You guys make sure and tune in for BABY WEEK on the Discovery Health channel:
Sunday-Friday, June 14-19 at 8P e/p
Click here for the official BABY WEEK WEBSITE!
Can't wait to catch the premieres of these four new shows:
Twins By Surprise: Sunday, June 14, 8P e/p
Little Parents, Big Pregnancy: Monday, June 15, 8P e/p
Births Beyond Belief: Tuesday, June 16, 8P e/p
Obese & Pregnant: Wednesday, June 17, 8P e/p
I was more than honored when BlogHer and Discovery Health asked me to share my Birth story as well. Unexpected, high-risk, suspenseful, dramatic....uh, YOU BET! (at least to us, anyway) My name is Suzanne Steece and my husband and I were blessed with quadruplet babies that I managed to carry 30 weeks and 1 day.
I can totally relate to the shock-n-awe experienced when a completely unsuspecting mother finds out that she is carrying more than one child.
If you have ever wondered, "How in the world would I react if my sonographer told us we were carrying quadruplets?"...then click HERE for our play-by-play on that very day! Thank GOD we found out EARLY, as opposed to a little "surprise" on delivery day like the show: "Twins By Surprise" (I can't EVEN imagine!) My grandmother actually gave birth to my mom and her identical twin sister--not knowing she was carrying twins until minutes after my Aunt Judy popped out........SURPRIIIIIISE!!! ;)
Like the women on the shows "Little Parents, Big Pregnancy" and "Obese & Pregnant", my quadruplet pregnancy immediately landed me into the high-risk category as well...not to mention that two of my babies were identical twins, sharing a placenta. My stomach was stretched beyond belief and would split open and bleed. (Lets not even talk about the glorious stretch marks! Ha)
Here is a quick summary of what my pregnancy looked like:
Week 8 thru 14- Told to gain 70 lbs, limping around with excruciating back pain, intense nose bleeds
Week 15- Quit working as a full time surgical RN per doctor's orders; modified bedrest
Week 17- Kidney stones with no medication (that was fun)
Week 20- Cervical cerclage and hospital bedrest for several days (scared to death)
Week 21- First time to feel babies move/kick (FINALLY!...long wait!)
Week 24- Admitted to hospital for remainder of pregnancy; Diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes (4 finger pricks and 3 insulin injections a day) and early stages of Preeclampsia (which never developed)
Week 28- Celestone steroid injections to help babies' lungs develop (OUCH)
Week 29- Babies dropped into position for delivery (scary)
Week 30- Had my first contraction and could not stop them--even with Magnesium Sulfate; 4 healthy, TINY babies were born a minute a part
Maybe not as suspenseful as the stories you will see on "Births Beyond Belief", but the day my children were born into the world was full of drama and suspense. I will share with you what I wrote in my journal with some pictures and video:
My Birth Story: Wednesday, August 1, 2007
(I had been in the hospital for over 6 weeks on bedrest. This particular morning, I started having "stomach cramps" around 4:30am and was unable to void)
Once the day shift had arrived, I was relived to see one of my favorite nurses assigned to my room. My "stomach cramps" were getting worse. When nurse Sherri walked into the room and saw my face in pain, she knew immediately that something was wrong. "I have NEVER seen you look like this"- she said, looking extremely anxious.
It was breakfast had come, but Sherri wanted me to hold off on eating & held my insulin for the wait and see what was going on. My fasting blood sugar was 69 (which was extremely low for me) on top of the cramping, I felt a little shaky. Sherri readjusted my contraction monitor and we waited for Dr. Tabor to make his morning rounds.
During the time that I was alone in my hospital room (waiting on Joe and my family to arrive), my body started throwing some serious contractions. Dr. Tabor finally made his way to my room, walked in, saw me in pain, and had the same look of surprise that nurse Sherri did. He had never seen me like this and said, "I don't think I've ever seen you NOT smiling." He proceeded to check my cervix..
