Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Our NEW Swimmers!

I am BEYOND THRILLED to report that we officially have 4 swimmers!

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I just cannot stress enough how much I worried about them being around a body of water without knowing how to swim. I'm not a worrier, folks…but this was an intense fear of mine.


Here they are at their last day of swim class (6/21/12) with Miss Debbie Rudhe.

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If any of you in the DFW area need swim lessons, I would recommend Debbie in a heartbeat! ( She is amazing and almost like a drill sergeant (reminded me of myself, tee hee)~ which I LOOOOVED! Just what the kiddos needed, especially Ben (who needed a gentle push…or flat out shove, every now and then)! Ha.



We couldn’t wait to try out our new skills at Grammy & Grampy’s pool on Sunday.

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Hate that this one is so blurry…(anybody know where to get your camera lens cleaned?)

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Look at them go!!!! (in the deep end, might I add)….

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My little men…makes a Mama’s heart melt!

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The Diva and her Daddy…ready, set…

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Sav is the only one who is consistent about coming up for air…she could swim for days!

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Set… (by the way, check out Drew’s face (navy trunks) in the rest of the these pictures…the little dude has a zest for life. I just LOVE his contagious smile)

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JUMP! (I freaking LOVE this picture)

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The boys jumping over Joe

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Oh nooooo…. waterfallllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!

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Benny gliding on the water, 2 times…such cool pics!

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My little fishies~ (Ben, Ethan, Andrew, & Savannah)

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Our kids really do love each other deeply and it just warms my heart.

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Rough crowd, eh? Practicing our best “tough guy” impressions with our new sunglasses from Grammy.

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We headed home late Sunday evening and drove through the sun setting. When we were about 30 minutes from home, 3 kids were asleep…. I turned around and saw Drew wide awake, watching the movie like this: (pitch black outside)

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Chillin’ like a villain.

I just can’t tell you how much this kid cracks us up on a daily basis. He immediately smiled at me after I took this picture. God love Andrew Paul Steece!


Had a GREAT time and a super fun weekend loving on all of our family.


FYI~ I have received many questions about the Metabolism Miracle program and just wanted you to know that I’m working on a blog post about specific items that I eat.

suz signature


  1. esther2:59 PM

    this is awesome!!!! i wonder if we can get there in a year....and the kiddos looks SO TALL!

  2. Good for you for insisting that they learn to swim. They look so happy to be in the water. What an awesome pool! Next up - pool in your backyard!

  3. Wow, Sav's hair stays perfectly in place the whole afternoon!

  4. ok, these pictures are all SO awesome! I can't get over all your little swimmers.
    And, that pool! I want to go to there :)

  5. how did you do the 'walking on water' pic? :) cool!

  6. What a bunch of cuties and congrats guys on learning to swim :)

  7. Yea swimmers, good job! It looks like their hair is getting lighter with all the sun and water and they tan so nicely too! I must say I think Joe got the best workout that day! Your family is just beautiful and I love the way they all love each other so much! Life is wonderful isn't it! Your friend in East Texas, Pam! :)

  8. That is great! They are doing a great job and you have some fun pictures of all their fun!

  9. Anonymous11:31 AM

    They're so cute!! They always look so happy. Great pictures! :)

  10. Just last week, I jumped into our hotel pool fully clothed because I saw a little 4 year old bobbing in the water. Her family was paying ZERO attention to her, and the poor girl was in her last seconds. I've never been so scared in my life, especially for a total stranger. I never really realized how silent a drowning is, until that moment. She never flailed around, she went quietly limp. Every child needs swim lessons, and constant attention around water!

  11. Learning to swim is important to me as well! I was a synchronized swimmer for 11 years and will certainly be teaching my quads how to navigate the water! Glad you found a great instructor. The pool pics are fantastic, love it. You make me look forward to the future and having so much fun and enjoying our family!

  12. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Awesome. I understand your worry. I'm the same way with just one. So proud that they all are swimming

  13. Yeah for them!!! My twins are just gaining their confidence in the pool this summer after taking lessons 2 summers in a row. They can both swim the length of the pool and jump in now but still prefer their floaties if they are in for long. Congrats to them!
    (Beautiful pool, btw!)

  14. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I saw your post about the Metabolism Miracle on pinterest and ordered the book! THEN , i started looking through your blog and realized I knew you from Deb's swim classes. You were in the class right after us! Small world! we also have a fmaily blog:

    I'm starting the diet tomorrow!
