Monday, December 22, 2008

Naughty or Nice????....

...YOU be the judge!!!!

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  1. That is TOO FUNNY! Love it! :o)

  2. All the way NICE!!!!!

  3. The video just gave me the biggest grin. Your babies are truly beautiful--and hilarious to boot!

  4. ha ha, oh I love your blog. I do hope you are all feeling MUCHLY better and very soon. Prayers!

  5. Lol, bless them, too cute!! Unquestionably naughty but nice :-)

  6. They are all adorable. Even when they cry. :)

  7. I don't think I've ever posted a comment on your blog, but I read it faithfully and love peeking in on your life. I wouldn't say they're being naughty or nice. They're being normal for their age, and they are OH SO CUTE! You and Joe have a great laid-back, humorous approach to their antics.

  8. Precious babies. I think they all need a toy box/tub for Christmas. I know, then they really wouldn't like them as much.

    Merry Christmas!

  9. Anonymous7:17 AM

    I still say, NICE!!!!!!

  10. Oh my goodness. I am laughing so hard. I am living it here - but only really times one. Ashley has EMERGED from the tree TWICE with lights wrapped around her legs!! The tree is now barricaded.

  11. Anonymous7:21 AM

    How cute! How do you not just laugh all day with them? THe toy bucket is too funny! :)

  12. Oh gosh...that is a tough one. What great footage.

  13. Oh Suz and Joe! Those were Oscar winning performances! I love it! Every family of multiples has one of the tissue box winter wonderlands. Thanks for the great walk down memory lane!

    If you get a chance, pop by my place. I have blogged 21 times in 21 days. A record for me!

    Merry Christmas!

  14. As a mom of 3 small kids, I'm gonna go with Naughty all the way! Love it!

  15. Got some frequent flyers in each clip, don't 'cha! Too funny! Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas!

  16. Oh my goodness! That is too. Stinkin. Funny. My personal fav is Sav's "fake" crying while reading the book!

  17. that's hysterical!! my twin girls are only 3 1/2 months old now... but i can SO see them being partners in crime before I know it!! what PRECIOUS kiddos you have!

  18. What a HOOT!!! I love it when they are in the blue basket. Too funny! You guys are the BEST! Merry Christmas!

  19. Having one of those days, are you? HUGS mama! We've had several toddler twin created Kleenex snow storms and our Christmas tree is bald on the bottom half. Presents actually under the tree? Not a chance! They're all wrapped up and locked up ;)

    Your children are beautiful and Thank God they have those golden moments of quiet snuggle time (though rare I'm sure) to remind you how precious they are.

  20. I AM TERRIBLE. I nearly fell off my chair laughing at this.

    Don't tell Santa.

  21. So freaking funny!!!! I love it. They are cute even when they are pulling all the tissues out of the box. Merry Christmas Steece's. Love you all.

  22. That is hilarous!! I love it...well as long as they aren't mine ;) hehe

    Merry Christmas Steeces!!

  23. i was laughing out loud at savannah and i think ben in the toy basket. the way she was ALL laid out on top of him and seemed stuck, was hilarious. i especially loved that she let her head hang way back to where she was just staring at the ceiling. oh my goodness. so funny.

  24. Anonymous8:37 AM

    i had to listen to this without sound since i'm at work, but it is still hilarious =)

  25. Anonymous8:39 AM

    It was all totally funny, but maybe my favorite was Savannah 'laying out' on Ben in the toybox...just chillin', not caring, holding her own...too funny...go Savannah, go Savannah!!! Have a great week and may your stocking be filled with earplugs!!!

    Blessings to you,
    A Fan from Big D

  26. So cute! "Back in the day," it was Brandon's choice to unroll the rolls of toilet paper... Have a WONDERFUL Christmas!!

  27. What mischievous little ones you have. The winter wonderland scenes are great. I think for Christmas multiple toy boxes are in order. It's so cute how they cram into one.

  28. ha! oh kids are the silliest! and what is it about seeing them cry and be so crazy that it just makes you laugh? ha! looks like everyone likes the toy box/bin ;) so, does this mean your kids should be expecting coal ;0

    thanks for sharing!

    -fellow quad mom of GGGG and a 4yo boy

  29. OMG, HILARIOUS!!! Thanks for a good laugh! They are too funny.

    Merry Christmas, Steece Family!

    From: The Ball Family

  30. How cute! It must be so much fun at your house...oh the joys of babies. You really have so much to look forward to and will have so much fun at Christmas! Thank you once again for sharing, they are just precious and you and Joe are doing a fantastic job! Your friend in East Texas, Pam.

