Thursday, July 11, 2013

The 4th with Fam & Friends

We woke up on Independence Day and cheerfully donned our red, white, and blue. The chitlins wanted an impromptu picture with the Shi dog. (B, S, A, E)

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I ADORE how much the kids love Shiloh and vice versa. Warms my heart.

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We headed to the community pool (for what might be our last trip) with Papa and Granna!  (A, B, E, S)

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Ben with Uncle Col’s sunglasses on…they take up his entire face! Ha

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Oh my… yep, we are in TROUBLE. SASSY SAV

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I mean seriously, bro? You totally give off the “Mess with me and I’ll hurt you” vibe… (I’m pretty sure that’s what he’s going for)

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…but he’s really a big softee!




Loved having everyone over for a cookout! (maybe our last in this house…okay, so I’m starting to get more sentimental as the days count down)




Sav and that tongue sticking out. Focus and determination at its best…




Miss Maddie and her turn at bat




The whole patriotic gang!

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These pictures that Chris took are amazing! Uncle Col and his pyrotechnic show

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We scurried on down the road to Joe Pool Lake, where we watched the big firework show. I heart this pic of the kids following me to our spot.




Ebud sitting with Auntie Liz… (not sure she saw much of the show behind that hat! Ethan has worn this hat 5 days in a row. True story)




Back at home, it was the kids’ turn to pop fireworks…




Lining ‘em up for sparklers




I just love the looks of wonder and awe (Drew)











We had a wonderful 4th! Hope you guys did too!



Bear with me if the ‘ole blog slows up again…SORRY! We close on TWO different houses (our old & new) within THREE days! NUTS!!!!!!! Joe and I are beyond stressed out:


clean out & store 75% of our house, stage, house on market, accept offer, inspection, appraisal, bid on new house, counter 1, counter 2, counter 3, inspection, appraisal, financing, close on old, move out, QUADS BDAY!!!, close on new, get settled, start Kinder


HOLY MOLY! What a whirlwind!

A rollercoaster of emotions, if you will. Joe is definitely my counter-part. When I am depressed or stressed, he is upbeat. When he is down, I am cheering him on. It seems that we are hardly ever on the same emotion at the same time!

Can we just fast forward to next month already?!!!!!


Despite my ranting and raving, we are trying our best to be positive Winking smile

~ we know that we are beyond blessed to be in this situation.


I’ll update when the dust settles, my friends.

suz signature


  1. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Good Luck!!! I would be an emotional wreck leaving the house I brought my babies home too but I'm sure once you are all settled and ready to make a mess of new memories it will all be worth it.

  2. Sounds hectic! I know you can handle are amazing! Can't wait to see pictures of the new house and hear all of your moving stories. PS - My son and DIL are in the process of selling their house, they close the end of this month also.....then they are headed to Ohio! YUK! With my new grandbaby too! :(

  3. Oh my goodness - you have quads!! I just came across your blog for the first time. I have twin one year olds and a baby on the way and often wonder how I'll do it. And I know there are people (like you!) who handle much more!! I'll be checking in when I need a reality check! :)

  4. Congrats on the new house!! You always seem to have the best attitude - it's contagious :o) Good luck with everything!

  5. Cute photos!