The look on his face was priceless..SCARY to say the least. He stands up and says: "Whelp, you're at a 3." And I'm pretty sure I said a word that I don't say very often. **** He looked deep in thought. To which I said, "OKAY DOC, now YOU are freaking ME out! I've never seen that look on YOUR face!"
He then tells me that the next hour will be critical in determining how we will proceed. They will monitor my contractions and Sherri will re-examine my cervix in an hour.
YIKES...HOLY COW...SERIOUSLY?! Its all happening..just like that?!!? I hadn't had one contraction for 30 weeks and now BAM! It was all happening so fast. The health of my 4 babies was at stake! Now Joe had walked in and he was extremely nervous. He sat next to me and held my hand through my unbearable contractions. They were coming every 3 to 5 to 10 minutes. They hurt SOOO badly!
I didn't know at the time, but nurse Sherri had already called Labor & Delivery and the NICU to tell them of my status. I was the infamous "quad mom on the third floor" and they had been preparing for my delivery for weeks. When Sherri came back to examine me---"OUCH again"---still at about a 3. Tabor was monitoring my contractions from his office computer in the next building and wanted my cervix re-examined in another hour. We might be trying Magnesium Sulfate ("Mag") if the contractions don't stop.
"What?!! NO!!! ANYTHING BUT MAG!!!" I had heard horror stories about this drug and what it does to you. Mom and Joe continued to watch my contractions on the monitor...they were getting stronger (even going off of the graph paper!) and more frequent (3 to 5 minutes). Sherri came in to check my cervix...still a 3. She really freaked me out when she said, "Oh, I can feel Savannah's head!" (scary much?!)
Tabor decided to have me change into a gown, start an IV, and give me a Foley catheter. It was time for the MAG..."duuum dee duuum dum" (the ominous riff played in my head like ultimate doom and gloom were knocking at my door) They were going to try to use the Mag to stop my contractions...if it doesn't stop them relatively quickly, then it wasn't going to work and delivery would be imminent.
YIKES! I can't believe this was happening and that I was about to be on Mag! When the drug started into my was the weirdest feeling. I immediately started getting HOT from the inside---out. It felt like all of my internal organs were on fire! My face began turning red and I kicked the covers off of me. I felt VERY loopy...hard to describe...but those of you who have been on Mag can for sure relate!
Ahh....good ole Mag!
I was still throwing intense contractions every 3 to 5 to 10 needless to say, the Mag was NOT working! Dad was already on his way from Waco. I had texted all of our friends to tell them that I might be delivering that day. And about the time Joe had walked downstairs to grab a slice of pizza, Sherri walks in my room with Dr. Thigpen (Tabor's associate)...Dr. Thigpen proceeds to tell me that my contractions weren't stopping and he would be assisting Dr. Tabor in my C-Section that was scheduled for 3:00pm that day! WOW! He stated that the NICU only had FOUR BEDS LEFT...IN THE ENTIRE NICU (and I later found out that they were the last 4 beds in the entire county)! The isolettes were all right in a row and they had our names on them! It was GO time.
WOW, I couldn't believe that in one hour, I was about to be delivering my babies!!! Joe walked back into the room to find Dr. Thigpen in there and his eyes got HUGE! SCARED! He scarfed down his pizza and his stomach was in knots! We started calling friends/family/everyone! I wrote on my blog...very loopy from the Mag...but notified my blogger buddies that I would be delivering within the hour and to PRAY!
This video is incredible...look at my stomach! Notice the red marks? My skin was actually bursting and bleeding in some spots! That's how much it stretched! OWWW! The indention is from the tocolytic monitor that was strapped to my tummy. The stretch marks...well...they are just absolutely beautiful! ;)
I was taken down to Labor & Delivery, tons of nurses were in the room, trying to fill out the paper work to get me ready! It was mass chaos--organized mass chaos! My dad had made it in from Waco (speeding like a mad man!), my brother made it, my best friend Adriane was in attendance...the Steeces were stuck in Minnesota and were on the next flight out! It was all too surreal. So much going much happening too fast! WOW...slow down...please...this is like a weird dream!
