Monday, March 23, 2009

Weekend BBQ

We had a great time this weekend and took the kids to their first BBQ at a friend's house! Here are some pics!

Like father, like this pic of Joe and Ben. As soon as we arrived, Ben was all over the place, checking everything out.

Drew- again, VERY timid and anxious to be in any new place...its like a complete 180 from when he is running around laughing and smiling at our house all day long...but he quickly warms up and is ready to go.

Here Ethan is asking me one of his BILLION questions a day...the face cracks me up!

Momma and Daddy takin' turns...eating, feeding, watching, entertaining

Savannah found a doll lying around...of course

And this was too cute! Sweet Kylie was sharing her sidewalk chalk with Savannah--it was adorable watching the Little Miss hang out with other girlfriends!

and the ride home....ahhh....this is what I saw when we pulled into our garage.

Their carseats are still facing backward, so I just reached around with my camera and snapped the pics! (Not the best quality...but we sure did have some SOUND asleep little rugrats!)

Fun times! Thanks, everyone for helping us keep an eye on the quads! We had so much fun!!!

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  1. HOW MUCH FUN!! Good for you guys.. getting out of the house and enjoying some Spring weather with good friends. I can't wait to see all the fun times this summer will bring.

    I call dibs on Sav for Russ!! LOL!

    Love you mama!

  2. Suz, It was so fun to be able to spend some time with all of you! I am still amazed at how great the the quads were...I mean, seriously, they were ANGELS...and so much fun too! Kylie loved playing with her new friend...she will share her babies with Sav anytime! Glad you guys made it home safe with lots of sleeping babies! Hugs!

  3. Awww, I love the carseat pictures! Ours went to their first BBQ this weekend too! How neat.

    Love ya!

  4. Fun Times!!!
    Is Ethan in a pink carseat?

  5. Look at your inquisitive little Ethan! That's a lovely shot of him.

  6. So completely adorable!!!!

  7. Too cute! Glad you guys are getting to get out and about. The days loooong when your trapped in the house!

  8. I love relaxing weekend hangouts like that! So much fun! And, I have a little cousin that is just like Drew -- he get's SO anxious when there's change! Poor babies!

  9. Haha, I was going to say the same thing someone else did.. Is one of the boys in a pink carseat? If he was, I would think it's awesome lol I always tell my husband if we ever have a boy, he might be mad at me because I am going to make him love pink too! lol LOVE the plaid shorts too!
    Your kids are adorable!

  10. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Is that Ethan in a Pink carseat?

  11. Anonymous12:44 PM

    That means they had a ton of fun if they were that tuckered out on the way home. Looks like they had a great time!

  12. Fun! Love the photo of Savannah and the sidewalk chalk. My 2 yr old daughter LOVES to 'color' outside!

  13. Suzi, small world. I actually saw some of the pictures on facebook. I went to HS with Annie and Hollie created my blog. The quads are sooo cute.

  14. Ok so I don't think it's fair that Drama Mama has hung out with you all and I live 20 minutes away. I know vow to be able to meet the quads too before they are two! They are so adorable and precious at this age :) Thanks for the update and PICTURES!

  15. Ashley's things she hearts are dolls, sidewalk chalk, markers (and what a mess she is w/them!) and FOOOOOOD!

    Love the pictures. They all looked so cute in their party attire!

  16. Looks like a great day! Don't you just love to see those sleepy faces when you pull into the garage:)?

  17. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Awww, they all look so cute. The boys are putting some miles on their new tennis shoes! And Savannah got to hang out with girls! Yay for Spring and nice weather and being outside!

    Annapolis, MD

  18. Looks like so much fun!!! Everyone is dressed so stinkin cute!!!

  19. I have been a google subscriber for a quite a while... since the babies had their bands! I have loved watching them grow up. I wanted to invite you to participate in my photo challenge next week! Would love it if you play!

  20. What cuties! That pic of Daddy and Ben's matching shorts and shoes is awesome! A little mini me in the making. BBQ was definitely in the air this weekend - we grilled out with the kids at home and tried to teach them not to adjust the temp of the grill while the steaks are on it! Enjoy this Texas spring weather - I'll be praying it stays around for awhile!

  21. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Lurker here,

    I was pleasantly surprised to hear your children are still rear-facing, and even more impressed that their straps and chest clips look good! I have seen so many photos of improperly used car seats on blogs that I was actually shocked to see proper ones!

    Not sure why I felt the urge to comment on it but there ya go!

    (And yes, I try to nicely tell those people about proper carseat use, since it is a HUGE matter of safety, but people are not usually too responsive :( Maybe you could do a post on it one day??)

