Sunday, January 18, 2009

2 Dates, 2 Dudes, 1 Day

(Did I catch your attention? hee hee)

Ben has been in a funk lately...just not his usual happy-go-lucky self. So this Saturday, as I was headed over to my brother's house to check on their dogs while they were out of town---I had a great opportunity for a little "Mommy & Me" date with my baby boy Benjamin.

With RSV season, the only one-on-one dates I usually have with an individual child is to the doctor. I can't WAIT to be able to get out and about with the kiddies!

Ben has such a cute little smirk that I absolutely love---he gives you this smirk when he's trying, with every inch of his being, NOT to smile at you...when he's acting too cool for school. (I'm sure we'll be getting this one a lot in years to come!)

Sweet boy! There's my Ben!

Last week my AMAZING friend - Liz - texted that she and her hubby wanted to babysit so Joe and I could go on a DATE! (gasp!) A REAL DATE! (She has done this several times before...I said yes, ONLY IF they would let us repay the favor SOON! You see, Liz and Chris are expecting their first childREN---TWIN GIRLS!!!) Here I am giving some good lovin' to Sav's girlfriends: Madelyn and Kinley!

THANK YOU GUYS SOOOOOOOOO MUCH! We love you and appreciate you more than you could EVER know! The quads just LOVE playing with Chris and Liz!

The kids stare at us like we are zombies anytime we dress up---followed immediately by cries because they know that we are leaving! (kinda funny and sad!)

We were going to see a movie--but it was sold out, so we ended up spontaneously going to three of our favorite restaurants that we rarely get to frequent!...Appetizers at one place, food at another, and desert at the last place!
It was SO fun to be out and about with the rest of the world! Sometimes Mommy feels like she is living in a cave with four other humans that only speak toddler-chatter...thank God for the Internet and my blogger buddies--you definitely help me feel connected! ;)

Hugs and kisses! Here's to a great week!

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  1. i'm so happy that y'all got a date night! and i LOVE that you went to 3 resturants...i'm totally stealing that idea! :)

  2. i'm glad you all got a date night! :) how exciting. your babies are adorable

  3. Wow, ya'll look smokin' hot. Glad ya'll were able to get out on the town and glad it was fun for all.

    Have a SUPER week.

  4. you look beautiful! hope you guys had a great time!! :)

  5. you look beautiful! hope you guys had a great time!! :)

  6. oh suz, those pics of ben are soooo cute!!!! so happy y'all got to have a date night. i only have two but i treasure those date nights so much!

  7. I'm so glad ya'll got to go out on a date!! By the way your new hairdo is really cute!!!

  8. Anonymous9:18 PM

    So fun!
    First time poster, long time reader!

    So I ask...what are these restaurants you speak of? I live in the same area as you...maybe you know of place I haven't heard of.

    I found your blog through my sister. I think she found it by clicking on some of her friends blogs...anyway..I think she said she had few classes at A&M with your hubby. She recognized him in some pics.
    Your babies are beautiful and ya'll are doing a great job!

  9. you guys looked so cute!! What a fun idea to do the 3 places. I love that!!

    And that boy, he has a 1000 watt smile.

  10. Suz, I own a business and wanted to make each of the quads a canvas with their name on it to match their rooms. Go to : to look around and email me with specifics if you're interested. I'm located in Dallas as well....Thanks, Leigh

  11. I was just telling my friend that I feel like my only social life is in Blog Land. Good thing there are so many fun folks (like you) to hang with in the Land of Blog. You guys look so lovely all gussied up! Great idea to hit up 3 fav. spots in one evening! Gotta' make the most of those nights out, huh?

  12. What fun - my husband and I both laughed about the three restaurants thing - what a great idea!!

  13. Glad you got to have some alone time with the hubby. You guys looked great!
    Your little ones are growing SO fast!
    I was glad to hear that Sav is going to have two little princesses to hang out with pretty soon!

  14. Hey Hot MAMA!!!

    YEAH for the one on one time and DOUBLE "YEAH YEAH" for the date with sweet Joe!!

