Thursday, June 09, 2011

Got a Caption for this Pic?

Savannah, Andrew, Benjamin, Ethan

06 june 2011 011


This is what it is like when I am trying to get one good picture… just ONE picture of every one smiling and looking at the camera.


There were too many funny captions, that I didn’t know where to start! Would love to hear yours!


Put a caption on this pic and/or tell me what you think is going on! I’ll tell you my favorites.


suz signature


  1. This is awesome! I love it! I think Sav is annoyed and ready to move on to the next thing, Drew is thinking, "What is your deal sis?" and Ben and E are having a brotherly love moment. Can't wait to hear/read what is really happening! Love you, your blog, and your babes!

  2. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Savannah: "Ah geeeross..Who cut the cheese? Gag me with a spoon". Ben: "Ethan, you tell her I did it and I'll bite your nose off".
    Cathy in Frisco

  3. Dude, your breath!!!! ha ha!

  4. How about 'Love and War In Texas'? Lol...such cuties!

  5. "But I don't want tooooooo!!!!" "You know if we just stood, looked cute and cuddled like those two she would let us go right?"

    I also want to say, I love your blog! I have been reading for ages even though I never commented before.

  6. "inevitable 'quad'rilateral behavior" :-) Love them and their uniqueness!

  7. Such a great pic! Savannah is yelling, "Don't EVEN think of kissing me!!!"

  8. Savannah is singing opera to her public; a huge opera fan concentrated in the singing and a couple in love entertained by her voice :)

    the attitudes to opera

  9. *Just the THOUGHT of kissing boy like that gags me! Don't you agree Drew?*

  10. Sav, "Dude, did you brush your teeth." Drew, "I'm a guy..."

    Ben and Ethan, "I love ya man..."

    This made me lol this morning! Looks like one of our group sessions. Haha

  11. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Savannah: "And let me tell you guys, this is the ABSOLUTE last time I stand next to you stinky guys for a picture! Then: Just kidding, LOVE my budders!"

  12. "Ugh....boys are so YUCKY!"

  13. "Let's see how long we can keep this going before mom loses it."

  14. I got nothing....but thanks for the good laugh!!

  15. "Four in a Door . . . way"

  16. "Mom, I am SOOOOO not sure navy is my color." Great pic, Suz!!!

  17. ugh y'all are disgusting! :)

  18. "You win some. You lose some."

    (as a mom with twins and a photography hobby, I know how hard it is to get 2 kids to follow direction. You do awesome with 4!! I love seeing the quad pics!)

  19. "Brotherly love...sisterly drama..."

    P.S. I LOVE your blog, though I've never commented before. I tell my husband all about it, though. =)

  20. Anonymous4:04 PM

    "i swear, if you don't put that %&$* train down....."

  21. These boys are SOOOO GROSSSSSSS

  22. Savannah to Andrew- "Oh my gosh, who tooted? "
    Benjamin to Ethan-"Hehe, Savannah said tooted."

  23. And where are my plaid shorts & blue shirt? Wait...ewww....who tooted? :::gag:::

  24. S: "Enough! Can you two over there please stop snuggling long enough for mom to take this picture? Boys!"

  25. No mom,,,this is it...not one more "kiss your brother picture"...Really

  26. Anonymous8:13 PM

    How about a story? It had been one of those days that had me wondering if PMS is contagious! Everyone seemed to be just a little out of sorts, maybe the Texas heat was getting to us all. So I decided to put all in some fun summy clothes and go for sno cones. With the wee ones looking so cute I thought a pict was in order. As soon as I pulled out the camera and said line up in the doorway the moans began (not another picture mom...). Come on I said, if you all scooch in close, smile and pretend to be happy it will only take a sec. Sav, ever the drama queen and having just painted her nails prom-kiss pink, exclaims, "Yew-how can I possibly scooch with newly manicured nails?!" Andrew is looking at his sister wondering how she comes up with this stuff. Sweet Ben says I don't have to pretend I love my bro! And Ethan is giggling cause bro kisses tickle!

  27. "Drew...dude...your hair is getting too long! I think I have a hair allergy! It's making me sneeze! MUST.CUT.YOUR.HAIR!!!"

  28. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Savannah to Drew "Brother the door knob in the back of my head feels great..not." Ethan and Ben "Sav got the knob this time!"

    long time reader from MN!

  29. Uugg...Someone stinks!!

  30. Anonymous8:41 AM

    War and Peace
