Monday, September 28, 2009

Adopting 2 More Kids!

(get your attention?)

We've been a little busy over here in the Steece house! One of my best friends from nursing school, Maurine ("Mo"), and her precious 2 children came to live with us for five full days! (Here are pics from our Nursing Reunion from last year)

That's 6 kids, all under the age of 3, for 5 full days! (WOWEEEE!!!)

(Mo, Monroe- 13mo, Drew, Hannah- 3yrs, Ethan, Savannah, Mama, and Ben)

Sav just LOOOOVES wearing her princess pirate eye patch (yah...not so much). Sweet little Hannah tried to show Savannah how all the cool girls are wearing them, but I don't think she was buyin' you? (Ugh- that LOOK! See below for the definition of "savitude")

Look at those eyes on little Monroe!!! Such a cutie!

Mo was our resident "Ben-whisperer" while she was here...little man can throw some SERIOUS tantrums and Mo is SOOOO calm and gentle (unlike Mama when she is stressed!). I could actually use her services right now as I'm typing this post! Mo threatened to pack Ben up and take him with her...I definitely wasn't standing in her way at that point in time! ;) tee hee hee. (Benny- Mama loves you.)

One night, we took Hannah out to a movie after the little ones went to sleep! "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" (interesting title, eh?) It was okay...kinda weird, but apparently doing really well at the box office.

Did I mention that it was in 3D??? Precious little Hannah-Banana--I miss watching her singing and dancing and twirling around my house in Sav's dress up clothes. Such a sweet, darling princess!

"ben-tan-trum" (n.)- an intense emotional breakdown following any minor unfortunate event- whether big or small. Ben was experiencing one serious bentantrum all week/weekend long.

"sav-i-tude" (n.)- a ridiculous amount of sass and attitude resulting in a highly negative demeanor with zero smiles. Savannah was throwing around savitude during our friends' visit--the ENTIRE TIME! Anytime she gets around other girls, she just clams up, never smiles, and does not say a WORD! Is that weird?

Nope, not staged. The pieces were watching their Daddy stain our new fence. (Ethan, Andrew, Benjamin, Savannah)

LOVE YOU, MO! Thanks for coming to visit us!!!!

Now, on to the laundry, cleaning, and cooking! Time to get ready for another BUSY and exciting week--I'm busting at the SEAMS to reveal our magnifico weekend ahead! (It involves the Texas A&M vs. Arkansas game at the BRAND NEW DALLAS COWBOYS STADIUM...and bull riding)

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  1. Awwww, mama! LOVED this post! The definitions had me rolling. We can sure relate! =)

    I'm so excited for your upcoming weekend! Wish I could share it with you, but I know it's going to be GREAT! LOVE YOU to PIECES!

  2. GREAT POST HOT STUFF! Love the definitions!! ;)

    Hey, didn't you read that book as a kid... Cloudy with a chance of meatballs!?! YOU DORK! I've been dying to take my monsters to see it. Hummm maybe this week!

    I wanna hug and love on those little pieces.. care if bring my four 3 year olds?? Tee hee hee!

    I love you!

  3. Looks like a busy but fun time!! Love the pictures!

  4. I LOVE the new word Savitude!!!!!!!
    That's hilarious:)

  5. Wow..thats alot of kids!!
    Sounds like you had a blast though!
    I love the definitions of the kids! Too funny!
    Cant wait to hear what you have up your sleeve this weekend! I think it involves Mari if I read something right a few days ago! ;)

  6. I agree with the McNulty Family --- you didn't read that book?! :)

  7. Wow, 6 kids for 5 days, you guys are troopers!! Cute post.

  8. Can't wait to hear all about your weekend although I already know some of the plans!!! Love you and your awesome posts!!! You rock Hot Mama!!!

  9. Read your blog all the time, rarely comments, but couldn't resist.

    My hubby and I will also be at the game this weekend. We can't wait to see and experience the new stadium. GO HOGS!!

  10. WOW, Y'all have been busy over there!! Your kiddos are too cute! I am SOOO SUPER Jealous if you are going to the Aggie game this weekend!! How Exciting!! WHOOP!!

  11. That was a seriously fun and busy time! We got some drops to blind the one eye in stead of the patches. Works like a charm.

  12. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Long time reader, first time commenter. Re: Ben's tantrums, is there any way he's having a dietary reaction to something? A friend took her tantrum-throwing kid off of gluten, and the tantrums disappeared full stop. Food for thought... I don't have kids yet, but when I read about tantrums and things I always hope there's some simple cure, rather than them being something that the parents are just stuck with!

    Good luck!

  13. My wife has been reading your blog for over a year, and therefore I have occasion to read it from time to time. Today I was intrigued by the fact that you were "Adopting 2 More" and came to check out what that insanity was all about. Much to my surprise I see a picture of my cousin staring back at me, talk about a small world. It rushed me back to the times "Mo" and all of the other cousins were sledding down icy roads in the Ozarks of Missouri. Good times.

