Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Stain Magnets

The 6 members of the Steece household tend to acquire MANY different types of stains on our clothing...

...and I've just reviewed 2 brand spankin' new products that will be on hand in our house at all times. NOT even kidding.

Click here to read my Oxiclean Review (and enter for a chance to win FREE money, of course!)

I'm always BEYOND THRILLED when one of my blogger buddies wins the giveaway, so you guys go over there and leave me a comment! Hope you win! :)

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  1. LOVE Oxiclean.......it gets out practically anything! Heading on over to your review blog! :)

  2. This comment is not about this post, even though it is very true and funny. I live in Ft.Worth and happend upon your blog about a year ago. It has been great seeing you kiddos grow and on the bilboards as I drive by the Zoo. But I want to say thank you for your blog and for turning me on to Jennisa. I have contacted her and she is working on a blog design, plus logo, and many other things for my business blog. She is AWESOME!!!
