Monday, January 23, 2012

Gerwer Quads 4th BDay Festivities!

I LOVED catching up with my Multi Mamas: Case & Teryn @ Amazing Jakes for the Gerwer quads 4th birthday party!

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Sav loving on her BFF, Cam! (LOVE Cameron’s smile, so happy!)

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Enjoying a “Reid Sandwich”… (Sav, Reid, Trey)

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More of the kiddos playing (Tyson, Zach, Brady, Sav, Taylor, Reid, Trey)

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My fellow quad mom and BFF, Amy Jo, was there with her precious cargo. Savi loving on Madison & Elizabeth. Aren’t they adorable?!

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The dudes doing a little bowling (Ryan, Tyson, Jake, Drew, Ethan, and Joe)

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Taylor (Teryn’s oldest) is the sweetest girl EVER! Sav & Taylor have a LOT in common!~ 3 brothers (2 are identical)…THEY ARE THE ONLY GIRLS!…like kindred souls, these two~ they just clung to each other!

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After the party, the Steeces & Todds decided to take over an On The Border restaurant.

Crazy? perhaps…. Fun? absolutely!

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Pictures around the table. Taylor & Sav (they could totally pass for sisters!)

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Ben & Jake (the 2 “non-identical” brothers)…they were so cute together!

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Tyson & Zach~ Teryn’s identicals. These dudes crack me UP! ALL BOY, these 2!

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A fireman and a nerd. Winking smile   (Ryan & Joe. Love them)

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Teryn & Suz! Red heart (*Happy Birthday today, T! Love u!)

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My tweedles~ Andrew & Ethan

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Jake and Benny boo~ reaching their “limit”

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We had a blast! Thanks for a great party, Case & Rob….and we LOVED having dinner with you Todds! MUST. DO. AGAIN. SOON!


suz signature


  1. I was looking for a place to e-mail, but I couldn't find it on your blog, so I'll just post here. I've been meaning to contact you for some time, but life just gets in the way! ;) I hope I don't come across as the creepy stalker-type, cause really, I'm not. I started watching your show and just wanted to encourage you. The way that you portray your life and your family is awesome! You are real, but yet you do it with class {unlike some on the show...ahem...I won't name any names!;)} You allow your faith to shine, and that is just so awesome! Your kids are just as cute on t.v. as I imagined them to be! Sweet Sav is just a doll!!!I've been reading your blog since the babies were born, and never really commented much, but just wanted to let you know to keep up the good work - stay real! Aimee

  2. You're teaching your fellow multi-mamas how to dine out with their munchkins...sweet! I've enjoyed your blog since before the quads were born, and I enjoyed getting to know you more through the show. Love that you're so real & down to earth!

  3. Suz- I have been following your blog for years! Just wanted to tell you that I just caught up on my Texas Multi Mamas episodes and I adore you. I think you're so genuine and fun...Anyway- tis all. Not to sound like a wierdo so will stop now. hahahahaha

  4. I wish the show would have portrayed more of this type of fun and outings with the Multi-Mamas and kiddos. Personally I think the Mama Drama really hurt the show when it would have been so much more interesting to see how you ladies handle your everyday stresses.

    I have struggled with leaving you comments about the show because my Mother taught me that if you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all, and I assuming that the other Moms read here as well and I really don't feel the need to trash anyone publicly.

    I realize it is "Reality TV", but someday the children will have a chance to see what was on the show, and for some of the Mom's I would think it would be embarrassing. You and the other Mom's mentioned here never acted inappropriately. You always held your head up high, acted like you truly cared about your friends, and managed not to speak negatively about anyone.

    Not only can you be proud of the job you are doing as a Mom, you can hold your head up high and be proud of the person that you are. Keep it the awesomeness.

  5. How fun for you all to get together! Glad Sav has another girly girl to connect with!!

  6. So is your show on hiatus now? I was so looking forward to the next episode last night but it wasn't on.

  7. My husband actually loved watching your show. He would get upset if i watched without him. lol! You and your multi mommas really gave us great ideas for future activites for our 20 month old G/B/B triplets. Also just thought u should know we both thought your kiddos were the cutest!!! :)

  8. Any update on Sav's surgery? I remember that it was yesterday! I've been praying!

  9. Lynne6:30 AM

    Worrying about Sav - hope all is ok and you are just busy at the hospital with her! x

  10. Came to check on Savannah's surgery update - any news? Good thoughts to all of you!
