Friday, November 19, 2010

Life at 144 mph

Anyone else feel like life is going about 144 mph? Sometimes I feel like I cannot catch up…and with the holidays rapidly approaching, I fear that it is only going to get worse.


Don’t get me wrong---I absolutely LOVE my job. LOVE IT. I get such a rush from it. Helping others and being a Registered Nurse is a huge part of who I am…



…but at times, when I get home and stare at that huge laundry pile…or stare at that computer screen, knowing I haven’t blogged in over a week (EEEK!)…I just sigh (and then usually pass out on the couch out of sheer exhaustion).




SO, it was like an answer to my prayers when BlogHer asked me to review a brand new laptop with the Intel® Core™ i5 processor. Finally, a product able to keep up with me and my SUPER FAST-PACED LIFE! It has cut down my time spent on the computer in half. Easily.


And with any review, there is always a giveaway. I’m pretty sure all of us could think of a million things we could do with a $250 Best Buy gift card? or a brand new laptop???

Yep, you read that right. Head on over to my review and check it out.

‘Tis the season!!! Winking smile

suz signature


  1. I had the craziest dream about yuou last night. You were driving to Uvalde with the babes and I tagged along to go to Rocksprings. Somehow Ben's carseat broke and instead of fixing it, you put him in the pocket behind the seat. Maybe it was the benedryl or maybe I miss you. Anyways....hope all is well. Love ya! J

  2. oh how I can relate to feeling like life is at warp speed. Good luck getting through the holidays!

  3. Totally of topic, but you're so cute and your kids are adorable!

  4. Totally related to your posting! I work full time, have twins and have very little time...need more time is RIGHT! :o)

  5. I can so relate to all of that and I only have 2 kids not 4! Wish I had tinkerbells wand to make things happen but sadly no, welcome to parenting and oh yea hang on tight
