Wednesday, July 24, 2013

My Pro Swimmers!

I have a confession to make: natural physical sports ability really hasn't shown itself in our 4 kids yet (well, except for Savannah~ that chick is unreal)...

But I believe we have found one area where they all seem to excel... SWIMMING!

We put the kiddos back in swim lessons this year~ just to work on form, different techniques, etc. (Especially since we just bought a new house with a beautiful pool! squeeeeee!) More on that later...

Debbie Ruhde is an INCREDIBLE swim instructor if any of you reside in the DFW area!

It made this Mama's heart swell when she told me how impressed she was with their natural swimming ability. She thought for sure that we had a pool in our backyard for how well they swim! Awwwww.

Here is my post from last summer at the end of swim's pretty cute!

In other news: We close on 2 houses next week and have 4 kids that turn SIX!...all within THREE days! EEK! I'll update as soon as I can...fair warning: it might be from a looney bin because I'm not sure I'll survive it all with my sanity intact. (heh, heh)

Happy Hump Day, Peeps!

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  1. What a fantastic skill to excel at...swimming - kudos to the kids!!! We just sold our house, so I totally get your excitement (and feeling a little overwhelmed, lol!). Good luck with the move!

  2. WOW Congrats on the house! And I'm darn impressed by your kiddo's swimming abilities! I'm a terrible swimmer! Can't wait to see the post about the house AND birthday celebrations! It's so funny since I've literally read their entire life story in the past week or so, I REALLY can't believe they are six!! LOL

  3. That is awesome! I still can't believe they will be 6! Where has the time gone......congrats on the house too! Your friend in East Texas, Pam

  4. That's awesome! Looking forward to hearing about your new house! ~Jenn