    Ben's smile is too much for me.. think i'm gonna jump through the computer next time we webcam and hug his little neck!

    You look BEAUTIFUL as always and Joe, you look HOT too dude!! What a couple you make.

    I love you all!

  15. First off....Congrats, Liz!

    Secondly, I totally feel the ocassional "funk" that Ben is going through. We feel that alot at the Graf house. Usually nothing that a little extra lovin' can't fix.

    Lastly, ditto on all the previous comments....Ben and Suz are SIZZLIN'! Glad you had a good date night, although I'm pretty sure all you did was sit and look at each other with drool running down your chins and goofy grins plastered on you face!

    Talk to you later, girl! Love ya!


  16. I just read Gen's comment and died guys are still so cute together :) Glad you and Ben had a little time together and as for you and Joe...thank goodness for Liz and Chris! Have a great week :)

  17. You guys are so cute! Glad you got to spend some time away. I love the idea of going to three different places. Definitely going to have to do that with hubby soon!

  18. Exciting date! I've never done that before...three places for three courses...sounds like a blast!

    How fortunate you are to have friends to watch your kiddos! And that's really neat that she's expecting twins.

  19. You look great!! Glad you had a fun time. What a great idea to go to more than one favorite resturant! I'm going to have to try that one now that we have a little one.

  20. Ok - I am now officially stealing your idea. Smooth and I have not been out together in ages - and why not make it a TRIO of destinations since the number THREE permeates our lives!
    Thanks for the idea - and BTW - you both look terrific.

    Your little guy is a cutie pie - at 10, mine still beg for one on one dates - it's hard to accomplish sometimes.


  21. Anonymous12:35 AM

    You look gorgeous as always. It so important to get some grown up time alone. I have two questions for you.

    1) Where do you get all your super cute necklaces from?

    2) How to I become one of your blog followers? I have scanned the whole blog and can't find the the link to clik.

    Provider of 14 during the day
    Waiting for our First Child

  22. Like so many others before me, I will totally be stealing your date idea of going to 3 favorite restaurants for 3 different courses. LOVE IT! :)

    P.S. Suz--you should be a model! You are so gorgeous and stylish!

  23. One who lives in a cave with four who only speak toddler-chatter sure does still know how to dress up and play 'adult' - you look great and you both look SO happy! Glad the movie sold out, this way you guys got to chat and enjoy each other and not just hold hands all night watching a movie. It's nice to have great friends like that to take on the challenge of 4 little ones. You are blessed


  24. LOVE your dress!!!!!

  25. What a great date! I was wondering if you ever thought about what you would be doing now if you only had gotten pregnant with one baby. You probably would be trying for or pregnant with baby #2 now. I have a boy that is 3 months older than your babies and we are trying for #2 now. I stumbled upon your blog while researching what are the chances of having multiples while on clomid. I start clomid my next cycle. I got pregnant the 1st try with my 1st, but have been trying almost a year for #2. Wish me luck, and by luck I mean no more than twins, lol.

  26. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Ben is such a cutie pie, I love his smile!

    Glad you guys got a date night, you both look great!!

  27. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Your little Ben is toooo cute! Nothing like a precious little boy smile to melt your heart. There's also nothing like a night out with the man you love!

  28. Ben is just a glad you got some mommy and me time!!
    As everyone else 2 are just smoking hot! What a great idea to go to 3 places...always making the most of your time!!
    I've been following Liz since you announced on here she was pregnant...she looks super cute with her little belly now!!

  29. I love the "progressive date" idea...what a great way to sneak in all your favorite places! I'll have to do that sometime!

    -loyal reader in littleton

  30. My husband's name is Ben and he does what sounds like the same "smirk/try not to smile" that you described your Ben doing!

    Glad you got some date time!! Dressing up is always fun!!

  31. Suz, you and Joe look amazing. So glad you two had fun on your date. And that Ben, toooooo cute. I didn't even have to read the caption to know it was Ben. I am getting so much better.