  14. Sorry I didn't intend to make that anonymous, I left the previous post.

  15. For just a minute there I thought you had lost your mind. Then I thought very quickly, "Well, if God wants them to adopt 2 more kids, He'll show them the way." You fooled me there for a minute, Suz. It is good thing to have super friends to share parenting with. Take care and

    God Bless,

  16. Krystal5:30 PM

    Lurker here... If you think the "dietary reaction" theory a few comments above might be a possibility, you could also try not giving him any foods with red dye 40 in it.

    If you want to read more about that go to There's a label on the right sidebar of her blog taking you to all of her posts about red dye 40. She found out that one of her triplets gets very, umm, "emotional" when she has any red dye.

    Just an idea, might be worth checking out if you haven't already. He also could just be 2 ;)

  17. I'm with Gen... I LOVED that crazy book! OMG...Sav & Meredith might have been separated at birth...I think one of us had quints & just doesn't know it!!! At the shower this weekend Meredith was the same way! Hey...maybe it just means they will make EXTREMELY patient & understanding wives since they have the boy thing DOWN! LOL! Glad you had a good weekend with such awesome company!!! So fun!!! Love & miss you momma!!!!! HUGS!!!!!!

  18. We loved every minute of it! Miss you already!

  19. I've been following along with your blog for a little while now, but I haven't ever commented!
    I am so jealous you get to go to the game this weekend! It is going to be so fun and I really wanted go! I went to the A&M game on the 19th (against Utah State) at Kyle Field! It was a great game!
    Gig 'Em Aggies! BTHO Arkansas!

  20. Have fun at the new stadium!!! I can't wait to go see it sometime... My little guy wears a patch as well, and hates it.. he's 8 now though, has been wearing it off and on over the past 2 yrs.

  21. Patching stinks but it really pays off, my 3 1/2 year old son woke up with his eye crossed so we brought him back to the states and he had to have glasses and also a patch for 2 hours a day well the 2 hours a day were not really making that big of a difference so we brought him to the mayo clinic and they told us to patch is eye for 6 hours a day for 5 weeks and wow did it make a difference, his vision went from 20/70 to 20/20. it works and after a while he did not even realize he had it on.

  22. Woooo PIGS, Souie!!! :)

  23. Girl!! I am so glad my two (they are 22 months)aren't the only ones going through this!!

    Gray is usally happy go lucky until you take his train or truck, which ever is his favorite that day, or you mess up his train line (he puts his trucks in order from smallest to largest and trys to push them at once). Then the tears come and the stomping of his feet.

    Alexandra's new favorite word is "no" and she says it with authority (wonder where she gets that from?) She is definitely the boss between the two of them. LOL.

    BTW, I wanted to let you know of this cool thing I found the other day. It's story time at the Mansfield Library (E. Broad and Wisteria). They hold it in a private room at the library so kids can interact (I was worried when I saw story time... it wasn't what I expected!!). They read a couple of books, do a craft then sing and dance. IT's FREE!!! Thursdays 11-1130 am

  24. Anonymous11:40 PM


  25. And, I thought this visit looked busy! You mean, the fun continues with football AND bullriding?! Well, have fun lady!

    The kids are darling (as always)!

    How's the Suz-er-cise going? Sorry, that wasn't nearly as creative as your little urban dictionary entries. But seriously, the workout post made me tired just reading! You are awesome!

  26. I love the bentantrum! We have those here, but we call them Zach attacks!

  27. I wanted you to know that I nominated you for the best multiples blog on the

    I love your site!

  28. I've never commented so I thought I would since I saw that you wrote about Arkansas Hogs. I love, love, love reading your blog. I'm a die hard hog fan, but can't make it to the game this weekend. Hope you guys have fun at it though.

    Go Hogs!

    Fayetteville, AR

  29. Vicky P11:17 PM

    My granddaughter 'got' to wear one of those eye patches. Not much fun for anyone - especially when Grandpa sides w/ the wee one. But hang in there - let her help set the timer (when she can take it off) - kinda hard to make up games for this one, but don't let her down. It won't be pretty if she turns 16 and can't drive because she can't see well enough.

  30. I am from Arkansas and will be at the game this weekend. Go Hogs!!!!!

  31. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Love your kiddos, so cute!! Sav is just adorable in her precious!!
    Hey, I just wanna encourage you to put a halt to Ben's temper tantrums... there is no reason for them! My 3 kids never got them, simply because I never put up with it. He needs to learn its a NO NO, or it'll get worse, and the other 3 will likely pick up and go in that dreaded direction. Just trying to give you some advice, because it may be cute... dont need the extra work.:)
    Suz, keep up the great work, I love your blog and you have a wonderful family. Keep on sharing from your heart and using your blog to glorify God! You trully are amazing!!
    Heidi C.