Finally, SHOW TIME! After snapping some pics, I was rolled down to the C-section room...we took up both of the two largest rooms they had. Two babies would be taken to one room, the other two would stay in my room. There were TONS of staff in there...22 people to be exact! Being a surgical nurse, I felt completely at ease in the O.R. Anesthesia started my spinal and I kept asking for Joe..."Don't forget my husband!...Someone please don't forget to bring in my husband!!" (like they would forget about THIS guy?? come on, Suz!) Joe walks into the room and his eyes are HUGE! I've never seen them look so WIDE! He looked terrified. I laughed at him and said, "baby are you OK? Don't pass out on me yet!" He held in his hands our digital camera and video camera. I said, "Joe, give those to the nurses! HURRY!" He just sat there frozen and awkward and said, "I'm OK" and did not move an inch. I finally motioned to the nurses in the room and asked them if they would grab the cameras out of my husband's hands!
About that time, one of the nurses asked me, "Did you see Dr. Tabor? He just poked his head over the drape to see you." I responded, "Hiiiiiieeeee Dr. Tabor!" and away they started...I remember feelings LOTS and LOTS of pushing and pulling on my belly...
OK, these next videos are pretty graphic...especially this first one! DO NOT WATCH IF YOU ARE SQUEAMISH! Here the doctors pull my incision open.
I remember just listening...blocking out every other noise in the OR, I was listening intently for that one, very specific, baby's cry. The CRNA said, "Come on, dad...they've got the first one out." Joe stood up and peeked over the drapes. About that time, I finally heard it...the faint whimpering cry of Andrew Paul Steece, born 1st at 2 lb 8 oz.
Savannah Leigh Steece, Born 2nd...2 lb 14 oz...of course she was the most vocal! of course! My little Diva!
Ethan Joseph Steece, smallest little man, weighing in at a whopping 2 lb 7 oz!
And last, but not least--baby big boy (I use the term loosely) weighing in at 3 lb 4 oz!!
I continued to lay there...weeping, while Joe got up and watched the doctors and nurses work on Ben to get him ready for transport. I was unable to see Andrew & Savannah before they headed to the NICU. However, when Ben & Ethan were about to be transported, the nurses stopped the isolette to where I could see one tiny foot pressed against the side.
The nurses asked Joe if he wanted to go with the babies or stay with me and he stayed with me. (He was a little freaked out at the thought of watching them work on the babies in the NICU). When the babies were out, Dr. Tabor asks Dr. Thigpen very loudly: "Hey Dr. Thigpen...where did you go to school again?" He replied proudly: "the UNIVERSITY of TEXAS!" Tabor then says: "ME TOO!", leans over the drape and says: "I just wanted y'all to know that the first people to touch your children were longhorns!" (hisssssss, Joe graduated from Texas A&M--rival schools) ;) We LOVE Dr. Tabor!
Then Tabor walked around the table, shook Joe's hand and said: "Congratulations!" He put his hand on mine and I remember looking deep into his eyes and said: "Thank you SO much." I have never appreciated any one person more in my life then at that very moment as I looked at the man who had helped us every step of the way and who had just brought our beautiful babies into this world. I felt that I owed him my life.
The scrub tech began washing me off and began thrusting all her weight onto my stomach to expel massive blood clots...(okay, now, I'll spare you some gory details of the rest of the evening and continuous blood clot expulsions...but know that it happened every 15 minutes for HOURS AND HOURS AND HOURS....worst pain in my life!) Multiple births have a tendency to be VERY bloody and the uterus stretches so much that the body has a hard time contracting the uterus back to a normal state (henceforth, all the bleeding and blood clots!) The next couple of hours are VERY hazy. I just remember lots of nurses around me as they all pushed on my stomach. (skip several paragraphs...) I ended up losing 50% of my total blood volume and received 3 units of blood! (My hand would be the one that looks like a cadaver! WOW!)