  32. he is such a cutie (as are all of your little ones!)

    so glad you got to have a date night - sounds like it was super yummy and well needed ;)

  33. What awesome friends! We have some friends of ours that did that recently for us too - watched our twins so we could get stuff done before our newest baby arrived. :-) Great to have friends like that!

    You both looked great and what a fun idea to fit in all 3 fave restaurants! I'll have to remember that when we have trouble deciding which place to eat at!

  34. Hi Suzanne, I'm a long time reader first time commenter. Joe and my husband Marshall are friends from college. Your posts are so funny and the kids could not be any cuter! Thanks for sharing. We have an almost 1 year old. Our blog is

    Your little Ben looks so grown up in these pictures! I can't believe how fast they grow. Hope you have a great week!
    Leah Shepard

  35. Oh my I didn't realize how big I was getting till I saw those pictures!!!! OH MY GOODNESS. YOu are very welcome and we are very glad we got some quad loving and you guys got a date. Love you all!!

  36. Lookin' Hot Mama!
    Our friends recently offered to do the same for us. You're inspiring me to get on it and take them up on their offer NOW!

  37. I'm SO stealing that date night/3 restaurant idea! LOVE IT! And you two look HOT!!!

  38. you have such good friends! but i bet they had just as much fun with your 4 kiddos as you and joe had having "date night!" and hitting all three of your fav restaurants for eaach course of your meal is a great idea....we just may have to try that!

  39. Suzanne, I have read your blog almost from the beginning. I found it in my neices, Amanda Adams and then I found out you know Carol Michael. Then I saw a picture of Ashley, your sister in law and I went to church with her family and watched her grow up. I love to read and catch up on your happenings. You are such a precious family and I love your postive but also at time realistic attitude with the kids and the things they do. I glad you and Joe take time for yourselves to keep your relationship fresh.
    I just wanted to tell you that Iknow you are not ready for "big Girl and Boy" beds yet but I saw a quilt at Bed Bath and Beyond last night that made me think of Savannah. The name of the quilt was Savannah Pink. It is done in pinks and browns. Sorry to ramble so but had wanted ot comment several times. Your kids are adorable!!!

  40. Anonymous2:11 AM

    Long time reader, first time commenter. :) I love all the pictures and you guys all look so happy and it's great! :D You and Joe are so cute together (as I'm sure you've figured out from all the comments, haha). I love Ben's smile, it's so adorable.

    A bit off-topic, but my Grandma and I are going through a blanket making phase and I would LOVE to make your family some blankets! I love these blankets we make, and we don't have nearly enough people around that we could give them to since we've just been going crazy buying fabric lately. Anyway, let me know.

    One night in Hobby Lobby I turned around and saw some fleece (which we don't use to make our blankets with unfortunately after I saw it) and it was aTm! I definitely took a picture because I thought of you guys. Lol. Sorry, weird, I know, but I thought maybe you'd get a kick out of it. Lol.
    Picture here.

  41. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Cute post! And you and hubby looked wonderful, too - which leads me to ask, where did you find your dress? I know you've posted before on fav. places to shop, but I love that dress!
    Katie in MI

  42. Hi! Long time reader...are Francesca's dress sizes "normal"? I'd love to order one!

  43. Oh I am SO jealous! A date! WOW, What is that!? I too want to steal that idea about going to 3 places, YUM! Also, I can SO relate about being in a "cave for kids" with only Noggin & Sprout to listen to! I almost thought I was in the same cave as I sit hear listening to my kiddos chattering away! LOL! Take Care & nourish those relationships of yours! Love, Cathy & the quads

  44. Hello,

    I linked to you from Jennisa' site, isn't she great!!!

    Anyway, I am so stealing your idea for Valentine's Day (hope you don't mind) to go to 3 different hot spots! I love it!

    Congrats on making it out of the first year with your babies, 2 of my friends have triplets, you guys are amazing :)

    Thanks again!!

    Jen F

  45. seriously...that is the smartest table that i have ever seen!

    oh and it sounds like you had a great date night. what a great idea to do a restaurant progressive dinner!