  31. You guys crack me up!! I love the winter wonderland, I believe I have some pictures of my kids doing that also!!

  32. That video was great!! Thanks for sharing.

  33. LOVE this video montage! Though I cannot imagine FOUR at one time, I can appreciate the humor in "the crying baby" being a new mom myself! Merry Christmas to you and your fam Suz!

  34. My 3 year old came over to the computer when he heard the video. Usually, he loves watching other children and will ask to watch it again. But to yours he replied, "Momma, I not like it." maybe I need to video him in some of his fit throwing. --A

  35. Oh my goodness, how hilarious! They are adorable :) Merry Christmas!

  36. As Fred Claus would say, "There are no naughty children." But maybe he didn't see this video. He certainly hasn't experienced the capabilities of multiples. I have 5 year old twins who are presently tearing up my living room. Imagine what they would be capable of if there were 4 of them? I guess you don't have to imagine. Thank God they are cute and hilarious. Merry Christmas.

  37. I love reading your blog! You're family is too cute! I love when Savannah is on top of Ben in the blue basket...cracks me up! Merry Christmas!

  38. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Definitely naughty, but too hysterical not to enjoy the moment! Love Savannah tackling Ben in the toy box. And their homemade winter wonderland...they must know they live in Texas. =)

  39. Those cute ones are nice no matter what they are doing! My 2 year old loved watching the movie. Thanks!

  40. That cracked me up! Merry Christmas!!!!!!

  41. LOL! My baby is a month younger than your little ones....and she basically whines/cries/destroys our house ALL DAY LONG. Cant imagine having 3 more babies......good thing they are all so cute!

  42. Anonymous12:44 PM

    such cute, pathetic little cries! I love that they fit into the toy box together....hahah

  43. Bless their little hearts...I love the look on Sav's face when you all are approaching her w/the kleenex all over the floor and how she held her hands up to give them to you...priceless..I've seen that look many times before, like they are going to kill me! :-)
    So sweet. I also love how they both were piled in the toy bin.

  44. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Just too precious! Thanks for sharing those "fun" moments with us. They were angels when we saw them yesterday, so who would have guessed? Merry Christmas!

  45. Ah that is such a great video.. I do think it's time to get each their own toy bucket to climb into though.. lol I think you should send the video into Funniest Home Videos :)


  46. Totally forgot to comment on whichever boy was "stealing" food off that plate! He jammed it in his mouth and reached for more. What was so yummy??? And, did I hear Joe say something to that baby? Couldn't hear it very well.

    Loving that video!

  47. Well NICE of course!

    Bless your heart, I don't know how you do it with 4. Kudos to you!

  48. I have a 14 month old and that is all to familiar in my house! Too cute and Santa should bring them lots of toys! Merry Christmas from a blog stalker!

    Hernando, MS

  49. Anonymous2:30 PM

    That made my day - we have the stomach bug here, are weeks behind in getting the holidays together b/c of a death in the family and the back-to-back snowstorms here in boston, but watching your babies crawl all over each other, eat tissues, and wail reminded me that at the heart of the christmas story is a baby - I am going to go love on mine right now! Thanks!

  50. LOL that was a treat! Thank you! As sad as it was to see the munchkins crying it gave me some good laughs. Oh what I would give to be a fly on your wall!

    Happy Holidays Steece Family! =)

  51. Definitely naughty, but so stinkin' cute it doesn't matter!!! I love Sav reading while she is crying. She turns the page and just continues on in her crying.

  52. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Savannah has the most heartbreaking cry out of all of them i think! Maybe because she is the little girl! So funny about the tissues!! AHHH, the world of quads!

  53. Oh my goodness!!! That is too funny! What a little stinker Ben is!!!

  54. Anonymous3:34 PM

    I've been reading your blog for a while now, but never commented before. I know multiples, especially preemies, are usually a little behind developmentally..... but yours seem to be ahead! I think they're early with the terrible twos. lol
    I LOVE your blog!!!! You are two of the most positive parents ever! Especially, if you're taking the time to tape the tantrums. ha The caption should be "sanity or insanity... that is the question."

  55. This just made my day! Absolutely hillarious!!!!!!! Love those

  56. what a funny movie! your kids are adorable. :)

    a very merry christmas to the steece family!!! :)

  57. Oh my goodness..cracks me up that you and Joe provide commentary. As for the funny!!!

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. It is truly unbelievable how much they ALL look alike. I have seen other quads and your babies take the trophy on looking alike.

    I love it, Suz. Y'all have a great Christmas.

    Love, Marty

  60. Anonymous5:26 PM

    I haven't posted before, but I've been a long time lurker. I love the video. Made me smile. The best, was Savannah all relaxed in the toy box, head back, and her brother oh so casually taking the book out of her hand, as if to say, hmmm, thanks so much thats enough of the book near my eyes.

    so sweet.