They hooked me up to a Morphine pain pump and I spent the rest of the night extremely "doped up!" It was hours before we were able to go see our babies...I got VERY, VERY sick and could barely look at the uterus started contracting and I was about to vomit! The nurse pumped me full of Phenergan and I was OUT in no time. (I remember being SOOOO sad that the first time I was able to see my babies, I was SOOOO sick and can't really remember it!)...
(yep, my *darling* husband SURE DID take a pic of me while knocked out! lovely)
And there you have it, folks! You can pick up HERE, where I left off. We've come a LONG way from the NICU... Mother's Day 2009!
...and we wouldn't have it any other way! We are BEYOND blessed and life has been SUCH a blast! Please feel free to stop by and catch up on everything in between.
Remember to tune in for more amazing birth stories during BABY WEEK on Discovery Health!
Suz, Joe, Ethan, Savannah, Benjamin & Andrew
Just love ya'll & your story!
ReplyDeleteSuch a wonderful post!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm crying-seriously. I have followed your blog since the kiddos were first born - I loved reading your birth story. You and Joe are such amazing parents. Thank you for sharing this with all of us.
ReplyDeleteOh and I have to tell you...we're Hokies (Virginia Tech)) and our OB was from our rival school-UVA. Still love her to death! :0)
I enjoy reading your blog! Your children are such a blessing that birth story brought tears to my eyes. You have such a gift for writing and an amazing story. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless you and your family!
just stumbled upon your blog. We have a Savannah Leigh too-- she is 4 and quite the diva..... can't possibly imagine having had 3 more at the same time :)
ReplyDeleteWOW! What an amazing story. Thank you for sharing!!
ReplyDeleteTotally bawling over here, Suz. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHow awesome to be on Baby Week. I will be tuning in for sure!
ReplyDeleteGirl, I just cried all over again!!!!! I remember sitting anxiously at my computer hitting refresh over and over and over waiting for an update!!!!! It seems like yesterday that I started reading your blog (when you first became pregnant)!!! I can't believe they are almost TWO!!!!!! GOSH!!!! They grow too fast!!!!
ReplyDeleteI loved reading the story all over again!!!! :) hugs!!!
what an INCREDIBLE story times four! tearing up all over again reading your story.
ReplyDeleteyour babies are so precious :)
ReplyDeleteThat was the BEST post ever!! You ROCK!! I will be tuning in! Maybe I'll get my own little ones to watch all of those babies being born! They LOVE babies these days!
ReplyDeleteLove, Cathy & her quads
What a great story! Thanks for sharing your videos...brought back sweet memories of when my twins were born via c-section. Oh and MAG=the blood of satan. Worst 24 hours of my life were spent on the mag!! Love your blog, what a beautiful family.
ReplyDeleteGreat story! How exciting to be on discovery health!
ReplyDeleteWow, this post was a great way to reflect on actually how much you have been through and how much the kids have grown up! They are truly miracles! And very precious!!
ReplyDeleteI love reading your blog...I have been a follower for a few months now. You have been blessed with 4 beautiful, healthy children. Congratulations.
ReplyDeleteaww....loved reading it all and hearing about it again. I was admitted to the hospital that day and just kept thinking about you and your sweet babies and really thinking that our kids would share their birthday but amazingly the M(iserable)A(wful)G(unk) worked for me that day and helped hold them off for another week. LOVE LOVE LOVE you suz and i'm so sad that we don't get DHC for some dumb reason:( oh well....
Jenny B
I can't even imagine carrying quads. I'm on hospital bedrest with twins right now. I started contracting a week ago at 31w6d and we thought for sure that was it. They were every 3-4 minutes and when I was checked, I was already at 4cm and 50% effaced. Somehow the nifedipine stopped it all, but it was scary.
