Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Uncle Dan and Aunt Dani’s House

We headed to Austin and stayed at Uncle Dan and Aunt Dani’s new house! The kids loved getting to meet Dani’s grandparents… so sweet.

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The kids were ecstatic to open up their presents from D&D. Ben with more Iron Man gear.

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Sav and her Fijit. (She LOVED her nail polish too! This girl is SO easy to shop for. Girly stuff: hair accessories, nail polish, lip gloss, and you’re set!)

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Sweet Uncle Dan searched FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER to get Ethan these electronic Hulk Hands that make noise. He was in heaven!

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Andrew and his Captain America shield!

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SO happy! (Uncle Dan and the dudes)

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Hilarious! They all turned on him! Love his face as he is going down…

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Savi and Dani~ 2 little peas in a pod

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Putting their new puzzles together with their Auntie…

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We love you guys! Had a blast hanging out together!

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Then we headed to Grammy and Grampy’s house…but first, a trip to Flores of course!

The boys were cracking us up. They play together all the time and love each other so much. It is precious to watch them in action.

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MORE Christmas fun at G&G’s coming up!

suz signature


  1. Gosh, I love reading your blog! Your kiddos are the CUTEST! What blessings! :-)

  2. Love hearing about your holidays!! Looks like the kids had such a great time!