  61. That was hilarious - truly! Your children are absolutely adorable and I just love that the two of you were crackin' up in the background throughout it all! Too funny!

  62. Haha, y'all are so mean! They are gonna look at these one day and wonder why you just let them cry. Then you will tell them that it's great entertainment for your readers :D I love how it's just Sav and Ben crying though.

  63. Anonymous8:52 PM

    I am a faithful reader....I love it!! You guys are very inspiring and blessed.....I worked in the NICU for 7 years and I loved working with families of multiples....Merry Christmas!!!

  64. Just stopping by to say hi! Love the video! Your babies are so cute! Even when they're crying! Have a great Christmas!

  65. That was the greatest video!! So sweet, funny, and totally REAL! Anyone with babies has had those moments...just usually not times 4!! Love the tissue box episode...mine loved pulling tissue after tissue out of the box.

  66. That was hilarious, Suz! Thanks for sharing your episode of the "Real World": Steece Style! Love it! And I must say, NICE, most definitely!

  67. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Way too cute! My 2 year old kept wanting to help the "babies because they're crying!" All you needed was a Merry Christmas from the Steeces at the end.

  68. That is too funny! Savannah is so funny and so reminds me of my Alli. She is Miss Drama fake cry and daddy picks her up and plays along with her. Nate is the one with the hand sneaking the food and Emma just tells them all what to do. I love this video and you in the back ground. Hope you all have a great Christmas.

  69. Hahahahahaha!!! That was so cute!!! Y'all must have a really good sense of humor having quadruplets!!!

    Maybe for Christmas Santa Claus can bring y'all a toy box big enough for 4 kids to fit in!!! :)

  70. I'm sorry to say this, but I just laughed at your kids crying for about 3 minutes.

    Merry Christmas! What a fun one y'all will have :).

  71. i love the video! :) soo cute. my twin sister & I also created our very own white christmas one year by unrolling six rolls of paper towels all the way through our house while our dad was napping on babysitting duty haha. Thanks for sharing the video. and MERRY CHRISTMAS.

  72. OMGosh! Giggling away at that video!!! Miss Sav is quite a little Diva , isn't she? Love that she was saying "no" while crying.

    Of course, even crying, they are still nice kiddies! And cute to boot :)

    Have a very blessed Christmas!

  73. WOW!! That is GREAT! Ive been a loyal follower of your blog since before the quads were born and I have commented befeor but not recently. WOW! I have a 6 month old...Im just not sure how you guys do it! What a great video and what precious little ones you have. I know your hands are full! Merry Merry Christmas to all of your family. Im sure itll be the best one yet!

  74. Anonymous11:30 PM

    This is hysterical. And to think we ever worried about them not being able to get around....I see material for their high school graduation video montage. Or better yet, their wedding "growing up" montage!

  75. Anonymous5:04 AM

    Thank you for your lovely posts throughout the year. Merry Christmas to you all.

  76. Anonymous8:08 AM

    This is the BEST gift for a rainy Christmas Eve in Pennsylvania! Thank you so much and keep up the great work!
    Merry Christmas and Bowls of Joy in 2009!

  77. Wow - they might could give Sam a run for his money! We haven't had "snow" here yet though. Merry Christmas!

  78. that's great ya'll! thanks for the chuckle and for the reminder to use our video camera MORE! our boys are 5 & 7 and we did not take enough video.
    have a merry christmas

  79. Hilarious...
    Loved your blog, cant wait to check in on you again!
    Jay @ HalftimeLessons

  80. Awesome! Great footage for later blackmail (in the teenage years). They're all so adorable.

    Happy Holidays to you and your crew!

  81. HAHAHAHA!!

    I just watched that with one of my twins (Alexandra) and she was laughing and trying to talk to Sav. Too cute.

    Thank you for sharing

  82. That was hilarious!

    Happy Holidays!

  83. This is too funny. When I was a baby I hated when my parents took photos or videos of me and I would throw a tantrum, my parents got so exasperated that they weren't ever going to have any pictures/videos of me so they decided to just always keep doing it despite my behavior. I'm so glad they did, cause it's the funniest thing now, and I'm glad to have it! So keep doing this kind of stuff, they'll love it later!

  84. Anonymous3:28 PM

    omg, i don't usually post comments but I love your blog and this made me crack up!

    NICE!!! is my answer :P

  85. Laughed through the whole movie. So cute. We have totally experienced the kleenex scenario (maybe not as bad). And I love how they always want in that tiny little toy box all at the same time. So funny, thanks for posting.

  86. I laughed so hard I cried! What precious little kiddos you all have!