ReplyDeleteI love reading your blog. Your kiddos are adorable and I don't know how you do it. I'm being run ragged by a single 2 year old.
Loved this post! My husband asked what in the world that noise was while I was watching the videos. What miracles you have!
ReplyDeleteWow!! Amazing! i can't wait for baby week either:-) I too can't remember the initial time after delivery (I was on Mag, had severe pre-Eclampsia with HELLP syndrome and then ended up seizing:-( Reading your story reminded me of the miraculous birth of each and every baby. Thanks for reminding me of God's miracles:) I JUST LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat post. Are you ready to do it again? Just kidding.
ReplyDeleteLoved this! Thank you so much for sharing your story! What an incrediable story it is! You have such a beautiful family!
ReplyDeleteThat was so awesome! Thanks for sharing! I love your blog and your kiddos are precious!
ReplyDeleteMuch love from Waco!
Cool story Suz! Love your outlook on things! Thanks for sharing girl!
ReplyDeleteTears are FLOWING here :) The kiddos will be TWO in less than TWO! I am amazed at the strength you (and Joe) had to bring up Ethan, Sav, Ben, and Drew! They are such BEAUTIFUL toddlers and will always have my heart!
you are my hero! :) I said hey to you at Pantego park a few weeks ago, Lacey's friend...i grew up at North Davis....Love watching yall live life! God has smiled on you! whitney terrell
ReplyDeletelong time lurker, and congrats on so many things...
ReplyDeleteyou're incredible talent as a writer. you and Joe's humor that shines thru most posts (most because some days are hard and that's all that can be said)
This is one of my favorite posts, THANK YOU for sharing all the video and details and getting personal with all us lurkers :)
I'm still on bedrest for poor health due to my 4th baby (all singletons) and I've sure enjoyed passing my days by reading about your family. Cause atleast I'm not on bedrest AND pregnant!
Can't wait to see the show :)
Rachel in Seattle
Wow! I remember reading it all when it was happening but reading it again is such a reminder of how blessed the entire event was! Especially when I see your healthy, happy family now! Makes me tear up a little....(maybe that's just the pregnancy hormones?? Or NOT.) Congrats again on your four beautiful children.
ReplyDeleteI have read it before, but hearing and seeing your birth all over again makes me hopeful. Adam watched the babies come out and said how strong you must be...and that it probably hurt like heck! They are so beautiful. We are extremely happy for you both still. What time/day is YOUR story on so I can DVR it??? You are the best! Love ya!!!
Wow!! What a great story, I will tune in to watch!! You have a beautiful family!!
ReplyDeleteSo beautiful! Still makes me cry!!
ReplyDeleteOh gosh Suz, this was amazing. We were not allowed to take a video of the C section and this was amazing to see. I also really got to appreciate their tiny size when I saw them in the doctor's hands. My girl, you guys have come a long long way.
ReplyDeleteOh wow - I read all about it at the time but it's so cool to read all about it once more. Such a beautiful story.
ReplyDeleteIt was fun reminiscing and re-reading all that you have been through. You babies are healthy and beautiful! Such wonderful blessings!
ReplyDeleteAMAZING story. I remember reading your blog when all of this was happening. I cannot believe they are about to be 2 YEARS OLD!! Wow!
ReplyDeleteLindsey from AL
AMAZING story! i remember reading your blog when all of this was happening. I cannot believe they are alomst 2 YEARS OLD!! WOW!
ReplyDeleteLindsey from AL
Wow, that's crazy! What's even more crazy is how amazing you look in the pictures just after delivering quads! Congratulations, I love your blog and your family is a beautiful blessing!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness!! Incredible story! I was crying as I read this. I love that you poured your heart and soul into putting the miraculous day of August 1st, 2007 into words. God is so good for blessing you throughout your challenging pregnancy and giving you and Joe 4 tiny, healthy babies. Thank you so much for sharing this with us!
