Monday, March 28, 2011

Packing for a Big Trip 101

With summertime rapidly approaching, I’m sure many of you have some vacations coming up.


If you are interested, I wrote a blog about how I prepare and pack for an upcoming trip.


Check it out here!


Happy Monday!

suz signature


  1. i love reading about your family:) would you mind sharing your recipes??? i am sure they are kid friendly since you have quads! i have 3 kiddos and am always trying out new things! thanks!

  2. I start packing about 2 weeks out for our 10-month old triplets plus 2 boxer dogs! I too have a checklist and designated bags that are labeled such as "feeding supplies, diaper supplies, toys" etc. We recently went on vacation in Myrtle Beach, SC so we drove from New York to Virginia Beach, dropped the dogs off with my parents and then continued our trip the next day to SC! Here's a post about the packing and trip:

  3. Sharon8:53 PM

    Hi Suz. Just read your packing tips and they are so great! Thanks for sharing. Also....we have the same bathing suit (the black/white/pink one)!! Don't you just love Lime Ricki?? I just ordered my first suit through them in the fall when they were on clerance and I love the quality of it so much. I will for sure be buying another one.
    Blessings to you guys!

    Sharon :)
