your little blessings.
    The Mummy shirts are ka-YUTE!
