Thursday, November 20, 2008

I Can't Catch Up!!!

My poor blog is totally getting the shaft! This weekend will be the first time in 6 weeks that Joe and I will actually be in town! Mama feels like she is going 100 mph and can't slow down! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! During the week, we have been busy with appointment after appointment after appointment (quad vision tests, quad flu shots, mom & dad- flu shots, me-dentist, me-vision, etc). After the holidays, life should slow down a bit..and maybe I can get back into a good routine. But I wouldn't trade it for the world! This non-stop coming and going is SOOOOO much better than being stuck inside a house all day, every day like last year! Its just taking me a little longer to catch up!

Here are some pics from last weekend in Waco.

The game was...less than desirable for an Aggie fan...but a DATE for mom and dad nonetheless!

Ms. Snaggle-tooth as we like to call her, is FINALLY working on those two front teeth! (Mama is sure gonna miss those gummy smiles!)

Ethan has been getting into ANY and EVERY thing he possibly can...keeping his mama on her TOES day in and day out! Goodness gracious this kid is a whiz-kid when it comes to getting into trouble.

My sweet little baby Drew is going to need glasses when he starts school in a couple of years. Poor thing! He was the only one who got a bad report from the eye doc. But hey, at least it will help differentiate the identicals! "Don't you worry, Drew...Mama is going to find the coolest glasses for you!" (to break over and over and fun!)

Little Miss Thang...I cannot believe how much she is developing each day. She is learning at least one new word a day--a little sponge, soaking up anything we say or do! (YIKES!) Daddy has been working with Savannah on a neat little trick for Thanksgiving...I'll have to get that one on video! It is hilarious!

Mr. Ben...still a MESS! The kid cracks me up every day.

Precious little Princess checking out Mommy's necklace.

Proud Papa and his grand-quads. They are getting SO big! (L to R: Ethan, Andrew, Savannah, Benjamin)

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  1. Am I allowed to say that it is about time? Seriously, I can not get enough of these sweet and precious faces (you and Joe are sweet too). I am amazed at what all they can do and how much they are growing. I do agree that life will probably slow down after the holidays-hopefully!

  2. They grow so much everytime you post. WOW! I love the picture of you and Savannah. Glad to hear that only one will need glasses and your right - great way to distiguinsh the twins. Have fun in all your travels.

  3. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Girl, I only have ONE baby and can't keep up with my blog. You are a true inspiration. Those kiddo's are amazing and you always look like you're having such a great time. Keep it up! :)

  4. I love it that you call Savannah snaggle tooth!!! Too funny :) And I seriously WANT your hair soooo bad! It's no fair!!!!

  5. I can't believe how big they are getting!!

    Thank you for the sweet birthday wishes.

    Love yall,

  6. Thank you for the post! Today will be my last day with my computer for about 10 days (I don't have a home PC and will be off work until after Thanksgiving). I needed my Steece fix :o) I just love these babies...they are so precious...and you are such an inspiration!!! It almost makes me wish for Quads...ALMOST :o) Hope you guys have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving.

  7. How wonderful that you and Joe have been able to get out and enjoy some time together!!
    Those precious babies get cuter with every picture you take!!!

  8. Whew! You have been busy. That Drew is going to be WAY cute in glasses! Enjoy the craziness and catch a rest if you can.
    :) Jenna and Nuggets

  9. I think you'll be forgiven if you dont blog for a few days. Gracious!! It sounds crazy around there, but I know that you cherish every minute of it!

  10. Awesome pictures. I love the one with Grampa and his arms around his grandkids.

  11. Great photos! They ARE getting big! wow! I can relate to how busy you've been...non stop here too, but only 2 to juggle. Hang in there!

  12. i've missed seeing the precious steecies! i hope you have a relaxing weekend at home this weekend. I love you momma and all the cute pics!
    love you!

  13. my nephew has had glasses since he was 4~ and he's adorable :) he's done really good w/ them too!

  14. they are getting so big but they're just as adorable as ever!

  15. they are getting so big but they're just as adorable as ever!

  16. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Hi Suzanne... I love your blog and your kids are precious!! I am the mom of one year old GGB triplets...Copeland, Maggie, & Cash. I was selling some things we have outgrown to a pregnant triplet mom in our area. She came over with her mom & mom-in-law....Doreen Michael, who is a relative of yours. She happened to mention "Suzanne has quads in Texas" and I started going crazy like I knew you! Anyways....I have been "lurking" for about a year and told Doreen that I would finally comment.

    Your family is adorable and you are too funny! You inspire me! My life is crazy but I love it. Hope I can start a blog soon.....spend so much time reading others...I should have my own.

