Monday, April 20, 2009

Clutter Making you CrAzY?

"The word 'organize' and the word 'organic' come from the same place. Organic is
to be whole; to be complete. That's what organization does. Organization
actually helps you live a richer, fuller, less stressed life." - Peter Walsh
Need help with reorganizing that messy, stressful room that you've been putting off???...

I just finished a cool product review for Office Max!

You can check it out at:

Happy Monday!

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  1. I'm a blog-stalker who has been reading your adventures since you were pregnant with the little sweethearts. I don't know if I've ever commented before, but I had to comment on THIS post!

    I am reading Peter Walsh's book this week and was JUST emailing my mom about the book b/c I know she would just LOVE it and I read your blog every time you update, so as I'm sitting down to type my mom this Peter Walsh email, I read your quote...
    What a strange coincidence!

    Perhaps the Lord is trying to convict me about my clutter issues? :)

  2. I just looked over your other blog. Holy Crap girl, you were HOT in the M&M review!! You and Joe are just oo freakin cute 4 words!! Luv Ya!

  3. Funny and adorable! I love your review page! How do you have such time? I'm amazed?

  4. Suz~
    Man I need all the help in organization! My house is clutter central! I'm going to check out your review right now! Thanks for sharing! (=

    Love, Cathy & the quads

  5. The clutter really does drive me insane on a daily basis.