  22. Yea for still rear-facing!! I left you an award on my blog... go check it out!

  23. So I'm gonna pretend like I'm wearing shorts and short sleeves too...LOVE that Tejas Spring!

    The pix are tres adorable, Suz. I'm partial to the sleeping carseat ones...sweetness.

    The Crew

  24. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Do you have 2 pink carseats?

  25. Now, that looks like a fun and exhausting day! Thanks for sharing.

  26. I love the picture of the exchange of sidewalk chalk between Sav and Kylie! This is my interpretation of the encounter:

    K - "Here ya go, can have some of my chalk if you want it."

    S - Not quite sure if this is a trick or something....It's NEVER this easy at home. She slowly grasps the chalk, cringes and expects her 3 brudders to blindside them and take ALL the chalk. When that doesn't happen, Sav slowly looks up at Kylie completely awestruck with how Kylie managed to bypass the Steece boy destruction or meltdown. Amazing.

    Dear Kylie, you might always be the one that Sav looks up to now on playdates. Homegirls got their backs!

    Okay, so maybe nothing even remotely close to that happened, but it was fun to embellish a little.

    Glad the BBQ was fun. Was it as fun as a BTQ BBQ? wink, wink.

    Love ya Suz y su familia incredible!

  27. LOVE that one of Sav & the little girl sharing chalk!!! Such a cute expression....
    Glad you all are getting to get out and have some fuN!!!!

  28. What a fun night for all of you! LOVED MIss Sav's hair and outfit for the occassion! Very cute!

    the boys, of course, looked adorable as well ;)

  29. I was also so happy to see your little ones rear facing. You are one smart mama with an adorable family.

  30. Saw some of these pics at Hollies just a bit ago as I was talking with her about some design changes to my blog. Looks like they all had so much fun. i just love the pics where they are zonked out. I love it when my kids are that way. LOL

    Love and Prayers,


  31. Oh love the picture of the girlfriends! Poor Sav, at times she must be a bit overwhelmed.

  32. Looks like everybody had a great time! The kiddos sure were tuckered out in the backseat!

  33. How fun! I love their new kicks!!! So cute! You totally caught each of their personalities! Too cute!!!!

  34. Love your blog!!! Your kids are so cute, and growing so fast! What a blessing they are, little miracles!! My husband and I have just finished our first round of clomid, I read on your blog that you were successful with clomid. I cannot imagine what a suprise to find out there were four babies!!! Wow!
    Have a Wonderful Tuesday!!

  35. I can't believe how they've grown and changed! The boys are adorable in their new sneakers! Looks like fun time had by all! Hugs to you and the kiddos! Tina

  36. Looks like you had a blast! Don't you love it when after a day of fun the kids just go to sleep with no fuss. :)

  37. Anonymous2:52 PM

    So glad you still have your kids Rear-facing! Just make sure that the straps are at or BELOW their shoulders. Some of them look a little high.

  38. Give the momma a break car seat nazis. She is doing great.

  39. Just found your blog through a link of a link of a link, and wanted to say wow you have your hands full, and Kudos to you for extended rear facing! I am so glad that people are spreading the word about how much safer it really is (sadly I see it first hand).

    Anyway, cute family and great blog!

  40. Aww - love those outdoor shots and am envious - we had SNOW some this week - pics on my blog - my boys were shooting baskets and it started SNOWING.

    and BTW, from this native Texan who is freezing - I LOVE those chairs. I want a pair! Where did you find them!



  41. Anonymous6:12 AM

    High fives to you for using Britax seats! THE BEST car seat ever, only the best caring moms get Britax!

  42. Hi Suzanne,
    I love your blog and follow it daily! Your kids are so adorable and you are truly blessed. I wanted to pass this link onto you.
    Stellen is in desperate need of some prayers right now and I know that you will be able to spread the news! Thanks for you time!

  43. Hi Suz!
    I read your blog daily and adore your children. You have truly been blessed. I wanted to pass this link onto you.
    Stellen really needs some prayers right now and I know that you will be able to spread the word. Thanks for your time!

  44. Hi Suz! Wanted to invite you guys to join a new blog network that we've started..

    its a brand new network for families and friends of multiples and we'd love to have you!

  45. you guys are such pros at getting out with the quaddies! i hope we have the same gumption to get our with ours. any advice and tips :D ?

    thanks, as always, for sharing!
    -fellow quad mom of 1yo GGGG and a 5yo boy

  46. YAY! I love it when the weather gets pretty and it's BBQ time!

  47. Alyssa11:35 PM

    I keep coming to check on the Steece's....where are the pieces?!!?!

    Catchy huhhhhh?

  48. Anonymous5:51 PM

    So fun! I'm glad Sav is such a girly girl even though she's surrounded by boys!
    Love the wiped out pictures...haha that's good for them.

  49. Beautiful little ones! Good to see your babies are still facing is my 2.5 yr much safer!