    Dana Cowart in GA

  17. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Closet reader here ...
    I seriously want your hair too! It is such a cute bob and so shiny! wow!
    Advice for glasses: FLEXON. (that's a brand) Unbreakable glasses, and most places offer a one year warranty. My eight year old has worn glasses since the age of 3...
    I'd say you are doing a great job with your blog, all considered! ;) I love seeing these miracles grow ...

  18. Suz,

    Do you know that your love for your sweet babes gushes out in your posts? They will LOVE these somedays...precious little love letters.

    Squeezing the computer and hoping you will pop out of it!

    Jen and The Crew

  19. aww--so cute! i can totally tell ethan and drew apart in the first two pictures and i LOVE the one of you and savannah looking at your necklace. sweetness. :)

  20. We are crazy busy here too. At least Tim and I are getting to sneak away for our anniversary tomorrow night! :o)

  21. They get cuter and cuter every day! Every time I see them it makes me wish I had one! :)

  22. Anonymous2:37 PM

    that pic of you and savannah is precious! she always looks like such a sweetheart in pictures =)

  23. Since 2nd grade I have know identical twin boys and one of them wore glasses until middle certainly helped me tell them apart! They are good friends of my husband and I (are actually the ones who set us up!) so I couldn't help but think of them when you said Drew would need glasses! Plus, I wore glasses from age 3 until middle school then wore contacts and eventually didn't need any correction at all! There is hope! ;)

  24. Oh my! I can't believe how much they are changing! Such cutie pies! Love the pjs, isn't it fun to get some cooler weather here so we can actually put the pjs to good use? I feel for you with all the travel - you must be exhausted. Sending my love your way! Mari

  25. They are getting so big, Suz!
    You, by the way, look amazing!

  26. It was SO great to see you and catch up on Sunday!!! That is the cutest picture with your dad holding all 4. They ARE getting so big all of a sudden and as cute as ever! Love you all dearly!!

  27. It was SO great to see you and catch up on Sunday!!! That is the cutest picture with your dad holding all 4. They ARE getting so big all of a sudden and as cute as ever! Love you all dearly!!

  28. Well, they are adorable and getting SO big! The teachers at preschool love having Riley in glasses to tell her and Makena apart more easily. And we haven't had a broken pair there is hope:)

  29. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Those four faces never cease to make me smile!!!

  30. Suz...I don't even have the excuse of travelling! I can't catch up with LAUNDRY let alone anything else.

  31. Those little ones are getting so big, Suz. And...I love your hair, it looks so so shiny and healthy. Your a beautiful Mom.

  32. I can totally relate! We are never home either. I work part time out of town so we commute a lot! I think I will "catch up" when they enter school! At least that is what I tell myself! haha!
    Take Care! Cathy

  33. I LOVE a man in glasses! It's a good look at any age.

  34. What a wonderful family you have. Thanks for sharing.

  35. Seriously, how is it possible that your hair always looks so good?! You could be a Pantene model. As always, I enjoy your blog. Have a great weekend!

  36. They are getting so big yet they are so tiny. I just want to add about your hair as well. Can we say, jealous? I am envious. You just always seem like you have it so together. God knew you could handle a bundle of 4.

  37. I thought that it was about time that I sent you a little note after following your blog for awhile now. Your little family is so cute, and everyone is right, you can just feel the love you have for your little ones. Thanks for sharing a little bit of your world with the rest of the world.

  38. i really like your hair color! omg, did jackson tell you? they bought their triplet stroller from someone who follows your blog. it's a small small world! love you!

  39. Oh my goodness they are beginning to lose their baby look. Beautiful!! Savannah sure looks like her daddy!

  40. I love the pic of the quads with your dad (the last pic)..they are so big, and I love how they're all in their jammies ready for bed. Sav and Ben look so much alike to me..yeah I know TWINS, but boy/girl..amazing how much they still look alike. Such cutie babies!!
    Kelly McCarver

  41. I know what you mean...busy! Your hair looks great in the last pic with you and Savannah.So shiny and I love the way it's shorter in back. Cute stacked look!Do a hair post :)

  42. I was just going to say exactly what Kalle said...your kiddos change every time I stop by your blog!

    So sweet. You must love watching them grow...

  43. What a beautiful pic of you and Sav...just wait until she gets a little bit older and gets into your jewelry box and finds all of your awesome necklaces!

  44. Anonymous9:04 AM

    I love all of the pictures! Glad you and Joe get a date here and there. That's good for the soul! Its amazing to see how much the babies are changing into little boys and girls instead of babies. Wow. They are too precious!