ReplyDeleteI've read your blog for a while via my reader...I love seeing all the fun you have with your 3 dudes and a diva! Thank you for sharing your story. You may not realize it, but it is truly inspirational to watch you do it with 4 at once and lil ol' me dealing with one at a time! We want 4 someday, but so far they're one at a time!
I love this story. I think you have the most adorable family, and I admire your positive attitude you have towards life.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the great work! :)
suz- i have been following your journey since you found out you were pregs but reading this just now and watching the videoes,I wept. What a precious story you have and what a brave woman you are. You children will, if they do not already, rise and call you blessed! thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeletewhich show is your documentary on?
ReplyDeleteAwesome videos! Having had a c-section, I've always wondered what it looked like when they are pulling out the babies.
ReplyDeleteSuch a great story!
What an amazing story! God is good! Your babies are beautiful - what a precious family!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful story, how amazing!! As a fellow Aggie (class of '01) I had to giggle at what your Dr.'s said!! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteWow! Thank you for posting your birth story! I think I cried pretty much the entire way through it. :)
ReplyDeleteGod Bless you and your sweet family!
I have been following your blog since you were expecting, and it's amazing to see how far you've gotten! They are soooo cute...time seems to fly when it comes to kids growing!
ReplyDeleteGod bless your beautiful family!
Mommy of five
What an amazing journey and what beautiful family you have. I have been following your blog for quite some time and absolutely love your family. My oldest was born On August 3rd the same year so I love following what your kiddos are up to these days. I admire you for so many different reasons. You are such wonderful parents. I know everyone has down days but you two always seem to have such big smiles on your faces. Your love, your smiles, your attitude and your faith are such a blessing and encouragement to others. Thank you for sharing your daily lives with all of us in the blog world and for being such great role models for others. Your kids are so precious!
ReplyDeleteYou are ONE HUGE encouragement! You are chosen by God, definitely. Loved this post!
WOW! What a story you have woman! I love you, Joe and those adorable little Steece's Pieces!!
Oh, I loved the walk down memory lane. What you went through to get 4 healthy babies into this're amazing! Do you know what day, what show you will be on next week? I'll want to set my DVR.
ReplyDeleteCathy in Frisco
SO SWEET!!! And you never cease to amaze me Mrs. Steece, you have bling on in the NICU a few short days after delivery!!! LLLOOOOOVVVEEE YYYOOOOUUUU!!!
ReplyDeleteWow! I can't imagine carrying 4. I thought I was huge with one. Ha. Life with four toddlers must be exciting. Never a dull moment and probably not much free time either. How do you manage?
ReplyDeleteAMAZING!!!! I have 3 very young boys and I am always so encouraged by your smile and attitude! You rock momma! Loved reading this post!!!
ReplyDeleteI love to read your blog! Your kids are so cute! That birth story is amazing! I have read it before towards the beginning of your blog but it amazes me everytime! I have 4 kids also but they are all different ages and all boys! I cant imagine the amount of work it takes to have 4 the same age! :)
ReplyDeleteI can't believe you were supposed to gain 70lbs in your first trimester!
Wow Suz,
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing story!! Thanks for sharing it with all of us. It brought back all of the memories from my Triplets birth, including Dr. Tabor since delivered my guys. I definantly feel ya on the MAG, it is the worst stuff in the world. I hope you guys have a wonderful week.
this has nothing to do with this blog post. i haven't even read your blog in a while, but last night, i had a dream that i was at Sprint buying a new phone... i walked in, waited in line, and then JOE, who apparently was working there, came over and was trying really hard to sell me the most expensive phone they had. HAHA. i have NO idea how that dream even got into my head!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your birth story! I just spent some time reading some of your older posts - I found the Coldplay concert post from a couple years ago. I just recently saw Coldplay in concert in Birmingham (I am an Alabama girl) and they were AWESOME!!!! Your post describes exactly what I thought about the concert! I have a couple of questions for you about infertility (mainly related to the HSG). I have an appointment with my doctor coming up and I feel like that will be one of the first procedures. I will include my email address below. I certainly understand if you are too busy to reply!! :)
You have me crying too. God certianly does provide. Strength and courage and the body that was able to do its job. You did so wonderful!
