Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Weekend with My Boys

We like to split the kids up so they can have one-on-one time with Mom/Dad/Grandparents, etc.---so, Sav spent the entire weekend with Grammy and Grampy (Austin), while the boys and I headed to Granna and Papa’s (Waco).


We took the fellas to the Mayborn museum in Waco because they were having a huge train exhibit. Ben, Ethan, Andrew

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If you know my boys- you can only imagine their excitement, running to see the trains, as they squealed with delight!

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Ben by the big trains…(the photo quality is not good b/c I didn’t have my camera- just the ‘ole cell-a-roosky)

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Ethan and Andrew chasing around Thomas the train.

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Papa giving Ben a better look at the choo choo’s.

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Drew-bud and E-bud working some trains over pretty well.

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Oh yah- there were some other really cool exhibits there…but naturally, we gravitated back toward the trains for a 4th and 5th go ‘round. Drew with a Bison.

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In the meantime, I received these text messages from Grammy and Joe.

Captions are as follows:

“She ran up and jumped into Santa’s lap! Too cute”

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“Here’s another pic, those are breadsticks from the house… don’t worry, she offered one to Santa”

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What do you want for Christmas little girl? “Lalalalalaloopsy dolls”


Bwahaha. Love that little missy.


suz signature


  1. What a fun trip! My boys would surely love that train exhibit too!! So nice to give each child some 1-on-1 time with the grandparents, too!

  2. Candace8:02 AM

    Just curious, what does E-bud and Drew Bud stand for? Like a flower budding?

  3. Oh man that train thing looks awesome!!! Aiden would have been in heaven also! Glad you & your boys got some 1 on 1 time doing something fun like that.