ReplyDeleteI've have followed your blog for a couple of years now. I don't comment often (maybe twice) but I wanted to let you know how awesome I thought this post was. Total tears rolling down my face. What an awesome story and family you have.
I'm wishing we had cable so I could watch the show...I'll have to ask around. Very cool!
ReplyDeleteI've been following this blog for a while, and I love hearing birth stories, so this was nice! I was brought to tears, because you reminded me of when I had the girls. I hear you on the blood clots ... they were ... uh, fun. LOL. I didn't get to see the girls when they were born. I saw them in pictures first when I was in recovery, and in person 6 hours later, after getting up out of bed against the nurses wishes. LOL.
ReplyDeletethanks for sharing your bitrh story with us...and your lives on this blog!!! i read/watched this post and cried! i thought i was crazy!...but apparently you guys have that way with a lot of people! (judging from these comments!) you are an amazing family!
ReplyDeleteReading your story brought tears to my eyes. It was so similar to mine right down to Dr. Tabor delivering my quads. I have a lot of respect for him an Dr. Howard who I saw most of my pregnancy. Just be glad the found your 4 early. We where 26 weeks when Dr. Howard said the famous words "I think there is another baby" I will never forget looking at him and saying "You think there is another baby?" Then he began to show me one baby's head that was laying transverse at the bottom of my stomach (I called Marshall my holder) then he showed me 1,2,3 heads and then Marshall bottom. We all just sat there for a minute and then he went and told the nurses. Two nurses immediately came in the room excited beause they had not delivered quads in 4 years. The funny thing was I knew which quads those were and when I told Rachel I was having quads her reply was "you just had to out do me with twins and quads" I will never forget that day. And I am pretty sure Dr. Howard will not either. He told us he had never found a baby that late in a pregnancy. Then when Tabor delivered us he joked and said he had to make sure their was not another baby. I thought I was going to freak out if he said thier was a baby F!! Thanks for sharing your story and I look forward to seeing it this week.
Hey! You don't know me, but we both know Dr. Tabor! I stumbled on your blog from a link on a twins forum post, and in reading this entry I noticed Dr. Tabor's name...! I saw Dr. Tabor several times during my twin pregnancy (my kiddos are now 5 months). It's got to be the same one--he works with Dr. Thigpen. Any chance you are part of FW Mothers of Multiples?
ReplyDeleteI love reading birth stories of multiples. I'm a mom of twins. We founds out that we were having spontaneous twins at 11 weeks when my older son was just 5 months old. We found out after having a scare with some spotting and then my OB having a difficult time finding the heart beat. I went on modified bed rest at 23 weeks and delivered my twins at 35 weeks due to pre-eclampsia. Luckily they were about 4 1/2 pounds each. My older son was 10 1/2 months when they were born so my husband likes to say that we have irish triplets. They were initially healthy but did end up back in the NICU for RSV. They are now 22 months and life is crazy, but oh so good. I can't imagine having 4 at once though!
ReplyDeleteMy day may be coming soon! What a great post to read. We have identical girls and a boy and a girl. One of our twins is not gaining so we are keeping a close eye on her. Tomorrow I am 29 weeks! Wish us luck.
ReplyDeleteI’m so blessed to read your story! Thank you for sharing. I’m a labor and delivery nurse and recently found out I’m expecting spontaneous triplets (already have 7 kids!). This was such a great read for me, from both a medical and mom perspective. I feel more peaceful about my upcoming delivery after hearing your story.